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Sterling studied the other's features, even now still cloaked so that he was forced to ask..."Is Aurore well?"

Sabastian fiddled with the overflow of lace portruding from azure velvet cuffs distracted, then looked to where Sterling eyed him expectantly.

"Comment?....Oh....Oui. She is waiting in the carriage safely."

The familiar impish grin spread over swarth features, "Pour quoi? Is there some raison she should not be well?" He chuckled, "She is a little nervous, but other than that she seems well enough."

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

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The familiar impish grin spread over swarth features, "Pour quoi? Is there some raison she should not be well?" He chuckled,

For a moment, face paled as Sterling listened to prankster brother-in-law. His mind racing at the possiblities of loaded question, but no, it would be far too early for any one to tell if...

Colour returned to his face as blissful smile washed slowly over lips as he thought about a time when...

"Well enough ye say... good glad of it I am," Sterling sighed with relief.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Sabastian eyed him curiously, "Truly Monsieur...You worry entirely too much. And one would wonder what would inspire you to such traits."

He winked knowingly, "Perhaps I should bring her inside, it is a rather bright and balmy morn."

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


"Oui," Sterling agreed. "We should be starting soon, I would hope."

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Isabella gently shook her bed partner, which promptly gained a frown in response. Shifting slightly, she whispered into his ear, which gained the hint of a smile. Whispering again, Christophe pulled her closer and made effort to focus full attention to Dove's ample blessings and was swatted playfully. Ignoring her actions of deterant, he continued his attentions until she scolded affectionately.

Exhaling heavily, the Frenchman roll over to his back, closing his eyes again. Issabella left the well worn bed to pour water from waiting piture into wash basine and called softly to him.

"Tristan...You must leave that bed, it is getting late."

"I feel no desire to do such, madame...What I do desire is your warmth in this bed and a bottle of cognac."

She scowled, hands braced on hips, "And you shall have niether, Christophe Tristan Lambert....Now do get out of that bed!!"

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Wishing for a pipe, Sterling surrendered to the fact that one would not be forth coming.

“That’s it, wish to stink fer yer bride do ye?” March chided him.

With no other option he paced, first officer rolling his eyes, and Reverend with bemused grin, soon beginning to actually grow concerned for the condition of his floor.

“Hell, Johnny, tis not like ye haven’t done this afore,” March chuckled, lighting his own pipe.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



"Less' find th' body Ian." Liam says to me as we sip from the keg. "Wh' we gonna do wit' a dead, rum soaked body?" I ask him. "I gots 'n idear."

Ian nods to me with a look of understanding, but not. "Da basard been in der fur a day. Soaked up wha was left by now I reckon. " Ian sniggered, "Pickled bastard." I chuckle at his joke "Aye. . . Lets see if we can find tha store room. get some more powder n shot if we can." We abandon the small barrel we were drinking from and were feeling good by it. We wandered through the alleys for a time untill they looked familiar and began checking for open doors. Some were unlocked, but not the right rooms. Ian hissed to me from across the alleyway. "Brudder, I tink dis be it!" I crossed to him and we bothe looked in. it was quite dark so not much was to be seen. "I can na tell... ye might be right." I felt my way in, Ian right behind me. There were crates and barrels here, they smelled of rum and other spirits. Ian opened a crate and snorted. "I tol ye it were th right place. He be some muskets." "Is that so? Well where be th barrel wit th basard in it?" We both shuffled around and touched upon all the barrels in the room until finding one that when shoved some didn't slosh, but it was heavy. I could see Ian smile in the dim light. Sure enough the top was broken and I pulled out the pieces the smell of death mixed with rum hit us. "Christ! it's him alright." I put the pieces back and the smell was lessened. "Well brudder o' mine, tink we can roll im out o here?"

Titim gan éirí ort.

Go mbeire an diabhal leis thú

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be.


"Aye, set 'im by th' door. We'll 'ave t' drag 'im out inna th' street. 'e's stinkin' up th' place right awful." Liam and I drag the bloated carcass until it leans by the door. "e's leakin' Ian." A puddle begins to form under the body. "Fer fek's sake." I kick the body over and it lands with a thud against another barrel. "I say we take 'im t' th' wharf an' burn 'im." "Or," Liam says, "we put 'im back where 'e came from." We rummage through the crates and barrels until we can find enough powder and shot we can carry. I pull out a musket and place it against the door. "Wot ye need tha' fer?" my brother asks. "Tie 'is arms t'gether an' run th' musket through 'em. I ain't carryin' tha' sod all th' way back t' th' inn." Liam nods in agreement. He opens the door and looks both ways, "Less go." We pull the body into the street and hear the hiss of a cat followed by the clop-clop of hooves in the main road. We drop the body and stand tall in the shadows. A lantern appears at the end of the alley and gradually becomes larger. Liam slides his dagger from his belt as I do the same. Suddenly the light stops and turns. "Over here!!" another voice cries from across the street. Liam and I exhale slowly as the alley returns to darkness.

