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Alrighty then, It looks like I will be bringing me sister-in-law as well. She doesn't have a pirate name yet, but I will be working on it. Before ye lads get all excited about having another female at the party, she doesn't swing that way. Just a heads up for ye boys and girls, :P .

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

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all right boys and girls...the faint-hearted need not attend ( jest kidding, we be a right tame group ) so I'll be heading off fer the great frozen bottom..er Pittsburg on christmas day and wont be back til the day o the party...please send all requests fer info to Diego who is now offically in charge..( tehehe and he thought he was always in charge ). Have the Merriest of christmas's and I hopes te see many o ye at the New Years Eve Party!

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"


Have a good trip!

Will Diego be home on the 31st in the morning so I can drop off my food goodies?

(I'm coming up early in the day to visit family and friends)


Rumba, I'm really no sure of his plans....I'd contact him. I cant wait to see you again. til then

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"


wish i didn't live on the other coast! fighting a bout of pneumonia anyways.... hope the party is great and you post the pix!

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


Well we sure are some hung-over pirates.....Diego and Scarlett were toasted and buttered on both sides. Hmmm, Scarlett you were having sex with your clothes on...what's wrong with that picture.... even Boats apparently had his hands full of you.... :lol:

Blackhearted Pearl and her hubby were there- Pearl you have one wicked sense of twisted humor, I love it!

Puss N' Boots was well into her cups but geeze I don't think she kept up with Pearl who was drinking the rum juice out of her fruit salad.

Lady Devlin showed up, very nice, and a figure to die for...

There was an extra long fireworks show at 9:30 at Disneyland which we watched standing in the street. There was another one again at midnight.

I was good and only had two wine coolers and the rest water, since I had to drive back to the hotel room.

There were a total of 11 of us who showed to the party....sure missed some people who we thought were going to be there....oh well.

All in all I had a great time, lets do it again next year! Whoopeee! B)

Scarlett you were having sex with your clothes on

Really...... :lol:


Sounds like you folks had a blast. I hope I get t' be there next year!


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.


Aye, Scarlett's house was hopping with pirates. Diego and a young poop deck swabber were having a go at words, was down right entertaining. But the youngin got his come upance when he threw a firecracker at an unmarked police van driving by. Apparently his parents nought thought to inform the lad of the proximatity of his house to the local police station. :lol:

McDougal was certainly some eye candy for us ladies. I can say this as me mate, Black Irish, doesn't visit the pub. B) There was a plenty of kissing on the stroke of midnight and how nice of Disney to offer us up more fireworks.

Missed Petee and crew, but was a grand time for all who attended, Huzzah!


~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


should i just torture you? and only give you this picture??? It's the group shot of all the pub goers.


Back row: Black Hearted Pearl, Lady Devyl'n, Scarlet, RumbaRue

Front row, Diego, Puss N' Boots.

(Black Hearted Pearl, RumbaRue, it was a pleasure meeting you both, and your partners. Can't wait to see you guys again.)

if you ask nicely, i might post the link to the others (since all the photos of the party be with me)... so you can see the festivities.

Was a great time!



"My Liver is Evil... Must be Punished!"

'Sláinte chuig na fir, agus go mairfidh na mná go deo.'

Health to the men, and may the women live forever!


Lady Dev, thank ye fer tha teaser. May I say ye an all the lasses loook mighty fine that capture wit tha Divinci Device. Saddens me to tha bone that I could nay make it to the swaree. I do hope ta' meet ye an the other's I have nay had tha' pleasure o' meetin' at an upcomin' faire soon. Hope ye have a pyratical year! Cheers :P


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."

  Lady Devyl said:
if you ask nicely, i might post the link to the others (since all the photos of the party be with me)... so you can see the festivities.

Was a great time!


Lady Devyl'N, would you be so kind as to show us the remaining pictures from the gathering. Those of us who were unfortunate enough to miss the good time had by all in attendance, would greatly appreciate a chance to view the events which transpired.

Truly we would.






Stynky weather and a list of no shows made the prty a close knit and finely tuned assortment of different drynks and a foods gathering gathering quite near to the home town buffets offering. Good company made the time fly along with me rum mixtures allowing fer quite the hangover sunday. Whoa, Pics are great I promise but I onlt took a few of em so patience mates they be coming ahind a full head a steam. Thanks to all the warmth and caring given GRAMMERCY WELL

Happy New Year

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Thank you Scarlett and Diego for hosting such a fine New Years Eve Party. I had a wonderful time and hope that both of you did also.

Diego, a wonderful music collection. Thank you for sharing.

Scarlett, I think your new home is terrific. Congratulations on such a great acquisition. Complete with almost a nightly fire-works display. Welcome home.

Please excuse the Gentleman in the blue outfit. It wasn't me. My body was being inhabited by Capt. Morgan, always a rogue.

Boats O'toole, freelance sailor.


Oh man, I'm sorry I missed the bash mates. I came down with something mean, my bones were aching. Wish I could have been there and I know I can speak for the rest o me crew, who had to work all the way through new years eve, through the rain. :lol:

  Bosun O said:
Thank you Scarlett and Diego for hosting such a fine New Years Eve Party.  I had a wonderful time and hope that both of you did also.

Diego, a wonderful music collection.  Thank you for sharing.

Scarlett, I think your new home is terrific.  Congratulations on such a great acquisition.  Complete with almost a nightly fire-works display.  Welcome home.

Please excuse the Gentleman in the blue outfit.  It wasn't me.  My body was being inhabited by Capt. Morgan, always a rogue.

Boats O'toole, freelance sailor.

fills in yer profile and gets over to the initiatin rites and pub management section take out a new thread and introduce yer mangey muttness to these here fine assortments a nice crews in the tavern and buy us all a round eh?

(Boats ye be a right kind lad a yergh own too)

(Whose fingers were where?) :lol:

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

  RumbaRue said:
Well now I know where Boats' fingers were..... :lol:   :lol:   :lol:

I noticed it, too. Want's t' be turned into Cap'n Hook, eh? :lol:



You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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