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  Christine said:
B)   Uh....thank ye mate, but just thought it odd you blurted that outta the wild blue yonder.  Cheers to ya tho!  B)

Ye have that effect on some folk, ye know, luv... B)

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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Fer Wench trainin', or Pyrate? Can help ya wi' th' former, not th' latter... wink.gif
Pyrate Phil's Wench Training Academy

*On-line lessons utilizing the latest in full-color MPEG video

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...and much, much more!

Well...thát B)

Ye sound's like a puppy, m'lady...paper trainin' and sech... laugh.gif

cutepuppy.jpg But a cute one..but yes..all puppy's need training B)

  • 1 month later...

I try being postitive about the whole being single thing - then I remeber - I'm a cynic. Being positive is for people with nothing better to do!! ;)

It's not that I am dependant on another person for my happyness - I just want someone to be in love with me,

Sigh, a Single Pirates life for me too.


Aye lass its been my experience that ifin ye be out thar and a looking, (fer a mate) it sets off a chemical reaction that as stupid as it sounds sends out a warning sixth sense that actually works in reverse to fillin yer need (scares em off). and that in fact ifin ye "aren't lookin" (maybe even with a boyfriend) and ye are fully and totally satisfied with yer life and love (even if it is immaginary) it too gives off a (i dont know what to call it maybe hormones or pheramones) but they are picked up as well and seems to relax and even invite the attentions of potential mates (they seem to come out of the worodwork when yer attached)! It really goes back to salesmanship and portraying the confidence and actual belief in your product which is what gets (subcontiously) passed across the table to your customer and they decide to invest in your product, servcie or whatever. Really if you think about it yer out there selling yourself and if people are going to invest ye best have a worth and value. Read a couple sales books. Look fer some in the library that deals with the mindset or concious and unconcious effort. Take two aspirin and PM me in the morning.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


see even you are seeing the effect of their own attractions be it there and unrecognizable as what I said success breeds success quit lookin and let them come find you and (shhhhhhhh! never seems eager ya gots ta play hard ta get. No challenge, no interest!) Huzzah!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I tried doing the ice queen routine . . . got plenty of guy mates to banter with. 'Sides, I can understand not acting desperate, (cause I'm really not, I can surive being single, I have up to date) but I'm too honest with myself and others to be able to make people believe that i'm not interested.


Lass ye learns from yer mistakes (or ye don't) (I'm gunna liken this ta poker)Ifin ye be payin attentions indeed ye see that all is lost in a hand when ye goes all in and your cards don't support yer bet. This life we all live is a game you play, You can play hands all day, ye can change games and move to other tables i8fin ya dont see what ye likes. Sometimes you never find the right table (where you are, you and only you) but everyone is all (like you trying to find the right table to sit at and be able to get in the game where they are comfortable) (any game) meeting and enjoying the people at a table (in a dance or at a party) ye sits down buys in and you play. You strive to make it as simple as possible and it is a game it's always a game and sometimes you find out that ifin ye get lucky and lucky is very important and needed in poker and love. If ye get lucky ye can win (be it money or finding "the one") most often though know this the one might be number 349.. Ye gots plenty of time enjoy all the games knowing it's not going to happen overnight!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


of course, once you get yourself a shiny new lover-boy, he'll be giving off all these pheromones DS de la V keeps yakking about, and all the girls will be trying to catch his eye away from you.

oh it be a vicious cycle.

good luck with your man-catching, but don't boast about it until he's handcuffed to your bed, can't let him be the one that got away.


I only just noticed these "post icons", look at that little bastard, he's just having the time of his damn life isn't he?


