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I noticed Africa clutching and un-clutching the little bag of corpse powder he always wore around his neck. "Don't worry. We'll make it to the Tortugas."

He met my gaze, his expression a mixture of seriousness and concern. "It not the Tortugas I be worried about. The air don feel right here. The sea be whisperin', and singin' songs o' lost souls. Not all man's enemies be livin' ones."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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Cat stood wit her boots in th' sand ..

Not used t' bein given no time t' decide, she looked back o'er her shoulder, mayhaps there be summin worth lookin into given th' unseen occupant. Her sense o'opportunity were overtakin her earlier sense o' trepidation now tha th' light was in th' sky.


They had pistols an a musket, but not much means o' escape.

So she stood...not one ta be pressed...an cross from little sleep an less breakfast..

Cat scratched th' back o' her head an fixed Nate wit a stare.

"Ye know Mr. Durant....I ain't accustomed t' bein ordered..."

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Nate saw the look and stance of Red Cat. He looked to heaven, "Jeysus help me." Nate keeping a hold onto the painter closed the gap between he and Red Cat. "I ain't orderin ye inta th boat, but we do need ta get a move on. Once we got th sail up n full, it'll be spirits up an smooth sailin. I gots a chart n compass, knows about where we be." Nate lowered his voice to a whisper. "An I knows where they's gonna be in th Tortugas." Nate leaned away. "So. We gots supplies enough fer a couple days, add some local whatever we find when we beach at night and I think we'll have a right good time o it. Yer chariot awaits." Nate took off his hat and gave a very low swooping bow to Red Cat, neatly falling over with the effort.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Red Cat couldn't help but laugh..she warn't really insulted... she was jes playin wit the poor man t' satify her mood. T'wasn't fair really..

He did come after her an her, did think t' bring the rum.

...an a compass an chart! Her mind switched quickly an she hopped in th' boat feigning a bow t' an flashin a grin t' ol young Nate hisself.

"Wall lets git under way then an have a look at tha chart ye gots Nate.." she ignored th' last roll o' his eyes an wotever he mumbled t' th' Father..

Huggin th' coastline made sense an she felt more sure they'd have a better time o' things. Who knows wot they may come upon along th' way.

Soon th sail were filled wit th' late mornin breeze an they were tackin along off shore.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


As he reached the beach, Tomas found evidence that the pair had retreated into the craft beached formerly. He quickly found the frond covered pit, and found so undisturbed. The coals were still smoking as he rushed through the undergrowth to climb the small knoll overlooking the sea. Reaching the top, he saw the dinghy now heading out to sea, yet barely off of the reef.

Tomas removed his cap and placed his hand above his eyes shielding them from the ever heightening sun. He stared at the small boat for several minutes, watching the two aboard move about, setting course.

"For art to exist, for any sort of aesthetic activity to exist, a certain physiological precondition is indispensable: intoxication."

-Friedrich Nietzsche



Nate were happy ta be back on the water, a full sail drawing, on a fine little boat. Red Cat were busy lookin at the chart and didn't see the person on shore where they had departed. Nate gave the Cat a nudge. "Look yonder. There be a man back where we jus camped. Not much round that I can see ta say it ain't but the same lad wot spied on us last eve." Red Cat made no bones about it and covered her eyes from the glare, peerin back at the man ashore. It looked ta be a long distance starin contest for a time. Nate searched the shore and horizon, not seeing a ship or port anywhere. Further up the coast there looked to be an inlet. Nate turned his eyes heavenward and smiled. "Aye Father, a sound plan."

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Tomas saw the pair far enough off shore to feel safe that the chest had not been found in their overnight stay. He saw them look back but, unworried, Tomas retreated to the point where he would rouse his men from slumber to continue the excavation of the site.

"For art to exist, for any sort of aesthetic activity to exist, a certain physiological precondition is indispensable: intoxication."

-Friedrich Nietzsche



Cat took note of wot little she could make out agin th' glare of th' ripples at th shore. Her attention were rooted from her study by Nate an his whisperin again. "Aye?" she scanned in th opposite direction but saw only th plainess o' the open water.

She turned back and th' man ashore were gone. "Blast!" she muttered an turned back t' Nate. "Wot ye make o tha? I sees no ship r' boat. "

"Not t' worry " Nate beamed. His attention was completely gone from whar they'd been an out towards whar they were now headed wit purpose.

