'Bastian Devareaux Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 Enough time was allowed for Sibling's full dressing then portal was brought back on hinge support, low lamp glower giving some sense of the surrounds. As Day to Night lay the differences of small room and its' neighbor. Though clean, it was a hodge podge of furnishings and castaway bric a brac...a shoddy dead end. Door was brought to closure and Dauphin picked his way amongst the chaos until large chest was neared and lamp set on crippled table in near standing. Hasp was taken and brought upward, low light sneaking peeks at contents therein. A meager display of displaced what nots looked hopefully upward to initiator’s want; desperate children of another time. Beggar Prince glanced briefly to the Coveted waiting at outermost reach of lamp's beckoning then attention returned to inner depths of wooden maw. Quick fingers searched and fondled the unknown, engaging that which was not to be seen or acknowledged. Soft click released what was desired and hodge-podge elevated it's standing. Sly grin crossed angled features and motion was made to bring female companions closer. Lamp was removed from table's keeping and right hand regained posturing of single digit accusation. Extension was made forward....Then down. It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Andrew March Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 The Archangel was gained without any disruptions. Due to the turmoil at the Royal Grace, every soldier and member of the Night watch had quickly quit the docks and made for the trouble in town. Things could not have been more perfect, especially since permission to sail had still not been granted to any ships in the harbor. Even the wind was up and to the Angel’s advantage. Why now is everything going accordingly, March thought bitterly. When last of the crew was on board, gangplank was removed once more, hands sent aloft and cables quickly severed. “What is happening?” Matthew Hazzards asked making his way alongside March. “We be leaving,” March said. “But Captain Sterling is not aboard!” Symms cried. March looked down at the old steward. “And he won’t be. If he be not here by now, then they have taken him and we must sail if we wish to save his neck some how.” “No, no,” Symms protested. “Captain’s orders,” March said. Eyes raised upward as hand cupped about mouth. “Look lively there. We’ve no time to waste!” He turned to young Mr. Merriweather. "Sound beat to quarters if ye please."
Thomas Neede Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 Thomas arrived at the wharf with a thud as the bow hit the dock. A man wearing a long wig accompanied by a soldier stood near and offered his hand as Thomas rose from the boat. "Mister Thomas Neede I presume," said the agent. Thomas brushed his hand quickly on his trousers and completed the salutation. "Yes, Mister Dollingsworth is it?" Thomas now stood on the dock and found he was nearly the same height as the accountant to the governor. They shook hands briefly and waited as the crew from the Penance loaded Neede's chests onto the pier. "How are things in the Colonies Mister Neede?" asked Robert Dollingsworth. Robert's family was due to arrive in port in a fortnight from Charleston. "Please, call me Thomas. You and I shall know much of each other Robert, in the coming months." Thomas adjusted his glasses as the last of his chests were removed from the longboat. "Things are well in the colonies," Thomas padded the coin purse tied to his trousers. They spoke of politics and wealth and all things business. Robert Dollingsworth leaned to the guard and told him to fetch the carriage driver and to have Mister Neede's things brought to his office. As they strolled from the docks, Robert and Thomas walked through the streets of Port Royal, Jamaica. "Nothing more excellent nor more valuable than wine was ever granted mankind by God." -Plato
Ransom Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 'Bastian Devareaux said: ...Sly grin crossed angled features and motion was made to bring female companions closer. Lamp was removed from table's keeping and right hand regained posturing of single digit accusation. Extension was made forward....Then down. Between Sterling's abrupt exit, the sounds of battle eminating from downstairs, and the dark aperture before me, my mood changed from one of exasperation, to one of delight. The evening had turned into something out of a tawdry Drury Lane play. As I followed Sebastain, laughter bubbled from my throat. "I wonder if poor Spindlethorpe knows the Royal Grace contains a priest's-hole, with rabbit warren attached?" I had no idea where we were going, and at the moment, couldn't have cared less. I was having entirely too much fun. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
