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Love of a Pirate

Gypsy Rose

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I have been looking at all your descriptions as I see new names in the fourm. Now I have seen so many beautiful women that I may loose my heart to each and every one of you. So now the question is did you meet your significant other before or after or at a Pirate festival? Or is what happens at sea stay at sea?

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we just shanghai them all to serve on our ships....

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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we just shanghai them all to serve on our ships....

LOL! :rolleyes: Too funny Merry!

I have a long time guyfriend, but I didn't meet him thru any ren faires or pirate festivals. It was at a Phantom of the Opera convention, another favorite of mine. It's going on almost 14 years and no, we don't want to get married. It's fine the way it is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm up here at his place til Sunday house-sitting for him, watching his dog and cat. He's assistant to Julie Newmar ('66 Batman's Catwoman) and is helping her at the Motor City Comic Convention in Detroit.

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Met my husband through work shortly after moving to Austin with the band I sang with. My Hubby has no intrest in Pyracy or history of any sort. Makes it all the more fun for me.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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Well for starters, I'm not married, I'm very, very single, but I do live my guy companion, whom I met years ago when he joined the pirate group we use to be in. Twelve in all.

It will be 10 years living together come June 28.

I like my freedom, and I don't feel guilty kissing, petting, another guy (sorry no girls have come to me for it yet), but yes I do have my limits...

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It was a holiday weekend, and I actually met John at Blockbuster one night that my former beau had stood me up. It was fate and we just naturally hit it off. We went to a little beach bar together and spent hours talking about our heritage, Ireland, each other, and found so very many similarities that we had to see each other again. I was stood up by the old beau again the following 2 days (and nights) so John invited and I accepted. We were destined to be together. He was into Highland games and wears a kilt of his family tartan, I introduced him to faire and the pirating has just evolved. We're getting married this weekend at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire faire, in fact, and we will be wearing pirate garb! Huzzah to the high seas together~ :lol:

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Bloody hell! This weekend?! Rummy, know that Janelle and I wish you and John the best of everything this life has to offer, and the happiest of times together! We'll raise a jar or two in your honor, and toast your many years of bliss to come! :lol::lol::lol::lol:B)B)B)B):lol:B)B)B)B)B)B)B)B)B)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Christine!! Please have your guyfriend convey a message for me; Ever since I was a young lad, I've always thought that Julie Newmar was the quintessential Catwoman, and always will be in my mind. You, obviously, are an extremely close second. :) :lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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Christine!! Please have your guyfriend convey a message for me; Ever since I was a young lad, I've always thought that Julie Newmar was the quintessential Catwoman, and always will be in my mind. You, obviously, are an extremely close second. :) :lol:

And she still looks good for a woman in her 70's. She's funny too! :lol:

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Hmmm.... most interesting.

Well... unlike all th' lasses here... I... don't have a gent. So... I can't really say anything much. I only know a few gents, one I talk to and do like... but... I can't truly say I have a beau.

I'm a piratess with no ties. None what so ever. It's both a curse and a blessing.

But... the gent I pray for - if God be willing to allow - I pray he, too, admires history, enjoys what I like t' do. And won't be attempting to control m' life but will compliment it in the most admirable way. I've incredible high expectations... and not all that easy to win. I think most gents fear a lady with a fiery yet reclusive attitude, with weapons, and also has a mind more for adventure and joy rather than a daily plan of attempting to get by.

Always have I been told that some gent will be incredibly lucky t' have me as a Wife. Well... no gent has even attempted. :::Shrugs::: Now... ya tell me why.

MerryD probably knows me best at the moment... she may give some insight.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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I met my wife long before the Pirate in me fully germinated, but she is always been very supportive of my hobbies. She made my first pirate costume. She helped me complete the flag for the Pirates of Treasure Cove. She made hard tack for our first Speak Like a Pirate Day. She is currently transcribing several period writings for me and she plans to make her own costume very soon once we order one of Kass's patterns.

She's a pirate. She's an award winning belly dancer. She's an artist.

I could go on and on.





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I have seen her Picture and she is also very beautiful to boot. *Hats off to ye William that you found one to share in your intrests and fulfill and enrich your life in all ways.*


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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My boyfriend doesn't pirate, but he supports my pirating as he likes to say. He'll go to the Renn Faire a few times to enjoy the comradery, but other than that he doesn't do any pirate/renn type stuff. He's just happy I have my own things since he dated so many girls that suddenly had all the same interests as him once they started dating. I met him through mutual friends.

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Met the guy on Myspace actually (we'd seen each other at House of Blues the week before) and Pirating just happened to be one of the many things we had in common.

Funny thing is that we had lived within a block of each other for 12 years, gone to the same schools, and shopped at the same stores and never ran into each other until that night.


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Sjöröveren and I met in college, when we were both student filmmakers. He had always had an interest in pirates (I remember he had a little shelf of pirate collectibles in his apartment) but we really didn't get into the whole pirate re-enacting thing until just a couple years ago. And, of course, now we've got our kids into it too.

That's been the beauty of our relationship -- we've been married almost 23 years and we are nothing like we were when we first met -- and yet we remain perfect for each other.

Sjöröveren -- good man. Good pirate. :)

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I met my husband while vacationing in the Bahamas. I was sun bathing out on the deck of a rental yacht when I heard some men shouting. I opened my eyes and could see the silhouette of a man standing over me, sword drawn, the sun directly behind him. I put my hand over my head, shading my eyes so I could focus on the man standing over me. What I witnessed was the most dashing and handsome man I had ever seen. He was such a bad boy but oh so good. His eyes piercing and his white teeth gleaming with a confident seductive smile. He was definitely a pirate and this was the first and only time I ever met one. I was scared at first, but after seeing his smile, I knew he would not hurt me. I always thought pirates would look like skinny people from Somalia. Not this one, he was the Captain of the Captain's. A Ben Affleck and a young Richard Gere all rolled into one. He leaned down and exclaimed, "ye be now mine m' love." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Off we went and the rest is history. Since then, he has introduced me to this pub. So, here I am. :)

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