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:lol::lol: Now that is what I call one Feisty little senora!

Poor Ingenious, wonder what tortures she will put him through. still I am wonderin if this Sheep he is so worried about was a ewe or a ram. I suppose we shall never know.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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"Silkie, put a cork in it! Jou read too many romance novellas. Garcias, for the tushee comment, jou know that Pilates really works.

Is that what they call "Pilates of the Caribbean"...? (grooaaaaannnnn....)


**sigh** no Mexican cat fight.....

Hmmm Well maybe if we toss a tricorn down we can have a Mexican Hat Dance. *Tosses a stray tricorn to the floor*

Rosarita Montoya enters the Pub to apologize to Inigo's cousin Agustina for her less than lady like exit. When she encounters the very attractive female pirate with the rope fetish, Captain Siren.

"Capitan Siren, jou drop yer sombrero!"

"Jou laugh about Inigo's sheep. It was a galleon filled with gold and treasure. Before, heem become the Pirate Hunter, he was the Treasure Hunter. He becomes the Pirate Hunter to raise moneies, to raise his boat!"

"Now who is laughing!"

Seeing that Agustina has left the Pub, so does Rosarita.


Hearing the rhythmic crunch of heels on gravel and caked mud receding beyond the doorway, Joaquin slowly rises from where he had been cowering among the empty bottles behind the bar. Wide-eyed, he surveys the inhabitants of the booths and tables. Many are leaning forward with a new interest, an avaricious light kindling in their eyes.

"Madre de Dios," Joaquin breathes, "Rosie, what have jou doan?"

From somewhere in the dim depths of the pub, a pirate lazily squeezes a concertina, and begins chanting in a weather-ruined croak:

There was chest on chest of Spanish gold

With a ton of plate in the middle hold

And the cabins riot of stuff untold,

And they lay there that took the plum

With sightless glare and their lips struck dumb

While we shared all by the rule of thumb,

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

More heads raise from their stupor, brows beetling over narrowed eyes, exchanging significant, questioning glances one to the next, and a slow look of shrewd consideration and rising greed dawning on their craggy countenances.

Joaquin, stopping only to gather an armload of peacock quills from the bartop, backs towards the door, his gaze leaping from one face to the next as he retreats. Three steps past the threshold, he turns and pelts down the street as fast as his panicked legs can pump.

There was chest on chest of Spanish gold

With a ton of plate in the middle hold

And the cabins riot of stuff untold,

And they lay there that took the plum

With sightless glare and their lips struck dumb

While we shared all by the rule of thumb,

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

More heads raise from their stupor, brows beetling over narrowed eyes, exchanging significant, questioning glances one to the next, and a slow look of shrewd consideration and rising greed dawning on their craggy countenances.

Joaquin, stopping only to gather an armload of peacock quills from the bartop, backs towards the door, his gaze leaping from one face to the next as he retreats. Three steps past the threshold, he turns and pelts down the street as fast as his panicked legs can pump.

A sailor who appeared to be asleep at the bar, lifts his head from his arm and sees the frightened Joaquin bolt from the Pub. The thoughts of Spanish treasure and sunken galleons, sweep aside those of rhum and dealin' in black market trade. A plan is needed and alliances must be made, but who to trust? These are pirates after all! Best to follow the skinny Spaniard, and find out what he knows. Jacky slips out of the Pub unnoticed.

"Jou laugh about Inigo's sheep. It was a galleon filled with gold and treasure. Before, heem become the Pirate Hunter, he was the Treasure Hunter. He becomes the Pirate Hunter to raise moneies, to raise his boat!"

Watches Rosie storm from the pub. Shakes head, trying to knock out residual feathers.

"Did she just say something about a terminator? Eer, or was that Treasure Hunter?"

Bangs hand against side of head. More feather drift to the floor. Stands unsteadily and calls to Ray.

"One more tankard, if you please. And..." Stares dumbstruck at the concertina player as the words of the song finally penetrates the rum and feathers. "Gold? Gold? Could it be...no, no,...and yet? Could it be...

...The Golden Fleece?"

I grin at Capt. Sterling. "What say we go have a look, eh?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

"Jou laugh about Inigo's sheep. It was a galleon filled with gold and treasure. Before, heem become the Pirate Hunter, he was the Treasure Hunter. He becomes the Pirate Hunter to raise moneies, to raise his boat!"