'Bastian Devareaux Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 At chest's bottom lay the rungs to freedom and there landing place, which was rather snug comapred to the chamber above. Wating until his two charges made safe footing below, Sabastian returned all to securing then followed. The anti-chamber gave little away in nature, the lantern as an accomplice to the enigma with its' greed retention of light. Just beyond ladder's placement, the subtle outine of anker existance could almost be discerned; rounded oak nestled comfortably together as if in secret society meeting. Herein, occassional waft of earthen moisture tickled the air then disipated only to return again. Crouching, Dauphin's fingers caressed large iron ring, and with twist, submitted next portal for Lover's approval. Hand was offered in support to the next journey downward and mischievous amusement stroked lupine features at the delight dancing Sea Hawk's eyes. Moving to Sibling's side, gentle stroke of finger turned back invading tress clung fast to cheek, and was replaced by kiss of same render. Steady breeze took over where wafting once held reign, the earthen smell compounding with zeal at its' release from gate's barrier. It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Dan Reid Posted April 28, 2007 Posted April 28, 2007 Hamish stumbled thru the front door of the Grace with a guard in each hand. As he crashed their heads together and let them to the ground he noticed Sterling being led away by the guards, followed by the man in black who had upset his dog so. "Damnation" Hamish swore as he saw the fruits of his labor go for nothing. Raising his voice, he shouted above the din, "Break it off, lads! Our job be done. Make for the 'Reiver'" he shouted. One by one, the Scotsmen let their final blows fall and made for any available exit, scattering into the night like the mist their ship is named for. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum...
Lady Violet Cunningham Posted May 1, 2007 Posted May 1, 2007 As they were sitting down to breakfast, a messenger arrived at Trade Winds. A note was delivered to Albert by a servant. After opening and reading it, Lord Cunningham exclaimed, "Dear Lord!" Lady Violet looked up from her eggs and ham. "What has you so pious this morning, husband, that you feel compelled to annoy God?" Albert huffed. "Really, Violet, you can be so exasperating at times. Besides, you know better than to vex me before I've had my coffee." He waved the note. "The authorities have arrested a Captain John Sterling for the murder of our overseer. It seem justice shall be served after all." "How devastating for Lord Sterling, when he hears that his son has been hung." She took a bite of egg and washed it down with a sip of tea. "Too bad he couldn't have shot someone of importance, rather than be hung for killing a worthless brute such as Mr. Doddle. I fear it was just another example of Sterling's rash behavior, so well displayed to me on the docks." "Well, he won't have further opportunity for rash behavior. I dare say they will hang him right away, considering they have a witness to the foul deed." Lady Violet paused, a piece of ham impaled on her fork. "Shall we attend?"
'Bastian Devareaux Posted May 1, 2007 Posted May 1, 2007 Tunnel of single coursing gave way to oblong area of who's circumference was undetermined as it's boundaries dodged from lamps subtle touch. Suspending contained lumination aloft, shadow crept backwards in humble respect as Light Bringer studied the options presented in trio. One burrow gave forth an intoxication breeze of saline perfumed bottling; the other two that of heavier earthen contents. Far left would lead to one of the warehouses near the break of Land and Sea; Center would emerge in Livery....Far right would split twice more. Sabastian regarded each with equal care and chose carefully. With a sidelong glance to the Coveted, Center was selected. It was not the destination itself, but the shortness of journey that drove this one above the others in want. With slight incline of chin, direction was silently given and precession continued forth to acquire fresher air above. It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Ransom Posted May 2, 2007 Posted May 2, 2007 My first inclination on reaching