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Port Royal, Jamaica


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Nelly sat in the relics of the guard room. Her hands quaked as Conner passed his flask to her and persuaded her to take a sip of its contents. Her breath caught as the robust liquid turned from subtle sting to a blistering that coursed upward setting ablaze the inside of her throat and the core of petite nose.

“Here now… have a care Nelly!” the major chided as he reclaimed the container from Nelly when she coughed. Handkerchief was produced and gently pressed into the girl’s keeping. With grateful acknowledgment of golden head, Nelly wiped her eyes and then still tingly lips.

“Slowly next time,” he whispered, waving off a subordinate too eager to assist.

Nelly took a deep breath then blue gaze fell on her companion.

“How is it that you men can commit such atrocities upon one another?” she whispered vehemently.

“You are being most unkind Nelly. I had nothing to do with what has happened to your … gentleman,” Conner returned. He shifted back a bit in his chair, eyes still locked upon her, seeking any further signs of discomfort.

“I did not put that man in the place you now find him. He must have done something to contribute to his downfall. But whether it is only that he found himself in the wrong place at the right time to be accused and arrested, I can assure you that someone does not wish him to leave this place. At least not alive.”

“What is there that we can do? How can one in such condition even stand in the dock let alone defend himself?” she asked.

Fine red wool puckered slightly as broad shoulders motioned minutely.

“I must confess, I do not know,” he replied.

“Then we must find someone to tend to him,” Nelly whispered.

“There are orders that no one, under any circumstances, is to see him. They have not even released him from his chains.” He looked at the tiny woman across from him incredulously. “My God, Nelly, is he that dangerous a man?”

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Lilly now tipsy from her share of rum graciously given to her by the mort, Jane and her company, she continued down the lane. The dwellings of the neighborhood began to look 'better kept' and in order.

Suddenly, the sweet smell of roasted chicken caught Lilly's attention. The rum made her stomach churn. Though she had eaten the stew the night before, it was a poor meal nontheless. The aroma drew her near the open window of a dwelling. Upon the stoop stood a well dressed man looking somewhat annoyed at the moment. His appearance was grand, but Lilly could tell that the heat of the day did not agree with him. All and all she smiled at him as she passed slowly, once again breathing in the sweet smell of roasted chicken.

"You are quite late!" He barked at her, waving his lace hanky with dramatic pose. Lilly looked surprised. "Am I, dear sir?" She then slowly took the steps. "Yes, quite!" The man again stated his discontent.

"Surely, you did not recieve my message?" Added the man eyeing Lilly up and down. "Why are you dressed so?" He again pointed to her with a flourish. "I asked for common, not a commoner." Lilly's eyes narrowed.

"The message was not recieved and as for my appearence, sir...Common I am not!"

Member of "The Forsaken"

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Dark, random images flicked through her mind like birds of prey, pecking at her memories. Quick images of her younger, happier self, before the quest to find her a husband. Her father's anger. Her mother's desperation. Few suitors stepping forward, and those that dared driven off by her lack of enthusiasm for the prison of marriage. Exile. The sea. Her first real taste of contentment. Then the horror of her kidnaping, and the payment of false coin. The taunting, and the beatings that followed.

Pecking, pecking black birds with beaks red with her own blood. A beating so sever she bled for days. Even when she made water it was pink. Couldn't see, couldn' eat. She'd wished she'd died. Thought she would. Hoped.

Always pain. A fact of her new life. Pain both physical and emotonal. But she'd survived. She'd won the Rakehell. Sailed it, crewed it, and kept it throught her own strengh of will.

Pain. A searing in her body that drove the tormenting birds away. She tried to roll away from it, as she had from the beatings, but it followed, stabbing at her. Sharp. A probing finger of fire in her left side that would not let her escape.

She shifted again, attempting to push it away, but it jabbed again, and with a small cry, like that of a wounded animal, she woke, and did not know where she was, or how she had got there.

Then, from somewhere in the dim recesses of the room, came a rough voice she recognised. "Sae, yea decided tae rejoin the living. 'Bout time. I was ready tae sell your carcass tae the abattoir."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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This day was not going well at all. First, Remington was late for his meeting down at trades office; then he got an ear full of distressing discourse about his father’s business matters here in Port Royal, not to mention the demeaning himself with the unpleasant business of asking for an advance on his allowance until the shipment of sugar arrived back in England’s port safe and sound.

