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f it were riding Thomas the Tank Engine, you'd really have something.

Or wot about a Thomas the gun shooting tyrantasauris rex pyrate ship.... all th good stuff............... (dang once apon a tyme I was a little boy..... kinda scary if ye think about it....)

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O Fortuna

velut luna

statu variabilis,

semper crescis

aut decrescis;

vita detestabilis

nunc obdurat

et tunc curat

ludo mentis aciem,



dissolvit ut glaciem.

Sors immanis

et inanis,

rota tu volubilis,

status malus,

vana salus

semper dissolubilis,


et velata

michi quoque niteris;

nunc per ludum

dorsum nudum

fero tui sceleris.

Sors salutis

et virtutis

michi nunc contraria,

est affectus

et defectus

semper in angaria.

Hac in hora

sine mora

corde pulsum tangite;

quod per sortem

sternit fortem,

mecum omnes plangite.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


is that latin?

(and about the cirrus thing, this other site i go to has a silly questions topic (long story) and i asked what is the meaning of life and he said 42. then he explained it was from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (i think)


Yes. Words to the intro of Carmina Burana. If you've ever seen Excalibur you've heard the music. It is used in the scene where Arthur and his knights are riding off to their deaths in the final battle. It's also used in alot of movies trailers.

Link to a midi:


My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

  tishsparrow said:
is that latin?

(and about the cirrus thing, this other site i go to has a silly questions topic (long story) and i asked what is the meaning of life and he said 42. then he explained it was from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (i think)

Unfortunately if you ask that question to anyone who has read the Hitchhikers Guide books, that's the answer you'll get. I was about to post the exact thing, but Blackjohn beat me to it. It's the answer to the question of life the universe and everything. Turns out we just don't know what the question is!


My ex- sang choir and that was one of her favorite songs to sing, so we got to listen to it over and over and over in the car. Not too long after we broke up, my friend John's stubborn brother stumbled across it and insisted upon playing it repeatedly for us during Halloween. Fortunately, I'm made of stern stuff. ;) It is very impressive music and I can imagine it's most rewarding to sing, or, at least, to have sung.

tish, according to Douglas Adams, the Earth is a giant computer of sorts, run by mice to determine the ultimate question to the answer to life, the universe, and everything, which is: 42. If you're going to be a proper computer/internet geek, you really should read the Hitchiker's 5 part trilogy. (Although, personally, I do not find it to be very cohesive...it's more like a stitched up series of vignettes. Quite clever at times, but not very focused.)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



hey, i was just looking around the net and i was wondering...

if anyone on here is in the SCA, particularly in the barony of the iron bog... how is it? I mean, is it kinda fun, or hard? i was just looking into it and it sounded somewhat interesting, but i dunno if i should try it...

  Caraccioli said:
tish, according to Douglas Adams, the Earth is a giant computer of sorts, run by mice to determine the ultimate question to the answer to life, the universe, and everything, which is: 42.

Oddly enough a couple geeks actually plugged the question What is the meaning of life into a super computer let it wur away at full bore for a few years ( forget exactly how long somewhere between 7 and 11) it then came up with the answer 37 and also said the question wasn't asked correctly. For those of you who are wandering yes this is the type of thing teir 1 tech support talks about at 3 in the morning while we have you on hold. Sorry but even in the beggining my tolerance for my Internet is broken calls was 15 and by three I was on #70 :huh: Although I haven't read much of the hitch hicker series I can already state I don't care for it hence I have miserably failed the geek lithmus test :huh: and have reverted back to red neck :huh:



Thought 1) Cats have a fifth "thumb" claw a ways up on their front paws. Why? What's it good for? And while we're at it. what is that other skin pad about a 1/4 way up their front paw for?

Thought 2) If you print "This page intentionally left blank" on something, then it no longer is.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



For $9.95, I can get the Mancini's Ultimate Pink Panther cd downloaded right onto my computer without having to mess with purchasing/waiting for the physical CD which I was just going to upload to my computer anyhow. That's pretty cool.

