Cap'n Knifehand Ken Posted September 13, 2003 Posted September 13, 2003 My favorite movies, eh... Pirates of the Caribbean(by the way, got a great dvd quality version off of Kazaa...I am a pirate!!) the Matrix and Reloaded Those are the only's that matter at this moment. The pirate Knifehand Ken captured many galleons, killing over five-hundred men in cold blood. He would tear the captains hearts out and swallow them whole. Often forcing his victims to eat their own lips.
Rosalinda Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 One movie I saw more than any others... was working a second job as the projectionist at a movie theater when it came out. Will still watch it... Close Encounters of the Third Kind They're out there, you know.....
The WildHair'd Wench Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 Me favorite movies in no particular order are: Pirates of the Caribbean Lord of the Rings Legend (The European Version) Brotherhood of the Wolf The Three Musketeers (Michael York, Oliver Reed/Faye Dunaway, etc.) Cyrano de Bergerac (Gerard Depardieu) The Count of Monte Christo (both versions) The Man in the Iron Mask (Richard Chamberlain) The Mask of Zorro Amadeus The Matrix The Mummy (2000?, the newer version) The Fifth Element Restoration Captain Blood Frenchman's Creek Against All Flags Gladiator Hook Moll Flanders (This didn't do too well at the pictures, but it really is a good movie, I thought, I love strong women characters, but then the critics hate most of the movies I like) Forever Amber (An excellent display of manly virtues in that film) From Hell Chocolat (Oh, hell anything with Johnny Depp in it) Blade Interview with a Vampire Queen of the Damned (Not happy that they didn't stick with the book, but I can handle it) The Princess Bride Orlando Prosperos Books Atlantis by Disney (Not many people liked it, but excellent imagination) *************************** Favorite POC line - "But why is the rum gone?"
CrimsonPirate Posted September 22, 2003 Posted September 22, 2003 John Maddox Roberts said: Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughan, Brad Dexter and Horst Bucholz. It's Brad nobody can ever remember. Music by Elmer Bernstein. Mine is The Wild Bunch.AliasGraceO'Malley said: I'm guessing Brad is the kid? He is the one I always forget. Actually Horst Bucholz played the kid. Brad Dexter was a big, barrel-chested gunman who was in the fight for the supposed gold hidden in the village. Dexter also played one of Anthony Quinn's gunmen in "Last Train From Gun Hill, which starred Kirk Douglas. My favorite movie is a western: "Tombstone." I also like "The Firm" with Tom Cruise. BTW, my username comes from "The Crimson Pirate" starring Burt Lancaster. I did the quotes like this 'cause I didn't know how to quote two people in the same post. This ol' pirate be semi-computer illiterate.
Lucky Penny Hawkings Posted September 22, 2003 Posted September 22, 2003 Ohboy. Long list. As with others, no particular order, just as they come to mind... Most Alfred Hitchcock-Because I spent an entire semester studying the guy... The Lord of the Rings Movies- Obvious I'm sure Most of the Highlander movies- Though some days I believe in the phrase "There Should Have Been Only One..." POTC- Oh come on, this had to be obvious The Blair Witch Project- Sucky visuals, but once I started using my own imagnation...yike. Of course, BW was not really made with the intent of being cinematically pretty. Secret if NIMH: I need to get this on of the childhood OLD childhood fave even. Nightmare on Elm Street: Because it was the first scary movie that I had to actually STOP watching the first time, and it took me several years to watch it end to end. That's just the tip of the iceberg, I think. I could spend a LOT of time listing movies that I like for one reason or another. Don't get me started again! "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!" -the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-
Cap'n Coyote Posted September 22, 2003 Posted September 22, 2003 Dark City The Crow Anything by Terry Gilliam Alien 1-4 (yes, even 3) BTW: Alien, the Director's Cut is being released on Hallowe'en this year. Limited play, though. Check your local listings. 13th Warrior Desperado American Werewolf in London Escape from New York/LA Evil Dead 1-3 Near Dark Thir13en Ghosts Tombstone Blazing Saddles Young Frankenstein Murder By Death and many, many others Rumors of my death were right on the money.
