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start 'em young, Matie
Last reply by jendobyns, -
- 16 replies
A very happy birthday ta a fine pirate an' comic maker, Patrick Hand! (Can't wait ta see some more o' yer work mate!)
- 11 replies
**grumble, grumble** and my pain in the arse sister...ahem... Many Happy Returns of the Day Haunting Lil
Last reply by Capn Bloody Sam Rackham, -
- 0 replies
Forgive my over long silence on these boards; I hate that my return to the Pub is occasioned by the following announcement (and I hope I have posted this in the correct sub forum - so much has changed since I last browsed these boards): To All of our Dear Fans and Friends, At the time of this writing, it appears we, The Ladies of the Salty Kiss, will not be returning to Midwest Renaissance Festival in 2011 despite the face-to-face “you are in” we received at the Great Bend Renaissance Festival in June 2010 and the verbal contract struck over the phone in March 2011. Suddenly, both of the previous conversations and agreements, just like our paper application sent i…
Last reply by Captain Emerald Shaunassey, -
- 9 replies
My most esteemed wishes of joy to my favorite bo'sun!
Last reply by MajorChaos, -
- 6 replies
I was sitting in Panera working on my laptop when someone I hadn't seen in decades came up to my table. We got to chatting and he said, "I saw an article in the paper a year or so ago that said you're still doing something good in the community." At first I wasn't sure what he meant, then I remembered the profile article the local paper wrote about my work re-enacting the role of a pirate surgeon. Doing something good in the community! Yep, that's me all over.
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 2 replies
Found this over on FF, thought I would share:
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
- 9 replies
A very happy birthday for the Forsaken's Merchant of the high seas. Wishing you blessing and good fortune this day!
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 10 replies
Happy Birthday Red-Handed Jill !!!!! Many more for ye Lass !!!
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 2 replies
Happy Easter Mates !! Remember The Reason!
Last reply by Elena, -
- 25 replies
Ahoy and greetings to all, I be a little known pillager known as James Smythe. Growing up on the gulf gave me an early intrigue to pyracy in its forms and the habits grew healthy. Currently I have been land-locked but I due make my pilgrimages back when I can. I came in hopes of finding a community to aid in my needs for pillage and plunder.
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 7 replies
Ahoy, me Pirate Pals! So, is everybody ready fer Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides? I be hopin' so! For ye newbies here at the Pyracy Pub, this 'ere be the 15th official time the black banner o' th' Jolly Roger bin 'oisted above 500 South Buena Vista Street --- for ye 'thout treasure maps, that thar would be The Walt Disney Studios --- and it's Blackbeard the Pirate's first major-studio motion-picture appearance in nearly 50 years! (It also be ol' Teach's first time takin' over Disney since 1968!) This ol' Hawk knows there be a great many o' ye landlubbers out there what wants more o' Jack Sparrow. Well, ye got him --- and a wee bit more! Blackbeard's a dad, a…
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 1 reply
Easter is a promise God renews to us in each spring. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy! Happy Easter! And here is a pirate-themed greeting too...
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 16 replies
Hello All, Munk Here some of your probably know me. I have been reenacting since I was only three my father started me in civil war reenacting which I still do to this day. About Five years ago I decided to pursue my life long passion of the golden age and picked up pirate reenacting as a second hobby. I severed for a time with the pirate Brethren and made alot of good friends in that crew. I have recently stareted my own crew the mob town Hooligans. I am new here and decided to join to keep my ear to the ground for new events and to learn more about the era as there is never enough knowledge. Cheers all Munk
Last reply by Elena, -
- 0 replies
Lately, me 'earties, forces have bin put to work determined that yers truly, Ricky, th' Hawk o' the Drive, not have a nice day. Indulge me, ye black-hearted scallywags, whilst I elaborate: There've bin swabs giving me port --- that would be me apartment --- what they calls an "extreme makeover." Actually, these dogs have been in and out o' me house, replasterin', repaintin' and otherwise inspectin' the walls of me domicile. Believe me, mateys --- this Pirate job tends t' be tough, ferocious an' silly. But the only thing that would cause me t' guzzle some rum would be a few Pirate music-makers: concertina, flute, vocals, guitar, fiddle and drinks all around (Diet Coke, mo…
Last reply by Hawkey, -
- 12 replies
Have a GREAT one Mate! mP
Last reply by Bos'n Cross, -
- 17 replies
A mighty fine day o' birth ta ye Chrispy! May yer day be full o' loot an' rum!
Last reply by Elena, -
- 10 replies
Best wishes, and many happy returns mate!
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 13 replies
May I be the first to say, have a great day GG. Jas. Hook
Last reply by Gunpowder Gertie, -
- 9 replies
Here be the "Oderlesseye song" By Thyme Awaye Created for the Movie "Treachery and A Dead Mans Promise" Eye have written & produced and will be Released by August 27 -28 2011 At the Pyrate Daze Event ~Yarr ~ The Movie is 25 minutes long and is about Pirates encountering those pesky Ninjas! link: Oderlesseye song
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 43 replies
Hi my name is Matthew Krogh and I am looking to get into the hobby. I have a unit in mind but was hoping to get some input for sutlers and any ways to cut corners on cost by doing stuff myself (to a small degree). Any help or advice for this hobby (as opposed to Civil War reenacting which I did for 10 years) is appreciated! Thanks! Regards, MK PS~My civil war confederate nickname was Bambi. I'm guessing that won't work in the pirate world, haha.
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 2 replies
Happy natal day to Margot La Mechante.................'ope ye have many more with smooth seas ahead!!
Last reply by Capn Bloody Sam Rackham, -
- 1 reply
Well... It's been a year or so since I cruised these waters. Upon my last visit I mentioned I had little buccaneer on the way. So... Look ya searats! Her name is Jessica and she's almost 5 months old now. I've successfully taught her how to blow raspberries and we're working on the Arrr.
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 17 replies
Hello everyone. I'm a new member although I've frequently visited this site in the past. I'm a pirate from Riverside, California. My family is relatively new to pirate reenacting, we started last summer and have been hooked ever since. I make hats and do fine art scrimshaw full time. The folks that we've met at Faires have all been amazing so I thought I'd join the forum to meet more pirates. I'm looking forward to meeting you all. Darrel Morris
Last reply by KingsForge, -
- 18 replies
Hey guys. Its been a while. Every so often, I like to check in and see what everyone is up to. There use to be a thread called, "You in your Pirate Garb" or something like that. I can't find it. Anyone know where it went off to? Or, you can just post em here!
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co.,