the small chamber, was to head toward the tunnel breathing a hint of the sea. I didn't enjoy being underground, and was starting to feel like a trapped fox. Silently, Sebastian nodded toward the center tunnel. I nodded back and followed him. In the back of my mind, however, was the need to return to the Rakehell in time to take her to the careening yard. I had no idea what time it was, for I had no idea how long Sebastian and I had slept before Sterling's interuption. Traveling within this inky darkness, with only a lantern to light our way, it was impossible to judge whether it was still night outside, or whether dawn had already arrived. I also began to worry about Sebastian's sister, who looked pale and ill, and had not said a word since leaving the room at the Royal Grace. How had she ended up tied to someone like Sterling? It hardly made sence, unless he had got her with child and married her out of obligation. A mystery, to be sure. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
'Bastian Devareaux Posted May 2, 2007 Posted May 2, 2007 The passage wound lazily, an occassional dip; an occassional rise...but always heavy with the scent of soil and moisture. It was here, in the lower dermal layers of Gia, that time seemed to suspend and Man's Laws were over-rules by something far more ancient. Then the dominance of steady incline took its' place and rule of serpentine route. Pause was given to step, and wolfish features turned attention overshoulder; oil and flame caressing dominant cheekbones and playing within the reflection of ocher Windows. Chapeau's shadow covered the smallish rise of brow as focus travelled from Lover to Kindred. Moving to her side, quiet query was made and negation was signaled. Dauphin watched Fox momentarily then nodded with tight lipped response berift of verbose. Concern could almost be seen upon swarth plains as he returned to former placement and pace was regained. Up ahead, a tiny crease of light lay to view by the attentive eye, and as it was brought closer, Sabastian handed over man induced lighting into Lover's care. Cocking an ear minutely to the right, attention was focused intently to the Upper World, the the Gateway was opened. The smell of equin and hay overwelmed Subterra's hold; the darkness brought to lighter tincture; secluded and guarded by wooden fortitude... It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Capt. Sterling Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 In spite of leg irons that hindered his walking, Sterling kept pace with the soldiers that now directed him to Marshallsea prison. Habitual prod of musket tip lied that he was falling behind and soon backward look of annoyance was thrown over shoulder to them that followed behind. A sharper jab resulted for unwanted opinion of the current situation. As he moved further from the surrounds of the Royal Grace, the sounds of barroom brawl begin to dwindle, soon to be replaced with the sound of drum roll carried on the wind from a distance, to be captured by captain’s ears alone. Sigh of relief was given as hundred pound weight seemed to pass from bearing with the recognition of Beat to Quarters, while simultaneously spirit sank within. The ‘Angel was making a run for it, just as he had always insisted if he were taken for any reason. Great ship and crew would be safe, once past the two forts, and yet Sterling could not help but feel left behind and now totally alone. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
Ransom Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 As we came out into the stable, my eye was caught by something totally incongruous. I started to laugh again. In the center of the building, in all it's dust-covered glory, was the French commemorative cannon we had pulled from the hold of the Rakehell to present to Morgan. He had ignored it, and so, it seemed, had Sebastian's crew. Horses peered at us with dark eyes, and I imagined they hoped they would not be picked to pull the heavy wagon on which the cannon rested. I turned to Sebastian. "Not so easy to get rid of that bloody monstrosity, is it?" I grinned. "Now you know why I foisted it off on your lot as part of our business deal." The light in the stable was growing as the sun rose to cast its heat through another day. I needed to get back to my ship. "I must go, ma pearl. My crew will be wondering where I am. As soon as the Rakehell is at the careening yard, I will be free for two or thee days. Send word to Trilby as soon as you can, telling me where you are. I'll check with him first. If he has no note from you yet, I will wait until I hear from you." I took his face in my hands and kissed him hard. "If you need any help from me, my men, or my ship, you know I will give it with all my heart." With one last quick kiss, I departed the stable and jogged toward the docks. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
