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i am on myspace but i have to find it agin. not having much time on line these days i forget where i last left this page.

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


(Note: I merged Will Theobald's post with the existing MySpace post to keep things neat and tidy on the board.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  Captain_Jack_Sparrow said:
Aye, I be on MySpace, but I'll ask this, d'ye want me Jack Profile or me main account?

can I have both? <_<


Just got on there today.

Why do I seem to hear "Welcome to the Jungle" playing in my head? <_<

Great sites, Jack!

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

  PyratePhil said:
Just got on there today.

Why do I seem to hear "Welcome to the Jungle" playing in my head? <_<

Great sites, Jack!

Well MySpace does have some fun and games


</welcome to the jungle reference>

And thanks mate, feel free t'add either on eor both


I never turn down a friend request...unless ye be a pornbot...but Id say it'dbe pretty hard for ye to be a porn bot



I'm on there - barely. All my photos were lost in my last crash.....computer, that is.


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.


I had a few high speed - low drag shootin' pics I'd like t' have up there. Unfortunately, the evil computer god had cursed my last machine and it gave up th' ghost.

I need to go out shootin' again and take a photographer with me!


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.


Nope, I'm not.

I much prefer to register my own domain names and secure my own webhosting. That way I have more control over how my site looks.

  PyratePhil said:
So do I, Mr. McB., but I look at this as a fun thing - separate from my "work" site...

As do I. I still prefer my own webhosting and domain name. That way i can have more fun! :(:(

  PyratePhil said:
Ah, well, we do what we do... <_<

For anyone that wants to see what a boring MySpace profile looks like...

Phil's Profile

Does the adbar get added by MySpace? That's also one of the reasons why I don't use free webhosts - I'm assuming that's what MySpace is - as I don't normally like ads and like to have some control over them when they are necessary.

But, as you say, we do what we do. :o:o

  McBarnacle said:
Does the adbar get added by MySpace? That's also one of the reasons why I don't use free webhosts - I'm assuming that's what MySpace is - as I don't normally like ads and like to have some control over them when they are necessary.

Yes, it's the price of free hosting. :o

It's fairly unobtrusive, though, at least compared to some other hosts I've had - Angelfire, one of the first hosts I ever had, was notorious for thier ads.

I've been a member for a few days now, and so far, no spam and no increase on firewall hits.

I think MySpace had a few folks that tried to code out the adbar, and they were kicked out, so they take their ad revenue seriously. Hey, with millions and millions of members, I would, too! <_<

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Yep! I went bye for a spot there at the end of December and I met some nice people is all I can say. What few wierdo's sellin something or thier pictures I just delete em and move on says I. mostly I am finding some good music to download though! And of course the 2,000 some rennies about are entertaining to say the least.

Spot on!

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.

  • 3 weeks later...

Bump this thread to the top. That's what bump means.

I know I dont know why I did it


crazy like that I guess


Yep, I have a my space. Look under my profile for the link.

Keep a weather eye out for my friend requests coming soon!



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