Titim gan éirí ort.

There are many forms of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the boundaries into true corruption, into our domain.

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. James 5:1-3


He had been day dreaming… thoughts of their wedding night coursing through his mind until abruptly interrupted by a nudge from Mr. March. He looked about, actually needing a moment to recollect where he was and way. March indicated Reverend waiting in open doorway, crooked finger announcing it was time to go.

Sterling and March made their way through sanctuary and to the alter. The officers of the Archangel standing as their captain passed, the crew, following the example of their superiors, did likewise. Sterling admired them for a moment, dressed in their Sunday best, accoutered with silver, which had all started out as a play on the Captain’s name. A simple jest battered about one night in a pub, between besotted captain and officers. And yet, now, seeing how well they were turned out… Sterling smiled, he was proud of his men no matter what they wore. He waved them back down to sitting and pointed then to the Reverend as the man now in authority. As he took his place, Andrew March at his side, Sabastian soon to be joining them. His eye wandered over the members of Le Cour, who had encamped in crowed pews. Some faces he recognized, most were still a mystery, but he was glad they had come for Aurore’s sake. He winked at young Meagan and the child blushed. He would inquire if Aurore would like to bring Meagan along. Perhaps with his new wife’s permission Meagan would be adopted and provided for along with his other children.

He spied Captain Striker and his lady Jane next and gave a respectful nod to the man, who sat drawn and pale. Striker gave a nod in return and a knowing smile of good wishes.

“Well,” he heard March mutter under his breath. “Looks to be clear sailing for the ceremony at least.”

Sterling cast a curious glance at his friend.

“No sign of that McKinney woman,” Andrew explained. “Methinks it is fer the best.”

Before Sterling’s thoughts could dwell on March’s remark his attention was drawn toward the back of the church where Sabastian Devareaux had appeared.. Holding up his hand, fingers spread, signifying a need of five more minutes, the sibling gave teasing shrug of his shoulders and mouthed the word… “Femmes!” and grinned.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




We spent the rest of the night and morning slowly finding out way back to the alley behind the Shipp Inn. We dodged the night watch time and time again until we came to the familiar doorway. Ian went and checked the door, it was still open. he ducked inside and returned a moment later. "Da bastard owner still lies in a pool o his blood. No one found im yet." I smile. "Den we add dis basard ta th' pile o dung, an den. . . . " I grin wide. Ian narrows his eyes then a look of understanding spreads across his face. "It'd be my pleasure ta do th deed brudder o mine." We look about and find no one around, no one paying us no mind. We carry the stinking, rum soaked body of Killingsworth into the back room of the Shipp Inn and lay him on the owner. "I'll stand guard while you do yur ting, boy-o." "You do dat, brudder."

Titim gan éirí ort.

Go mbeire an diabhal leis thú

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be.


Ioan remained on board while Captain Striker and Jane left to attend Sterling's wedding. He didn't think Striker would make it through the ceremony, his face still pale and drawn. But he had insisted, and between the two of them, he and Jane had dressed the man.

He wondered if life aboard this ship would be more profitable than the one he'd experienced on the Rakehell. At thought of Ransom his back sudden ached even more. He hated that she'd had him flogged. He also knew, had he fallen down on the job on any other ship, the result would have been the same. It also surprized him that, when he'd had the opportunity to betray her, he hadn't.

He looked out over the bay. The Rakehell was anchored well away from the docks, and he could see Africa and Jimmy looking over the rails toward town. Smart move, that. It would be near impossible for anyone to approach the ship without being seen. Without thought, he raised a hand to greet the two men. He saw Jimmy tap Africa on the shoulder and point in his direction. Africa stared at Ioan for a moment, then made some pagan hex sign, and turned away from the rail.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Peering into the back door of the pub we could see no patrons around. Liam stood low behind the bar so no one who looked into the window could see either of us. Pulling a candle that is still barely lit, I cover the flame with my hand so it does not blow out. I walk into the back room where we have lain the bodies. I place the candle gently on the floor illuminating the bloated corpses of both men. Ripping a piece of clothing from the Inn keepers body, I roll it into a tight strand. I lit one end of it against the candle and throw the burning cloth on top of the rum soaked body. Very slowly the flame creeps outward and onto the floor lighting the bodies discharge. Watching to make sure the whole room catches, I close the door but leave it slightly ajar as to keep the flames lit. I slap my brother on the shoulder as we exit the back door slowly watching the orange tongue creep ever skyward.

The bells of the nearby church toll as many passersby continue to stroll in that direction.

Titim gan éirí ort.

There are many forms of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the boundaries into true corruption, into our domain.