Now he was kept waiting for almost a quarter of an hour for this woman. He glimpsed her up and down for a moment. It was obvious that was pretty and that she was exactly how the bartender at the inn described her, yet – her manner was blunt and somewhat rude for her character. Perhaps this was part of the act, he thought to himself. He did request ‘a certain type’ of woman and by the look of things he got what he came for.

“I knocked upon the door, yet your maid servant must be out. It is very bad taste to keep me waiting.” He watched as the woman in the pale blue mantua quickly rushed by him and tried the door. He watched her try the latch then, turned her body against the door to hide her struggling. “It sometimes sticks, I shall try again.” Within seconds the woman opened the large wooden door. “Do come in…” Her tone now was much more pleasurable.

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Lilly quickly looked around the room. There was no sign of maid servant or mistress about the house. "I am quite sorry for keeping you waiting. May I offer you something to drink?" The gentleman smiled lightly as he took the chair closest to an open window. "Yes, I am quite thirsty."

Lilly's eyes darted the room quickly as to see what was available. There, it a jug near the far cupboard she found what she was looking for. "I hope this will suit you, sir." "Remmie, please." She smiled slightly has she gave him his glass. "Remmie, then..." "And you are?" He said quickly taking both the glass and hand. "Give me a name...something you fancy then..."

Member of "The Forsaken"

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Their conversation was polite and amiable, but Lilly could tell that Remmie was a 'down to business' type of gentleman. She loathed this type of mind set. She had spent years trying to avoid this type of man - passing the time with them only to satify their wants and needs.

"I am due back at half pass the hour." He muttered as he looked at his pocket watch.

Lilly's eyes narrowed. This is NOT what she was groomed for.

Member of "The Forsaken"

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Then, from somewhere in the dim recesses of the room, came a rough voice I recognised. "Sae, yea decided tae rejoin the living. 'Bout time. I was ready tae sell your carcass tae the abattoir."

Despite the pain, I glared at him. "What, so they could render me down and I'd end up in one of your little experiments?"

Trilby scratched his bearded chin. "Nae, I'd hae yea ground into sausage and feed yea tae Cleopatra."

"I'd make her sick."

"Nae doubt." He stared at me a moment, then said. "Yea've a lot of marks on that body of yours. Now yea 've another tae add tae your collection. Who did it?"

"A man who will pay for his poor aim. As for the rest of the marks, they are evidence of a hard life, and a barren vessel."


"You can't be beaten to within an inch of your life and not suffer consequences. A well-placed kick to the vitals left me unalbe to provide any man, grand or otherwise, with an heir."

He leaned back in his chair. "Yea could hae chosen another life."

"Not really."

Africa entered the room, his face blank of expression. Fighting the desire to go back to sleep, I met his dark gaze and asked, "Have you found him?"

"We know where he is. We watch him."

I closed my eyes. "Good. Don't kill him. That privilege belongs to me."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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Coins were placed upon the table. It was enough to keep a room at the Inn for another week along with a meal a day.

"I shall call upon thee again. Saturday evening around seven of the clock?" Lilly looked at the coins again. "Very well. Where?"

Remmie turned his head slightly to one side. "Here, of course?" Lilly gave him a disappointed look. It was her expression to his answer which made him rethink his answer. "Oh, I see. You wish to step out that evening, is that right?"

This was a good enough reason as any to cover up the reason of not being able to come back to this household. How would it look if they both returned and there was someone there. It was bad enough that she was had feared of being caught while the both of them were there. "Yes, I would enjoy that. I shall meet you at the The Ship, do you know of it?" He nodded. "Yes, the inn down the way. Very well."

Remmie took Lilly's hand and kissed the wrist ever so lightly. "Until Saturday then." He smiled at Lilly. His was a smile of satisfaction! He took his hat in hand and was about to leave when the front door began to open...

Member of "The Forsaken"

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Sally made her way inside and, without delay, shooed the soldier away that had seen her safely home. Her mistress would be returning any moment and Sally, had been sent on ahead in order to see to her comfort. Mantelet was hung on nearby peg, and apron retied about her waist before she stopped suddenly. The young girl’s head cocked slightly to one side as she listened to the voices above. Halt now proceeded into quick animation as she made her way to the stairs and called upward.

“Mr. Bedgoode, is that you?” Sally asked. She could not recollect leaving the door unsecured, but in her mistress’s haste to the prison, it could have easily been so neglected. Sally mounted the bottom step. Apprehension forcing her to gnaw upon lower lip. Neither of the women knew Remington Bedgoode. Sally could recognize him from appearance but did not know his voice well enough. He was new to Nelly Greene’s bed. This evening had been scheduled to be his first visit, and frankly, Sally was surprised that he had not only waited so long for her mistress to return but had made himself to home.

