Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 11 replies
The title says it all.... Still need to tailor the sleeves a bit.
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
- 27 replies
Here they are. They are a mix of hand sewn and hidden machine sewn seams. With the rest of the kit. Some close ups of the details. Haha, I just saw I misspelled Trousers! LOL too funny.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 3 replies
anybody ever use the hemp twine from ?? specifically the 1,2 and 3 mm. sizes... i wannaa know how it compares to the fuzzy crap available at wally world... i am very disatisfied with the 3 mm... the construction of this size leaves a lot to be desired... trying to come with sizes for needle hitching that looks good to me....
Last reply by Capt. J..., -
- 4 replies
I have lost my link to a site with drawings that showed how to make willow barrel hoops and the cuts necessary to join the ends of the hoops. Does anyone have access to such they would be willing to share? I found a small oak keg with thin copper bands that I want to turn into a powder keg prop for my hide-hunter camp. Thanx. Bo
- 10 replies
Do we have someone here who can cast designs in iron? I have a medical instrument I want to make and I'd be interested in pricing the design and molding.
Last reply by Mission, -
- 13 replies
Anyone else have any luck wood block printing? Here's a 17th century pattern that I had laser engraved on blocks of wood and printed them onto my bandana. Little light in spots but overall I think it turned out.
- 272 replies
So here are some pics of the mantua I made my wife. Once again I use Kass' Reconstructing History's patterns. Pattern #708 I don't think its quite right. So please for those that have made one give me your advice.
Last reply by Jack Roberts, -
- 5 replies
To my request my Tournepied friend comes to build a Bellarmine jug, here the first photographs before cooking and enamelling: Old found on a wreck: Mieris Willem 1731
Last reply by Gibbet Jones, -
- 7 replies
I have been researching tavern signs. Often the signs did not have writing but pictures and symbols. The tavern called "The Cross Keys" would have a sign of two keys crossed. "The Kings Head" would have a painting of the kings head on the sign. Well, I am gong about this backwards ...I gave the place a name before researching. I like the name it is now known. With that said I now need something like this drying seal hide, not a harp seal but a seal from the seas north of Scotland, the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and the common, or harbour, seal (Phoca vitulina). Now we all know I wouldn't want to kill a seal just for a sign. That is where all your creative mind…
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 2 replies
File this under Why didn't I think of this sooner? Yes, the title pretty much says it all. But for those that want it, here's the story: Like many others, I have found certain leather soled shoes to be at times hazardous. Even my finest dress shoes have some rubber in the heel portion. Hob nails might help on some surfaces, but are treacherous on rock, concrete, tile, and the like. Hob nails also tear up softer flooring. As the leather in the heels of my Fugawees pulls away from the nails, I find these just as treacherous as hob nails. Last night I took out the hot glue gun and, using the hottest setting, laid down a dollop of glue about the size of an upholstery na…
Last reply by j8ksdad, -
- 4 replies
Thought it looked like a treasure chest. It will be the future costume storage for my wife, daughter and I. I just have to re-line it with cedar and make it structurally sound again. Found it in the attic of my dads garage. He found it thrown away when he was 13 back in the 50s. He said it belonged to an old lady and when she died this is one of the things thrown away. He pulled it home in a wagon and had it ever since.
Last reply by callenish gunner, -
- 0 replies
My "Jolly Roger" painted on a piece of copper. I used bleach to get the patina in the copper.
Last reply by Captain Robert Rackam, -
- 8 replies
Spent a few hours with a friend making a new shoulder bag, knife sheath, head covers for my boarding axe and a frog for my axe. Made a small chest for practice. Painting will be finished later this week.
Last reply by MorganTyre, -
- 2 replies
tuto Which Explains how to veillir fabrics white (cotton)… I use potassium permenganate bought in pharmacy, I mix it with water, Then I soak lun. Fabrics dedant. I let fabrics soak with the product, with the purple departure, Then I put to dry, TO AVOID the direct sun Which CANCELS the process… For the Flag, I used 4 sachets only:
Last reply by RedJessi, -
Letter of Marque 1 2 3
by PoD- 64 replies
Just thought i'd post some pictures of the Letter of Marque I made earlier this year: Its based on a couple of different letters of marque as I couldnt find one that was actually a George the First issue. The overall look is inspired by a William the Third Letter of marque while the caligraphy at the top if based on a George the Third version of the document. The text (apart from the very bottom bit) is from a 1703 Letter of Marque that Queen Anne issued.
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone here have any period pics of hammocks onboard ship, or information on how to make one? In south america i seen the old blanket and rope method, just thrown together any old way. is there a particular GAoP style hammock though? sam
Last reply by Bright, -
- 2 replies
hey mates, a while back someone was asking about the making of an actual ale house bar from the period. while its not period, this is williamsburgs rendition of a bar that is currently being built in the new coffee house. there are numerous pictures, but the bar is on the last slide.,0,5305731.photogallery
Last reply by Littleneckhalfshell, -
- 3 replies
And I am working on 4 others although one is a steel barrel
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 13 replies
I have been researching traditional cat-o'-nine-tails. I know what the look like and I know where to get a modern version, but I would like to make something a bit more period. I nave this information "...weighed about 13 ounces (370 gram) and was composed of a baton (handle) and nine cords.". These cords are up for dispute. I have heard rope, leather, metal chain, and few other materials. My thought are rope. Does anyone know the truth of the matter? What were these cords made of?
Last reply by capn'rob, -
- 7 replies
Here my trunk with the treasure:
Last reply by casketchris, -
- 45 replies
As I am going to Lockhouse in July and am rapidly putting my kit together, I realize I need a tent to sleep in. I have LOTS of wools to use as blankets and any crap covers inside the tent, so that isn't an issue. My problem: not much budget right now. SO, whereas, in theory, pirates would not have "general issue" camping gear, wouldn't have the means or necessity to have complex camping gear, that should not be overcome-able. So, what should I buy? How much of it? How would I put it together? What do I need to do with it before the event (prepping it)? Oh, and this just for me to sleep in.
Last reply by madPete, -
- 8 replies
anyone know a way to strecth out shoes around the toes???
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 14 replies
OK so I found a traditional recipe on the interweb for making oilskin canvas. Two parts linseed oil, one part beeswax, one part burnt umber oil paint, boiled. So I made it, rolled it on the canvas and hung it up to cure. I am hoping this works. Anyone ever try this? The claim is it will be waterproof, just don't sleep too close to the fire...
Last reply by Cap'n Black Jack, -
- 16 replies
Here my shoes 18th manufactured strarting from hold boots. Say to me what in thought you:
Last reply by casketchris, -
- 43 replies
went to pirates in paynetown and saw a plethora of womens head coverings.... were mob caps from GaOP? i keep onlooking at paintings and art from the late 17th and 18th century..... so many variations.. and yet there are many women without head coverings and hair up-- was this just for their portrait that they did not cover their hair/ did it vcary by region/country/ religious belief? can some one point me a book or website or other source?
Last reply by LadyBarbossa,