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Tsunami Kate

William Brand

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"Aye... Sir William, I too must pass on the jalapenos. I'm satisfied wit' the risotto, and lookin' forward t' the baked pears, wit' the walnut creme! This Spanish Cava seems t' go down easy, wit' everythin'."

"Silkie luv, the pendant is nice, but yer about t' get it's nest in the Guacamole!" Jacky smiles and winks.

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Spent the night in the ER t hinking I was having a heartattack only to discovere I am severely anemic and my heart is struggling to pump what I do not have to pump..So William besides livere what do you have to offer.....

*Feel really horrible* Figured this was the best to let those on the WatchDog know without messaging all of you...


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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william - wjhat have you gopt for comfort food for a lass who was just diagnosed with hepatitis c? :lol: have to pass on the rum - more for everyone else now! :rolleyes:

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

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Well health does not run rampant in these parts.

Jus' a Guinness and some Shepard's Pie fer me an' me bruddah Mister Red Wake sar.

Titim gan éirí ort.

There are many forms of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the boundaries into true corruption, into our domain.

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. James 5:1-3

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Mmmmmmm! Shepards Pie! I've not ad any in such a long time! Perhaps tis time t'partake!

William, tis a new day. I'll ave d'Shepards Pie ifin dere be any remainin'.

Hmmm, ya do need t'hire some wait staff ere n'allow yeurself time t'socialize with the patrons more awfen.

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I'll have some of everything and something to wash it all down if'n ye please, I'm starving.


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Spent the night in the ER t hinking I was having a heartattack only to discovere I am severely anemic and my heart is struggling to pump what I do not have to pump..So William besides livere what do you have to offer.....

*Feel really horrible* Figured this was the best to let those on the WatchDog know without messaging all of you...

Hi, Siren:

Sorry to hear about your anaemia. I had a serious problem with that last year as well.

However, my doctor was astonished at how quickly I was able to get my ferritin level back up toward the normal range. I followed her advice of 3 ferrous gluconate tablets a day (taken with orange juice, because the Vitamin C helps absorption) plus high sources of iron in my diet.

Happily, I love black pudding (blood sausage) and the local deli makes a really good one -- so I had that for breakfast nearly everyday. But, I was also really surprised to discover that clams are very high in iron (higher than liver, and without all the cholesterol). So, I ate a lot of pasta with clam sauce too.

Some brands of dark chocolate are also high in iron, particularly this one, which I love:


(But if you can't find that, check the nutrition labelling, as different brands of chocolate vary widely in the amount of iron.)

And I just love eating blackstrap molasses by the spoonful!

Anyhow, I hope these ideas give you some tasty ways to help fight this deficiency.

Sadly, it's a myth that Guinness is high in iron [Drat!]. And although rum is made from molasses, it doesn't actully contain any iron either.

I hope you're feeling better soon!

Cheers, Hester

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Mmmmmmm! Shepards Pie! I've not ad any in such a long time! Perhaps tis time t'partake!

William, tis a new day. I'll ave d'Shepards Pie ifin dere be any remainin'.

Hmmm, ya do need t'hire some wait staff ere n'allow yeurself time t'socialize with the patrons more awfen.

Seeing Silkie is about to start another course, Jacky feels the need to excuse himself, "Silkie, luv. If I do not push me self away from this table, I will explode. The Shepards Pie is temptin', but no more."

Turns to William Red Wake, "Sir William, the menu, the wine list, and the company are all wonderful!" Jacky takes his bill and Silkie's and presents the payment to William. "I will be back, thank ye!"

To Silkie, "Enjoy the rest of yer repast. Thank ye, for your delightful company."

Jacky leaves the Tsunami Kate happy, inspired, and well fed.

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Sadly, it's a myth that Guinness is high in iron [Drat!].  And although rum is made from molasses, it doesn't actully contain any iron either.

Oh, speaking of dietary iron and libations, I should mention wine.

Red wine does contain iron; however, it is also high in tannins and polyphenols, which block iron consumption, so drinking it won't actually help you replenish your iron stores. And drinking red wine with plant sources of iron will also inhibit the absorption of iron from those foods.

Coffee and tea will also inhibit iron absorption.

White wine contains no iron itself; however, it actually enhances iron absorption from other foods. So does Vitamin C.

And Popeye notwithstanding, spinach is also an iron conundrum. It contains lots of iron, but also oxalic acid, which will block iron absorption.

Utterly confusing! Good luck, Siren.

Cheers, Hester

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  • 3 weeks later...
Mad Jack's Thanksgiving Supper

Herbed Butter Roasted Turkey

Baked Sweet Potatoes

Cornbread Stuffing

Turkey Dripping Gravy

Oven Roasted Vegetables

Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Butter Croissants

I wouldn't mind an open invitation to your house every year for the holidays.





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