Beyond Pyracy
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- 26 replies
One of my best friends just sent this to i hope you all enjoy.. You are a pirate
Last reply by Jolliet Rouge, -
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Here's one of my troops this morning.
Last reply by Jolliet Rouge, -
- 14 replies
... and wants nothing. My stepdad is going to be 80 next month. If you saw him, you'd think he was in his 60's, but in terrific shape. (He plays handball with guys 50 years younger than him and while they are recovering in the jacuzzi, he's in the weight room. And he rides his bike to and from the health club.) He doesn't do the usual "dad" things that you see on Father's Day cards, like playing golf, or grilling or fishing, although he is a sports fan. So I'm looking to be a bit creative with a gift for this big birthday. Can anyone help me out with some suggestions?
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 4 replies
This is my very first movie/slide show thingy! enjoy
Last reply by Kendra The Sea Maid, -
- 8 replies
(Please move if need be) Work seems to be all I'm doing lately. I haven't been in here for little over a month and I want to say sorry for that. The deal is i work for and outsource for Boeing called Triumph and we make airplane parts for them. Well with the new 787 Dreamliner being build we are just jammed packed with work, and if that wasn't bad enough. The contract for Triumph run's out on the 31rst (I'm Union) So everyone is trying to get atleast a $3 raise and if not we are striking I really don't want to strike but then again I would love the time off. So that's what I've been up to.
Last reply by blackbonie, -
- 7 replies
This picture was taken in Alaska, some good friends of mine took a curise for their anniversery anyway the pink scarf around her neck was hand made by me!! It is my second scarf, and was done on a round knitting loom,(the smallest one). You can find the set of looms at your local craft store I have seen them at Michales as well. I am working on another scarf, eventually I will be making a pirate sash! I am so glad I can make gifts for my friends!! If anyone is intrested in a scarf or sash pm me and let me know I should say it dose take me awhile to get one done!! And yes I still make my own cards too!!
Last reply by Kendra The Sea Maid, -
- 4 replies
I know I haven't posted around these parts for some time, but I still lurk in the corners and check up on y'all from time to time. Anyhow, a dear friend of mine has gone missing, and even though he's not a pyrate at all, I'm trying to exploit any possible method of mass communication to get the word out about his disappearance. We believe that he may have travelled or been taken northeast from Ohio, as his debit card was used last week in Boston. Following is a link to a news story we were able to get in our local paper this morning: If you, by any chance, think you may have seen Anthony, please email t…
Last reply by Black Syren, -
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God bless the souls of the 9 Charleston Firefighters. May providence shine upon their families. This is the biggest tragedy to hit Charleston since the CW and Blackbeard
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 10 replies
officer mat of the spring city PA police department is having to sit by his 5 yr. old daughter's bed side in AI DuPont hospital in delaware while she struggles with a kidney infection that has claimed her left kidney and is threatening to spread and claim the right one as well ...her name is Samantha and her dad calls her Sami if you have it in your heart to say a prayer or two for this sweet little girl couldn't hurt ...i know most of us pyrates have a soft spot for the wee ones
Last reply by Salty, -
- 13 replies
The fandango website came up with some ideas. It's just a joke of course, but still funny to read-lol!
Last reply by The Doctor, -
- 10 replies
I'm a great Pirate entusiast (duh) and I'm writing a pirate novel (hopefully to be published) and i'm running low on names for the crew- I wondered if anyone would like any special name addin? because I was just goin ta think up a few more names but I thought what would be better than namin' some of the characters after some real pirates like yerselve's It wud be an honour ta name the crew after pirates like you lot ;P- if anyone wud like ta be in my pirate crew just email me or post here whichever- i just thougth it would be a pleasure ta have you join my pirate crew
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
It's one thing to wish what you're ideal partner's qualities should be, but what about the reality? One of the great things about doing Ren-fairs/pirate events is that the larger person is readily accepted. That's something personally I appreciate, even though I've lost a whole lot of weight. I'll never be thin, but not overly huge either. I love a man with some meat on his bones, but not overly obese as I find skinny just nothing there to hold onto. So I'm really interested in what each of you really like size wise in the opposite sex.
