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:ph34r: (chuckle) Indeed.

Got a call this afternoon that the Bruckheimer Christmas gathering is Dec 15th.... ought to be some news to share after that.

I hope. :ph34r:

A name like Bruckheimer and it's not a Hannakah party but a Christmas party?

Oy vey! :ph34r:

But then again we used to have the menorah next to the Christams tree (with a nativity scene underneath no less!) when I was a kid. :)

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Rumors are a flyin', as it were.. all around the net. I've heard a many pathetic story here & there.

LOL, a good majority of them still having something to do with Barbossa. Even one that was sadly pathetic with Barbossa's daughter played by .. :: thinking:: dear God what is her name.... Oh, Salma Hayek ... who takes revenge upon Jack & Will for killing her father on some silly Spy Kids like island against some oddball 2 headed monster, etc. Had a lot of people cringe at that idea.

But a good portion of the people would love to see Barbossa return.. somehow. I think I can find ways to make him return, that's for sure. :: Evil grinz:: Especially when dealing with the Gods of the Aztecs. Funny though... is that Veracocha was on the chest. I didn't think he was Aztec. Kinda led to some interesting fan fictions & role playing stories thus far. :lol: Involving ancient legends, more involvement with Pizarro as well, even Marinche - Cortez's lady - & more on the New World that opens ups SO much more.

But.. I'm presuming they may bring in something new. :lol: fresh ideas & new blood would work rather well.

Ooooh, unless they use the idea of women pirates... Anne Bonney, Mary Read with Jack Rackham ... something along that idea.

Some are hoping more detail on how Jack came into possesion of the Black Pearl.

Maybe Jack will lose the Black Pearl again. ::: Shrugs::

::gasping for breathe:: can't wait to see what happens. Though... I'm patient... usually... & would rather wait to see what happens when it comes out.. LOL.. unless I get darn lucky to be in it. :lol:



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Yes, I've been hearin' a lot of rumors for PotC2. One of them actually was put forth by tha' scurvy Geoffrey Rush. ^^ He said tha' the new movie might have ter do with voodoo. Now how does voodoo relate to pirates in any way? I be wonderin' about that man.

Everyone's hopin' for more info on Jack's background. In manner of Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon, perhaps? Will and Elizabteh are obviously returning, so it be obvious tha' there'll be a reunion o' sorts. Maybe some new cast members, becuase no movie franchise goes far without new characters in subsequent films and sequels. Maybe old friends of Jack's? An' 'ere's a VERY common thought: Will's father, Bootstrap Bill returnin'.

Captain Wolfy Wench


Just a thought about Bootstrap... Since they were all cursed and couldn't die. Since Bootstrap also shared this curse as his blood was needed to lift the curse. Could it be possible that he was still alive and kicking at the bottom of the ocean. I mean his blood was only substituted in the treasure so his blood was never really paid. This being the case might he still be alive waiting for someone to snag him to the surface?

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

Just a thought about Bootstrap... Since they were all cursed and couldn't die. Since Bootstrap also shared this curse as his blood was needed to lift the curse. Could it be possible that he was still alive and kicking at the bottom of the ocean. I mean his blood was only substituted in the treasure so his blood was never really paid. This being the case might he still be alive waiting for someone to snag him to the surface?

I'm still saying with a little ambition and being cursed... he coulda' walked somewhere in six...seven years..I do mean...would you sit thar waitin? Ye'd be hoof'n it.......


I guess since the cursed crew walked on the bottom of the lagoon I guys bootstrap might be kickin it under a palm tree with a señorita and a margarita. Maybe part 2 will tell...

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


There are many people a wonderin' about that .. about bootstrap Bill. Being as he is cursed... perhaps forced to take the gold or took it of his own free will.

But if he is cursed... found a way to free himself of the cannon & make it to shore somewhere... staying out of sight from Barbossa & his band of cutthroats.. maybe he's off in Madagascar, or elsewhere. Maybe somewhere in the New World.

As to Rush... Hehehehe.. Yeah... that sounds like it. That's actually better than the one I heard with Selma Hayek... that one was supposedly told by Orlando Bloom himself. Silly, is it not?

I'm patient. I'm sure the writers will come up with something good for the 2nd & even the 3rd movie. I'm sure there are a lot of stories that can be used, legends about the new world... & more. Plenty of pirates to use, etc. & with as wooly as Jack is.. I'm sure he's made a good amount of enemies as he has friends. Let alone... how many people would LOVE to get their hands upon the infamous Black Pearl. :lol:



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


What was that about Selma???