Red cat grinned, why she didna know, an lookin once more o'er her shoulder at th now empty shore she spoke "Mr. Durant whould ye mayhaps mind.... sharin yer plans wit th' almighty? I be but a humble pira...er sailor" She grined wryly at him and he pointed towards th inlet an explained th' plan.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Nate pointed to the inlet up the coast. "Up yonder, Father says there be a port hidden a ways in. So, as th day be early, lets see who's about, or not." Nate smiled back at Red Cat and picked up the one water flask, took a gulp and corked it, setting it back down. He adjusted course, getting what speed he could out of the strengthening wind. Soon he began humming a tune.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Tomas found the fat quartermaster asleep still. He prodded him with his sword, poking his backside until he awoke.

"Si, El Guerrero." The man dressed and roused the other men who were with them yesterday.

Tomas met them outside as they made their way back to the beach. Phonse still had last evening's meal on his shirt and his two workers shared a shoe between them. Tomas shook his head slowly and sighed.

"For art to exist, for any sort of aesthetic activity to exist, a certain physiological precondition is indispensable: intoxication."

-Friedrich Nietzsche



Nate expertly sailed the little boat up the coast and to the inlet. It were a deep inlet and the breeze began to falter. The small sail fluttered and flogged several times until it wasn't worth keeping up. Nate brought it down and broke out the sweeps. Red Cat took the tiller and Nate began pullin. Weren't long before some masts came in to view. "Oi, Nate, looks ter be some ships at port not far." Nate grinned his wild grin at Red Cat. "Father don't steer me wrong! But th tide r current here be a bit strong, gonna get wore out soon here." Nate pulled and paused a short time, just to see how strong it was. He was watchin the shore when he noticed a creek or some other small waterway emptying into the inlet. Nate pointed wit his jaw. "Ya don't suppose we might find somthin hidin back yonder, aye? Fancy a look?" Red Cat looked to where Nate had gestured to and put a hand to her chin. A smile crept across her face and as Nate puled on the sweeps, she pushed the tiller over to head them in the right direction.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.

  • 4 weeks later...

We had lost sight o' land, an the sun was quickly settin' behind us. Would be a full moon t'nite, an the waters were eerily calm.

"Mister Dillard!" I shouted, "Light the lanterns, don't want the other ship t' lose us durin' the night!"

No spectral lights in the water. No bumps in the nite. Thankfully, no unwanted guests, least not the deceased ones.


As the night came down, and the full moon rose, Africa became more and more agitated. He began to mumble chants, and glare out over the water as if he expected the devil himself to come plunging out of the rolling swells.

"What has you so spooked?" I asked, not teasing this time, as I could see he was really afraid.

"I told you befo, de waters not right here. The dead be under us, waiting...watching. Dey don like us here. We should go."

I peered over the side, but saw nothing other than black water. To starboard and slightly ahead of us, were the lights from the Relentless. Nothing else. I turned back to my friend and placed a hand on his muscular arm. "The sea is full of dead, Africa. Thousands of bodies have gone into its embrace. You've never been afraid of them before, so why should here be any different?"

"Dis a haunted place. Da dead don rest easy here, like dey do in the other places. Dey angry here. We not safe. You follow Dat Man, and he kill us all."

I looked at the dark shape of the Relentless, her sails ghostly in the moonlight. Was she leading us to treasure, or to some haunting doom? I had no doubt which answer Africa believed in.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Nate continued ta pull the sweeps and they headed into the mouth o the creek. It were broader then he had thought when Nate saw it, and it curved gently inshore. Nate kept pullin and Red Cat kept them in the middle of the water. It weren't long until they rounded the bend a bit and sure as could be, there sat a fine little sloop, her mast lost in the trees. Red Cat saw her first and almost laughed out loud. "Well I'll be damned, Nate, you were right, there be a ship hidden up yonder." Nate turned hisself til he could see it and as he turned back he was grinnin big. "Aye, Father didn't steer me wrong, no sah." He kept pulling, but now with a powerful stroke and a pause between, so as not to make much noise. "Cat, put us long side an I'll tie us off, then we'll sneak aboard, see who's home." She nodded to him and they kept heading up stream. Red Cat gave Nate a signal and he pulled in the sweeps, they glided alongside and he fastened the line to the side of the small ship. Pistols checked, up the side and on to the deck. No sounds aboard to be heard. Nate crept aft and looked about, carefully headed below. Nate strained his eyes as they adjusted to the darkness below and still no one was to be found. Creeping forward through the cabin and into the hold, still no one. Then he heard a footfall. Nate froze for an instant and very quietly pulled his knife out. Nate continued to the bow and came face to face with none other than Red Cat who had headed below through the fore hatch. Nate whispered, "Not a soul aft, you see anyone?" She slowly shook her head. "Nay, not a soul, looks like she be 'bandoned." Nate grinned and stuck his knife back in its sheath, tucked his pistol in his belt. "Aye Cat, she be abandoned alright, so I be guessin she's ours now. What say you?" Red Cat grinned. "A s'pose yer right, ol' Nate, a right fine ship we have 'ere. Shall we set sail?" Nate winked. "Agreed." They headed topside and still being quiet, checked over her rig and hull. She was tied to some trees along the bank, so no need to pull up an anchor. Nate devised that the best way to get her out of the creek was if he got back into the wee boat with a line to the sloop and pulled, keeping her off the banks until they were out in the main channel. Cat agreed and soon as he was ready, she cut the lines to shore. Nate had to work hard, but son they were out of the creek, still not a soul to be seen. As soon as he made it aboard they set sail and were running east along the coast toward deeper water.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


