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Hey! Pirates would NEVER go in a disco! (period)

Never been to London?

I am not disco fan, i love rock and there, in London there's places like the Electric Ball room and the Slime Light where they play only rock :ph34r:

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  NicoleDeLaMer said:
You might be a pirate

--If a "door to door" person comes to your house and you try to take them prisoner or sign ships articles. :ph34r:

What a jolly good idea to do to the next Jehovah Witnessess that come to me door! :ph34r:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Hee hee - I once scared the crap out of a couple of door-to-door religious folk when they came to my house at the wrong time.

A few years ago, I was having difficulties with epic-sized kidney stones and one morning was waiting for my stepfather to pick me up and take me to the emergency room. I looked like death warmed over (hair standing on end, extreme dark circles from lack of sleep, permanent grimace from the extreme pain, that sort of thing.) I managed to throw on some sweats and crawl to my front door, where I waited. After a few minutes, I heard voices and wasn't sure who it could be, since I was distracted by the pain. When they were in front of my door, I realized what they were, opened the door, screamed, "GO AWAY!!!" and slammed the door shut. They ran away as quickly as they could. :ph34r:


  Black Hearted Pearl said:
  NicoleDeLaMer said:
You might be a pirate

--If a "door to door" person comes to your house and you try to take them prisoner or sign ships articles.    :P

What a jolly good idea to do to the next Jehovah Witnessess that come to me door! :rolleyes:

god that's good have a full set of enlistment papers into the Marines! Sign here please!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


-- all of your grog tankards have glass bottoms!

-- you are attracted to things in shops with the skull and crossbone motifs AND you buy them. (This does not include 'baby goths' and alike)

-- you walk around a harbour and see a tall ship and wounder would anyone miss it?



  Cpt Thorn Ashrow said:
-- all of your grog tankards have glass bottoms!

-- you are attracted to things in shops with the skull and crossbone motifs AND you buy them. (This does not include 'baby goths' and alike)

-- you walk around a harbour and see a tall ship  and wonder would anyone miss it?


-- you walk around a harbour and see a tall ship and wonder would anyone miss it?


Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Ye have a cannon on yar front porch...

some folks approach ye with their camera phone while at the pub and ask to pose with ye fer a picture and ye think "whaat the ???"

'Cause ye fergot yarself was all garbed up!

If ye wear civies to the local watering hole and nobody recogizes ye!


OK, this'll be a long one...

If instead of voting in the referendum about a European groundlaw you go to the head office of the European Union and stand outside their building yelling AVAST! Belay forcing yer European Rules upon our country!


If yer at a grocery store in street clothes, and little kids whisper to their mothers, "I just saw a pirate !!!", ye might be a pirate. (Happened to me several times)

>>>>> Cascabel

  Charity said:
OK, this'll be a long one...

If instead of voting in the referendum about a European groundlaw you go to the head office of the European Union and stand outside their building yelling AVAST! Belay forcing yer European Rules upon our country!

Oh I have got to try that one, when we eventually get the referendum over here! :rolleyes:


Oh I have got to try that one, when we eventually get the referendum over here! laugh.gif

Good luck!

So you're European too, HUZZAH, I'm not the only one anymore ;)

I just saw you're British, cool .

You know you guys got lucky already, NO EURO...man i wish we'd been listened to, no one wanted the bloody Euro and all's too expensive now .. :rolleyes:


You have to sign papers and prick yourself in the fingers with the tip of a cutlass and sign the papers with blood.


When a waitress ask what do you want for a drink and you say rum, then start laughing because you robbed her of her tips as she was asking the question.


ye may be piratical if -

you try to explain to complete strangers that rum and pirates helped settle the new world - you see, rum was needed to make the water drinkable over long voyages - pirates shipped(smuggled) the rum under the king nose for the good of the kingdom. arrrrrrrrrrrrrr


You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

:blink: You defend the pirates as one of the first free democracies in the new world. And you truely believe they had it right.

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.


all your plans for retirement are based on the size of the ship and guns you need for the next "Golden Age" of piracy :blink:

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

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