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Okay so I have the cold from hell living in my head right now and it got me to thinking, which is always a danger.

I'm laying down, coughing my head off. Nothing has helped so I get annoyed, roll over and have a ciggie. Suddenly not coughing half as often or as hard.....

Someone explain that one!

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You were inhaling deeply, and opened your lungs up. Instead of lying down, take a hot bath and open your sinuses and lungs up.

Take zinc tablets for 4 days only,, and add extra vitamin C to your diet for a bit.. it will make it last a shorter time.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!



Random thoughts....I have lots.

Even though I try to take one day at a time, sometimes several days attack me all at once.

Most women at the Pub are younger than me so you won't relate as well to this nasty thing that hits us in our older years. Hot flashes.

To date, I seem to be overly flooded with them for the last week and continuing. It's not fun either. I get so hot and even sweat so bad that I must find a way to cool down. Whether it be sitting in front of a fan, taking a cold shower, or doing whatever it takes to bring relief. On top of that it makes me feel very uncomfortable with day to day life and just trying to cope. Even here, trying to concentrate on reading or even writing a post seems to come out badly.

I'm sure most of you don't have this particular problem as much as I do. When you write something you think is ok, only to find out it's not. Then wonder yourself why the hell you wrote it in the first place. Honestly I can't explain it other than the mental disabilities I have. I do sometimes think disjointedly.

I've probably offended more people here at the Pub then I am aware of, and God I'm sorry for that.

Something else on my mind that was asked of me recently by a couple of people here, regarding Moderator duties.

We Moderators don't get paid and we don't get any perks. What we do get is the job of handling unhappy people with someone else's post (not necessarily mine) and trying to keep the majority happy.

We do have a 'rule book' we go by so we just can't make up our own rules and do as we please. Each Moderator is assigned to a particular forum in which only that forum which only that Moderator(s) can handle. We don't have free reign to go to whatever forum we like and do things.

Well I guess I've got all my junk of my chest now. If you think I'm feeling bad about a lot of things, you are correct.

Is there anything good I've done here? If so, please tell me.

Rumba Rue

** :o **

  Patrick Hand said:
Ok ciagrette smoke explained........ how bout this one......

If there is acid in your stomach... (to digest your food, and sometimes the stomach linning as ulcers.....)

Then why when you barf on the toe of yer boots, dosen't the acid eat through th' leather....

(does all the rum kinda cut down on the acid ?) :D

I'm the biologist!

Stomach Acid has a pH around 1.8. That's acid, but not the terrible strength that most people think of. The lower the pH value, the more acid something is. pH is measured on a log scale, so something that's pH 3 is ten times as acid as something that's pH 4 and one hundred times as acid as something as pH 5.

Pure water has a pH of around 7

Cola has a pH of around 2.5

Lemon Juice and Vinegar around 2.1

Stomach Acid around 1.8

Battery Acid around 0.8

Sulfuric Acid is commonly 0.15

So stomach acid is really only somewhat more acid than vinegar, but nowhere near something like battery acid. Not good for your shoes, but not enough to eat a hole in leather, either.

- Bloody

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Administration Policy</span>

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>At Pyracy.com, it's all about you!

Whatever you want, that's what we're going to do. I'm serious. If you want me to cry, then I'm bawling, baby. If you want your own topic started, LOOK OUT MAMA HERE IT COMES! There's nothing that I won't do to accomodate your slightest whim. Stop looking at me, please. You're making me a little nervous. Please blink or something. You soulless, devouring monsters. You've taken everything that was decent in me and buried it in scorpions. How I loathe you all.</span>


Learn somethin' new everyday...glad t' know that if 'nyone pukes on me boots they won't be eaten through! :D

y...glad t' know that if 'nyone pukes on me boots they won't be eaten through

I thought she said her nylons...... so I wil go from there... (not funny otherwise.....)

dang.... I hate it when they puke on my nylons also.....

(OK not that funny....... being a guy type... so I don"t have to wear them (other than playing wierd,,, go figure,,,,,,,,))


hey Patrick? that was very random!

good to see you are keeping on topic.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


  RumbaRue said:
Is there anything good I've done here? If so, please tell me.

