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A Pirate Parade Float In the Making!!!

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OK clue me in Captain.... sealer goes on last, right? But would have to have dry paint to use it, correct? Haven't got there yet. All is not lost, at worst I can wipe of the wet stuff that I did yesterday and repaint. The color I've got hides stuff great. I'll call ye at break and get the low-down.

Ah, ye' got yerself a blonde on the crew Cap'n... have patience! :lol:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Arrrr Captain, no answer at the ship, so I called West Marine. They said the laytex paint won't stick to the fiberglass. They said to use polyurethane paint and that we'll need a primer on the metal. Does that sound right to you captain?

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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OK I thought the would should be unsealed to absorb the paint!

*smacks forehead*

No problem, I'm heading home to hose and wipe it all off and start over. Even the guy at West Marine said not to buy it from them, to go to Orchard Supply, for the price and because they don't mix colors. I'm gonna call you first also.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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I think Sunday works well with us. It is raining all weekend, so there won't be anything accomplished on the Land Shark. We were thinking of coming up Saturday night and heading out to see Master and Commander, then spending the night aboard. Does that work for you Captain?

On the Land Shark, I went and got some "Gripper Aqua Acrylic Primer" that is made by Behr, the company that makes the exterior laytex house paint we got. It will adhere to just about anything and provide an good surface to accept the paint. We've now got the entire hull and some of the cabin, deck and trailer coated with it. It seems to be adhereing and curing well, despite a lack of true sunshine and warmth. Sadly, everything up here is damp and with our deadline, there is little we can do but forge ahead. The Land Shark is covered with tarps, to protect it from the next 3 days of rain and we'll finish priming, then paint.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Looks at the Quartermaster, giving a nod to Jack, " It all works for me, mates!!!...The forward cabin is now also satellite equipped, so..Kick off them boots, and we'll have a great time!...Only supposed to rain a quarter inch or so, no big deal..... Should I loosen up Lady Liberte', or not?"..begins looking for the brass, WWII bomb factory crescent wrench, as it leaves no marks or gouges...


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Thanks Carrie! Unfortunately, when you live on top of a mountain like we do, no one lives close! LOL!

This rainy weather is worrying me though.. we've come so far and it really has gone surprisingly well up to this point. It would be awful if it were something so simple as paint that messes us up, when we've overcome so many other obstacles. We may rent an industrial blower/heater to dry it beneath the tarps if we have to.

On the other hand, I'm glad that we clued into the fact that the house paint would not adhere to the hull now, rather than later.

Can you imagine if we'd been in the parade and it started to rain?!!! :lol:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooooo Mr. Bill!!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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:ph34r: Yeah, I'm glad we discovered that flaw before a rainy parade- sheesh, the stuff looked good, but ran like watercolors under the hose!

By the way Captain Gary, Nyre and Captain Jack-

I've added a mention of "Land Shark Patrons" to the Land Shark Page Captain Gary for offering the Royaliste's figurehead to reproduce and Nyre and Captain Jack for constructing the figurehead.

Many thanks to ye' mates!! :lol:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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It's been raining off n' on all day today. I've been sitting in me classroom, worrying about what sort of a slimey mess I would come home to, with the coat of primer on the Land Shark having been covered in tarps while still wet to protect it from the rain. I came home and...



*moon walks, grins*

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Why thankee Quill fer the honorable mention. Tis our pleasure to help out. Nyre got most of the stuff today and will get the rest of it tomorrow whilst I house-sit and watch the roofers finish. Thank god we have only had "Seattle spit" for rain today. :ph34r:

Glad to hear the good news on the primer! :ph34r: Cheers mate!

I also has some news ta bring Gary on his lighting issue he wants to rig for the boat parade. Thinks we might have a solution fer ye!

See ye all on Sunday...Saturday evenin' if we can. (I'll post by 4 pm PST ta let ye know either way)


~ Jack Bartholemew

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'Ere ye go....some reality show....like "This Old Boat"... "Dock Appeal"..."Wave Rules"? Alrighty ye square box producers....'ere be the next big thing....get yee's to it!

Aye....online namin party.....I be there, lass. Guess I could e'en see meself providin' some cyber libations. :ph34r:


This old Boat......... :ph34r:

What-cha brinn'n? Shall we have a pot luck.........?

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T'was not a good night for the Land Shark. I painted one side  yesterday afternoon, but living in a coastal mountain redwood forest, we had a very damp night and I have wet runny paint this morning. Not good. I just saw Royaliste's post that rain was forcast for tomorrow,  and according to weather.com we'll have showers all weekend.

Sorry fer yer dificulites, I truely am. Pitty ye can't send it all downsouth, gladly trade it fer all our dry weather

Scarey bit about the paint eeek! Theres nothing like learning-as-ye-go is there? :ph34r: I'd been looking at some prep/primers recently to help a friend with a work project....there are primers to help adhere (so they claims :ph34r: ) almost anything...(wallpaper to formica in this case...fits well with my philosophy that formica should be covered))......but that's not really the problem here is it?...nefermind.........

20 friends with hairdryers? Ye can't have a fire so near the paint....

Jealous too..........me dream........to live where the redwoods meet the sea..


or where the sea meets the redwoods....not that picky

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