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Port Royal, Jamaica


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Liam and Ian spent the night and day bein' idle in the pub, waiting fer wot Mister Neede had a wont for 'em to do. It were a fine thing, ta be idle here, take up in a room of their likin' until there services were needed. Drink wot were ta be had, eat the same. The brothers did help cleanin' up th' place, not leavin' it all ta Sully. It wasn't wot they wanted ta be doin' but they figured ta earn their keep, for the moment. "Thought he'd ha' somat fer us t'do by now, bruddah. I's getin' bored wit this place. Ain't good fer th' body." Liam elbowed Ian and gave an evil smile. Ian snickered and nodded his head.

Titim gan éirí ort.

Go mbeire an diabhal leis thú

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

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"Gentlemen, a moment please." Thomas swept his hand towards the back room. Ian looked at Liam and shrugged. They both stood and moved to the parlor they had yet to experience.

Thomas sat behind his desk and crossed his hands. He brought the points of his fingers to his lips. Liam took a deep swig from the bottle he drug with him and offered it to Ian.

"I have received information that there is to be a man sent to find me. I once worked for a man whom," Thomas was cut off rudely by one of the louts.

"Wot's this got th' fek t' do wit' us" Ian pounced.

"Kill him," Thomas said calmly.

Both men were instantly captured. Liam joined Ian in the chairs set before the desk as Thomas gave the twins the details of the Merchant's appearance. He assumed it to be Befarge, although he doubted the merchant would come all this way himself. Thomas included Andrew Befarge's minions in the description as well. Both men sent when a deed had to be completed. Thomas described the men, one a former royal marine, the other a butcher from Glasgow.

"A fekkin' Scot bootcher aye?" Ian laughed.

Liam punched his brother, "Aye bruddah, more afraida 'im aye?"

"Nothing more excellent nor more valuable than wine was ever granted mankind by God."



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"Welcome to Valhalla, Cara. Name yer want..."

Trilby glanced around the room, which was full of drunk men and women. Pipe smoke clouded the air, along with the smell of food, ale, and unwashed bodies.

He turned to Burke. "Sae, I see ye hae a den of iniquity like any deevil. But, I dinna think it's sae bad." And with that, he plopped himself into a chair and asked the closest bar maid for a mug of ale. When she turned, he pinched her ample bum, which got him a swat of her hand, and a laugh.

"Careful, you ol' dodger," she said, grinning, "Or I'll have your randy carcass tossed out of here."

"Ah, mae lovely, I'm too old tae be randy, but I can admire a nice haunch when I see one." Yes, Trilby thought, I should get out more often, for it never hurt a body to enjoy a bit of company now and then. Especially fulsome company like yon bar maid.

He glanced over at Burke, who looked very much at home. "Ye know, lad, ye could be right. May hap this is where the Gods relax, and dream up ways to torment us mortals."

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Both Liam and Ian laughed and a second later a look passed between them. As one they turned to the man across the desk. Liam leaned forward. "So, where d'we find these walkin' corpses, aye?" He let the question hang in the air and drew his knife, thumbed the blade for sharpness and slowly smiled.

Titim gan éirí ort.

Go mbeire an diabhal leis thú

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

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He glanced over at Burke, who looked very much at home. "Ye know, lad, ye could be right. May hap this is where the Gods relax, and dream up ways to torment us mortals."

Devon chuckled, "Nay...Torment tis wha' the English do in their own idle time. Bu' no' here, jus' every where else tha' suits 'em." Deep draught was taken from wooden mug and conjuring of smoke rings continued. Moments slid past leisurly as Cork's Native Son made to continue dialog regarding English trespassing; words caught short as figure approached. He sat up quickly as Contender from earlier verbal banter laid Academic's order on table's plane. She offered warm smile to Trilby, "Fine eve to ye, Sir. Tis the first time tha' I kin recall yer being here. An' tis also to me own sights tha' ye keep trouble as yer company..." Katie laughed as glance was thrown to Devon. "Rath de' ort."

"Now, now, gerl dear...Why ye go on as ye do? Bringin' the Aul Fellah inta it..." With swift action of tug, she landed in his lap and was encircled in arm bands. Devon looked to Academic as Burden made mock struggle, " Ye see, Cara...Tis trut' tha' sweet Kate tis in love wit' me ownself an' secretly pines fer me to make her an honest gerl..." Statement was rewarded with playful cuffing which displaced clay pipe and hat; not harmful to later, but former met shattered demise with floor contact. Devon winced at the damage done then cocked a brow in Trilby's direction.