Aye lass you see youth is still foggin the eyes of yer need. As age is added to youth the ability to see that winning a hand isn't but a small part of the overall game. A number of successive hands all played together offering both winning some (most of the) and losses (much fewer) are the game and the game is what we play to win. I forget who said this famous quote (it was probably Shakespeare) but "patience is a virtue" (really though it might have been a pinball player) In each game there are highs and lows the object is to not loose focus and know going in it is all a game (not a hand) ifin you want to win you must learn how to win... And you must hate to loose... like my signature (which I love this quote) "show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser" says play to win the game like wars are a succession of battles. Need another quote "all's faire in love and war"

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I know my own faults well. I'm young, naive and headstrong. Mix that with a cynicism, defeatist outlook and a persistant romantic inclination. It's really a nasty combination! <_<

I still hold to the tenant put forth by one of my fav poets, Tennyson; 'Tis better to have loved and lost then to have not loved at all

  MercenaryWench said:
I know my own faults well. I'm young, naive and headstrong. Mix that with a cynicism, defeatist outlook and a persistant romantic inclination. It's really a nasty combination! <_<

I still hold to the tenant put forth by one of my fav poets, Tennyson; 'Tis better to have loved and lost then to have not loved at all

Ifin ye knows it, ye can fix it.... And I must agree about yer choice of quotes but still to protect me shattered heart I felt fer many years after I was crushed that ifin I would just look for relationships with a limited time line (a kind of knowing it couldn't last because it was during a summer break from school or a easter break or while on vacation or Christmas vacation or, or, or. I needed to give and be loved and was able to find so many perfect alwasys ending relationships in as many of these college aged years) I could give my all every ounce of my love I had going in, knowing that separation was eminent and hurt wouldn't be a part of it. It was a win win situation that protected me for four years. Sure I'd give anything in the world to never have anyone go through that initial loss of (pain and hurt filled) love. But the thing is you have a brain and can adapt. Do what is nneeded to survive and yes contiue palying the game. the game to win.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


well, to quote again; "90% of all heartbreaks occur when you take a sledge hammer to your own heart, and break it into a thousand shards, screaming 'never hurt again'"

No matter what, no matter how you approach life and relationships, you are going to be hurt, some way, some how. It's what you do with that pain. Sometimes, the benefits of a relationship, outweigh the pain involved.


I totally agree, but if you just run into "taken" men or those no interested..it get's hard to "try" and find what you seek :lol:

  Captain_Jack_Sparrow said:
A single life eh?

I think I couldn' handle single life fer long...whcih I can't, so I'm going a bit crazy...

Actually, its not that hard IF you don't dwell on the subject a lot. Plus, things such as love/relationships should be the last concern on our youthful minds. :(

*offers Diego a drink of his choice*... Aww, silence... :(

And Merc, I completely understand where you're coming from- but we're still young and have plenty of life ahead of us; not to mention plenty of relationships that, once are over, we had wished had never even happened. (Now that's what ye call ironic!)

-Tortuga Wench


It appears I be in the company of bein' single meself. I have been divorced now two years, af'er seven years of bein' married. I agree there are advantages to bein' single again. I be havin' more time to to hear the creak o' the timbers, 'owe'er I do omit, I miss 'avin a warm body wit me in me bunk.


Meself, I've been single for 2 years and not really actively seekin' a mate. But, some how while I'm not looking it seems all the lads be lookin' at me. Very flatterin' really the only problem bein'...how da ye pick the right one?

Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is; It's not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is really is freedom.

Actually, its not that hard IF you don't dwell on the subject a lot. Plus, things such as love/relationships should be the last concern on our youthful minds

I'll be the last to disagree.

Being single has a lot of advantages.. :lol:


~chuckles~ Cheers, Charity I be agreein' with you.

Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is; It's not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is really is freedom.

  CaptainSwan said:
really the only problem bein'...how da ye pick the right one?

Ye be looking fer the right 'one, or be ye lookin' fer the right now 'ne. :lol:

I agree with ye, it seems to be when ye ain't lookin' someone be lookin' at ye and ye don' always be seeing' or at least I ain' be noticin', probaly to much rum in me case.


I am also one of the newly single. *sigh* Last two boyfriends were a bit of a dissapointment. The first one grew possesive and controlling, the second, it became clear, believed he was actually a vampire. No jest.

As of now, I'm not even worried about finding Mr. Right. I just want Mr. Sane. :lol:

Everyone loves an Irish girl. ;)

Mad Molly

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