Sheep...oh Ship! Well hell why did you not just say Ship in the first place? Watches her saunter out and rises and stretches then looks to False Ransom The Golden Fleece? :huh:

Aye mayhaps that be the name of his Sheep..err...Ship. I am intrested enough to see where this vessel full of gold lay, though I must admit it does seem kinda foolish to be admitting such when there be pirates about. *grins*


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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Rumba sees Joaquin grab the peacock feathers and cusses a blue streak...

Hey you thievin' squid those were a present to ME!

She ignores everyone else and runs out the door to chase Joaquin down making sure her knife is in her belt

Hey you thievin' squid those were a present to ME!

Without breaking stride, Joaquin calls over his shoulder, "Jou gon' hav ' to take dat op weeth Jacky Tar. Dese fedders comb off my Aztecs, an' beleeve jou me, I gon' hab a hard eenoaf time getting back de cleaning deposit on de costumes wid'out any help from jou peoples! Whad' dat Jacky Tar theenk he doing, anyway? Geeveeng away stoff dat not even hees to geeve! Jou peoples act jus' like a bonch of pirates!"

Sheep...oh Ship!  Well hell why did you not just say Ship in the first place?

I deed!

Ingenious Darlin, Ye need to enunciate more clearly, truly did I think you had lost yer sheep.

Sees Joaquin running and fingers the Sea Serpent coiled at her hip, the 12 foot long bullwhip tipped in silver gleamed wickedly.

debates if she should or should not make the man take a tumble...

"Wot say ye Rumba?"


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png

Sees Joaquin running and fingers the Sea Serpent coiled at her hip, the 12 foot long bullwhip tipped in silver gleamed wickedly.

debates if she should or should not make the man take a tumble...

"Wot say ye Rumba?"

Jacky wonders where these women are getting all these whips? (Topic for another thread)

With no time to lose, and not wanting to lose Joaquin's trail of feathers. Jacky tackles Siren and pulls her into a alleyway; he gently covers her mouth with his hand and begins to speak.

"Sorry fer stoppin' ye from trippin' the spaniard. But he can lead us to the treasure, if he remains standin'. So if yer interested in gold and not a prat fall, nod yer head."

"Tell Rumba I have lots more feathers."

Siren nods, and Jacky gently kisses her hand, and resumes the chase.


Hearing the unmistakable sounds of pursuit, at some indeterminate distance but clearly approaching, Joaquin commences to weave and dodge among the cramped back alleys of the quayside. He pitches madly over the frequent impediments imposed by the barrels, carts, piles of detritus, and the occasional unsuspecting and annoyed shopkeeper. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to him, he is followed by a steady wafting of brilliant teal and black fragments, settling to the packed earth in his wake.


As Jacky rounds the corner after his encounter with Siren he does not see Joaquin. Feathers and churro's are scattered on the ground. A trail of each leads in two directions.


I grin at Capt. Sterling. "What say we go have a look, eh?"

hmmm depends on how deep the harbour and how many naked pearl divers we can round up...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




I grin at Capt. Sterling. "What say we go have a look, eh?"

hmmm depends on how deep the harbour and how many naked pearl divers we can round up...

"Hummm...naked pearl divers? Well, we could tickle them with these feathers, make them drop their pearls. :(

Pauses, and scratches head. "We are talking about co-ed pearl divers, right?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


"Hummm...naked pearl divers? Well, we could tickle them with these feathers, make them drop their pearls. :(

Pauses, and scratches head. "We are talking about co-ed pearl divers, right?"

No, no... they could dive to recover the treasure in the sheep, shep....screw it...boat at the bottom of the harbour... and of course co-ed would do quite nicely!

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Moves quickly at Jacky Tarrs side and pauses seeing the feathers and churros leading in two directions and pauses taking in this puzzle.

"Perhaps we should follow the feathers? Though if Rumba be chasing him I think she would be picking up the feathers as she went..Wot say ye to this quandry?"

She glanced up and seeing a low roof nearby pointed upwards with a grin and moved to quickly climb upon the roof and looked out over the town. Spotting their quarry she leapt down and gestured for him to follow the feather trail.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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Spotting their quarry she leapt down and gestured for him to follow the feather trail.