"True love, I tell ye...."


What more diversion can a man desire than to sit him down near a warm turf fire; Upon his knee a pretty wench and on the table a jug of punch... Irish Traditional Song

"And when I vest my flashing sword And my hand takes hold in judgement I will take vengeance upon mine enemies And I will repay those who hase me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand And count me among Thy saints ." Boondock Saints

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I took the offered hand, and he gently pulled me to my feet. I stood, unsteady a moment, the injury to my shoulder throbbing. Gritting my teeth, I refused to allow the weakness to show. Looking toward Lady Violet, I said, "Tomorrow I will send Africa to fetch my clothes and weapons. I will instruct him to remain on your doorstep until you turn them over. I suggest you do so."

"This isn't the end of this matter," she replied coldly. "And don't think I have been fooled into believing you really intend to marry this man. You may leave my house, and I will return your effects, but you are still a member of this family, no matter how much you disgrace it's name."

"I'd rather you just put a curse on me, and have done."

She stepped closer. Under the powder her face was pink with anger. "You are the curse. But as I am immune to pagan beliefs, I choose to challenge it. I will win in the end, Alexandra. Count on it."

"Don't bet money on it, Aunt. And if you ever call me Alexandra again, I may have to shoot you." Then I turned to Sebastian. "Please, get me out of this mad-house."

Once the members of the debacle had left her parlor, Lady Violet turned on her husband. "You! You were about as helpful as a member of Parliment! And if that were not bad enough, you as good as threatened Devareax with your knowledge of his business. What the devil did that accomplish, other than to anger him more. Honestly, this whole evening has been a complete and utter disaster."

Albert gulped down the remains in his brandy glass. "My dear wife, if you had let the chit alone, and given up on this futile quest to return her to the busom of her family—a family which don't want her—then none of this would have happened in the first place. Do not, I beg you, attempt to turn the blaime onto me."

Lady Violet filled her glass with whiskey and ignored the brandy. "That woman, if she return to England and marries Seymour, could align us with the crown. Think what advantages that would gain us."

"Gawd, woman, is that the nugget at the center of this pit? I am a Duke. You are a Duchess. What closer alignment with the crown do you need?"

She fluffed like a riled hen. "The manor house of Thornbures is destitute. Rudd was left with nothing but debts when his father and older brother died. Do you intend to sink money of your own to bring it back from decrepitude? I dare say not. Seymour money could. Unless you prefer to see a prime piece of property cut up and dispersed among a pack of squabbling minor relatives?"

Albert shook his head. "No, the property is too valuable to allow that. But...tell me truly, wife, do you honestly think you can get that chit to agree with your little plan, or that Seymour would have her, once he finds out what she has become? No, he won't. He'd only hold the family up to ridicule, and cast her aside. You would gain nothing."

She took a large swallow of whiskey, carefully set the expensive glass on a table, then she faced her husband of some thirty years. "Well, can you come up with a better way of gaining over fifty thousand pounds?"

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"Now, now, gerl dear...Why ye go on as ye do? Bringin' the Aul Fellah inta it..." With swift action of tug, she landed in his lap and was encircled in arm bands. Devon looked to Academic as Burden made mock struggle, " Ye see, Cara...Tis trut' tha' sweet Kate tis in love wit' me ownself an' secretly pines fer me to make her an honest gerl..." Statement was rewarded with playful cuffing which displaced clay pipe and hat; not harmful to later, but former met shattered demise with floor contact. Devon winced at the damage done then cocked a brow in Trilby's direction.

"True love, I tell ye...."

Trilby raised a bushy brow. "Oh, true love is it? Then you'll be reading the bans come Sunday, I 'spect." He glanced down at the shattered pipe. "And ye might want tae lay in an extra supply of pipes, seeing as how you're such a boistrous pair."

Feeling quite cheerful in his new surroundings, he slurped from his mug, then address the young girl. "Nae, luv, dinna be fooled by yon phooka. He'll promise ye the sky, but I'll warrant he's already promised most of it tae a dozen other poor girls. There will only be a pitiful bit left for yourself. Best look elsewhere if ye want true love."

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  • 2 months later...

Ian and Liam were handed a list of names and several coins. Ian continued to hold his hand out even after Thomas had completed the transaction. Mister Neede dropped a few more into his hand and then finally relinquished the small leather pouch. "You have a fortnight to return." Both brothers smiled and Liam slapped Ian on the back. "Aye Mister Neede, you'll see 's again."

