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Has anyone read the book "Ben Franklin's Privateers" ? It is an account of the two privateering vessels that Ben Franklin set into motion during the American Revolution. (what amazing things they leave out of the history books, eh?!!) I've been looking for a reasonably priced copy, but they seem to be pretty expensive. Is this book worth paying $25 or more for, or should I get it from the library?

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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This summer I am reading or have read:

Tales along the King's Highway of South Carolina,

Drawn to the Civil War,

Nags Headers,

Far Appalachia,

Blackbeard the Pirate,

Hidden Carolinas,

and the Player's Handbook for POTC on PC.

By the way, if there are any of you in NC, SC, or western VA, LET ME KNOW. I don't know of any 'cept Stynky, and he's not quite as local as western VA.(though he's a right fine lad for the chat room!)

Captain Sage

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Finished Treasure Island (it was good!).

Now reading Moby Dick ... and The Three Musketeers (hey, it's what's on the bookshelf...only thing remotely related)

Also reading "How Do Witches Fly: A Practical Approach to Nocturnal Flights" by Alexander Kuklin.

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Aye Royalist, my list of things I want to read has grown substantially these past few weeks following this thread.

Rosalinda, it's the words to Jimmy Buffet's Pirate looks at 40 and here you go..

Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call

Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall

You've seen it all, you've seen it all

Watched the men who rode you switch from sails to steam

And in your belly you hold the treasures few have ever seen

Most of 'em dream, most of 'em dream

Yes I am a pirate, two hundred years too late

The cannons don't thunder, there's nothin' to plunder

I'm an over-forty victim of fate

Arriving too late, arriving too late

I've done a bit of smugglin', I've run my share of grass

I made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast

Never meant to last, never meant to last

And I have been drunk now for over two weeks

I passed out and I rallied and I sprung a few leaks

But I got stop wishin', got to go fishin'

Down to rock bottom again

Just a few friends, just a few friends


I go for younger women, lived with several awhile

Though I ran 'em away, they'd come back one day

Still could manage to smile

Just takes a while, just takes a while

Mother, mother ocean, after all the years I've found

My occupational hazard being my occupation's just not around

I feel like I've drowned, gonna head uptown


I feel like I've drowned, gonna head uptown

One of my fave songs of his.

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Another good Buffett nautical song is Captain and the Kid

never used to miss the chance to climb up on his knee

And listen to the many tales of life upon the sea

We'd go sailing back on Barkentines we'd talk of things he did

Tomorrow just a day away for the Captain and the kid

His world had gone from sailing ships to raking mom's backyard

He never could adjust to land although he tried so hard

We both were growing older then and wiser with the years

That's when I came to understand the course his heart still steers

He died about a month ago while winter filled the air

And though I cried I was so proud to love a man so rare

He's somewhere on the ocean now that's where he oughta be

With one hand on the starboard rail he's wavin' back at me

I never used to miss the chance to climb up on his knee

And listen to the many tales of life upon the sea

We'd go sailing back on Barkentines talk of things he did

The world was just a day away for the Captain and the kid

For the Captain and this kid

And now I must stop, cause I could post a ton of lyrics. I know people think of Jimmy Buffett as silly stuff, but if you go back to the older stuff which he mostly authored you will find a ton of great stuff.

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By the way, if there are any of you in NC, SC, or western VA, LET ME KNOW.

Alrighty, then...Mad Kestrel, native to the South Carolina coast but lately landbound a few miles south of the NC border. So where are you, me dear?

Mad Kestrel

Privateer #9, IFoRP

Captain of the Thanos (Fairhaven, CRF)

But why is the rum gone? - Capt Jack Sparrow

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I'm in Winston-Salem, and in me past lived 10 years just outside of Charleston, SC... and me Mum lives in N. Myrtle Beach.

Are we neighbors of sorts?

Captain Sage

PS(added after looky at yer details)- ain't ye the one what rushed in the door shoutin' about the Carolina Ren Faire witout givin' any details the first time? That was funny!

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I'm in Winston-Salem, and in me past lived 10 years just outside of Charleston, SC... and me Mum lives in N. Myrtle Beach.

Are we neighbors of sorts?

ain't ye the one what rushed in the door shoutin' about the Carolina Ren Faire witout givin' any details the first time? That was funny!

Aye, we are neighbors, after a fashion...I'm in Rock Hill, just a wee bit from Charlotte NC.

*blushing* Well I wouldn't necessarily call it rushin' in...I'd been lurkin' about here for a good while. I learned a good lesson about postin' information without having the written words to hand for reference! Glad I gave ye a giggle! If ye do plan to come to our pirate weekend, let me know, and me crew'll give ye a right welcome. :D

Mad Kestrel

Privateer #9, IFoRP

Captain of the Thanos (Fairhaven, CRF)

But why is the rum gone? - Capt Jack Sparrow

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Currently I'm reading "Blue Latitudes" by Tony Horwitz about Captain Cook. It's a very interesting book -- alternates between the historical account of Cook and Tony Horwitz's experiences following the voyages of Cook - even to spending some time sailing in the "Endeavour", replica of Cook's ship. Horwitz is a very intersting writer. I previously enjoyed his "Confederates in the Attic".

At the same time, I just started reading the brand-new "The Pirate Wars" by Peter Earle (also author of "The Sack of Panama", "Treasure of the Concepcion" and "Wreck of the Almiranta".) The book is not yet available through a U.S. source, but that may change soon. You can get it from UK booksellers. I've just gotten started on this book and only a couple of chapters in. I'll be reviewing it for the Sept. No Quarter Given issue.