'Bastian Devareaux Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 Dauphin Voleur listened closely to what she relay and gave small nod in concurment to what was offered. Glancing over the top of Ransom's head, subconscious made not of inviting mound of hay in far corner; its' possibilities much intriguing but for the fact of Sibling's company. Parting kiss furthered the thoughts that taunted more primal conjuring, but she was brief with its' render and he gave into the cards not playing to his favor. Watching after her departure, attention was quickly drawn to regimental passing on more traveled thorough fare. A break in crimson plumage at very midst brought hay strewn ponderings to sudden halt and turn. As the reality came to full bloom and Sabastian pivoted rapidly to where Aurore had been standing upon emergence. Movement to the right further startled his senses to quick reaction finding her not within the sheltering shadow but within lane's full view. A wave of nausea rolled the pit of inner soul as one word resounded the barriers of structure left and right; a wrenching sound of fear and uncertainty in its' wrought. "Jean...?!" Then Fox moved towards Keepers and Kept..... And wave of nausea stregnthened as he moved rapidly to intercept. It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Ransom Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I had almost reached the corner of the lane, when I saw the red-coated patrol with Sterling, shakled in irons, in their midsts. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Sebastian's sister step into the lane and call for her husband. The soldiers in the rear turned their heads to see who had called out. Sterlings head whipped around to look as well. Then Sebastian rushed to his sister's side. No force on earth could have made me leave then. I rushed back, hoping the soldiers would keep going, taking their charge to prison. I did not want Sebastian, or his pregnant sister to be arrested as well. Quick as a cat, I returned to my lover's side, ready to defend him and his, if needed. Without his being aware of my presence, I came up behind him, touched his arm, and said tersely, "For God's sake, let's get her out of here!" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Capt. Sterling Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 “Jean…?!” Surprised, Sterling turned to cast a glance over shoulder toward sound he had not expected to hear. Soldiers surrounding him continued forward, carrying captain along in their red current. He stumbled as chains became unforgiving as his gait changed to facilitate a better view of who had called his name. And then he stopped, one soldier colliding into him as he froze, horrified at finding Aurore quickly walking toward him. “Move on!” the young officer ordered. Sterling quickly ducked head and looked away, allowing himself to be shoved back into motion. “Jean!” Her voice made him cringe, hunching downward as if musket had struck him hard again. “Who is this woman?” the officer asked, turning. He marched backward, his eyes moving from woman to prisoner. From corner of eye, Sterling saw Devareaux heading to intercept. “I have no idea,” Sterling answered. “Keep moving!” grunted the man who had run into him, followed by another jab of musket barrel to emphasize his point. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
'Bastian Devareaux Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Brother moved with care, giving the outward façade that it was he and not the other that was being addressed. Veiled survey was made of regiment’s goings on as Sister was gathered in embrace akin to that of Lovers and drawn near. Back was turned to fleuve de rouge, a blockade of form against prying eyes and he leaned close to her ear in mock nuzzle of neck. “Look away…Pay attention to me and look away, Renard. There is nothing we can do here and you put us in danger by giving notice or inviting attention.” There was no allowance for contradiction to wordings and the stiffness of Aurore’s stance gave way to something more subtle, one attempt given to pry from Kindred’s encompassment was met with hiss of displeasure. “Non!…”, came harsh whisper. “This is not the time, not the place.” Nudge of Lover’s touch came as after note to what keen ears had warned in footfall and releasing Kindred with warning glance, Sabastian was quick to harken to Ransom’s verbose. Snaking an arm around Aurore’s waist, guidance as well as support, were given and opposite direction was chosen. Precise navigation was dictated, cutting into blind alleyway… And into the audience of Watcher in the Wood. Childermass appraised trio briefly, then gave silent motion to follow. It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest “Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark. Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling
