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Blimey! I ne'er seen so many pirates a'fore. :ph34r: Okay, okay. I'll stop with my bad imitation of a pirate. Honestly, I am one of those crazy ppl that got into pirate stuff 'cause of a certain movie with a certain attractive actor... But I assure you that I've always been a history fan and history of the Americas rocks. I promise to work on my pirate speech (hopefully y'all will help me) as long as you promise not to keelhaul me (and I probably spelled that wrong..).

As I mentioned, I am very interested in history. I did not, however, mention that I am a photographer. I live around the northern area of VA and am looking for opportunities nearby to do some "pirate shooting" (no weapons involved). Does any one have any suggestions, etc.?

Please accept me even though you are all so much more wonderful than I and I got interested in pirates for a very bad reason...

to the moderators: I now realize that this was probably the wrong place to post this message, but I've never been great at choosing. :rolleyes: I apologize. Have a drink on me. :ph34r:


Ahoy and welcome to this fine establishment, MadMaryFlint!

Over 60 broth(sist)ers added to the ranks since I climbed aboard late June, a regular pirate revolution, if you will.

All ye' new folk should visit my poll All Things Piratical and tell us if ye' feel this is truly a popular wave to be ridden.

Me own site ain't too shabby for the learnin' of swabbies and such, either, and I DO say so, myself! :rolleyes:

Fair Winds,

Captain Sage

PS-"Blimey" started out as the oath,"May God blind me."(if what I am about to assert isn't true). Interesting, ain't it?


Mad Mary, being new to the party is fine and the reasons you got interested are fine. But..... I never heard anyone playing pirate apoligize so much. Relax. Enjoy the site and post what you will. If you truly want to learn a few things, then post some questions....... See ya. The Capt


Now Mad Mary.. As far as relations go; as Capt. Flint I will boast to being related to the governor and or any other high ranking politician that is not in town to save me neck from a rope party. It is also good to see that you will lighten up, although, I'm not sure I remember that your weight ever came into question. Perhaps you may want to stick to the whatever part...... aarrrgghhhhhh ...... The Capt.



I appreciate the comment on my website.. She's the closest thing to a ship I've got. :rolleyes:

Okay, how's about we play a game? People translate Mad Mary's messages in to pirate talk so's she can learn. Ready? Go!


i appreciate the comment..............

ok . First remember we do not all always use " pirate talk " when posting. But, in this case, I would say......... Glad ye liked me site. She's not a bad dingy at that heh................... But what you posted was actually fine.. The Capt..... you know this would be easier in the chat room


Welcome Aboard, Lass....!

Not ta fear, we'll 'elp ye get yer sea-legs...!

Tis goode ta hear a youngen' interested in 'istory.... Who was it th' said "them wot's don't know 'r learn from 'istry be doomed ta repeat it"... I can nay remember who twas...

Ah Northern Verginny.... Ye be closer ta the coast, or more landside?

Lotsa pyratical 'istry in VA.....

Enjoy th' looneys on th' board...!!! :rolleyes:

Pssst.... watch out fer me brother, Angus... 'e's a wiley one....


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



I be more landside, sad to say. It be a couple hours trek to the sea.

I be thankin' ye for the warm welcome.. Glad to see I ain't crazy all by me onesies.

And thank ye for the tip. :P



Ahoy there Mad Mary and welcome aboard!

Now don't be listening to Captain Flint there lass, as he be anchored in Maryland. (like that be meaning anything) The fact is that you not be allowed on this board unless you speak the piratese. pirateAnimeLol1.gif

And arr I see that you be another one of us in Virginia! I be inland a bit just North of Harrisonburg and JMU. Captain Cat's ship be on the coast near Richmond and Captain Sage well he be south of us in one of the Carolinas. There be a few others of us talking about getting together on this side of the new world, but I can't seem to find the thread.


Aye Stynky,

Th' thread yer lookin fer be "Pyrates as livin' 'istry".... tis about 3 pages back in this forum now....

Mad Mary,

Stynky speaks true, there will hopefully be a gatherin' of us Right Coast Pyratical types meebe later this year, or somat next year... tryin' ta find a central location tho... As I'm in the Burgh of Sir William Pitt and others are spread south....

There! Ye be warned... :ph34r:


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Hallooo n' Welcome Lass!!!

Argh! I sees me brudders been spreadin' filth 'bout me...

I ain't so bad all by me own onesies.... But 'e needs to keep 'is gob shut iffn 'e knows wot's goode fer 'im!

Gonna 'afta beat 'im wit me wooden leg, I do.... :ph34r:

That'll work up a thirst... 'ave ye a tot o' rum ta share? Ay? :P

A. Lasseter

Wot's ya mean I's gotta check me Pistols n' Cutlass at th' door?!?


I be very mad! At least, that be what the folks at the movie theatre and WalMart thought this evenin'. We leave the movie (POTC again) and it be pouring! THe rain be comin' down in comforters! (not sheets, mind you. comforters) People be standin' about the door wonderin' what to do and me Mum and me, we pushes our way through the group and walks to me car, though a dinghy woulda served us bettah. Everyone be starin' at us like we's nuts. 'Course, I be wearin' a white shirt.. maybe that be the problem. So we gets to WalMart, and everyone be standin' about under the entrance. More starin'. Even MORE starin' inside. Be I the only one that likes the rain? I be disappointed when it slows down... Maybe I'm not so much of a landlubber as I thought...

I had that same trouble when I went to Puebla. The crazy Americans be runnin' through the streets in the pourin' rain and the Mexicans be watchin' us like we's mad men...


I suppose we all be mad fer likin' th' wind howlin' in our faces, th' rain lashin' at us, an' the sea tossin' about th' deck!!!

Folks afeared of a wee bit o' rain... pity, wot, they gonna melt!

Aye lass, I expect ye ta be stared at iff'n yer gonna hold yer own private wet chamise contest :)

A. Lasseter

Wot's ya mean I's gotta check me Pistols n' Cutlass at th' door?!?


Can't be afraid of a little rain iff'n ya be livin' in the Pacific NW... from September to May it's one big wet chemise contest!! Perchance the rain reminds me of the sea spray and fog of back home?? I can stand out on my deck, fly my flag, and pretend? ARRRRR!! :ph34r:

"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"


Arr, I begs your pardon Captain Flint sir, I just be 'aving a bit of fun with some of the newer members of the crew as it were. :)

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