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. James 5:1-3


I strolled, puffing my pipe, trying to clear my head, wandering aimlessly through the streets. I could hear the church bells ringing.

"Somebody’s gettin hitched." I thought. "But what to do, I cannot go back to the Rakehell, that would be suicide. No I cannot."

A new scent hit my nostrils. I sniffed and looked up. Flames started to rise out of one of the taverns.

"The Shipp", I mused, "she just doesn't get a break, does it." I started towards that direction, hoping to catch a glimpse of the action.


Striker knew he was being stubborn and foolish with the visit of death the day before. Death and him had played cards , and Striker was declaired the winner. He some how felt it only could have happened through his Wild Card , Jane . It was through her actions and healing that had made him regain consciousness .

As a thank you , he had given Jane a red dress made out of fine silk and a pearl necklace. It was no doubt presents from the former captain of La Maligna to his wife or loved one . And as all the other expensive artifacts Striker had kept it for later selling.

Jane and him had arrived to the church by carriage , he could not have made the walk nor the ride by horse , he thought to himself . The thought alone made him smile . Nathanial Striker could not ride . Funny , he had never thought it would happen.

A wrong move made his body twitch and he clutched Jane's hand hard.


always surrounded by shadows , always in the shadow. A spectre he be !


Liam and I made our way through the back alley until we reached the wharf. It was then that we found a cobbler's shop with the front door open. A bell rings but no one comes forth. We look around the back room for anyone but only come upon two cats purring about in a pile of sheeps wool. A staircase ascends in the corner and we follow it upward. This upper level has nothing but extra bits of leather and wooden soles, as well as several pairs of boots and finely crafted shoes. A narrow ladder goes upwards again and we climb it to find ourselves in the attic. Light from the small window helps us creep towards the attic door opening onto the roof. Looking due south towards the Inn, dark black smoke can be now seen billowing upwards. The winds are carrying it just east of town, away from the town center. "Hope we dinnat innerupt th' weddin'," I say laughing. We lean against the roof edge by the door as the townsfolk begin to yell near the Inn. "Well done bruddah." Liam and I nod and shake hands as if a formal declaration of War was just signed.

Titim gan éirí ort.

There are many forms of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the boundaries into true corruption, into our domain.

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. James 5:1-3


As the carriage drew near the ship of the Archangel, Lilly’s heart began to beat faster. This marriage between him and his new interest of passion was quick…too quick for her liking. In the back of her mind, she wondered if this marriage was a marriage of convenience due to some alarming nature that she was not privy to. Perhaps this marriage was forced by the hand of Aurore’s brothers or even by Aurore herself. It would not be the first time a woman would use her best laurels to capture a man into holy matrimony.

She watched as Lady St. Claire climbed down from the carriage and requested the attention of the Boson. The stocky, full breaded man came forward and smiled sheepishly. Lilly could hear the questions that Tess placed towards the Boson, only to get half answers and one-word replies. Finally, she turned quickly and raced back to the carriage. The driver assisted her back into the cab.

“Men are idiots!” She muttered under her breath then gave a quick and suddenly stare out the window to the Boson who still as smiling like a fool at her. “The whole crewe and Captain are at the Church. I hope we have not missed the ceremony! Driver, quickly to the Church!”

Member of "The Forsaken"


As the carriage sped away from the docks, Lilly again thought about the Captain and why he would marry this woman so quickly. He was known to take to fancy quite quickly. Lilly thought to herself as the carriage quickly made its’ way down one cobblestone street to the next. It was in his nature to fall head over heals for anything that gave him a moments notice. Wasn’t it she who did the same to him when his wife died? Wasn’t it she who found him wanting more in their relationship? After all, the Empress encouraged their relationship and enticed the two of them to meet as often as they could.

Suddenly, the sensation of anger started to fall by the way side. Now in it’s’ place was the sensation of haughtiness and pride that got the best of her. “What a fool I’ve been!” She said in a low whisper. Tess looked over at her from her side of the carriage. “Must you proclaim it to everyone?” She said with a smile.

Member of "The Forsaken"


Tottering down the cobblestone road back to The Shipp Inn, Bess carried her willow basket of bread and cheese she collected from the market. It was still early that morning, but she was already late with the wash and the mid-day meal. She drew a yawn and suddenly glanced up to see several men run past her, one almost knocking the basket from her arms. “Here now! Watch where you are going you fool! What’s this all about?!” She said shouting at the man who ran past her. “The Shipp is a flame!” Suddenly, Bess stopped in her tracks. She looked up at the heavens to see the thick billows of smoke pour into the morning sky. With a cry of fear and shock, she raced towards the direction of the burning inn.


Bess Hagarty - Indentured Servant


The carriage finally stopped at the church and the driver assisted both Tess St. Claire and Mistress Lilly McKinney out of the carriage. Lilly and Tess walked their way into the church. Lilly was surprised at the mindset of the extravagance of marrying in public! She knew that those invited would be friends and relations, crewe and staff. Everyone would be in new clothes, dressed in their finery to watch the happy couple be brought together under God in holy wedlock.

