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(Psssssssssst!) That heart be stowed next to the CD player.

It stirs most rightly when *track 15* comes on to play!! :ph34r:

Imagine, a shipload of cannon and ALL named for the wenches!! :unsure:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



'Tis beyond Grand Lord Pirate.....

....'tis befittin!!!

There be few things stronger in mind and heart then a Wench!

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



(chuckle) :ph34r:

'Tis true enough! Nothing like a bit of extra *wind in yer sails!!* :unsure:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



YO HO HO!!!...

Nothing like a good, firm keel. :)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!




"Shift yer cargo deary.. no need to expose your super structure!"


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Ouch Cap'n... that musta hurt sumpthin' fierce!!

On the day we sailed, one o' the high points o' the day was when we happened to sail past a kid's birthday party on shore. Kids being kids, the li'l pirates spotted th' pirate ship and started waving.

Our Cap'n couldn't resist doin' sumpthin' special fer the tyke who was havin' his birthday, so he ordered the helmsman to come about.

We hugged the coastline and came in as close to shore as she could. The the kids were all a-gathered and a watchin' to see what we was up to...

KABOOM!! KABOOM!! KABOOM!! We delivered a fine birthday broadside fer the kids that must o' rattled windows fer miles!

On shore, all heck broke loose! Kids was a-jumpin' up an down, a-shoutin' and a-wavin' thar arms! The moms were jumpin' and waivin' too!

...and you should have seen this kid's pop come flyin' out o' his house when the Royaliste fired her guns!!!!!! (I think poor pop thought it was 9-11 all over again!!!)

"Happy Birthday!" we shouted and went on our way... Grinnin' from ear to ear knowin' that it was a birthday party never to be forgotten by the little buccaneers!!


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas




I twas informed that ye did put in an application to PRP. Gotta wonder though, how you're going to get your ship to Lake Casitas for your audition?


Rollerskates? :D:D:D:huh::huh::huh:


** :D **


I kind of had to snicker a bit when I checked out your website. A ketch? Ah, she might be wooden, but small . :D

Nice little ship though, too bad it won't float in Lake Casitas, as dry weather has dried the lake up quite a bit, and it's fairly shallow now. Bound to get stuck in the mud. :ph34r:

Well, I can tell you're no stick in the mud, but watch out, we're really good at tying people up.


** :ph34r: **


:ph34r: Captain of the Royaliste….

I had to chuckle at the comments of RumbaRue….

It has been my distinct pleasure to be able to sail on the Royaliste on several occasions including one of our more recent trips that included over 20 fully dressed and armed Pirates of the Bay Area.

This being said, the Royaliste carried her passengers mainly on the bow and aft portions of the ship, leaving the entire gun deck to the helmsman and a rigger. Now adding that space in I would guess that it would be easy to have 30 people on her decks at any one time and that’s to say nothing of the area below decks.

The Royaliste is a 71' OA gaff-rigged, square-tops'l ketch refit to specifications of an 18th-century dispatch gunboat/bomb ketch.


Nina = 67 feet long, 21 feet wide

Niña was the smallest vessel in the fleet: 67 feet long with a crew of 24. She sailed more than 25,000 miles on three voyages to the New World.

Pinta = 70 feet long, 22 feet wide

The Pinta (literally “The Painted One” and Spanish sailors’ slang for whore) was slightly bigger than Niña at 70 feet with a crew of 26.

Santa Maria = 77 feet long, 26 feet wide

Santa Maria was a lumbering merchantman, a clumsy cargo ship never able to keep up with the caravels. She was 77 feet long and, with Columbus in command, carried about 45 crewmen.

After a third trip to the New World, Nina was captured by pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. She was recaptured by her crew and disappeared from history in 1499, possibly sold and renamed. At La Navidad the charred remains of Santa María were washed away by the tropical rains. The Pinta, after several trips to the Caribbean, went down in a storm somewhere near Truks Islands

Hey Royaliste.. I guess there’s enough room aboard for us Pirates up here *S*

You know, I know and anyone who’s been on the Royaliste knows, it’s a great ship made for sailing and plundering the high seas at will……

Loyal Crewman when the Captain will have me…



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