Capt. Sterling Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 As small contingent moved along, Sterling kept head down. No longer hailed, he could only hope Sabastian would be able to keep Aurore safe. After catastrophic encounter earlier, he wondered what else livid brother in law would also tell her. Shackled hands came aloft to face, bent iron already bruising worn flesh over wrist bones. He felt light headed… sick. If he had only had a few more minutes, he could have told her…constant prodding stabbed into lower back once again. And it was all he could take. Absolute frustration finally came to a head. Low growl, sounded deep in chest until it broke forth in a roar of vexation. Whirling about, musket barrel was thrust aside, then, length of chain was swung with full force against side of rear guard’s head. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
Ransom Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 At the sound of Sterling's roar of anger all three of us turned to look, just in time to see the guard nearest the man slammed in the face. With a sudden, overwhelming sense of danger, I barked at Sebastian. "Get her out of here! Now! Sterling's going to bring the rest of the town guards on us like a hive of bees. Sebastian's sister seemed frozen in place, her dark eyes pleading to the man now struggling with the guards. It fleetingly crossed my mind that it might be a blessing if they shot him. As things stood, no good would come of the situation. I tugged on Sebastian's sleeve, as he attempted to pull his sister away from the fracus. "Pick her up if you have to, but get her away from here!" Then I approached the guards, laughing, "So, what's the bother here, gents. Can't keep a man in irons under control between the lot of ya? Is this the King's finest? If it is, 'tis a mortifing pity, to be sure." ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Nimrod Pinon Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Nimrod Pinon moved to a distance as Sterling exploded. He knew no amount of pent up frustration would allow the sea captain the advantage against the men guarding him. But men, in such dire circumstances, never realized the futility of their actions and, usually, put up one hell of a fight. Pinon knew he would enjoy witnessing such a spectacle. He had heard many a story of the scraps the crew of the Archangel had been in. Yes, Sterling might take a few down with him, but soon, leg irons would prevent any real chance of victory. Pinon actually smiled as the man behind Sterling fell hard, shackles careening against temple. A second man was accosted and quickly put to ground, presenting the opening for flight. But as Pinon watched, Sterling turned and hesitated. Pinon straightened himself from where he had been leaning against a wall for comfort of viewing. The path was clear, save for the young lovers and some strange looking youth who had joined them. Pinon watched as Sterling balked then suddenly turned and veered off in the opposite direction. A direction that was far too congested with absolutely nothing to gain except the butt end of a musket and the grasping hands of several members of the guard. To Pinon the fight now made no sense. Sterling was easily caught and wrestled to the ground, one gaited foot pressing blond head firmly in place against cobblestones. "So, what's the bother here, gents. Can't keep a man in irons under control between the lot of ya? Is this the King's finest? If it is, 'tis a mortifing pity, to be sure." Attention was now drawn toward youth who approached. Pinon’s gaze took him in… a woman! Quickly attention was turned toward the couple as well. And recognition dawned. Pinon moved swiftly to young officer’s side. Voice lowered, he instructed that trio was to be taken. “I know them now,” Pinon said. “The woman is Sterling’s wife. The man her brother. They are here to save him. See that they don’t!”