“Mr. Bedgoode sir. Grateful I am that you have let yerself in, Sir. Please make yerself at ease, as you know the Mistress would wish it so. She sends her apologies for being so late but there was urgent business she needed to attend to. She will be here presently. Shall I send you up something to eat, Sir? While you wait?”

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Lilly quickly let out a bit of nervous laughter. "Oh, she is a witty one, is she not?" Lilly said quickly grabbing the arm of the servant girl. Lilly's eyes narrowed into a threating stare when she came close to Sally.

"I fear that she is a bit confused, Remmie. A word with you...if I may?" and with that Lilly pulled the girl into the other room.

Member of "The Forsaken"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ioan was beginning to feel like a fox run to ground by a pack of dogs. He knew the crew of the Rakehell were watching him. He had also disovered they were not going to let him creep aboard some other ship and escape Port Royal. They had forcefully stopped him twice.

But they hadn't done him any harm, other than rough him up a bit. Why? They had haunted his every step, making no attempts to hide the fact, yet none of them had lifted a finger in retaliation for the stabbing.

Drunk, angry, and tired of the constant harrasment, and knowing the big black man was even now following him, Ioan swung around and accosted his former quartermaster. "What's the game, Africa? Plan on following me 'till doomsday? The lot of you too cowardly to stand up for that bitch of a captain?"

Africa gave him a look of contempt. "We ordered to watch. We watch. But you a walkin' corpse, Welshman. When the time come fo killin', the captain do it herself. But she promise, after you dead, I get your carcass. I gonna leave it where street dogs can eat it. Den crows and seagulls pick at what left, den the rats come. I goin' to watch and curse your bones, den burn and grind dem up into corpse powder. Each member of da crew be wearin' your ol' bones to ward 'gainst the evil eye. How you like dat, traitor?"

Ioan swallowed through a suddenly constricted throat, then turned and ran. Behind him, he heard Africa's deep booming laugh.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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  • 2 weeks later...

The merest twitch at mouth's edge almost dignified sly smile as hand was scrutinized, three discarded and three recovered. The cards were placed in no particular order amongst the ranks, no file or form given; for the wise player knew better than tripping indication to those in company regarding what was possessed. Young Lordling directly across fawned disinterest, while trying to gain some logic to what might be transpiring in other's manner and poise. Inexpertly, a sigh was hinted to escape in disapproval of fortune's turn; smallish crease developing in the balance between brow's borders.

Devon yawned, making no effort to conceal such action, and glanced to Sean Roberts in near distance before refocusing upon garish peacock. Ante was given with an air of nonchalance, though poise spoke of something else and Burke was quite sure that reaping lay very near. Muffled knock came from somewhere behind, accompanied by creak of hinge and smallish breeze stirring oil kindled flame. Hushed words were spoken briefly, then fire's antagonist banished. Cards where adjusted and antes raised, once more before final blow was laid.

Message relay was held in limbo until round's fini , Roberts approach noted in peripheral as coins were drawn close; a coup de grace which drew down a notch of Lordling's haughtiness. With winnings secured, Devon offered a good natured grin as he and Sean made for departure of chamber confines.

As door was opened, Cork's Native Son paused to center attention upon the defeated. Grin widening all the more, wink was proffered with parting words that danced with the music of lilt and brogue...

"See ye in Confession, boyo..."

Door was re-secured and the sound of whimsical laughter could be heard rollicking down corridor's length; playfully caressing wooden surrounds.

It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest

“Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark.

Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling


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Lilly quickly let out a bit of nervous laughter. "Oh, she is a witty one, is she not?" Lilly said quickly grabbing the arm of the servant girl. Lilly's eyes narrowed into a threating stare when she came close to Sally.

"I fear that she is a bit confused, Remmie. A word with you...if I may?" and with that Lilly pulled the girl into the other room.

"Here now!" Sally protested as she allowed herself to be pulled into a more private area. "What sort of game are ye on about?" She jerked her arm free of the actress's grip after Lilly slammed the door to the smaller room shut.

"My mistress will be none too pleased to find a stranger in her home, pillaging her customers and what ever else ye may have slipped in yer pockets!!"