Last reply by Capt Thighbiter, -
- 12 replies
I know many of you don't watch tv or the news so I thought I would share what's been going on in the news lately about the pet food. Please make sure your pet food is safe. Please check the main article here from the FDA, they have a listing to check against. 14 cats and 1 dog has been reported, but one vet did a search on his own and found that on a website he created he received 250 owners stating their pet was ill or had died. Please check FDA For me, when ever I get my next doggie I will never buy dog food again unless it is from an organic source for kibble, otherwise with even my last dog I gave her meats that I cooked and she ate kibble only if she was still …
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 24 replies
Ok I was looking about today at some really cool minature items for doll houses and such. But...I did not see anything for Pirate ships..Has anyone ever thought of creating a ship so that it opens up and a child can play with it as one does a doll house? Or as a collectible? Im probably crazy for even posting this..but it seems intresting and I know we have very talented people here.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 1 reply
I wish I had known this guy. He sounds like a true pirate. From my friend Capt. Thomas Tucker Here is someone I remember from my seafarin days in the Pacific, may he rest in peace for the true seaman he was! Capt. Tom CAPTAIN HOWARD THOMAS 1919 - 2007 SAN DIEGO - He was friends with Errol Flynn, he took Charles Lindbergh sailing on San Diego Bay, he was considered the fastest man in America in 1940, and he helped Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo discover San Diego Bay 21 times. Howard Thomas was known along the waterfront as the "Ancient Mariner," he was a man for all seasons, and friend of all the world. He died June 3 from natural causes at the age of 87 in the comfort of…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 1 reply
Woman defies odds, plans to hand-cycle over United States If an 81 year old can cycling around Arizona makes news, then the world should know about my friend, Kelly. What the article doesn't say is part of the time, her autistic son will be also riding shot gun with her Mom. Go Kelly Go.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 14 replies
JL421 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tank Be sure to read the first review of this fine product! (I don't know what's more bizarre, the fact that such a thing is publicly sold or the fact that Amazon lists it - and claims to have two in stock!) How can you not like the internet? (I wonder if you can get one for cheap on eBay...?)
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 7 replies
Originally Posted by AP via MSNBC This is the offending picture...and yes, it is silly.
Last reply by Rogue Mermaid, -
- 2 replies
Over the last few days we've had some minor earthquakes. The other night I was in the bathroom taking a shower when an apparently decent one came through (4.0). Never felt it. Sitting at the computer this morning and just a few minutes ago, we had another quick jolt (about 10:22 AM) I continued to type a response to someone... Every time we get these, I just look and wonder "is it going to get any bigger?" Small ones are nothing, it's the ones over 5.0 that are very disconcerting. Having been through the Northridge quake when I was living in Tujunga (east San Fernando Valley/Los Angeles), I can say I've been through the worst of a quake. I'll take the small ones…
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 19 replies
As everyone begins to worry about their carbon footprint and global warming, we start to look differently at the products we use everyday and where they come from. For instance, at breakfast today, I had cheese from Ireland and jam from Switzerland. Not exactly local. Undoubtedly burned lots of fossil fuel transporting them to Canada. But, it's depressing to contemplate having to give up entirely the wide variety of things that international trade provides for us. (Not to mention giving up international travel, and the benefits of cultural exchange that widen our intellectual horizons.) Perhaps, though, we could find a greener way to transport goods and people aroun…
Last reply by Caraccioli, -
- 1 reply
I listen to an internet radio station.... it plays Pyrate music..... cool but from what I understand.....someone wants to make them pay a lot of money to keep broadcasting..... but a lot more than a radio station or any broadcaster has to pay..... Basicly... someone wants to put internet stations outta business...( well they can't put them outta bussiness... they just send the signil to another country... and then it's sent from there.... unfortunatly.. then the musicians don't get any royalitys at all,.......that sux........ I don't understand much of this...... but something about it don't sound fare.... Someone w…
Last reply by Red Cat Jenny, -
- 6 replies
I was searching for a particular post by Pat Hand... which wasn't easy as I noticed he has 3707 posts! Then with a few more clicks I noticed he is one of the top 10 all-time pub posters! (of course, that is just about 1/3rd of Christine's postings) Sheeesh! Carpal Tunnel? GoF
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 15 replies
My dad brought an orphan home from the hayfield the other day -- all the activity and equipment ran her mother off, and with all the grass cut down and bailed, there's no way she was ever coming back. It's just lucky the hay cutter didn't hit the baby herself... Just calling her "Baby Girl" right now, 'til something more appropriate shows up. We're bottle-raising her (not the first time I've been through this, by any means) until she's old enough to take out on her own. Deer, unlike many wild critters, don't need to learn much of anything to survive on their own, it's all instinctual with them. Of course, though, sometimes they never really leave, so we'll just dea…
Last reply by capnwilliam, -
- 0 replies
Happy Memorial Day. Remember those who have fallen defending this country and our way of life.
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 4 replies
Have a good chuckle. Toys
Last reply by BriarRose Kildare,