Red Cat Jenny Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 Very nice Chapman.. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
The Chapman Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 Thank you so much, Red Cat Jenny. You know, I think I like the 'broadside' type woodcuts when it comes to ships, otherwise you end up spending unbelievable amounts of boring, boring time drawing rope, rigging, more rope, more rigging, and then, yet more rope and rigging. Unless you really, really, like drawing anal retentive technical illustrations of rope, rigging, and then rigging and rope, maritime illustration is not for you. Although, let's fact it kids, unless you have some clue as to what all that rope and rigging does, you can't draw the sails right. Damn, thought I'd wriggled out of doing all that rope and rigging and rigging and rope. Next time? I don't know, cannons or something... Pauly caught a bullet But it only hit his leg Well it should have been a better shot And got him in the head They were all in love with dyin' They were drinking from a fountain That was pouring like an avalanche Coming down the mountain Butthole Surfers, PEPPER
Hester Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 (Lovely "woodcut", Chapman. Reminds me a bit of Howard Pyle's approach to Robin Hood illustrations -- creating the illusion of a woodcut with pen & ink.) While still nice and relaxed from my afternoon Pimm's, I phoned the gruff handyman at my summer place, and made the necessary arrangements for opening this season. Whew! He's a lot easier to deal with after an aperitif or two! Well, there's one task that I've been postponing finally done! Now I'm feeling virtuous, having actually accomplished something today, and I'm gonna have a bit of a kip before supper to recuperate. Oh bugger ... I think the neighbours' power-washers have just returned from their supper break. There goes any chance of a nap!
The Chapman Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Well, I'm working on actual 'drawings' to actually woodcut on, with gouges. It's kind of important to me. But for right now, these will have to do; you realize that the actual print size for broadsheets is so small as to be postage-stampy size, therefore I do them large. I've been invited to do some costuming technical illustration by an online acquaintance, and I'll post that when I get my act together about that. It looks to be fun. The last tech illustrations I did were for the machines in a dentist's office, at least ten years ago. I'm looking forward to it. Agh, Hester, I don't have a good silent film still for you today. I'll work on it. Pauly caught a bullet But it only hit his leg Well it should have been a better shot And got him in the head They were all in love with dyin' They were drinking from a fountain That was pouring like an avalanche Coming down the mountain Butthole Surfers, PEPPER
Rogue Mermaid Posted June 9, 2007 Posted June 9, 2007 I've got a funny story. Tonight I went to visit my parents. After swimming in the pool for the afternoon we were cleaning up the deck. My dad had made some sort of grape slushies that had melted in their glasses. So I dumped them out. I didn't realize that my dog Oscar was directly under the deck in line of the poured out grape juice. Oscar got grape juice all over him. I felt horrible but Oscar got even. As I was saying how horrible I felt and apologizing to the poor guy he came up on the deck and did the dog shake right in front of me. I smelled like wet dog and grapes. You can't tell me dogs aren't smart!
Red Cat Jenny Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 Quote Tonight I went to visit my parents. After swimming in the pool for the afternoon we were cleaning up the deck. My dad had made some sort of grape slushies that had melted in their glasses. So I dumped them out.I didn't realize that my dog Oscar was directly under the deck in line of the poured out grape juice. Oscar got grape juice all over him. I felt horrible but Oscar got even. As I was saying how horrible I felt and apologizing to the poor guy he came up on the deck and did the dog shake right in front of me. I smelled like wet dog and grapes You can't tell me dogs aren't smart Lol!! That was a grape story..... Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Patrick Hand Posted June 10, 2007 Author Posted June 10, 2007 Not only do I make animal mascots, but my Boss has two restaruants..... and she has a hard time finding a kid that is reliable enough to show up to waRsh (the R is usualy silent) dishes..... so I kinda got drafted again this year..... I prefer to call the job.... "Food Containment Systems Sanitation Engineer......" It does cut into my free time.... but even at minimum wage..... well sence I don't have any free time to go spend the money..... hey I can buy all kinda fun Pyrate stuff...... Anyway..... I am amazed at the amount of foot that is thrown away..... Last night, I got about a pound of cooked sherdded beef... add some spices to it.... and I have High quality sloppy Joes..... Last week, it was about half a pound of cooked chicken......Chicken Salid Sandwiches for two days........ Today there was a weading.... I had to clean the chocolate fountain..... I saved about two pounds of chocolate...... I don't eat a lot of chocolate.... but it dosen't go ( I know the Bride and Groom,) but they had a pony keg of local ale.... There were very few beer drinkers.... so I got that.... (the groom told me I can take my time drinking it.... the deposit isn't dated....) This isn't like "Dumpster Diving".... the food is fresh from the steam table... it's not enough for the cook to keep....but it feeds me for a few days..... And not having to go to the store to buy food (well I have to buy stuff like bread and such...) saves even more money...... Minimum wage may suck.... but heck... I'm eating well........ (I wanted to try vinigared beef (it's an early period "trail food"..... but didn't want to spend the money and find out that it wasn't eatable..... but now ....... hey.... I can see how it works.......)
