Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
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- 20 replies
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 4 replies
The water was frigid the anchor was froze frosty clouds hovered beyond his big nose The silence then held him as he stood on the dock no way to tell time from the ship and the clock A pelican eyed him from under the sea death had released him so now he could be His buckles now icebergs they tickled his waist the bread he had made were now piles of paste His sox were the striped ones and so were his pants his tales of the sea devoid of romance He's shackled and lonely he misses his wench she sits and surrounds him from the seat of a bench His tri cornered hat with the feather so grand laps in the surf and slaps at the sand He spins once around …
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 9 replies
A true must read! Young mates being opressed for piratical actions!! Pirates Fined For Rabble Rousing
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 29 replies
Jes' wanted t' wish Sir Nigel an 'appy birthday, wi' as much rum and womens as he can handle. Fair winds and full tankards, Trapper
Last reply by crow, -
- 14 replies
Arrrgh! Capt. Morgan, a very happy berth-day t'one o' me favorite pirates (and fellow Taureans... Tauri? Taureootians? Blast it...Pirates) as well! May yer tankards be full (ALL o' them), and yer wimmin's be warm and soft in all the right places (ALL o' them)! T' celebrate, seems only fittin' I be sharin' me own special birthday stash o' Private Stock wi' ye. Bottoms up! Go get 'em, mate! An' as a special present, I shant make ye walk the plank, ye upstart! Cheers!
Last reply by crow, -
- 12 replies
Happy birthday, ye landlocked swab!
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
Pyrate Haiku 1 2
by PyratePhil- 31 replies
Pirate Haiku I sail the cruel sea Just to plunder and pillage What does that make me? It makes me – Pyrate! The envy of all a-shore The dream of wenches. My cutlass is sharp And my musket is powdered Frightful image, I. The good ship is trim Sails puff out in the fresh breeze Salt spray in my face. Take what I want now Leave no tale-tellers behind The creed of the sea.
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 22 replies
and oh by the way, its Morgan's birthday! Have a drink on me to help cillybrate his berthday... *opens the kegs of rum, makes sure that there is plenty of munchetos, and puts up posters of naked pirates... Donald Trump and Martha Stewart, corporate pirates.
Last reply by Red Bess, -
- 25 replies
on May 15th, Come on by
Last reply by Black Deacon, -
- 6 replies
Duncan, a little bird o'er in another pub told me that today be yer natal day. Let me be the first to wish ye a happy birthday and your first round is on me. Cheers, mate!
Last reply by Zorg, -
- 6 replies
Happy birthday Lad I hopes ye has a good'n but try to keep it legal like . That is if ye has to . fair windes an followin seas to ye mate.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 9 replies
Hey if naked pirates got you the last time, I figured it might work again.. Its Barbados Jack's Birthday, and many know of him or at least his habit of falling asleep and 'losing' money from his pockets. Well I hope none of you drop, but I'm buying the berthday pirate a few kegs to cellerbrate. Drinks are on me, name your poison and give the boy a smooch and toast.. Happy Berthday, Lad! Many more to ya, all under fair skies and over calm seas!
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 3 replies
Surfing the web I found this interseting site on pirate re-enactors in the UK I wonder if any of you are here in the Pub? If you are welcomes aborad lads & lasses! :)
Last reply by Redbeard, -
- 6 replies
Hope ye had a greeeeeeat bday Barbados Jack!! Heres to ye!!
Last reply by Barbados Jack, -
- 3 replies
Twas 10 years to this day on the 14th of May in Nineteen Ninety and Four That Tito and Wendy put down their swords with a new way to settle the score. (yup we was Married 10 years ago today and she still be m'lady!!)
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 19 replies
Tis our own Lady Barbossa's Birthday, and she is in need of a grand time! The Kegs are open and the Cake is on the table, cut with me own cutlass. Have a slice and give the berfday girl a smooch for her berfday, or I'll paddle your stern!
Last reply by Paisley, -
- 8 replies
Today be a fyne day to be celebrating me natal day with a fyne bunch such as you all. So, who's buying me all me rounds today? And that notorious Pirate Captain that stole me heart best be showing his face about soon, for I be missing him terribly. Here's to me natal day!!!
Last reply by Captain Goldie Hawkins, -
- 40 replies
Ok mates... I've got this friend who feels underqualified to be a pirate. I think (nay, I *know*!) she's got it in her to join our sweet trade, but she don't be feelin' right about lettin' go with an ARRRR. Says she holds it in! What can I be tellin' her? And just what makes ye a bonafide qualified pyrate, anyway? Help me out, mates!
Last reply by Saskia, -
- 18 replies
Good news! Yesterday we got an advance copy of an upcoming article in The Artist’s Magazine, which focuses on drawing skills. Right on the splash page is a half-page photo of yours truly, working away at my easel! The article will come out later this summer. Here is the funny part - A coincidence? On a whim I had turned on the TV while eating dinner (I hadn’t watched television in months) and was watching PBS. The author was telling a story about “Focus on yourself surrounded by the circumstances you wish to create.” I was thinking about my art career, and recalling how a few years earlier I made a list of goals and dreams. One of those dreams was “I want to be in the …
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 12 replies
I been noticin, whilst sail in the internet sea an I would put to port in some landlubber's discussion forum, there were nothin but fightin an' arguein. The only friendly harbor I found, be right 'ere amonst pirates. An' they say we're the bad uns.
Last reply by Sjöröveren, -
- 20 replies
I just finished a pair of semi-period trowsers (French fly, and pockets)....but machine sewn and cotton instead of linen...... I know the seat is sopose to be baggy... but dang..... these are WAY baggy....( and I followed the cutting diagram, so they are cut as close as possible) So my question.... does anyone else wear period trowsers or breaches? and if so, do you just ignore any coments about the baggy butt?
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 13 replies
Happy Birfday, Tourin'Gentleman!..'aven't 'eard from ye as of late, but that be no reason not ta celebrate your holiday!
Last reply by The Touring Gentleman, -
- 11 replies
Me mates an' me are plannin' a pirate feast. Since I 'ave more experience eatin' than cookin', I were wonderin' if any o ye could 'elp with some ideas fer cookin'.
Last reply by thepiratecaptainmorgan, -
- 18 replies
Happy Berfday, there, Jewels! Its your berfday and I'm springing for a keg fer you. Cake is on the table, taters is on the counter. So visitors, name your drink and toast the berfday boy! Many is the time I say to myself, I would love to play with a handful of Jewels... Many happy days to you, Matey Jewels! Fair winds and calm seas!
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 3 replies
Can you say HOT HOT HOT? Saturday in Ojai wasn't too bad, but Sunday ye could have fried an egg on the dirt! Aye it was a grand time despite the heat. Black Hearted Pearl and her smart alec sis Jenny, came all the way from Phoenix, Arizona ta join PRP. I can tell ye they had one fine time, and I must say after Capn. Jac 'corked' Pearl,her, life for her may never be the same! LOL! Well, I'll be lettin' her tell ye about that interestin' ain't what ye think! So get yer thoughts above ground.... We ooolged the men, an' o' course they oolged back. Threw insults and a few peanuts across the way to Robin St. Graves who t'was runnin' his booth, Medieval F…
Last reply by The Touring Gentleman,