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Lady Violet was quite annoyed with her hoyden of a niece. Despite sending word about town that she wished to speak to the woman, so far no one knew of her whereabouts. When she had coerced Albert into inquiring at the docks, he received the same blank looks and shaking heads, "No, your lordship, we aint seen naught of the captain of the Rakehell. But seeing as how that ship is bein' careened at present, her captain is no doubt off enjoyin' herself, ifn ya take my meaning, sir."

To make matters more vexing, Albert came home from that assignment complaining that some Irish lout had cheated him at cards and won a sizable sum from him. Lady Violet knew that Albert was a horrible card player, with no ability to compose his face into a blandness suitable for luring his opponents into a rash hand, so suspected the Irishman had won the money fairly.

"Albert dear, you know bettr than to play cards with an Irish lout," she scolded, while feeding Sugar a sweetmeant from her plate.

Albert scowled. "You keep feeding that dog sweets, and all her teeth are going to fall out. Her breath smells like a cesspit as it is, since half of them are already rotted."

"Don't be churlish, dear, just because some Irishman picked your pocket."

Albert stood abruptly. "Well, since you find my company churlish, I think I will return to Trade Winds. This business with our niece is nothing but a fiddle-faddle. The chit is never going to return to England, so you might as well accept the fact."

"I thought you had to stay for the hanging. You did accuse the man. I think it only fair that you stay to see Sterling strung up."

With his face takng on a sudden pallor, Lord Albert replied, "No, no, I'm going back. You've the stronger constitution, Violet. You watch him dangle." And with that parting remark, Lord Albert left the room.

With a pleased smile at her victory, Lady Violet fed Sugar another sweetmeat, but had to concede that the dog's breath was quite atrocious.

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"My mistress will be none too pleased to find a stranger in her home, pillaging her customers and what ever else ye may have slipped in yer pockets!!"

Lilly felt like a rat cornered in some dark alley, but she was not going to fall to pieces either. With a deep sigh and woeful look of despair, Lilly set forth to use what she had learned on the London stage. Why not apply her masterful theatrical talent when it could benefit her the most? This performance best be good, she thought to herself. If not, it could land her behind bars.

"Please, hear me out. beseech you not to say a word to your Mistress." Said Lilly as she grasped her hands in pleading prayer. "I have done no harm. I had only deceived the gentleman caller. I have fallen into hardship and in desperation I did what I had to do.” She quickly pulled from her pocket the coins Remington gave her. “Here…take it, take it all!” Lilly said thrusting the coins into Sally’s hand. “If it weren’t for the fact that I am a good woman of conscience, I rather starve in the streets than steal from your Mistress. If this matter is finished, I shall go now and you will not see me again….I promise you that!”

Sally stood there perplexed and bewildered at first. “Hard times? What led you to your current state?”

Member of "The Forsaken"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Equine was reined in as border of rear garden was reached. Gazing over the wall's topmost plane a smallish grin spread the surface of Celt features. Noticing companion's delay, Roberts turned his own mount, returning to where the other dallied. With merest incline of chin, Burke made indication to upper floor window and the slight form that moved past its' framing.

"What's this then..?" Inquired Roberts, with hushed tone, as he scanned the structure's proximity.

"Not'in...." Burke turned his attention to the inquirer. "But it be somt'n to set one's mind a wanderin‘, fer true."

Sean shook his head, chuckling to himself, "An' wha’ would tha’ be?"

A polite pause hung the air in brief as Devon's focus returned to high set portal, "Tha' lass workin' fer tha' high brow Mistress..."

Roberts waited for continuence patiently, belaying the want to prod for more. The figure in question lingered in window's framing, the wide-expressive eyes turning suddenly to look outward with a hint of puzzlement gracing cream toned features. At notice, Devon stood in stirrup hold, doffing hat with widened smile. "Repunzle's" expression cast further bemusements.

"Do ye t'ink that such a gerl is jus' a maid in waitin'," he pondered while returning to his seating, "Or is it tha' she's 'prenticin' to the Mistress' trade?"

A peal of laughter escaped companion's inner being, the figure in question had looked away, but attention returned to the sounding. Devon's brow pinched to Sean's "opinion", "Wha's so bleedin' funny there, cara?"

Another face appeared in glass showing, curiosity evident. Recognition danced both expressions of Irish sons and Roberts mouthed the name McKinney. Mounts were set back to motion without further ado, Burke casting quick glance to Sally's distant being before increasing pace; soft jingle of new won coin ringing pocket confine as new path was taken.