Zephyr Posted September 22, 2003 Posted September 22, 2003 Am I way off of this? I didn't like the "two Towers" (not as much as FotR ).....thought they scrambled it, changed the plot in ways that were not essential longer fit the story, added silly scenes (what waaas the deal with Aragorn and the warg........a vision of Arwen as the horses mane brushes his face, obviously the horsey breath brought memories of his dearest love.....), changed characters (always loved how noble and wise and insightful Elrond and Faramir are (were)).....Frodo is sneaking into Mordor with the ring...then suddenly he's dueling with the Wraith, on the top of a tower, in broad daylight....on the borders of Mordor........ and they don't now know where it is and who has it? ........... he's going to sneak in after making such-a-sceeeeene...........sigh........Lord..........of the Rings. Rantette. I do imagine you've all perused "Bored of the Rings", young I was when I read it (younger, anyway) but I remember it gave many moments of mirth. Movies? other than the piratin' kind (olde and new) ....remember "Nate and Hayes"...(was it?)..........Indiana Jones......I'm sure there are more, I'm a "Pride and Prejudice" (A& E version) fan...bit of a"Potter" fan too (books, CDs, not movies as much)
KindheartedKylie Posted September 27, 2003 Posted September 27, 2003 :angry: i know my favorite movies won't completely relate, but meh. my faves at this moment would indeed be 'Pirates of the Caribbean'! oh yes, 'Almost Famous' (so terrific!), i just recently saw 'Cutthroat Island' which wasn't bad . . . some bad jokes but it was good and I luv Matt Modine! '200 cigarettes' is awesome too! if you haven't seen it, set sail and go rent it! yeah, i'm not gonna list anymore, it'll take all evein'! G'day!
Captian Wolfy Wench Posted October 6, 2003 Posted October 6, 2003 Favorite movies? I have a lot o' those. No real order, just kinda... Pirates of the Caribbean (drr! We all love this, don't we? :angry: ) Star Wars (all of them, but make no mistake, originals are best) Indiana Jones trilogy Moulin Rouge The Matrix (Reloaded and Revolutions included) Lord of the Rings (RotK is gonna make it on here) Princess Mononoke Balto Sleepy Hollow Minority Report Memento Psycho (original) The Lion King (I'm an animator, can't help it) Captain Blood The Nightmare Before Christmas The X-Files: Fight the Future Desperado/Once Upon a Time in Mexico (nice to have a kick-ass Latino-based movies to pride meself on!) Newsies (leave me alone) Lawrence of Arabia Bridget Jones' Diary Emma and Pride & Prejudice (A&E) Edward Scissorhands (Okay, okay, I'm a Burton fan! And a Johnny Depp fan, too...) The Harry Potter films are probably on here, too Those are me most favorite, probably. I have more I like, but if they were ter be typed... Captain Wolfy Wench
Blackeye Susan Posted October 9, 2003 Posted October 9, 2003 Sure, I'll bite. These are a few of my favs...always open to change. Sweeney Todd(I know it's a musical, but I just got the PBS video and I'm soo happy. I want to be Mrs Lovetts when I grow up) Pirates of Penzance w/ Kevin Kline & Angela Lansbury Court Jester(notice a theme here...I just want to be an Angela Lansbury villain) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Death to Smootchy Any and all Muppet movies(perhaps excluding the Bunny Picnic) POTC of course Harry Potter You know a few years ago this list would have been littered with sci fi films. I wonder what happened. -Blackeye Susan
KindheartedKylie Posted October 9, 2003 Posted October 9, 2003 captweaver65 said: pirates of the carribbean...naturallyinterview with the vampire lord of the rings 1 & 2 (I'm sure 3 will make it there when it comes out) horatio hornblower series (A&E) tank girl record of the Lodoss war series solarbabies now that I look at all my favorites together,I see it is a most eclectic collection hey! I salute you! Tank Girl may not be the best movie to some but I thought it was hilarious! I love the . . . um . . . Rippers! They were so funny . . yes . . . and I'm surprised to find that the majority of you like vampire movies! i love 'em too; even if Queen of the Damned was a little corny, I really liked it. (I didn't even notice the corny parts until I saw it the second time . . . hmmm) Chocolat was good! (Johnny . . . sigh). I think the Fifth Element was great too (I must sound like a stalker), Chris Tucker is awesome . . . yes, and I just recently say Cutthroat Island which I thought, aside from the corny 'Dog' jokes was really well done. Geena Davis was great. But one quick question, at the end when the ship blows up and she says something about the treasure being on the other side of the barrel . . . what exactly does she mean? (I apoligize, I'm slow when it comes to movies. ) Just thought I'd clear that up if and when I had the chance. Thanks and so long. PS. LOTR . . . oh yes, viggo rules my world
Cap'n Coyote Posted October 9, 2003 Posted October 9, 2003 KindheartedKylie said: and I'm surprised to find that the majority of you like vampire movies! Don't be surprised, Lass. Vampires be a lot like Pirates. They are dark, on the outside of society, have a very distinct dialect, and are snappy dressers. :) Rumors of my death were right on the money.