Now I need an iPod so I never have to be concerned with CDs again and I can lose all my music in one good nuclear blast.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



Hummmmm..... I thought this was Random Thoughts..... not Random Topics.... oh well.........

I moved my computer from my workroom out to the living room today..... had lots of fun moving the phone line.... but that's another story.....

Anyway, now everytime I walk past my workroom, I want to go in an play on the computer (even when thats what I'm doing in the livingroom)

Wierd.... jsut wierd.......

Old habits or something like that......... :huh:


I saw Harry Potter tonight. It was pretty decent. They left huge chunks of the book on the cutting room floor, though. Had to be done... Fred and George get more screen time, which is good. Moody's eye is vastly different than what I had imagined. I was thinking of something like Ragetti's wooden eye, only blue.

I hope they don't cut Luna Lovegood or the Thestrals out of the next movie. (They could cut Cho Chang right out of the next one, though. I wouldn't miss that part at all.)

The music was fairly enjoyable, although it wasn't Williams...doubt I'll be purchasing that CD anytime soon.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



Humm.... Harry Potter, Phantom, Star Wars, Star Trek, Model building, D&D, Historic Re-enacting...... We realy are a diverse group .....

Other than Star Wars (never got into it....) I've been interested in all of the above......... :huh:


do you know of any good larps near here? either with pirates or just the generic elves and dwarfs and goblin thing, i dont care, long as its in south jersey and doesnt cost too much. preferably with cabins. that lets all ages play. theres nothing by way of events around here (not just parties, i mean actual events) for several months.


I'm sure we all have things we enjoy doing. But when those certain things start to become a regular thing and expected of you, the novelty runs out. You actually still like those certain things, you just don't want to do them all the time. And not be expected to do them either.


....And now for something compleatly different......

I HATE MY FIREPLACE.......... HATE IT...... HATE IT......... HATE IT

Now lets see if there is something that I've missunderstood...... When it's cold outside, you can build a fire in the fireplace. The reason a fireplace has a chimney is so the smoke will go outside, Not inside.... where you have to open all the doors and windows to let the smoke and heat from the fire out......

And yah.... I checked to make sure the pipes were clear....... THE DANG THING WON'T DRAW RIGHT........ AAAAARGH.........

Well looking at the positive side...... at least all my Buccaneer garb and stuff will have a nice woodsmoke smell to it (as does everything else in the house..... )


i have a woodstove in between the kitchen and livingroom, and everytime my mom puts logs in it, these three inch long black beetles crawl out. kinda freaky looking things, really. we just pick them up and toss them back in, they make cool popping noises as they burn :lol:

about your chimney, does the wind blow over it right, like is it in the middle of the house or the side, or maybe blocked by a bit of the roof or something? cuz maybe you're not getting the wind blowing over it and causing a suction.


I know this is really random - but i seem to be pretty easy to convince. I mean when someone tells me something or makes a promise, i believe it just as I would expect someone to believe me for my word as well. More times than not, I have regretted ever being so gullible, yet it keeps happening. Recently, since I have been divorced, I have let meself be lead down some pretty curvy paths. Does anyone else have trouble using good sense over emotions?

  Rummy3 said:
I know this is really random - but i seem to be pretty easy to convince.  I mean when someone tells me something or makes a promise, i believe it just as I would expect someone to believe me for my word as well.  More times than not, I have regretted ever being so gullible, yet it keeps happening.  Recently, since I have been divorced, I have let meself be lead down some pretty curvy paths.  Does anyone else have trouble using good sense over emotions?




Well there is one good thing about th' D&$n fireplace..... I put two logs on each end of it, and a rack from the oven across the top.....I'm making some buccaan (jerkey) so I'll have some food at PiP........


Hand if the chimmney wont draw ain't no fix I know for it. The fire place at my brothers house has a chimney that wont draw and hence force has been nothing more than an ash tray of giant proportions. Any one know a bullet maker that has spitzer tip 30/30 rounds and or a good place to get parts for a Lee British Enfield Numrich doesn't have what I need.


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