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Creating the 1720 Careening Camp

Captain Jim

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As far as the draughts go, I'm very happy with the print shop I always use here. Besides, it is just six blocks from my house, so I can proof at a moments notice.

We will be printing other things though, so do check into it. We might consider the Key West map for the other shop, especially if they can do 24 x 36. That's...well...huge.





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Aye, the map! What a great idea! They are getting the paper, and possibly doing the printing, but Master Callahan and I actually have a large format printer here at our studio that we use for our prints and paintings (even canvas), so we can print up to 44" wide on the short side and 50' on the long side, right from here. If they are willing to donate some of the material cost and do the printing low cost or free, then we may consider them to print, otherwise Tony and I would plan on doing it from here. We shall see what they are able to come up with.

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I've been asked by several people attending the festival if the Mercury Camp will have any officers, so I put the question to the Mercury attendees. Will we have anyone playing officers in the Mercury Camp (i.e., Quartermaster, Bosun, Coxswain, Cook, Steward and everything else)?

The question has come up due to some proposed battles and living history plots for the event. We previously discussed having nothing but able seaman. Are we opposed to some officers and appointments?

If you have strong opinions on the matter, remember, keep it friendly. The question and answers to it will determine some of the planning for the various camps.





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I'd be fine with having officers... As long as there was a firm understanding that their authority only existed for the sake of the display, and any even pretend authority of said officers disappears completely after/off hours. :lol:

I'm sure that probably didn't need to be said, and please do not think that I am trying to imply anything with my desire to see that the line gets firmly drawn on this... I've just had some pretty bad luck with social politicking when it comes to re-enactment over the last couple of years...

That said, I firmly intend on portraying the average pirate #(insert random number here), and have no real interest in if and even who the officer(s) will be... :lol::lol::lol:

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Aye, no politics. The play's the thing.

It would be used primarily as a designation of who is who, not a distribution of power or work loads. It would just be nice to turn to someone and introduce them as "able seaman" or "Coxswain". It would also be played out on the stage of combat, especially when someone falls. Example...

"They've killed the Quartermaster! Show no mercy!"

...and so forth.





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Large format printers (I assume you mean inkjet) are good for one-off prints, but if you are printing in any quantity, I advise getting a quote for an offset press run. Inkjet ink is notoriously expensive stuff.

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Aye, the printing is more expensive with our inkjet, but we have it down to a reasonable cost, but we are going to have it quoted to get the best deal possible. As soon as we have a plan more solid, we can get it worked out. Being good pirates, the best deal will be found! :lol:

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If I may be so bold as to interject for a moment . . . this thread is quite inspiring and no greater undertaking has ever been attempted.

That being said and in consideration of your desire to beef up your population you may wan't to consider what I will call here the "overwhelming factor". It may prove to be challenging to get new members due to the over whelming nature of rules (guidlines) and requirements. perhaps a new member welcome kit outlining minimums vrs advanced player so that each new pirate will know and feel compfortable (welcomed if you will) with where they fit in.

(just a thought)

Sir Beachem Quick,

Captain of the . . .


. . . a small but dangerous


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Capt Jim & William,

Yes I know it's not period but would do wonders to boost your rolls is have some national press coverage as well as a documentary filming of the prep through the event.

And for those money makin pirates out there could help your purses as well.

(just a thought)

HMMM . . . Most notible pirate of public affairs.

Now thats a title.

Sir Beachem Quick,

Captain of the . . .


. . . a small but dangerous


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this thread is quite inspiring and no greater undertaking has ever been attempted.....perhaps a new member welcome kit

Well thank you! (BLUSH) But really it is mostly venting hot air. The "rules" are simple. As this is the first year and you are a first timer, you will be welcome. For help with clothing see the sticky indexes Patrick did in Plunder and Capt. Twill. and/or go see Kass For camping see my post on page 14 of the "The Mercury, 1720 Careening Camp" Thread. For beginers read the last 2 lines of that post twice as it applies to clothing as well. Oh one more rule, what ever you do HAVE FUN! Any questions?

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I've been asked by several people attending the festival if the Mercury Camp will have any officers, so I put the question to the Mercury attendees. Will we have anyone playing officers in the Mercury Camp (i.e., Quartermaster, Bosun, Coxswain, Cook, Steward and everything else)?

We have only ONE Offficer... and that is the Quartermaster.....William Red Wake.....

NO first gunner....

No (well Official ) cook...... and a cooks ain't Officers anyway.....

The only Officer we have is our Quartermaster......

William.......You have done the work... you deserve the position.....

Well unless someone wants to buy the Captains position ... with lots of rum and swag........

But then we will vote on it.....


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Positions might have been a better word than officers. So, the 'position' of cook, the post of Doctor, and so forth. All of us are pirates, but pirates and something else...

Pirate and cook.

Pirate and carpenter.

Pirate and cartographer.

An aid to some small order, but more than this, a distribution of preparation. If someone plays the ship's carpenter, or just one of many ship's carpenters, they could study all of the material necessary to educate the rest of us and the public. A carpenter could collect the period kit of tools to use there at the festival. They could also run the manning of the pitch pots (which Harry has agreed to let us have at camp if we can find pitch and pots).

A ship's Doctor could also prepare a necessary kit. Capital knives, cauteries, forceps, tenaculums, bullet probes, saws, catlins and so forth. Then after the twice daily battles with the fort we would have a surgeon to bear our dead to.





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I hope I haven't alarmed anyone with the question of officers. To put all of your minds at ease, we are not proposing an officer heavy crew. Quite the contrary. There won't be any cumbersome politics. There won't be any heavy handed authority or ordering. Just a few individual positions for someone who has the will and the know-how to play a roll. We're trying to answer the ongoing question of what each of us can do and would be willing to do at camp. The majority of the camp is and will be filled with your everyday, able bodied, pirates.

If you are still uncertain about any issues presently being discussed, feel free to get in touch with me through chat or private messages. I know that a forum can be a deceiving medium of discussion and sometimes we may define upcoming plans and events rather poorly, so you may contact me with any clarifications and questions you may have. I'll even discuss matters by phone.

I'm very glad to see so many people planning and striving to improve the camp.





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