Caraccioli Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 Well, it seems that my insect of the moment thread is long gone, so I'll post this nigh useless diatriabe here. Today, we will consider the humble, yet ugly, yet annoying, yet plague-like, yet mouth-less, Fishfly. (Or Mayfly if you want a more cheerful, but no longer accurate, name for the beast.) Here's a nice photo of one, for those of you who don't live near Fishfly breeding grounds and haven't had the joyous experience seeing what must be tens of thousands of them hanging on every available surface and of crushing literally hundreds of them under your feet on a short walk): According to some website I picked out, practically at random, Fishflies are from the group Ephemeroptera meaning short-lived. This is probably because nature has seen fit to create the thing without any way to feed. In what I suspect that many single-minded (yet short-sighted) folks MIGHT deem as an advantage, their sole purpose as adults is to reproduce. (Maybe I should post this in Way to a Pyrates Heart?) Once they have mated, they die within a period of about 12 hours having never eaten. However, they do get to feed as babies, or "nymphs." Oh, the fine foodstuffs they get to eat! Fishfly nymphs spend as much as two years of their life in the water feeding on dead plants and animals. They are often found in the shallow streams and lakes under rotting logs or in loose sediment on the bottom. They have a bunch of gill flaps located between the legs and tail that move back and forth, creating a current of water to help bring food particles near the mouth and also to help nourish the body with a fresh supply of oxygen. Here's shot of a nymph for your edification: Editorial nonesuch aside, evidence shows that they have been around for about 300 million years, so they've been around longer than us. There are about 700 known species in North America. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Captain Jim Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 Do they all come with a fishook installed in them? (Look closely under the adult fly in the first picture.) My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...
jessie k. Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 Thanks, I feel crawly now! Every year out at the lake there's thousands upon thousands of them, and they get caught in your hair, and cling to your skin, and if you want to swim, you first have to wade through 15 or so feet of shoreline to get past all the dead ones floating on the waves. I hate those things. "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain
Ransom Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 Why is it that plumbers, UPS delivery guys - basically just about anyone coming to the door or calling on the phone - always do so when you're in the bathroom? I'm sure there must be some kind of cosmic Cause & Effect rule there somewhere. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Caraccioli Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 Captain Jim said: Do they all come with a fishook installed in them? (Look closely under the adult fly in the first picture.) That would make them harder to step on, but much easier to use. (That's what I get for using Google Image Search indiscriminately. I thought that thing looked awfully colorful.) Here, try these: For good measure, here's another shot of the nymph. Creepy-looking bugger, isn't it? One thing that's neat about Fishflies is that there on every freaking surface, sometimes two deep it seems, and you can just pick it up by its wings and let it go. It will quickly flutter back to the nearest surface - even if that's your arm. See? Swarms of them... BTW, jess, you needn't worry...I suspect there will be very few fishflies where you live. Not without some sort of major ground-shaking cataclysm, that is. Nope. No way... "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Cpt Sophia M Eisley Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 Ah...lovely. Bugs. Speaking of bugs...we had a plethora of the "love bugs" around this past May. I hadn't seen them since I was a visitor to the state at least 5 years ago. Wonder what caused their populations to die down and then surge back up. I had so many on my pairs. Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@ Dead Men...Tell No Tales. Welcome, Foolish Mortals...
Patrick Hand Posted June 20, 2007 Author Posted June 20, 2007 ...So what's th' last thing ter go through a bugs mind when it hits yer windshield?............
Mad Matt Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 Oh SH!T You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.
Caraccioli Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 That reminds me of the (totally pointless in relation to the story as near as I can figure) flight of the dragonfly from the beginning of Men in Black. It's got a great Danny Elfman composed theme behind it. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Red Cat Jenny Posted June 21, 2007 Posted June 21, 2007 Bugs...ewww Recently had a discusssion on eating thank you..really However the little armadillo thingys under my flower pots are ok..and fireflies and ladybugs and dragonflies.. ~~~~ My old Bio teacher taught us how to tell the difference between an exoskeleton and an endoskeleton If you step on a bug and it goes squish crunch = endoskeleton conversely....crunch squish = exoskeleton I never forgot that.... Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
jessie k. Posted June 21, 2007 Posted June 21, 2007 Actually, worse than mayflies are those nasty asian beetles that look like ladybugs but aren't. They infested my house last fall, and there were so many that I could hear them crawling around on the ceiling as I was trying to sleep at night. Nightmarish! "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain
Rumba Rue Posted June 21, 2007 Posted June 21, 2007 get out the fryin' pan an' fry them critters right up, good eatin'....yum....
Caraccioli Posted June 21, 2007 Posted June 21, 2007 I don't have fake ladybugs, but my house does have a fair share of spiders. I've always kind of liked spiders, so I usually leave them be unless their webs become too apparent. Then I unceremoniously catch and dump the spider outside. You have to have standards. (Actually, I nearly always shuttle unwanted insects out. I got new windows last year so now I can open them easily which facilitates the catch-and-release program. Just sent a moth on its merry way this morn'. The exception is mosquitoes. No mercy for those mercenaries.) "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
jessie k. Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 I live in a leaky old farmhouse, which is wonderful, except the window screens and such all let bugs in through the holes. There were little flying critters in my bedroom last night. I slept on the couch downstairs. I'm rather fond of spiders, actually. We had one that had a really cool web on the basement steps for awhile. I named him Xavier. "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain
Black Syren Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 I too like Spiders..Never kill them it's bad luck. I just dont like those flat faced ones..Wolf spiders? they just look really weird, though I do love to watch them. If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)
Red Cat Jenny Posted June 30, 2007 Posted June 30, 2007 Whoo Syren ye can have all me spiders..eek! I only like th small furry things with cute noses :) Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Jolliet Rouge Posted June 30, 2007 Posted June 30, 2007 Spiders are the weavers of Fate and bring Good Luck. But I don't like handling them much. "Why condemn me for taking a Lover with out marriage while you do so in marriage and break sacred vows?"
Black Syren Posted June 30, 2007 Posted June 30, 2007 Maybe tis why I like them..Have you ever watched one spin a web? Truly an inspiring bit of art. And I owuld love to learn to weave.. If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)
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