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

Yes, I've been hearin' a lot of rumors for PotC2. One of them actually was put forth by tha' scurvy Geoffrey Rush. ^^ He said tha' the new movie might have ter do with voodoo. Now how does voodoo relate to pirates in any way? I be wonderin' about that man.

Captain Wolfy Wench

Vodun and Pirates....ok, this I have been answering here of late...LOL...Vodun...or more commonly referred to as Voodoo....was and ancient religion brought to the Caribbean area via Africians. Slaves....plantations and escaped....

Vodun(a.k.a Voduoun, Voudou, Voodoo, 'Sevi Lwa) more commonly referred as Voodoo. The name is traceable to an African word for "spirit". Vodun's roots go back to the West African Yoruba people who lived in the 18th and 19th century Dahomey. Because of the the prominent European religion at the time killed or imprisoned the Africian priests and their shrines were destroyed during this time period...underground societies were created and organized...because even then, in their darkest sorrow and misery they were not allowed to call upon their gods, they were forbidden to pray. Those that were caught doing so were immediately killed…Escaped Slaves and those on the plantations in the Caribbean Islands practioners skilled in the use of herbs of Vodun that raged with hate from the pain, sorrow and agony driven deep within their hearts, minds and soul turned from the practice of white magic to the dark arts..hence the two branches.....even today in 21st century the practice of Voodoo is still held by most in secrecy....

So how did Vodun affect pirates......it was not uncommon for escaped slaves to be members of pirate crews....to have an equal voice on the ship....This could not , in my humble opinion, have happened if they were not allowed to practice their religious beliefs....And the more research that I do on the everyday life....the more apparent it is that those in the sweet trade were very superstitious and were willing to paraticipate in the practices....in fact one reason the prominent European religion reacted to vehemently against the Africian belief system is that they were being joined by white converts....in the magical arts....

that is a vvvverrry brief answer .....so take it as you will....

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


Hmm, very interestin conversation goin on here about POTC2---like all here, sure hope it gets to post production---LOL

Havin lived in my other life for a year and a half in Haiti and then later Ochio Rios, I was unaware of the power of voudou until being around the believers, now I am a full blown, egg plantin under the bed believer, after all, what can it hurt, I can always use the egg later to cure my rum hangovers?

Besides one of my ports was Nouvelle Orleans, and you cant be there without being under Baron Samedi's power?

Until then, hopin they need a well seasoned gunners mate on the Black Pearl---where is Riley Flynn when I need him?

Andre LeClerc

damn fine six pounder gunner

of the St. Vitas Dance



"When in the midst of heaving, shipboard fightin, my old pappie use to say----If you aint cheatin, you aint tryin"


Okay, I had to add my two cents in on this. If memory serves correct, there actually were two pirates named Barbossa Brothers. Maybe Barbossa comes back his brother seeking revenge. It seems the writers of POTC borrowed alot of myths and legends from real pirates. I mean, doesn't Captain Jack Sparrow remind you a little of a cross between Calico Jack Rackham and Edward "Blackbeard" Teach?

Here's your two dublooms.


Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.

Okay, I had to add my two cents in on this.  If memory serves correct, there actually were two pirates named Barbossa Brothers.  Maybe Barbossa comes back his brother seeking revenge.  It seems the writers of POTC borrowed alot of myths and legends from real pirates.  I mean, doesn't Captain Jack Sparrow remind you a little of a cross between Calico Jack Rackham and Edward "Blackbeard" Teach?

Here's your two dublooms.

You're thinking of The Barbarossa Brothers (Aruj & Hizir)16th c. Barbary Corsairs. Barbarossa means redbeard. OTOH there is a Portugeuse surname of Barbossa. I know of no actual pirate of that name.

But that doesn't mean Barbossa couldn't have an identical twin. :ph34r:


With the popularity and success of "magical" themed movies, like Harry Potter, I can see Disney wanting to cash in, so to speak, on it. However, voodoo enriched storylines have been hit and miss in the boxoffice. Anyone remember "Weekend at Bernie's 2" and "The Serpent and The Rainbow"? I suspect Capt. Jack Sparrow's character will carry the story (thus the mounting media coverage of Depp.....aka popularity cash-in).

