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M, A.C.T.E.N.

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Everything posted by M, A.C.T.E.N.

  1. Jacky Tar,Aug 12 2006, 01:28 AM "Phaaaat! I speet at jour feet! Jou think I wheel cho jou the money? Even Joaquin would nut have been anee help to jou! He ees loyal to Inigo! Jou no, he eesn't the sharpest cutlass in the armory. Inigo may seem the fool but he ees a very clever man! He would never tell jou that hees sheep is in... Jou really think I am that foolish to tell jou where the sheep is sunk? Geeve me some credit! Jou pirates aren't so bright as the sunlight are jou?
  2. As Jackie and Siren unearth ..er pluck ...Joaquin, they notice his long raven locks falling from under the hat that now sits askew on top his head. What was thought as haggard breathing was the sound of someone trying to run while downing an over stuffed mouthful of churro's without the benefit of drink. As their captive's dark eyes glare at them through the lace of thick dark eyelashes they see HER grinning from cinnamon and sugar covered cheek to cinnamon and sugar covered cheek. Sputtring churro crumbs as she speaks. "Jou taught jou could catch my pequeño primo?" I em here tu help heem! Tu see that jou and jour kind do nut capture heem and hees sheep! Hees mission is to seak out jou pirates, jou civilizations, to boldly go where no Juan has gone before! Jou, will neever find heem! I have sent Joaquin to warn heem and hees meesses! Do nut cross me I am a Montoya! Agustina Camelia Teodora Esmeralda Narcisa." "Jou also should know that the peons are now surrounding us. I have no fear of them for they are loyal. However, as jou know, they have coke and mentos and are not afraid to chuse them!" Peons appear from every directions dressed in an odd cross between conquistadors, migrant workers and Aztec garb. One holds the pirates at bay, (No! not with a coke and mentos jou edoit ...these are pirates! With a Spanish made blade!) while another frees Teady. Once free she stands defiantly before the two pirates. "Eef jou choose to return to the pub jou weel no get hurt." She signals four of the peons to escort the two pirates if they choose to cooporate ..or to bind them and set them into the cargo hold of a ship in the harbor that is soon to set sail. She starts to pluck up the trail of feathers from the alley to the pub. Two more peons acompany her, sodas at the ready, knowing that Rumba is at the far end of the feather trail.
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