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Greetings mates, and have a tankard on me. Be there anyone going to the Pa. Ren.Faire in the near future? If so, let me know and we'll try and hook up. They have'nt finished with the schedule yet but should be complete in a short time. Looking forward to meeting some of me mates. :ph34r:

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Well, depends on what ye mean by the near future.

Me lady and I will that visitin' relatives in the port O Philadelphia around September and we're only doin' that as an excuse te hit th' faire.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

Greetings mates, and have a tankard on me. Be there anyone going to the Pa. Ren.Faire in the near future? If so, let me know and we'll try and hook up. They have'nt finished with the schedule yet but should be complete in a short time. Looking forward to meeting some of me mates. :huh:

the parf starts the 2nd weekend in august and runs through the last weekend in october. a faire celebration is the 1st followed by pyracy, love and romance and children's fantasy - that's the themed weekends through labor day. if i had my parf stuff with me i could tell you what all the themes were. the last 3 are halloween daze and spooky knights. i shpuld be there every weekend and actually i plkan on making it through the auditions and becomiong a member of the blackfryars. they're the semi-pro company that makes up the population of the shire of mt.hope. mercenary wench worked there last season and i hope she is again this year. more info to follow.

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


Yep - going to be there again. And short of another, better location opening up, we're going to be at the same spot, and this year in a hard booth instead of under canvas. Which will be a godsend if it's as rainy this year as was last. We're also going to be opening a leather booth this year. Quite exciting.

check out the PARF website. They have the scenario posted and planned. Brush up your french accents everyone! :huh::huh:


merc - will you be there for celtic?

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

  • 1 month later...

Got my season pass before xmas this year while it was on discount still!!

I think I might make a showing at the celtic fling also!

If anyone is interested and lives around the area im trying to get a group together to have some fun outside of faire season!

www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern i just bought the site but figured since its hard to find anyone with similar interests out here we could get a group together and do something outside of pa faire!

"A merry life and a short one be my motto"

Avid the PA ren faire, or live nearby? We're trying to start a club/group to do some fun things outside of the faire! www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern


I know I shall be at PARF for the last weekend.. other than that I shall be of course at Pennsic, tux for labor day weekend and various other events between...


Aye My sister and I will be up for the pyrate weekend. Might try to make it one more time if we can gather up the money for it. Looking forward to meeting all of you.

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


I'll be at PARF for the last weekend. Ah, hell. Just look at Kathryn's schedule. We'll be together.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



ARRR! Ye all shoulda got the season pass before xmas it wasn't even 70 dollars before xmas :/ Thats like going to the faire 3 times! I'll be living there this year! I work every other weekend so ill be there prolly every other saturday or sunday and before work somedays lol.

"A merry life and a short one be my motto"

Avid the PA ren faire, or live nearby? We're trying to start a club/group to do some fun things outside of the faire! www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern

Got my season pass before xmas this year while it was on discount still!!

I think I might make a showing at the celtic fling also!

If anyone is interested and lives around the area im trying to get a group together to have some fun outside of faire season!

www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern i just bought the site but figured since its hard to find anyone with similar interests out here we could get a group together and do something outside of pa faire!

i tried your link and got a message that you should see. put in just upto the .com and not the reast and you'll see what i mean. sometime about not uploading right and ftp. i really hope it's fixed soon cause i'm really curious as to the content. :P

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

  • 3 weeks later...

Tis a hell of a thing...PARF has gone and scheduled its pirate weekend for 23 and 24 September...the same bloody weekend as the Maryland Renaissance Festival's pirate weekend! Now what bilge drinkin', barrel buggerin', scupper suckin', land lubbin' swab was in charge of schedulin'?

Aye, so now I'll have to figger what bloody weekend to go to PARF, 'cause I gots t' go to pirate weekend at Revel Grove.

At yer bloody service,

Nathaniel "Gute" Morgan

Buccaneer, Brigand, & Cutthroat

Plundering the Spanish Main Since 1701®

"Refuse that, 'n' ye've seen th' last o' me but musket balls."