I think one of the reasons the first movie did so well, was how much you could relate the "ride" to it. The crew of bawdy pirates, the drunken pirate "fountain", all the way down to the one in the bishops hat. Without that "backbone" to the story, do you think it will still work?

Bootstrap Bill.....a character I can coming into it. Especially if they work it into a "Son finds Long Lost Father, Has to deal with the morality of his father's line of work, Eventually Father and Son bond, Son then losses Father (to end some curse, perhaps)" storyline. :ph34r:

*deposits her two doubloons, as well.....then considers making off with the collection box* :ph34r::ph34r:

Captain of The Morrighan.


You lost me on the whole Weekend at Bernie's 2 and Serpent thing? Can you elaborate. I might suggest you suing small word and maybe drawing a picture or two if you want me to understand.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Hmmmm....my point thus made....you don't remember them, do you? :ph34r:

Weekend at Bernie's 2 ......This sequel to the hit comedy "Weekend at Bernie's" opens the day after the original film ended. Insurance executives Larry and Richard return to the office after their madcap weekend to find that their employers suspect them of having helped the dead Bernie embezzle $2 million from the company. Larry and Richard's attempt to prove themselves innocent sets off a series of increasingly ludicrous events, which involve stealing Bernie's body from the morgue and spiriting it off to the Virgin Islands. There Larry and Rich utilize the services of the local voodoo priestess to raise Bernie from the dead -- with unexpected and hilarious results. (from rottentomatoes.com)

The Serpent and the Rainbow.........

Dennis Alan heads to Haiti in hopes of obtaining a mysterious potion that represses the nervous and respiratory systems without causing death; this draught would also scientifically explain the myth of the zombie. Once on Caribbean soil, however, Alan encounters powerful cults, government corruption and a poverty-stricken populace ready to revolt -- and he finds himself deeply seduced by voodoo, though his sense of logic cannot comprehend its mystical nature. But more earthly dangers lurk in the form of an evil magistrate and the local police, who do not hesitate to torture Alan when he defies their leader. In the end, Alan emerges from the experience radically changed, with the realization that Western notions of science cannot explain the many things he's witnessed in this world. (from rottentomatoes.com)

Captain of The Morrighan.

You lost me on the whole Weekend at Bernie's 2 and Serpent thing? Can you elaborate. I might suggest you suing small word and maybe drawing a picture or two if you want me to understand.

"Suing small words"? Pirata I thought we here in California were sue happy ! :ph34r:


Arrrgh, USING.

I still don't get the whole similarity between the two movies and POTC 2.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Just sayin'...by introducing the element of voodoo to a storyline, doesn't necessarily mean good return at the boxoffice.

Captain of The Morrighan.


POTC 2 is about voodoo?

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Guess I missed that one.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Would be a shame to include voodoo as it wasn't in practice until the late 18th century/early 19th century. I know Disney stretched the parameters of "The Golden Age of Piracy" a bit in the first movie....hope they don't stretch it even further now!


Indeed... it will be amazing what the writers & all come up with.

However... obviously it's about Jack & the Black Pearl... again.. as it was mentioned that the writers had a couple more adventures in mind & would like to tell of Jack.

Now.. what it involves this time.. who knows. The Curse of the Black Pearl was with cursed Aztec Gold. Perhaps it's another New World legend of sorts... or something more contemporary to the time of the story... again.. maybe Jack Loses the Pearl once more & needs Will & Elizabeth's help. I hate saying it.. I can actually see her getting more & more into the piracy thing... how 'knowledgable' she is.. plus, she is the Governor's daughter, btw... Her influence being a great help.

Maybe involvement with French.. or Spaniards...

But.. I admit.. my heart still is set upon & praying that eventually Barbossa returns.

The little clip at the end of the credits... has me rather bewildered.... we see Barbossa lifeless on the gold on the mound the chest is on... the monkey swims up, climbs up the mound to the chest.. the lid partially open & takes the gold, becoming cursed... now.. I get the part that any mortal shall be cursed... but.. how in the world did the lid get opened up once more?! We saw it was shut the last shot when Jack told Will "If you were waiting for the opportune moment.. that was it.." & he walked off as he said "Now, if you'll be so kind as to take me to my ship.." It was there we saw the chest lid was closed. How in the bloody blue blazes did that lid open back up?!?! that monkey is not THAT strong!!!



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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