Stand around the water cask, introduce yourself & get the scuttlebutt.
2,398 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Avast. Err. Hallo all. I am a grad student located in Texas. I love RPGS, history, readin and writing. Of course I love pirates. Have since I was a little squab. Anyway, this is all very new to me, but very interesting all in the same. I am a pretty easy feller to get a long with, and I have m' sea legs, and have been off and on boats all me life, though no real knowledge of sailin outside of a catamaran. I be lookin forward to this new journey, an look fer any help or words long th' way
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
I am not exactly new. I was Jean Lafoot, but now I have taken the name Jony Winter (a much more piratey name). I left for awhile to other ports, but now I hope to stay. Right now I have my own blog at (Church of Long John Silver) where I attempt to apply the wisdom of Long John Silver, primarily from Treasure Island and Return to Treasure Island. Oh, to be a financial pirate! But lets not forget the real reason for being a pirate ... to lay on the beach and drink rum. Armen
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 6 replies
Ahoy fellow gentlemen of fortune! I'm new ter this here port an' would like ter inroduce me onesies. Me Freebooter name is Gibbet Jones . I've writen a little yarn about me character, Gibbet. Ahoy matey! I be known in many ports by both mateys an' enemies as Gibbet Jones. How did I fetch that name ye ask? I be captured but only fer a short time whilst plundering th' church's gold furnishings an' wine. Th' governor so enraged ordered a gibbet ter be made ter match me fer all me ill deeds, Th' day afore me trial whar I be sure to dance with Jack Ketch. Me crew tied a line ter th' iron bars o' me prison an' yanked me free whar we made haste ter weigh anchor. Arrr! But afor…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
- 751 views Galveston Historical Society will commence with plans for hosting Dickens on the Strand During the Dickens on the Strand event there are some Nautical demonstrations and articles for sale where Elissa is docked. Please see the website for dates and times. I suggest you carry a small video camera or digital camera for photo oportunities. They usually have a show for Raptors and The Birds of Prey, it is aweseome. I took as many photos of pirate attired actors and attendees as I could LAst Time I attended. London Wharf and the 1877 Tall Ship ELISSA 10am …
Last reply by Crows Nest Vintage, -
- 2 replies
To the Finn Brothers - you wild boys you Sommat ta toast with Pirate pies an chips with plenty o malt vinegar Do try to behave a little now....not too much tho
Last reply by Liam Finn, -
- 8 replies
I'm bloody well at work right now, and going thru the newspapers, I discover an article on Pirate Reenacting in today's New York Times (10-26-08), in the Sunday Styles section. No Quarter Given is mentioned. I didn't have a chance to look at the article. I should also point out, as an item of side interest, my original hometown of Charlottesville VA is mentioned in the Travel section.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 19 replies
Ahoy mates, I be new to the board and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Dave Nichols and I am the editor of Easyriders and V-Twin magazines (motorcycle magazines). I have also just been named the new editor at PIRATES magazine. So if you have any ideas for articles shoot me a broadside. "Take wot ye can..." etc.
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 9 replies
Happy Halloween! I'll be working tomorrow so just wanted to start the fun early So put out the Pumkins Hang the pinatas! and go for th candy! Save me the dark chocolate..mmmmmmmm Red Cat Jenny
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 10 replies
Hope it is a swell one with lots of Booty! *grins*
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 3 replies
Happy Birthday Animal, may you have an pirate day.
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 3 replies
Happy Pirate Birthday to you Ludwig the Mad.
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 5 replies
So it's your special don't feel special? Well gosh, what do you want from a bunch of pirates? We can make you walk the plank........ Rumba
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 10 replies
Happy Birthday Kendra the Sea Maid!
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 5 replies
happy happy berthday, Matey.. and many more! I"ll be buying the drinks fer me crewmate, Ray!! a round of drinks to cheer on Morgan! a good shipmate, and a good one with a joke!
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 17 replies
Ahoy mateys! One more bilge rat scamperin' 'round the deck. I'm a pirate from the fine island called Amelia in NE Florida.
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 10 replies
A friend recently told me about this site. So after several days of looking about I have decided to fly on board this fasinating and enthralling site. I am the BlackSwan, a true Rogue at Heart. So here is a purse of gold and silver coins to give to the bar keep here and buy you all a round of the best Rum in the house.
Last reply by darkRose, -
- 7 replies
I have finally after years and years of struggling with my inner pirate, I finally came to terms with it and embraced it. boy was that like opening a can of worms LOL! I have for years done Milsim Re-enacting and currently co-own a team. after a friend's suggest that we go to the ren faire not too long ago, I was hooked. so here I am.. I'm a pirate and proud of it
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 15 replies
Best wishes to that man who lives north of me. LOL!
Last reply by Graydog, -
- 0 replies
Many happy returns on another trip 'round the sun to: Pyrate King, Ross, Billy Longblades, Captain Pantbeard May your day be filled with friends, rum, laughter, and booty! Here's to you! Fair Winds, Emerald
Last reply by Captain Emerald Shaunassey, -
I was suddenly taken by a question... what's the first topic ever posted here? It seems topic #1 doesn't exist. Thus, Topic #2: I almost busted out laughing at Bilgemunkey's posts...
Last reply by Mission, -
- 1 reply
Huzzah, for I am no longer a lowly bilge rat! I may now stomp and traverse the upper decks, for I am now...a deck swabber! In honor of this, I have created a gallery in no place other than the gallery section. It's small as yet, but look for Mad Capn Bob in the gallery, and admire me mighty pirate ship, the Henry Crun.
Last reply by Hawk the QM, -
- 4 replies
in needing a name that is more reasonable, i have decided on silas thatcher instead of count de monet..... silas will sound a little more reasonable than the fun one... oh---- drinks are on me
Last reply by silas thatcher, -
- 10 replies
Ahoy All! For those on the Tavern as well as here, forgive the cross post... but I know some folks are not on both boards. While everyone thinks we pirates are all about taking stuff, every now and then some of give a little back. Our crewe has started a relay for life team to benefit the American Cancer Society. We want to fill their treasure chest with gold to find a cure for this damned disease.... My sister had a hell of a struggle with breast cancer a few years back and thankfully is on the mend after a lot of chemo and surgery. Last year we lost a member of our Pyrate family to cancer and another of our family is battling with it right now. We have started our …
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 2 replies
I have arrived and am glad to be here. Great forum, very active. Just what I was looking for. Piracy is something I have been interested in for awhile but I havent had the time to research or do much digging for info. 2 full time jobs keeps me busy all the time. I look forward to learning all I can.
Last reply by A Pirates Life, -
- 7 replies
I was going to add this topic under crews but couldn't find an appropriate place. Basically I'm tired driving too and from events for the ones I want to stay for. I've hung around with entertainers at Ojai and was invited back to their "camp". How does one pay admission (lets say for both days), help with entertainment and be a part of the event? From what I was told about renfaires is we need to join a guild. Does anything like this exist around So Cal? I feel a little more dedicated to be a spectator and I want to be spectated (as odd as that sounds). How do you guys do it? Do you just get a ticket and just have fun or do you join up with a crew and help them?…
Last reply by Hawk the QM,