Ransom Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 As I stood my ground, trying to make all seem like a mere joke, I saw a stranger approach the guard, whisper something in his ear, and point toward Sebastian and his sister. Who the hell was he, I wondered? What authority did he have, for the guard listened intently, and then eyed us with alarm. Bad, this was very bad. I needed a diversion. Quickly glancing around, I noticed we were in front of a tavern called the Blood & Hanger, a very seedy place, even for Port Royal. With the lingering hope that someone within would still be sober enough to fight, and with a hangover bad enough to make them want to, I darted to the door. Sticking my head into the dark interior, I shouted at the top of my lungs, "Oi, the Blood & Hanger! To me, lads, before the bloody Red Coats take an innocent sailor to the gibbet. They've rousted one of our own, and he needs your help. By God, to me ya scurvy, bilge-soaked sea rats. Ya worthless whore-sons, to me I tell ya!" I was nearly knocked down by the group of bug-eyed, drink-headed men, roaring with anger at the insult to their mothers. When they saw the guardsmen, the roar got louder. I grinned. "See lads, they've taken a poor, sick captain still suffering from a pistol shot. Will ya stand for it?" Then I stood back with satisfaction as, literally, all hell broke loose. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Thomas Neede Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Thomas and Robert walked from the docks and into the throng along Queen Street. Mister Dollingsworth walked Thomas into the Customs house for some brief papaerwork and a few signatures. The carriage had arrived previously and Thomas's things were set neatly outside the doorway. Two of the servants to the agent hurriedly carried Thomas's chests into a back room. Robert welcomed Thomas into his office and offered him a seat. A small drink was offered to Thomas. The vintage was newer as was the taste. "Interesting flavor Robert, a local brand perhaps?" "Of course Thomas," said the accountant, "saves us on export taxes." Thomas grew a questioned look. "You make yourselves pay an export tax?" Robert Dollingsworth smiled and finished his crystal goblet, refilling it and offering the bottle to Thomas. "We, my friend, do not pay. But most merchants are not so lucky." "We?" Thomas asked. Robert pulled a chair from the wall and sat close to Thomas. He explained a certain situation whereby he owned a distillery just outside of Port Royal. Robert had contracted through some willing privateers to negotiate his goods through some of the other merchants throughout the Caribbean. "Many smaller islands do not have the capabilities to distill the amount of rum we can. It is in their best interest to partake in our wares." Robert winked. He stood and withdrew a contract from a locked chest behind his desk. He handed it to Thomas and then he read over the names of the ship Captains. "I have heard those names muttered in various circles." Thomas looked over the rims of his glasses, "dare I mention those said circles." "I know them as well as you," Robert replied. "Pardon?" Thomas interrupted, now insulted. Robert sensed this. "No neede to be insulted Thomas, I have heard rumors of your own backing my friend. Men of our stature, are not often placed into their situations unless by their own means. Am I correct sir?" Thomas nodded slowly. "I can understand your argument, if that's what you mean." Robert returned to the chair. He crossed his legs and leaned in towards Thomas. "We can make quite alot of money, you and I Mister Neede." "Nothing more excellent nor more valuable than wine was ever granted mankind by God." -Plato
Capt. Sterling Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 "So, what's the bother here, gents. Can't keep a man in irons under control between the lot of ya? Is this the King's finest? If it is, 'tis a mortifing pity, to be sure." Sterling, crown still pinned to pavement, groaned as more weight was applied in order to alter present behaviour. “I know them now,” he heard Pinon say. “The woman is Sterling’s wife. The man her brother. They are here to save him. See that they don’t!” Sterling’s attempt at a diversion was failing rapidly thanks to Devareaux’s bedfellow. “Bloody hell, my wife?!" Sterling tried to speak. “Think I would waste my time staying married to some worthless gypsy?” he managed, his eyes screwing shut as he thought his skull would crack. “And why not?” Pinon asked, the tall man’s eyes still tracking Ransom as the girl bolted for the Blood & Hanger. “You married a common street whore the first time. Trying to lower your standards even further, eh? My word, what would your Father say?” "You or he, I wonder who be the bigger fool!" Sterling scoffed. "Oi, the Blood & Hanger! To me, lads, before the bloody Red Coats take an innocent sailor to the gibbet!" Sterling's heart pounded all the more as he listened to Ransom's shouts for assistance. How dare she take such a chance with Aurore and the child? Sabastian had to take his sister and flee now! From the look on Devareaux's face, earlier, Sterling knew the card he had to play and so he gambled, staking everything and