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  tishsparrow said:
you guys are probably going to laugh, but for some reason i always picture the avatar talking. with people who have their picture up, its not so weird, but for people like Black John and Mission, its kinda silly...

Hey Tish, "say the magic woid..."


My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

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  Christine said:
Now, here's another odd thing: whenever I dream I do not see the sunlight. When I dream of outside places it's either night time, or if it is during the day it's gloomy. I can't remember ever seeing the sun in my dreams, they're always dark.

Ah, you dream in the Scooby Doo realm. Ever notice that the sun is never out in the Scooby Doo cartoons?

blackjohn...inspired! The Cocoanuts is one of my favorite movies.


"You can have any kind of a home you want. You can even get stucco. Oh, how you can get stucco."

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


Christine asked about dreams where you can't move. Back in the mid-90s I had one of those. I hit the sack around 10. My wife was downstairs watching tv. About 11:30 I woke up to the feeling that their was a presence hovering over me. A malevolent presence! The lights were on in the room. My wife was in the connecting bath getting ready for bed. And there was someTHING in the room, hovering over me, trying to take my life's essence from me, trying to smother me and steal my soul. I tried to move. I couldn't. I tried to call out. I couldn't. It was scary as hell, literally. My wife came into the room, and I don't remember what happened at that point, but I do remember having a feeling that IT had fled, and I was still alive through sheer luck.

I've had that happen to me as well, more than once. I managed to fight it off both times. I told my boss about one instance and it had her spooked the rest of the day.


  Diego Santana de la Vega said:
christine 2005, 01:22 PM] I'm so pale, I avoid the sun in both reality and my dreams

God bless his soul but did you steal that line from Rodney Dangerfield?

LOL! :lol: A typical pale person quote actually-lol!

  Red-Handed Jill said:
Christine asked about dreams where you can't move. Back in the mid-90s I had one of those. I hit the sack around 10. My wife was downstairs watching tv. About 11:30 I woke up to the feeling that their was a presence hovering over me. A malevolent presence! The lights were on in the room. My wife was in the connecting bath getting ready for bed. And there was someTHING in the room, hovering over me, trying to take my life's essence from me, trying to smother me and steal my soul. I tried to move. I couldn't. I tried to call out. I couldn't. It was scary as hell, literally. My wife came into the room, and I don't remember what happened at that point, but I do remember having a feeling that IT had fled, and I was still alive through sheer luck.

I've had that happen to me as well, more than once. I managed to fight it off both times. I told my boss about one instance and it had her spooked the rest of the day.

ever heard of a succubus? I know I know it's hard being the monsignor....

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Yup, the succabus and incaubus. Both real stuff and damn creepy. The movie The Enity is based on that. I swear, if I was being raped by a ghost I would just kill myself. No one would believe me and think me crazy.


I'm serious its a real phenomena but hardly worth taking ones life over do you think? Though the certainty of the acts occurance leaves one with nothing less than rage, Suicide is not a choice. As the numbers of studies being done though hard to find would offer great rewards for this kind of information clarity....

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Well, I wouldn't really, but I'd feel pretty damn isolated. People don't usually believe that stuff and would think someone is crazy.


OK// i did not read most of the lat post (hey ... I will go back and do such)... me and the kitty are having a problim.... I "Bonk " the kity on the head when he messes up..... but .........just don"t wprk..................... dang..... can"t call it a pyrate kitty (welll he don"t play that)

OK so I am rattling................ James B. said it so much better ....."Blam, it on the rum..."

night all (rember.......... I STILL HAVE RUM.......................Yah team...)

  Duchess said:
Quantum encrption comes about because if you know the correct sequence and types to make a series of measurments (ie how to decode the message) you get a meanful result, otherwise, measured (or tampered with) in any other way you get gobollity gook.  An this gook gets sent along so when the correct person attempts to decode the message the tampering is obvious because the legitimate receiver can no longer read the message. It's pretty neat stuff.

Collapsing the wave function. That sounds very familiar - I believe I have read about it. (Although clearly I didn't understand it very well because this all sounds new.)

;) The realization of Feynman's quantum computer deals in qubits! The man probably would have been appalled to find that they called them that.


"The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits; the breadth of it 50 cubits, and the height of it 30 cubits."

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



the philadelphia miniaturia is tomorrow... cant wait to see the new exhibits...

need to get more pirate things for my cave. still dont have any actual pirate figurines in it.

  Caraccioli said:
blackjohn...inspired! The Cocoanuts is one of my favorite movies.


Thanks. Actually, you are in part responsible for it. I had been thinking about Groucho (in the guise of Rufus T. Firefly) as an avatar but hadn't acted upon it. When you assumed your new identity, other than the figure from pirate myth, the first thing that came to mind was Chico's character Chicolini. And thus, a legendary avatar was born. :P

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

  blackjohn said:
Yes.  Think cats.  And boxes.  And if I'm not mistaken the act of opening the box is called...

D'oh! Yet I can give you all the quotes from Caddyshack and Kung Fu Hustle. Magnificent things, our brains...almost chaotic the way they work.

"I can see it now: you and the moon - wear a necktie so I'll know you." (The Cocoanuts)

So I was talking to my friend Joe, who is a computer software engineer at a college 'round near these parts, and explaining the language that they are developing for quantum computers. (Rather imaginatively named QCL - You can download it here if that entertains you.) Anyhow, I sent him an email entitled Geez! It even has to have its' own language!, the text of which contained the above link and "You should have studied calculus harder." This was sort of a joke between us. He hated Calculus and barely scraped through the only class he took, while I wandered through four classes worth without quite so much trouble.

His response was "According to quantum theory, I simultaneously did and did not study calculus harder. It's only when you give me a calculus test that it appears I did not study it much at all."

:ph34r: Collapsing the grade function!

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



Here's a fun question that makes people think: What really is the meaning of life? No matter what we do on this earth we will eventually die so it makes ya wonder: what is our purpose for being here? Some say, make the most out of life, enjoy it while you can. Live life to the fullest; live every moment, love every day for too soon your precious life slips away. But does it all seem for nothing? When you die does it really matter what you did?


My, but haven't a smattering of organizations and a couple of books been devoted to that question?

I honestly don't think we can know the meaning of life. (Although, by implication, I believe there is one - otherwise, why not just fall on our swords and be free of it all?)

Having no real guidance, we each ascribe our own meaning predicated on our preferred proclivities. Or, for the joiners, we subscribe to philosophical ideals or the philosophies of organizations of our choice.

(This question just might deserve its own topic. If it gets enough attention, I'll split it out.)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


What really is the meaning of life?

dang... I don't know that..... wish I did............... justa bad pyrate..... but somehow that (even when drunk) kinda works.....................

Dang... that's a Boudist Pyrate,,,,,,,,,, OH welll............

but I don't think I'm a Buudist...................

Dang wot th" heck do I bealeave..........

I think I beleave I will have another rum.........

(And anyone that read all that .....eeergh ... crap.... deserves a Rum also...........)

QUOTE (Christine @ Nov 7 2005, 03:39 PM)

What really is the meaning of life? 

uuuhhh... 42? 

uh, blackjohn, by any chance, do you frequent the tpc under the name cirrus?


I was looking for a picture of dinosaur with a pirate hat (I honestly don't know why. I sort of like my new avatar, so that can't be it.) when it occurred to me that someone should create toys that combine a three to five year old boy's favorite things: dinosaurs and pirates. If it were riding Thomas the Tank Engine, you'd really have something.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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