As destination was neared, mounts were brought to more leisurely stride then brought to halt near another rear entrance. Area was surveyed briefly as Devon found the ground below. With work of agile fingers, securing of rear gate was defeated; men and horses disappearing within. Saddle bag was checked, its' content removed wrapped in coarse cloth. Devon's nose crinkled to package's scent as back door was achieved and knock was placed.

Under breath, comment was made regarding delivery, "Tis a dimmed oddity the t'ings this aul fella wants. An' I don' have no desire to know wha' he does wit' it all..."

Leaning against Trilby's entrance arch, Sean shook his head silently as response.


What more diversion can a man desire than to sit him down near a warm turf fire; Upon his knee a pretty wench and on the table a jug of punch... Irish Traditional Song

"And when I vest my flashing sword And my hand takes hold in judgement I will take vengeance upon mine enemies And I will repay those who hase me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand And count me among Thy saints ." Boondock Saints

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Again and again the flogging continued. Again and again the pain coursed through my back. I tried not to yell in pain, but sometimes I couldn't help it. I lost count how many times they had struck me with that wreched whip. *Crack* another hit, new blood flowed down my back, meeting up with old rivers that had already flowed.

Laughter came from many of the men on ship.

"OI!" One of them proclaimed. "Since 'e stol' frum me pocket. 'Ow 'bout I scar 'im as a reminder." He paused and leaned into my face. "If'n ye mess wit me tings again. I'll nit 'esitate te cut yer throat rit ten an' ter!" He laughed loudly as others chimed in, his breath stinking of fresh rum.

The rough man lifted a butter knife to my face and laughed harder. I struggled to free myself of my bonds, but no to avail. I stared at the knife as it was placed right next to the corner of my right nostril. And as he beggan a slow deep cut to my jaw I screamed.

"NO!!" I yelled sitting up in bed. Sweat runing down my face and body. I felt my head with the back of my hand and my fever had not past.

"Lay down!" Barked the gaurd, who was obviously asleep until I had awakened him.

I scowled at him as he rested his chin on his chest and fell back to sleep. My head was throbbing and the pain in my dream that had felt so real didn't help. I gently touch the scar in my face. I had wished that it had only been a dream. And with that I forced myself to sleep on my wooden bed, trying to use the ships rocking as a rythme to keep my mind off the pain.

The next time I awoke was when the gaurd was shaking me violently.

"Get up." He ordered.

I stood up, shaking from head to toe. My clothes wet and sticky from sweat. And he ordered me to follow. I wasn't not sure where I was going, but I heard from the captain of the ship say we had made port in Port Royal. I was shackled and thrown onto the back of a horse drawn cart and driven away somewhere. I tried to make out what was going on but my fever had put me in a haze and I couldn't see clearly. All I knew was that it was dark out. And with that I fell asleep.

The next thing I knew was that I was being tosted into a cell. My legs couldn't support me and my arms couldn't move fast enough to save my face and my cheek hit the cold stone.

"Nighty, night." A gruff voice said. And I heard the cell door slam.

I laied there on my stomache, not wanting to move. My head throbbed and my body ached. Lucky for me I hadn't broken my cheek bone. An hour passed and I finally got enough strength to roll on my side.

I was alone.

Or was I?

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Trilby finished changing the dressing on the wound of his uninvited house guest. The injury seemed to be healing nicely. The old dressing had smelled of blood and sulfur powder, but nothing putrid. His patient lay comatose, mainly due to the tincture of opium he'd laced into the rum he'd made her drink. It was the only way to get her to lie still, and stop cursing him. It didn't help that every time she made a peep, the big Blackamoor looked daggers at him. Fortunately he was off on some business tonight, and had left Trilby on his own.

Then he heard the special knock on the rear entrance door. "Blast," he grumbled, not wanting anyone to know about the knifed woman lying drugged in his study. She'd brought down enough grief on his head, even if she had helped save his house from the fire. If the men at his door were who he suspected, then he'd have Irish curiosity to deal with, and quite frankly, he'd rather have a case of the hives. In fact, he thought grimly, this whole business with Ransom and her outcast first mate, Sebastian, and the upcoming hanging of that Sterling fella, would probably give him hives anyway.

With resignation he opened the door to his late night visitors. "Ah, Devon, it's you. I'll take mae delviery, and thank yae, but I've nae time for a visit this night. Just a wee dram tae keep out the chill on your way home." He motioned for the two to enter the kitchen, then set the lantern on the table and pulled the brandy decanter and two glasses from a nearby shelf.

