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Then I'm curious t' know what that hole if for and the bottom end of the table. I've only had one massage in my life and her table wasn't configured with a hole like that!

(((And, NO! I wasn't LOOKING for a hole in her table, either! <_< )))


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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You lay flat down on your tummy and your face goes in that hole. It's cushioned so it's comfortable. That way, on your tummy, you get the full body massage. <_<


Thank you, M'lady. As always, you're a shining light in a cesspool of Pyrates... <_<

Matt, me friend...the top hole is indeed for the head...

And if you notice, the bottom hole is heart-shaped...


...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Aww, ok, I'll play nice...

BOTH holes are for the face - the heart-shaped one is the standard-issue one...you pay extra for the more comfortable, more padded face cradle - it just goes in the opposite end on this model.

The "outriggers" are for the arms, since the tables are kind of narrow...

And the "sling pouch" beneath the face cradle is a place to put your arms when your lying face-down.


1. Deluxe heat/massage unit

2. 6-Pax chilled beverage storage unit

3. Built-in Universal remote control for CATV/Net/HDTV/ICBM

4. Fully washable

5. Holds 500 pounds...so if I ever get lucky with a 320-pound lady, I'm set...

6. Ignore #5 - that was in bad taste <_<

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


What's happening...feeling some stress has left, but it only leaves me more anxious.

I went to see the specialist I was refered to regarding my back situation. For those who don't know, I have scoliosis (curved spine) and pretty much my whole spine is fused to keep it from moving further (surgery in 1972). Anyway my problem is the vertabrae below the fusion in my tail bone area where you bend, well two vertabrae are now against each other. There much arthritis, and other problems associated with this have occured over the years as I have gotten older. And it's currently keeping me from standing or walking for more than 5 to 10 minutes at best. It is extremely painful.

Anyway the specialist I was refered to no longer does spinal surgery, so they are being great and will try and find me a doctor who will be able to understand my situation better. But the end result is, I'm facing surgery with the use of a 'replacement disk' in order to try and keep the bones from rubbing against each other. If the two bones were fused I would not be able to move...so that can't be done.

I don't know how long this finding a doctor, assessing what should be done, or any surgery to come will take. But I figure at least another month or two before anything really happens.

So I'm hanging in here gritting my teeth but I truly enjoy the laughs that I can occassionally get from people's posts, it makes life a little more bearable for me.



Well then, love, we'll do our damnedest to keep a smile on your face! :P

Many hugs, Rumba. And you know kind and warm thoughts are always headed your way. :)

And that cargo I procured for you... whenever you're ready to receive it, let me know! ;)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Ahhhhhhhhh. So THAT'S what a "two-holer" is!



You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.


Tired, not wanting to go in for the day shift again. It's so damn draining, this is why I work the night shift more. No managers on the PMs and it's not as stressful. Plus, I have that lovely time of the month so it just makes working these hours and dealing with all the managers much more fun. :huh:

  RumbaRue said:
So I'm hanging in here gritting my teeth but I truly enjoy the laughs that I can occassionally get from people's posts, it makes life a little more bearable for me.

Rumba, I can easily start some fresh trouble if it'll make you smile... :huh:

Good luck with the docs!

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Aw Phil, you're sweet like candy,

You're poetry is quite dandy.

The lines ne'er sag,

Nor do they lag,

Your sails are full of fine wind,

To steer your ship of funny sins,

We may not always see eye to eye,

But we share the same toke,

You are a fine bloke. :huh:

  RumbaRue said:
Aw Phil, you're sweet like candy,

You're poetry is quite dandy.

The lines ne'er sag,

Nor do they lag,

Your sails are full of fine wind,

To steer your ship of funny sins,

We may not always see eye to eye,

But we share the same toke,

You are a fine bloke.  :huh:

*sniff*...gimme a second here...*SNORK*...ahh...ok...

Rumba, our Mistress, works hard in this place

I wonder that she keeps a smile on her face

Dealin' with pyrates is no easy thing

'Specially when Fantasy-types start to sing

We boast and we post all our perverted kinks

We even chit-chat about our kitchen sinks

What we really need is a lash of the cat

While forced to read "Twill" (Hey, hold up - what is THAT?)

When time comes for Mod'ing, she's even and fair

(t'were ME, I'd be pullin' out my scanty hair!)

Then Rumba, so gently, with words never harsh,

Sends us to our room - or in this case, the marsh!

Aye, truth it be told, Rumba dear, I may sin

I can't let it go 'til the last word is in

So, yes, I admit it, I've erred and I've sinned

And THAT'S the foul odor that you call "fine wind"

Ah, lass, yer a treasure in this crazy port

Ye hold yer tongue still as we giggle and snort

And post dirty stories and off-color jokes

Now, sit down here, dear, yes, we'll share a few tokes


...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


it's alright....I won't be tellin no one...

*turns to future posters*



Doing pretty good. There was thunder all this morning, it's all windy and gloomy, looks like a summer storm. Work was good too today. I sold an apartment! The sales and marketer could not be there for the most of the day, she had a trade show to be at to schmooze with other sales and marketers. This lady came in, who had been in before, and wanted to take look at our first floor alzheimer unit. She was almost pretty much interested, but wanted to take a look. She's looking for a place for her mom. I could not find the one other manager anywhere to show her around. Since I'm training a new receptionist, I asked her to watch the phones so I could show this lady the alzheimer unit. So I showed her some of the model apartments and then she asked to see the 2nd floor alz. unit again, she had saw it on another time with the sales and marketer. She wanted to compare and decide which one she liked better. So I took her up there too. She really liked the 2nd floor and left all her information so I could pass it on to Susan, the sales and marketer, when she got back. Susan called her later on and was told that the lady will be coming in to put in a deposit. Woo-hoo, I sold an apartment! lol! I'll most likely get a bonus for this. :lol:


Way to go, Christine! :huh::huh:

My back is hurting so much that it's driving me nuts! B)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


LOL!!!! :huh:

Thanks guys, I'll see what happens pretty soon at work today. The boss will be there so I'm sure she might say something about it.


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