Joaquin is disoriented and not familiar with his surroundings; he is a pack a day cigarillo smoker, and is rapidly running out of breath, and wheezing loudly. He turns a corner and finds he has reached a dead end. His breathing is desperate and his limbs are like lead. He falls down behind a pile of crates to hide.

Siren is like a cat stalking her prey, she moves quickly through the narrow alleyways. Jacky follows closely on the heals of his unexpected companion. They reach the same dead end, and Jacky wonders if Joaquin has doubled back on them; when Siren notices a small pile of feathers, near the back wall. As they move closer, they hear the raspy breathing of the exhausted Spaniard.

Siren moves quickly and binds the wrists of the almost lifeless Joaquin, with her whip. Joaquin can do little to resist as they lead him back towards the Pub.

No, no... they could dive to recover the treasure in the sheep, shep....screw it...boat at the bottom of the harbour... and of course co-ed would do quite nicely!

No, not co-ed! Sterling, if I have to look at your scrawny butt going over the gunwale, I'm throwing in the towel and getting a job as an accountant! No treasure is worth that!

On the other hand, if you hire the Swedish Bikini Team....and you stay strictly out of the water....


Joaquin can do little to resist as they lead him back towards the Pub.

It was not Jacky's intention to catch Joaquin; he had hoped to track him and discover more about the sunken galleon. But, now what to do with him?

He didn't expect Siren to join the chase, either; but she proved she was a good tracker and now may-haps a little more interested in gold.

"Joaquin, the way I sees it, yer lucky it was us that caught ye. If'n Rosarita caught ye she'd whip ye t' death for taken her peons. If Rumba caught ye, she'd knife ye fer taken her feathers. If those cut throats from the pub caught ye, they'd kill ye fer bein' a Spaniard."

Jacky looks at Siren. She nods her head in agreement.

"I want t' help ye, but ye have t' help me, help ye. Ye may know the location of the galleon, and that could help all of us!"


(O.K. I say it, "Show me the money!")



Okay ...the last thing this thread needs is a director ...would ruin all the fun. However there is one rule that I think we should follow. We don't "puppet" anyone else's character without permission from that individual. Pepe, peons, Ray, the inquisiton staff etc. you can puppet they are Non-player characters. Anyone who is a player character ...Inigo, Rosie, Teady(because she is mine ...I just created a sign on ID for her), Joaqin, Jacky, Sterling, Sirene, etc. you can not puppet.

Any one disagrees ...well that is just plain inconsiderate.

annnnnnnnd ACTION!


As Jackie and Siren unearth ..er pluck ...Joaquin, they notice his long raven locks falling from under the hat that now sits askew on top his head.

What was thought as haggard breathing was the sound of someone trying to run while downing an over stuffed mouthful of churro's without the benefit of drink. As their captive's dark eyes glare at them through the lace of thick dark eyelashes they see HER grinning from cinnamon and sugar covered cheek to cinnamon and sugar covered cheek.

Sputtring churro crumbs as she speaks.

"Jou taught jou could catch my pequeño primo?" I em here tu help heem! Tu see that jou and jour kind do nut capture heem and hees sheep!

Hees mission is to seak out jou pirates, jou civilizations, to boldly go where no Juan has gone before!


Jou, will neever find heem! I have sent Joaquin to warn heem and hees meesses! Do nut cross me I am a Montoya! Agustina Camelia Teodora Esmeralda Narcisa."


"Jou also should know that the peons are now surrounding us. I have no fear of them for they are loyal. However, as jou know, they have coke and mentos and are not afraid to chuse them!"

Peons appear from every directions dressed in an odd cross between conquistadors, migrant workers and Aztec garb. One holds the pirates at bay, (No! not with a coke and mentos jou edoit ...these are pirates! With a Spanish made blade!) while another frees Teady. Once free she stands defiantly before the two pirates.

"Eef jou choose to return to the pub jou weel no get hurt."

She signals four of the peons to escort the two pirates if they choose to cooporate ..or to bind them and set them into the cargo hold of a ship in the harbor that is soon to set sail. She starts to pluck up the trail of feathers from the alley to the pub. Two more peons acompany her, sodas at the ready, knowing that Rumba is at the far end of the feather trail.


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