Cleopatra, recumbant among clay pots and pewter tankards, her green eyes glowing in the flickering light, watched the three men from the high, warm ledge above the banked cooking fire.

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Devon threw an over-shoulder glance to Sean who shrugged in reply. They followed their host into the kitchen and packet was laid on table surface. Proffered glasses were accepted and sampled, Devon watching Trilby's flit about.

"Tis a fine thin' to share such as this", Devon tilted the glass in the Elder's direction, then sniffed the air tentatively. "So wha' has ye dancin' about? Ye got yerself some fine bit 'o it yer champin' to get on wit'?" No comment was made by Sean, completely content to nurse the offering.

Cork's native son smiled with secretive implications...


What more diversion can a man desire than to sit him down near a warm turf fire; Upon his knee a pretty wench and on the table a jug of punch... Irish Traditional Song

"And when I vest my flashing sword And my hand takes hold in judgement I will take vengeance upon mine enemies And I will repay those who hase me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand And count me among Thy saints ." Boondock Saints

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Her applauding was slow, calculated, meant to catch the actress off guard. She had heard the unexpected voices, Sally arguing, and she had turned and reentered her own abode through the front entrance, opposite the other women. She had glided silently to a place where she could watch the small drama enfold and wonder what was happening in her own house. It had taken her a few moments to realize who had invaded her private retreat and for a moment, she was utterly taken aback. She had not expected anything of the kind, even though she had heard it whispered the actress was about. She mused quietly to herself, how she could have possibly missed McKinney's presence in port. The actress was not known to be the subtle type... instead larger than life and in the spotlight...always.

As Sally turned to take note of the slow clapping, Nelly Greene issued a soft sigh, one graceful hand finally coming to rest in the other.

"Lilly McKinney! Tis been some time now since last I saw you perform. Tell me Mistress, why now, am I to be so blessed as to have my own private play and in my own home?"

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The look on Mistress Lilly’s face could not be disguised. “You?!” She uttered in shock. With a quick breath, Lilly recovered and started the assault.

“The last time I saw you it were in alleys of Covenant Gardens. I distinctively remember you being dragged by the hair by your suitor for the night and “Mother” throwing everything you owned out with you. Tell me, was it worth it? Was it worth betraying everyone and everything you knew for a little bit of money?” Lilly looked about the simple house and sucked her teeth….”Apparently not…from the looks of things.”

Member of "The Forsaken"

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..."So wha' has ye dancin' about? Ye got yerself some fine bit 'o it yer champin' to get on wit'?" No comment was made by Sean, completely content to nurse the offering.

Cork's native son smiled with secretive implications...

Trilby knew the Irishman was fishing, so he sidestepped the question. He picked up the rumpled package from the table, it's rather skunky oder beginning to taint the air. "Tis always good doing business with your clan, Burke. And as yea ken, I've already paid for this delivery at the bookstore." He gave the package a little wave, hoping the noxtious smell would speed the two men on their way.

But lately fate always seemed to play him false. The sound of hoarse-voiced cursing suddenly erupted from his study.

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"I am content," Nelly replied to Lilly's outburst. She moved into the room, removing her mantelet and passing it to Sally. "My suitor proved false and, despite "Mother's" kindness, I have come away with enough experience to make my own way in the world and..."

She turned, dainty hands clasped elegantly before her. "Yes, I have my comforts, silk gowns, enough jewels, fine wines and most importantly, I have my freedom in this place. There is no one to tell me what I can and can not do, who I must love or must not, when or when I must not beg for my supper." Her gaze fixed firmly on the other woman. "Can you say as much where Darnely is concerned?"

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Lilly felt her face run flush with her temper. Why did she let this whore get to her? The answer to that question was obvious to her...but she wasn't going to draw out all that horrid mess into the air once again....

"I am dead to Darnely." Lilly's words barely a whisper. "He took away the two things I ever truly loved. I guess in many ways I too am free to do as I wish now."

Member of "The Forsaken"

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The soft eyes closed a moment as the finely chiseled face lowered every so slightly. Nelly issued a sympathetic sigh.

"Lilly, we both know well enough that shall never be the case as long as Sir Robert is still alive. Come," Nelly said, taking silk petticoat in hand and carefully raising its hem as she started up the stairs.

"I must apologize to my guest, send him on his way and then you can tell me as to why I have found you in such a sorry state as to steal another whore's gentlemen in her very own house."

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