The two younger men removed the fronds from the depression in the ground as Phonse buried the shovel into the soft sand. Within minutes, they had removed the chest and brought it to higher ground. Tomas removed a dagger from his belt and tried to pry the lock from its clasp. Wih a loud 'click' the lock dropped and Tomas opened the chest. A small pouch of of coins and jewels was upturned spilling its contents within the small box. The hired hand's eyes grew larger at the sight, but Tomas could care less for the pittance. He removed the carefully folded papers and turned to find flat ground to spread them out.

"Estos joyas son vuestros." Tomas said aloud with his back to the men.

Phonse did not wait and dove into the chest to remove as much as he could before the other two tried.

Tomas smiled and ran his hand over the route inked onto the parchment.

"For art to exist, for any sort of aesthetic activity to exist, a certain physiological precondition is indispensable: intoxication."

-Friedrich Nietzsche



When it came time to relieve Africa, I sent him below, recommending that he have a tot of grog to calm his nerves. Tunny took his place at the helm, but even that seasoned sailor appeared nervous.

"So, you feel it too?" I said.

He nodded, and rubbed a calloused hand over his grizzled chin. "Can't say why, Ma'am, but things just don't feel right about this place. Add that to all the other trouble we've been through on this voyage, and it makes a man think, that it does."

"Please, don't tell me you think this voyage is cursed."

"Well, I don't know about cursed, but it does appear we've run into more trouble than usual." He gestured toward the Relentless. "I hope Captain Tar knows what he's about, that's all."

"So do I, Tunny, so do I."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


I knew the crew was restless, an some a bit worried. Although standin' on the bridge wit' Stones, the big man seemed quite content, an not nervous at all.

"Stones" I said, "Not worried 'bout wot lies ahead?" He looked almost pensive, fer a minute, an then he smiled, "No, sir."

I nodded, an remarked, "We'll that makes two o' us!" Now if we can get everyone else on board, I thought, as I gazed over at the Rakehell.

  • 2 weeks later...

Red Cat stood wit th breeze pickin at strands o hair which flew from her scarf an grinned at th find. Ol Young Nate was provin t' be quite resourceful. She grinned an cuffed him on th shoulder. "Oi Nate.." she cast a wary eye skyword "um..ah..ye do seem t' be a good luck charm.." she gestured towwards th clouds "put in a good ward f' me aye? and uh..me thanks" Nate grinned wide an winked Cat laughed an suggested they head down th deck to see wot was to be had o' their prize.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


"Head b low, aye." Nate looked over the rig, checked the lines and sheets, tied off the tiller and followed Red Cat below. Enough light made its way below deck and with a quick search, Nate was grinning up a storm. "Lookee here, she be set fer a goodly time. plenty o fresh water, sacks o rice, beans. Barrels o flesh, newly made barrels by th look. Not much powder n shot, course we only got them swivels. Wot you find?" Nate grinned and waited to hear wot the Red Cat found while she were below.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.

Posted (edited)

Tomas stood and walked to the bluff. He rotated the chart several times to get his bearings. He looked North, then East. He saw a small ship running along the coarse in that direction. In the very far distance he saw land that could match those drawn on the parchment. He rolled the map quickly and went back downhill to the men. "To the ship, gentlemen. We have a treasure to find." The men stuffed what jewels they could take from the chest into their clothing and grabbed their tools and quickly made for the inlet.