Tess and Lilly quickly took their seat in a back pew. From the side of the church, one of the crewmen made eye contact with Lilly and inched his chin to another crew member down the hall. “We’ve been noticed.” Lilly said leaning softly into Tess’ space.

Member of "The Forsaken"


“So what if we are? What does it matter to me?” Said Tess speaking in a raised voice. “I say they are just wasting their good money. Such Tomfoolery this is! He marrying a child and a man of his…well…background. A waste I say! They should have waited until they both returned to England and gone straight to the “Rules of Fleet” to get married. It’s easy enough to spend the 2s 6d and be done with it! Oh, such a foolish display this is! It is so obvious that she is not even a virgin bride. And as for your Captain,…” Tess said with a snide smile “My dear Lilly, you can acknowledge that he been ‘bundling’ his share of women, that’s for sure!”

Lilly’s eyes widened as Tess continued to make her feelings known to the small crowd the was now taking notice of the two women in the back pew. Lilly closed her eyes and swallowed hard. “Good God, Tess…mind your tongue.”


Lilly could feel herself turn to a shade of dark crimson, as her face grew hot. “Please Tess, a word, if I may.” Whispered Lilly as she took her elbow and drew her near.

“I am as upset about this match as you, but I feel that we must be respectful of the Bride and Groom.” Tess suddenly stood up and leaned forward on her tiptoes in order to see the Captain standing at the alter without any sign of the bride.

“You see!” Tess muttered again in a low tone of disgust. “The bride child has forsaken him! She is no where to be found!” Again, Lilly hanged her head in disgrace and buried her face in her gloved hands. “I wish I were dead!” Lilly muttered as Tess continued her ranting about the missing bride.

Member of "The Forsaken"


Lofty double doors dividing main chamber from foyer were pushed slowly open on large iron hinges. A hush fell over those present, a still giving impression that angels above held their breath collectively for this blinking moment in the passage of eternity. Aurore stood there, framed by carvings of saints and holy host rendered in English oak, her heart racing at hunted stag's pacing as attention was turned to church rear section.

This was so far beyond anything in her comprehension, such massive gathering in what seemed too far small a space and she drew deep breath, eyes fliting place to place like sparrow trapped. Exhaling slowly, deep olive pools narrowed in focus to fall on Sterling, his placement at far end seeming half the distance of world's trek from thresh hold proximity. A tenetive step was taken forward, as if testing the waters, then another with more confidence, as Aurore centered on the smile that formed on his face.

Late morning sun rained down through stained glass to cast an aura of multi hue mantle about russet tress and liquid flow of bordeaux silk. With quiet dignity, she continued towards destination and safe harbour at opposit end.

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Sterling watched her as she slowly made her way toward him, holding tightly onto brother's arm. Unlike last night, amongst the fewer numbers of the dinner party, Aurore now seemed slightly skitish. He thought he could guess as to why. He had seen Tess St. Claire enter the church and with a nod from Andrew March, Hazzards had moved from front pew along the wall toward the back of the scantuary. But it was the appearance of Lilly McKinney following in Tess's wake that concerned Sterling most. And although the smile on his lips was indeed for his lovely bride, his focus was riveted on the other women. What the bloody hell were they doing in each other's company?

"Have you changed your mind, mon ami?" came whispered comment along with soft chuckle.

Sterling blinked as attention was seized by Sabastian Devareaux's remark. He looked acrossed, already Devareaux had publically given consent to sister's marriage. Now he, Reverend and Aurore waited for Sterling to take her hand....

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




With twin oaken barriers thrown open to main room beyond, nothing prevented the light from exterior world from flooding in as front entrance was drawn open. Glare of tropical sun shrouded two figures, late to arrive, one of female outline...the other lithe and tall. The doors swung to and the companions seperated at archway, she to nearest open pew...he to linger at the thresh hold, wide brim of chapeau casting penumbra to aquiline features and crowning the fall of unbound hair that lay over shoulders in deep brown cascade.

Isabella motioned for his attendance and was belayed by waving off motion of subtle nature.

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

"Have you changed your mind, mon ami?" came whispered comment along with soft chuckle.

"Non, mais non, " Sterling said stepping forward, allowing Sabastian to place Aurore's tiny hand in his. Devareaux leaned forward then and kissed sister gently upon forehead, then fell in line next to Andrew March.

"You look lovely," Sterling whispered as couple turned to face preacher.

"Ignore the two in the back, " he added giving her hand a squeeze.

It was then Reverend, waiting for all to settle into quiet once more, continued.

"At this point I request that if there be anyone in attendance that knows of any reason as to why this man and this woman should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold thy peace...."

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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