Titim gan éirí ort.

There are many forms of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the boundaries into true corruption, into our domain.

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. James 5:1-3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dawn's bright inspiration slowly gave way to the more subtle hues of late morn; and that more washed out light pried gently the boundaries of heavy cloth barrier hang. Assuring that she was comfortably tucked in ticking support and surround, Dauphin had found sleep elusive and efforts being cast away, he had retired to near standing chair and spirit drown. It was in this capacity that sleep had finally come and such capacity proved unkind when wakefulness tugged insistent for its time in court. Laden eye lids rose hesitant to mind's command, movement of head sallied forth the boon of cricks and aches of long time posture. Cursing under breath, Sabastian sat more upright to the chorus of muscle and joint angst; dark eyes cast about the chamber's encompassment. Leaning forward to body's protest, attention fell on sleeping form; hearing taking in the soft pattern of breath as it made inward, then outbound journey.

The hour had been quite late when the back entrance of Dancing Steer was breeched. In all truth, the Royal Grace would have been closer accommodation, but Sabastian did not wish to be disturbed. Generally, this private holding was used for the negotiations of business away from Elder's pry; its general existence downplayed greatly from that of preferred posh chambers held at afore mentioned Inn. Far more spartan in furnishing and decor, this room was comfortable, none the less. Moving away from chair-become-bed, Dauphin debated the request for morning nourishment from kitchen below. There was a smallish amount of hunger clawing at his core, but would it be wise to acquire full portions and spread when the heavy scents of such might not be agreeable to inert form in the middle distance? Pursing his lips at mental deliberation and quandary, he decided it might not be the wisest of choices.

Heavy drapery was pushed slightly aside, allowing the merest invasion of outward light; all was well in The Port this bright morn...Or so it would seem. The usual dance of scurry here, scurry there, was in full whirl and he watched the throng with mild interest before returning cloth to original stance. Navigating the dim, a petit draught of brandy was procured and seating chosen at small table near hearth's edge. As fiery sampling was imbibed, the thought occurred to him that the last time he had sat in this very place was for the clandestine wedding of sister; before that of pomp and circumstance church event. Remainder of glass content was downed, the burn causing unconscious wince, and youthful brow gave forth mild crease in answer to thought progression.

Suddenly feeling a great weight upon his shoulders, glass was refilled and its content surveyed; amber fluid taunting silently. There were reckonings to be dealt with and innocents to guard; glass was emptied with swift movement. Exhaling heavily, dark sights slid back to sleeping form and lingered as time slipstreamed from present to past.

It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest

“Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark.

Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling


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I awoke slowly, unsure of where I was. Then the memory of the previous night's dance macabre with my aunt and uncle slowly returned. Carefully I sat up, the knife wound in my shoulder aching, but easily ignored. Sebastian stood a little away from the bed, sipping at a drink.

Pushing my hair back from my face, I gave a soft chuckle. "You know, my only intent in coming to Port Royal was to get rid of both a shipload of gunpowder and an overly ornate cannon. Since my arrival, I feel I've been involved in one volatile situation after another. Fires, hurricanes, being knifed, not to mention that strange business with Killingsworth, which I still don't understand, nor do I wish to. Now my Aunt has it in her head that I should go back to England and marry Seymour, which is rediculous. I don't know what lie they have fobbed off on the poor sod, but if he knew what kind of life I've lived for the past seven years, he'd fall on his sword before bringing me into the bosom of his family."

Throwing back the coverlet, I got out of bed, feeling a bit strange in the frilly white chemise my aunt had dressed me in. For the first time, I looked into Sebastian's face. His dark eyes had a slightly haunted look, which told me he'd slept very little, if at all.

With a gentle voice, I said, "That was a very noble offer you made to my aunt last night, but I will not hold you to it." I took his hand, and met his gaze with my own. "I offer you my body freely. I offer you my loyalty, until you no longer require it, or I deem you unworthy of it. And I offer you access to a ship, which you would find useful in ways you haven't even thought of yet. But if what you truly wish for is a family, with all that implies, then that, ma Pearl, I fear I cannot offer you. For ever since my near fatal beating, I have known with certainty that I am a barren vessel. I can give you no family legacy." I kissed his hand, then let it go. "So take time, and consider. You may decide, that in the long run, my loyalty and my ship are more valuable to you than my body in marriage." Then I gave him a small smile. "Although the body, without the commitment of marriage, is yours for as long as you desire it."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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