As Tomas reached the clearing first, his mouth dropped. The sloop was gone. A small piragua was tucked underneath the palms, but that was all that could be seen of their ship. He called Phonse to his side. "Si, El Guerrero?" "You did secure the sloop as I asked, si?" "Si, si, as you asked señor." Phone removed his cap and wrung it in his hands. Tomas put his hand on Phonse's shoulder. "Do you see the sloop Phonse?" "No señor, I do not." "Dónde está mi balandro?" Tomas yelled. "Yo no se' El Guerrero."

Tomas smacked Phonse on the back of the head, and slapped the two underlings.

"Find me a ship Phonse."

"Si, señor, en seguida." Phonse and boys took off back towards the ramshackle town. Tomas walked along the water's edge to see if he could catch sight of his sloop. Just offshore, to the east, he found the sloop. Sails full, running east along the coast.

"¿Qué coño…?

Edited by Tomas Guerrero

"For art to exist, for any sort of aesthetic activity to exist, a certain physiological precondition is indispensable: intoxication."

-Friedrich Nietzsche



"Is that it?" Tunney asked, as most of us stood on the larboard rail.

"Must be. That seems to be where the Relentless is heading," I replied, shading my eyes with my hand. "Doesn't look too bad. Let's hope there's fresh water ashore, and maybe some game and fruit."

"Les hope we don become da game," Africa intoned.

"Enough of the doom and gloom," I snapped. "The men on board the Relentless don't seem to be quaking in their shoes, so how bad could it be?"

"She's droppin' canvass, Ma'am," Colard said, pointing at Jacky's ship. "Must be getting close, if she be slowin' down and comin' off the wind."

"Let's get within hailing distance again. Then we'll know for sure."

Tunny nodded, and Africa went to relieve Goose at the helm.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


"Dillard.... Dillard.... Dilllll..ard!"

I rolled out of my hammock, "What... who's calling me?" Smithe replied with louder snoring. "I must of been dreaming." I mumbled. I could of sworn the voice was female. If this was Silkie's idea of a joke, I'd have her hide! Then we'll see who's laughing, I thought, as I crawled back into my hammock.


Colard was once again down in the hold, checking on the repair to the hull. It looked fine, just a tiny bit of seepage. Since he was not on duty, he had time to relax a bit, so he rested his haunches on a nearby keg, and thought about all that had happened to him since escaping Havana.

Certain it was that he was glad to be on a fine English ship again, but her crew and captain still left him puzzled. Especially the captain, who appeared to be quite fierce and good at her job, but also a tad irrational, most often when dealing with the Captain of the Relentless. Colard could tell it was a relationship of long term, even if volatile, but he'd be damned if he could figure it out. Yet she had followed the man to this mysterious island, where, if she were to be believed, there would be gold aplenty. Well, he'd heard that often enough over his long life. And all those promises had come to naught.

He stood, stretched, and was about to head topside, when he heard a voice calling him from the forward hold.

"Turn back, old man. Only death awaits you here."

Colard peered into the darkness. "Who's there?"

But he got no answer, and saw no one. Feeling his skin rise in gooseflesh, he scurried away, up onto the deck and into the sunshine.

Then they to the tavern house

with meikle oly prance

One spoke with wordis wonder crouse

A done with mischance!


I would die where I would dine

In tavern to recline

Then would angels pray the glibber

God have mercy for this bibber.


Sniffin' the air, I smelled the unmistakable hint o' native sulphur. The smell got stronger as I approached me cabin.

I opened the door, t' me cabin, an saw the specter seatin' in me chair. "Entre." He said. "Cierre la puerta."

"El Diablo!" I replied, "Ye wasted no time findin' us."

"¿Es ése uno el mío?, Señor Tar?" He pointed a boney finger out the window, at the Rakehell.

I paused, "That one?" A pregnant pause, "Nay, I hav a nice fat galleon comn' fer ye, just like I promised!"


Africa brought the Rakehell alongside the Relentless, and I stood at the starboard rail shouting for her captain.

"Ahoy, Relentless, I need to speak to your Captain. And take those sullen looks off your faces, 'cause I'm not going to go away until he talks to me." I was well aware of Jacky's crew's feelings for me and my ship, since they'd made no bloody attempt at hiding them. But I was used to dealing with sullen sailors, and these were no different. "Tell him to get his bones up here."

I received a few ungenerous hand gestures, and black looks, but I also saw someone run off to fetch the captain. "Buncha pains in the butt," I mumbled.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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