Rumba Rue

** :ph34r: **

Sure! You've taken a high responsiblity job in a piracy forum..and pirates aren't known for responsiblity!!! I wouldn't want to do it :huh: I can't even take care of myself most of the time!!!

But on a random topic, I'm dizzy. Can stress make you dizzy? I don't mind feeling dizzy sometimes.


Thank you Rouge Mermaid!

Sometimes I just kind of worry that maybe I've said something that's hurt a lot of people and I don't know it until I get a nasty write back post or a PM.

My worst fault is writing before thinking, or thinking it's ok and it's not.

Rumba Rue

** :ph34r: **


Random thoughts? What's that? like random chances occuring in such things as situations and outcomes and or the random act of those with luck or not? Ok! Sure lets play!

Random Thought 1


Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

  RumbaRue said:
...Sometimes I just kind of worry that maybe I've said something that's hurt a lot of people and I don't know it until I get a nasty write back post or a PM.

My worst fault is writing before thinking, or thinking it's ok and it's not.

Personally, I think yer doin' a great job here, lass!

As a former Mod and Admin for several boards, I kin tell ye - don't worry about it...NO ONE is ever 100% happy with WHATEVER you do - that's just the nature of the baboon...um....beast.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Ditto what phil said.

You can't really convey facial expressions and tone of voice with mere words, smileys help, but still it's not like conversation face to face.



I'm gonna live it up this weekend :P My friend is getting a limo for his wife's birthday and eight of us are gonna hit the clubs in Philly. I can't wait. Just need to figure out what to wear and I'm set.

It's gonna be kinda funny..the new boyfriend has never seen me dance yet. Oh boy. :lol:

  Rogue Mermaid said:
Does anyone remember that old Atari game Stampede? Wow, was it ever um, something.... :ph34r:

:huh: i don't remember stampede, but i do remember centipede. yeah, i'm old enough for the old video games. my brotherf had the original pong!

rumba you have 13 months on me and i can relate to your condition big time!


~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


lady snow, I remember centipede very well, I was quite good at it... at the local arcade. My friend and I would fill our styrofoam cups with ice and a sparkling wine, go to the arcade and put our initials in the top 5 nearly every weekend... good memories.. :D

did you ever play Q-bert?


did you ever play Q-bert?

Never got into Q-Bert.... but how about "Boulderdash" (I think it was really called asteroids...) :D

Or that other one that taunted you to put in more quarters....."HA HA space cadet....)


I used to like a game that was basically asteroids, except you had two ships tied together by a link. It was called Space Duel. When one of the ships got hit, it would blow up and then the link would turn into a fuse. You could fire off a few shots with the other ship before it blew up. That was fun.

The other cool game I remember was Mappy. I liked it because I learned the patterns while in junior college. What catchy music...

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


:D aye fancy, but i could never get that guy to bounce the right way! i do so much better with pinball machines than i do with video games. i have a lot of play station games (3 spiro the dragon games, gex the gecko, the emperor's new groove to name a few) and my cabin boys beat them while i can't get out of the first world in most of them! B)

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


Snow: I still like pinball :rolleyes: there's one at the pizza place we frequent, and I would play more if my boys (including hubby) would let me! I don't play much at home. We're a well rounded video game family... PS2, Xbox, GameCube, Nintendo 64, and the old Super Nintendo... but my kids pretty much take up all the time on those. I did get pretty good at Mario 64, but once we got all 120 stars, I haven't played much since.

Patrick: No, never played boulderdash or even asteroids much... I did like Tempest a bit, but was never really good at it.



I guess I will always be an old Pong player at heart. I loved that game. There was also one on the old Atari games something called Bomb drop or something, where bombs dropped and you had to move your character out of the way. They came faster and faster as the game went on. I was terrific at that.

There's another game I can't remember which company puts it out, but it's a pinball type where you had to get the ball to hit different areas of the dragon face for points and it had color changes and other nifty things. But the electronic music that is with it drove me nuts and I would turn off the sound when I played it. The game wasn't mine it belonged to my former roomate who took it with him when he moved to Kentucky.

That's the kind of games I like when it comes to computer games, fairly easy. I just can't seem to process harder stuff.

Rumba Rue

** :) **

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