I'm also reading "Die Schatzinsel" -- the German version of "Treasure Island" by R.L. Stevenson. I'm working on refreshing my high school German, and thought reading this story in German, when I have the English book to check for the translation when I get stuck, would be good and interesting practice.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"Fünfzehn Mann auf des Toten Truh,

jo, ho, ho und 'n Buddel voll Rum."

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

Find No Quarter Given

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For those who are interested.... I recently picked up a book called....... The Encyclopediea of Colonial and Revolutionary America.... edited by.. John Faragher... It is what it's titled. A thick book filled with brief historical info. about a huge list of people places and dates. Not to mentionall the other things in it. It's a pretty good reference book to have on hand though... The Capt.

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I have all the L.O.T.R books and i reread them all the time. i do this because i am writting a stroy, or really a side story, about this fairy that meets up with legolas, aragorn and gimli when they are searching for merry and pippen, and she is prophicied to be a big part in the last stand against mordor but its really cool. i am also reding a lot of greek mythology books latly i have before, but hadnt had time to really get into them. well thats about all i have to say.. peace out!

catptain Jack-picks up the bone and whistles] Come on, doggy. It’s just you and me now. It’s you and ol’ Jack , come on. Come on, good boy. That’s it, good boy, come on! Bit closer, bit closer. That’s it, that’s it, doggy. Come on you filthy, slimy, mangy cad. [there’s acrash downstairs and the dog runs away] No, no, no, no, no, I didn’t mean it. I didn’t...



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Are there any good quality books out there on some of the specific pyrates? I've read Under The Black Flag by David Cordingly already and am on round two. I was just looking for some good books that are on Black Beard, Henry Morgan, Emanuel Wynne, Edward Low, Batholomew Roberts, or Calico Jack Rackham specifically. Can anyone help me? :ph34r:

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So far I've read:

Harry Potter & the Order of the Pheonix by J.K Rowling

Villa Incognito by Tom Robbins

The Sweet Trade by Eilzabeth Garrett

I still have a pile I haven't gone through yet! I'll make a list of the ones I *will* read before the summer's gone

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Are there any good quality books out there on some of the specific pyrates?  I've read Under The Black Flag by David Cordingly already and am on round two.  I was just looking for some good books that are on Black Beard, Henry Morgan, Emanuel Wynne, Edward Low, Batholomew Roberts, or Calico Jack Rackham specifically.  Can anyone help me? :ph34r:

Although I'd take the information in it with a grain of salt, if you haven't read

"A General History of Pirates.." by Capt. Chas. Johnson is a good read.

So is "Badits at Sea: A Pirate Reader" C.R. Pennel editor

"Expedition WHYDAH The Story of the World's First Excavation of a ... " by Barry Clifford (I got it as a gift under the title of the Black Ship...")

For a non-flattering book on Morgan try "Buccaneers of America" by Alexander O. Exquemelin (Morgan sued for libel on this book and won)

"Cup of Gold..." by John Stienbeck (a fictional story of Morgan but a good read)

That should get you started!

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Although I'd take the information in it with a grain of salt, if you haven't read

"A General History of Pirates.." by Capt. Chas. Johnson is a good read.

So is "Badits at Sea: A Pirate Reader" C.R. Pennel editor

"Expedition WHYDAH The Story of the World's First Excavation of a ... " by Barry Clifford (I got it as a gift under the title of the Black Ship...")

For a non-flattering book on Morgan try "Buccaneers of America" by Alexander O. Exquemelin (Morgan sued for libel on this book and won)

"Cup of Gold..." by John Stienbeck (a fictional story of Morgan but a good read)

That should get you started!

Thanx a bundle.....A couple I am particularly interested in are Blackbeard, Calico Jack, and Edward Low. Anything of good quality specifically on them? :ph34r::ph34r:

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At present , I'm doing my usuall reading of 2-3 books at the same time. Just finished up the Patrick O'Brian, "Master and Commander". A good introduction of how Jack and Stephan first meet. And then the other is the highly informative "Bandits at Sea: a Pirate Reader" edited by C.R. Pennell.

To quote, "Bandits at Sea provides the first comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to piracy. From history to geography, economics to sociology, sexuality to politics, Pennell's anthology brings together the best of current scholarship."

--Peter Galvin, Indiana University.

I'll drink to that! :ph34r:

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Right now I'm in the midst of Oceans of Magic Edited by Brian M. Thomsen and Martin H. Greenberg.

Find It Here

A collection of short stories, ranging in fanciful rewritings of historical voyages, to Magical Maritime adventures and last, but not least, dealing with the Deities and the Deep Blue Sea itself. "So grab your treasure map and plot your course to mist-shrouded isles of enchantment in tales that will take you from a dock waif rescued by John Cabot for a voyage into dangers that might only be escaped by magic's grace...to a sorcerer awaiting the last days of Atlantis...to a spell-spawned encounter with a true Colossus..."


Hoist the colors Laddies! We're goin' in fer the kill!

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At present , I'm doing my usuall reading of 2-3 books at the same time. Just finished up the Patrick O'Brian, "Master and Commander". A good introduction of how Jack and Stephan first meet. And then the other is the highly informative "Bandits at Sea: a Pirate Reader" edited by C.R. Pennell.

To quote, "Bandits at Sea provides the first comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to piracy. From history to geography, economics to sociology, sexuality to politics, Pennell's anthology brings together the best of current scholarship."

--Peter Galvin, Indiana University.

I'll drink to that! :ph34r:

That's next on my list! Plus eagerly awaiting the film to be released later in the year!

Master And Commander


Hoist the colors Laddies! We're goin' in fer the kill!

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