knowing he would lose all. "Tis an easy thing to bed such a one then toss her aside. I have already annuled the marriage!" He spoke as loudly as he dared, in spite of the crushing foot, still holding him fast. And then Ransom stepped aside, throwing the tavern door open wide. Pinon snatched at the officer’s sleeve. “ We have run out of time! You and two others, take him and come with me! The rest will have to stand and fight.” Pinon started off, as largest of the Brits retrieved Sterling from the street surface and began dragging him off. Sterling did not fight them... anything to keep Pinon's attention focused on him and him alone. As group now raced on toward Marshallsea, remaining red coats formed a line, brought muskets to shoulder and took aim at the tide of drunkards filing out from the Blood & Hanger. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel http://jcsterlingcptarchang.wix.com/creweofthearchangel# http://creweofthearchangel.wordpress.com/
Ransom Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 I couldn't believe Sterling would just lay there, and then let the guards drag him off. The lest he could have done was add to the diversion until Sebastian and his sister had escaped. Now, instead of a melee, there would be murder. Did the man have no regard for the safety of his wife and child at all? I suddenly lost all pity for the man, and was digusted that he would let the poor blighters from the Blood & Hanger be shot point blank, when, had he put up an ounce of struggle, nothing more than a good skirmish would have occured. When the guards pointed their muskets at the shouting men, I turned to Sebastian, who was literally dragging his sister from the street. The brawlers from the tavern blocked any direct shot at the pair, so at least they could escape - back into the tunnel if they had to. Sebastian would know which way was safest. As for me, I felt I'd done all I could. The brawlers had stopped in their tracks when faced with muskets, and I didn't think the guards really wanted a small massacre on their hands. Turning back into the Blood & Hanger, I ran across the common room, through the kitchen, and out to the alley behind. All the while I wondered who the stanger was who had so much influence. Indeed, I had a bone to pick with him, and would find out just who he was. Then we would see. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Nimrod Pinon Posted May 5, 2007 Posted May 5, 2007 False Ransom said: Turning back into the Blood & Hanger, I ran across the common room, through the kitchen, and out to the alley behind. All the while I wondered who the stanger was who had so much influence. Indeed, I had a bone to pick with him, and would find out just who he was. Then we would see. Pinon looked back, halting in his tracks. "Do NOT stop until Sterling is locked away in Marshallsea! There is a special cell awaiting him there!" he ordered, then waving officer,soldiers and their prisoner onward, he back tracted slightly. As sailors poured forth from the Blood & Hanger, he watched as the girl in men's clothing, high tailed it through the building. He smiled. He rather liked this young woman. "That is it!" he mused to himself. "Call out the others to fight your battles. Lead them to the slaughter whilst you duck out the back!" He stepped a bit closer as the drunken rabble slid to a stop before the line of poised muskets aimed in their faces. Bleary eyes widened in shock as men quickly sobered, wondering what in blazes they had stumbled into. "Not them!!" Pinon shouted. Sans their officer, one corporal looked to the man in black. Pinon pointed to the Blood & Hanger. "Her! After the girl! The one dressed as a man! She's run through the tavern. Twenty pounds to the man who catches her!" Corporal ordered his men back to the hunt. The men from the Blood & Hanger quickly followed suit.
Ransom Posted May 5, 2007 Posted May 5, 2007 It didn't take long for me to hear, like a pack of baying dogs, the men from the tavern. Only a bribe could have sent them off on a new hunt, and I suspected the dark man of being the hand to whom they would go to lick, if I was caught. Fool! I'd been in much worse circumstanses than this. Shoving buckets, baskets, and anything else that would slow a drunken sailor, I darted from one alley to another. Taking an abrupt left, I charged through another tavern kitchen, through the common room, up the stairs, and out a window onto the roof. Buildings were close enough to offer a lofty highway. Doing a double back, I headed for the harbor, making sure the drunken Blood & Hangers has lost the scent. Three lanes over, and with the Rakehell in site, I jogged along the wharf and boarded my ship. Africa greeted me with raised eyebrows. "We late fo the careenin' yard. Where you been?" "Avoiding a spot of trouble. And before it finds me again, let's get the Rakehell over to the yards. Take your time crossing the bay. I don't want a welcoming party when we get there." I stood at the rails, looking toward town, but no guards or drunks showed up on the docks. I had been lucky, but I would not forget the dark stranger. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
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