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Tsunami Kate

William Brand

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Too kind.  May I interest you in something from our wine list?

"Tis a lengthy wine list, Sir William. I'll have a glass of yer Portuguese Tawny Port, thank ye." Jacky looks about the Tsunami Kate, which is rich in local color and steeped in pub lore. The Tsunami Kate bares witness to William Red Wake's passion for food, art, and friends. Jacky sighs, and wishes Ransom were here.

A fine choice.






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A fine choice.


"A fine choice indeed! Thank ye, Sir William. Silkie I can recommend the port, and while sweet and good wit' dessert, it might go well wit' the Plantain & Chicken skewers."

"Sir William, are the Plantains sweet, as prepared in that dish?"

"Silkie would ye like t' share a table and have a glass of this port?"

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Jacky, I'd love t'share a table wit ya.

William, I have never had Spanish cava, I trust your judgment. M'sure twill do nicely, tank ya. At Jacky's table ifin ya please.

She moves to Jacky's table as the wine is poured, sits then lifts her glass.

T'friends, old n'new!"

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Been glad t'see yer makin yerself at'ome ear.

"Wouldn't say I was at home yet. Stillin' feelin' my way around the pub. Glad t' make folks laugh when I can and join in on creatin' a story. Not ready t' don a banner fer a thread yet, like ye have done; by the bye, yer banner is nicely done."

"I've been introduced t' some grand pirates, met a few in the flesh outside the pub; hope t' meet more. Some I'll probably only know through the pub, but they are dear t' me, all the same."

"Heard about yer singin', seen yer art talents, know about yer penchant fer dancin' on tables... Silkie luv, where do ye find the time?"

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Jacky! Or'a'hundred post per month since ya firs arrived lad! I'd say det's pretty mouch as homey as it gets here! :huh:

Ya'ave succeeded in makin many uv us laugh ere ...I was hopin det was on purpose! :huh:

I only been writin with the crew of d'WatchDog since d'end o'April. Det was just ...mmmmm ...four DAYS ago! :) N'tank ya fer yer nice words bout m'banner.

I've only met a few here bouts in d'flesh. Time will change det.

Furs time in m'life det my reputation preeceeds mae! Aye! I'm a notorious pyrate! :huh:

Penchant fer dancin' on tables! Only here in d'pub lad! I luv t'dance buot in reality I like t'keep my feet planted firmly on d'floor!

As t'finding d'time, m'exploits are achieved by ignorin otter parts uv m'life! Though I do need t'make time fer laundry soon or I'll be fired fer not meetin d'dress code! :) :huh::huh:

Strange ...I seem to be stuck in a limbo between my two selves in this post ...oh well ...tis a pleasant place t'be!

Wot about you Jacky? I see ha here often, and yer playful posts! Wot brought ya here in d'furs place?

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Strange ...I seem to be stuck in a limbo between my two selves in this post ...oh well ...tis a pleasant place t'be!

Wot about you Jacky?  I see ha here often, and yer playful posts!  Wot brought ya here in d'furs place?

"I am wit' a group of pirates that sets up an entertainment encampment, at events. This group is primarily made up of singers (no, I don't sing). Iron Bess is one of the singers, and she sings very well! But, like most folks everyone has little time, for anything else. I joined this group t' meet some fellow pirates and make new friends."

"My reason fer comin' t' the pub was the same; since, most pirates are spread far and wide, the pub helps bring us all a little closer, between events."

"Aye, limbo... everybody limbo... it's scary, where does ones self end and the other begin?"

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A little something for you two while you discuss the business of the day.  Risotto with Leeks and Bacon...

And some Baked pears with wine and walnut cream.

"Sir William, if the Risotto tastes as good as it smells, we'll be dinin' well indeed! Pray tell, what is a walnut creme, on the baked pears?"

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William always has fine fare. If only I were so inspired to cook.

I do my best cooking n'mixin in rooms other den d'galley! :lol:

The office/studio where I cook up posts fer d'pub and mixin' colors on m'pallet! B)

If I were eating (and drinkng) as well in reality I would need to increase my physical activity ten fold just to keep from gaining inches without a thought to loosing!

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