AYE! Freebird and his pirate wench will be at PARF this year. We have the season pass so you'll see my creeking bones wondering about.


the owner of the PA faire chuck is and always had been so paranoid of the competition with maryland he hates to have any division of the audience or performers ....any thing he see as a draw to the other faire he will openly compete with ..... he only shedules the pa faire after MD post theirs ......that's why he matches the pa dates with MD

the owner of the PA faire chuck is and always had been so paranoid of the competition with maryland he hates to have any division of the audience or performers ....any thing he see as a draw to the other faire he will openly compete with ..... he only shedules the pa faire after MD post theirs ......that's why he matches the pa dates with MD

Aye, but in years past, PA's pyrate weekend 'as always been in August, whilst MD's pyrate weekend 'as always been in late September. Seems like if 'e doesn't want t' divide 'is audience, 'e'd be better off with diff'rent dates. Us brigands who 'ave the good fortune t' live close t' both faires 'ave always gone t' both. I don't think either PA or MD lose much business t' each other. This year, 'owever, folks'll be forced t' choose. Tis a misfortune, 'cause we all love 'em both.

At yer bloody service,

Nathaniel "Gute" Morgan

Buccaneer, Brigand, & Cutthroat

Plundering the Spanish Main Since 1701®

"Refuse that, 'n' ye've seen th' last o' me but musket balls."


Bloody hell the same weekend as MDRF. :lol: Now whats a lass to do. Guess I have to get with sis and Gute and see what we can do. Will be there some time this year just do not know when. :huh:

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


I used to like going to PARF opening weekend and the second weekend, especially since it was a Pirate weekend. Now, I'll probably only just go the one weekend. That and PARF is getting to be expensive to go to.

Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.


Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

the owner of the PA faire chuck is and always had been so paranoid of the competition with maryland he hates to have any division of the audience or performers ....any thing he see as a draw to the other faire he will openly compete with ..... he only shedules the pa faire after MD post theirs ......that's why he matches the pa dates with MD

Yet one more reason not to like "The Disney Ren Faire"

I do enjoy Celtic Fling, but outside of that if it's a decision of Revel Grove or PARF - Revel Grove will always win.

That said there are a bunch of wonderful people up there that I love to see, it's just the fair itself that I don't care for as much.


Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


Aye, Cap'n Duncan, there be pints...er points...well, pints too...that I likes 'bout both faires.

I've always found the toys...er weapons...of broader appeal, and certainly more affordable at PARF. I do love to browse the goods in the pirate ship. And I likes PA's more common sense approach to weapons, as well as the microphones on stage. (I'm old 'n' hard o' hearin'--too much cannon fire--and I can't hear the bloody Pyrates singin' sometimes at the White Hart.) :lol:

Still, Revel Grove be in me own backyard, as it were, and there be nothin' like sittin' amongst the Grove's shade trees after months at sea, crawlin' from pub t' pub, guzzlin' cider, 'n' beer, 'n' more cider, with a lusty wench on yer knee...'specially one all dressed in leather 'n' swingin' a cat-o-nines...but I digress.


So 'eres a 'ealth t' both bloody faires, damn me eyes. :huh:

At yer bloody service,

Nathaniel "Gute" Morgan

Buccaneer, Brigand, & Cutthroat

Plundering the Spanish Main Since 1701®

"Refuse that, 'n' ye've seen th' last o' me but musket balls."

  • 3 weeks later...

So if someone were to fly across the country specifically to attend the PA renfaire for a weekend, what is the nearby town to fly to and a good place to stay?


It's probably closest to Baltimore Washington International, the maybe a 90 minute drive up. Not sure of the distance from Philly.

If your going to fly all that way, you should make a week of it and do PA one weekend and MD the next. Both excellent faires.

Or come Labor Day weekend and take in both faires the same weekend.

At yer bloody service,

Nathaniel "Gute" Morgan

Buccaneer, Brigand, & Cutthroat

Plundering the Spanish Main Since 1701®

"Refuse that, 'n' ye've seen th' last o' me but musket balls."

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