Cap'n Coyote Posted October 10, 2003 Posted October 10, 2003 OMG! I can't believe I missed that! VeggieTales rocks! Rumors of my death were right on the money.
Captian Wolfy Wench Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 Cap said: Don't be surprised, Lass. Vampires be a lot like Pirates.They are dark, on the outside of society, have a very distinct dialect, and are snappy dressers. :) Hmm, what it is about vampires, then? I can sort of see why they're be like pirates, but... they've FANGS... and they BITE PEOPLE and they're UNDEAD and the like. Very shexy. Faaangs... *draws a hybrid pirate/vampire* Musn't forget Interview with the Vampire! Great movie. I liked Underworld, too. Cheezy, but there's sexy vampires... and werewolves, yeah! Captain Wolfy Wench
El Pirata Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 POTC, least til I be wearin out the downloaded copy I have and play multiple times a day. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
Blind Rhoid Pyle Posted October 12, 2003 Posted October 12, 2003 Nice to see so many of us are in accord on the truly great movies. My favorites are: Lord of the Rings (trilogy, yes I love Return of the King in advance) POTC Anything by Monty Python Almost Anything by Terry Gilliam (especially Brazil) The Blues Brothers Anything with the Marx Brothers (except the last few films) Anything with Laurel & Hardy (especially Sons of the Desert) Sherlock Holmes films (with Jeremy Brett for Grenada TV) This Is Spinal Tap Waiting for Guffman / Best of Show / A Mighty Wind Roger and Me / Bowling for Columbine Anything with Peter Sellers There are some movies that are so bad, they're good, but I think that deserves its' own thread.
Submarine Privateer Posted October 23, 2003 Posted October 23, 2003 I guess my favorite pyrate movie (albeit a cheesy one) is the Crimson Pirate with Burt Lancaster. Maybe I just like it because it has a submarine at end!!! Eric :)
dickosfortuna Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 Favourite movies indeed.. lame-asses... BUt if ye must know: :) BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS :) !!!!!!!! Anyone seen it? Russ Meyer at his best!! 'My own master, on like occasions, would buy a whole pipe of wine and placing it in the street would force everyone that passed him to drink with him, threatening also to pistol them in case they would not do it... and very oftern, with both his hands, he would throw these liquors about the street and wet the clothes of such as walked by, without regarding whether he spoiled their apparel or not, were they men or women.'
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 My favorite pirate movie is a porn movie called "Conquest" Oh yeah baby!!! Quote YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
El Pirata Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 BLACK JACK SHALAQ said: My favorite pirate movie is a porn movie called "Conquest" Oh yeah baby!!! I was thinkin Caught in the Middle was a better pron movie. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 El Pirata , Hell brother, Conquest is soooo awsome. Check it out. We had the DVD for over a year and Ol' black jack still can't get past the "Native Girls" scene. It without a doubt stiffins' the ol main mast! Quote YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
BLACK JACK SHALAQ Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 El Pirata , Hell brother, Conquest is soooo awsome. Check it out. We had the DVD for over a year and Ol' black jack still can't get past the "Native Girls" scene. It without a doubt stiffins' the ol main mast! Quote YER ANKLES WILL LOOK LOVELY BEHIND YER EARS LASSIE! HAR! HAR! HAR!
Cap'n Coyote Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 For all you Alien fans out there... The "director's cut" of the 1979 horror film Alien has received much critical praise, and Monday’s USA Today is reporting that it will be included in an enormous nine-DVD "Alien Quadrilogy" box set to be released on Dec. 2 that will retail for $99.98. The set will include some 45 hours of previously unseen material, the newspaper said. Rumors of my death were right on the money.
Captian Wolfy Wench Posted November 10, 2003 Posted November 10, 2003 For all ye Alien fans... There's a lot of Alien-inspired conceptual art, design and special effects in the new Matrix flick, Revolutions. Anyone see it yet? </OT> Captain Wolfy Wench
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