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Let Me Chime in with Me Crewmate and Particular Friend, Durty Lillie-

The Pirates of the Coast are a Most Excellent Crew. I wouldn't Use the Term "the Best" regarding any One Group- We All have Our Own Strengths- and Weaknesses, Aye. But POTC are very Good at What they Do-Very Polished and Professional in Their Presentations- and Way Friendly when Ye Gets to Know Em. T'was a Pleasure I hopes to Repeat- :blink: RtR :blink:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


Jack2, I've responded to yer post under Intiation Rites.

DurtyLilly, I be hoping to go with ye next year. Hopefully know more soon. When do ye plan on makin yer plans?

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Ahoy there Gal, well I plan on Key West unless I be D.E.A.D..... does that answer yer question? Miss Rose of Our PRP is the lady ye should be communicatin' with fer important arrangements I cannot indicate on this here public cite.

Kindly let me know by September if'n ye is pullin' up yer anchor and sailin' to Key West....since I may go with a few different mates this tyme....

Always remember darling, tis never a worry my sparkling Pearl!


Bring yer blades, commandingly I beg of thee dearest!


Pyracy in all it's Glory,



aka DurtyLaFey

member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.


Film Extras Wanted For Pirates Of The Caribbean

Countries: Bahamas, St Vincent & the Grenadines

Film extras are needed for the next two "Pirates of the Caribbean" films to be shot in the Caribbean. The casting crew is looking for extras/background who could reside and work locally either on land or on their vessel. The film will be shooting for 2 weeks in St. Vincent and 6 months in the Bahamas. Information is available at www.Piratescasting.com or you can submit a photo and information at submit@piratescasting.com


1. Nay sir, not near Mass...sorry ta say... but I do travel....

2. As fer that castin' call by the GreenNigh... ah nice dream...thanks awfully... too kind of ye! Everyone I knows been auditionin' Only one friend got in..with a real fine story 'bout his experience ta date...and he be lookin' quite the scary type..which means POTC2&3 gonna be fun ta watch!

3. Black Heart and Black Hearted.... uhm....


Pyracy in all it's Glory,



aka DurtyLaFey

member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.

Miss Rose of Our PRP is the lady ye should be communicatin' with fer important arrangements

Blackhearted Pearl, et al- Ahoy-

I takes it upon Meself to amend what Me Particular Friend Ms. Lillie Wrote in Good Faith- Ms. Rose May Quite Possibley not Attend PIP 05- and I have this from Jamaica Herself- it Follows that She most Probably would not act as Liason for any PRPs planning to Go- That Was an Arraingment between Jamaica Rose and Julie McEnroe- who is No Longer Co-ordinating this Event. So the Arraignments for Paradise 05 may be Quite different-all will be Revealed...

:huh: RtR :lol:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


Avast thar ye scurvey likeness ta my dear pyrate brother RtR,

Well, ye says it in public, so the rum spilt outta the bottle then mate!

If'n ye says Miss Rose and her Michael be a no show, that be a shame.


She did a ton of work at PIP 04 besides her own NQG booth. Never knew that be her last voyage. Explains the NQG issue which be my keepsake now......Although I desires greatly to write more, not wantin' ta air personal business further, it be best ta end this......

Ii just falls on me nice dress cutlass....

Or I dares ya ta write more in public.... ya gots guts,grit and sea salt in yer boots man!


Pyracy in all it's Glory,



aka DurtyLaFey

member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.


Ta-Ta-Ta, Ms. LaFey...Let us Not Jump to Conclusions- I said there is a Good Possibilty MS. Rose MIGHT not Go, as Per Her own Words- Which Means She MIGHT, Depending...Either Way, this Does not Preclude Captain Michael's attending- He Said Nothing either Way. Nor, Even if Our Esteemed Ms. Rose did not go this Year-Would 2004 Necessarily be Her Last PIP- You Know I Loves Ya, Lil-But Yer Readin' too Much Into Me Words. Til Next, Yer Particular Friend-

:ph34r:RtR :huh:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


The arrangements for Jamaica and crewe will be the same as 04 as far as I know. Julie is still part of the festival, she's handling just the cultural, literary and arts side of the event instead of taking on the whole thing. The only challenge facing the festival this year is the closure of the Holiday Inn and the potential condonization of the Banana Bay and Atlantic Shores. So we are looking for some new hotel sponsors to fill those spots.

Everything else is the same as always with a few additions in the evenings in the way of pub runs, daytime education visits to schools and expansion of the thieve's market, fight circles, beachside battles and entertainment.

And Julie still is very much a part of that - in fact, I spoke to her yesterday as the creators of Talk Like a Pirate Day want to join us in 2005 and I see Dave Barry, author of Peter and the Suncatchers this weekend to see if I can swing him our way as well...

Don't let rumors fly that simply aren't accurate . And we will be contacting the crewes soon with more information and a more complete schedule.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

  • 2 weeks later...

Not pyrates but priveteers!

Any body in Northern California interested in joining a crew of 1812 Priveteers? The Lynx and Lady Washington will be in Saint Francis Bay April 1-14. We are planning some fun activities.

I have a full sized period long boat and there will be some opportunities to play with/on these visiting Tallships.

This is an in-the-water event. We take safty matters pretty sereously. Clothing needs to be early 19th century.

I will keep ye posted as the events are planed


Bully MacGraw

Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning

  • 1 month later...

Good Gentiles, Wenches, et al,

My wife and I were / are involved in the SCA (www.sca.org) re-creation group for 14 years before moving to Orlando, FL and would be interested in joining some form of Pirate re-creation / re-enactment group nearby. I have been a officer in the SCA, taught and preformed medieval (in the round) fencing & archery, done my own costuming, leatherwork, and armoring; and have volunteered many a year doing security at a re-enactment encampment with over 10,000 participants (www.pennsic.org). We are looking for a Crew that is interested in social gatherings and community service.

I have visited the The Port Royal Privateers website and thier group seems very interesting, do they have any presence outside of the west coast?

I have also visited the Pyrates of the Coast website but are they seem to be more inclined toward a "professional entertainment" group. Please correct me if this assumption is incorrect. Neverless they look like a great , fun group.




Greetings! Our group fits into the 'all of the above' category. We do some professional gigs, but we also do a lot of social 'raids' on pubs 'just because' a number of 'pirate mutinous munchies' (social gatherings for fellow pirates to get together and kick back and enjoy one anothers company), and community service events. We are working more and more with the New Hope Children's Wish foundation of Central Florida, going to the childrens events, and letting them play pirate with us for a little while. We also often go to some local nursing homes and play music, and have a little fun with the folk there... it's all about making people smile!!!

Drop me a line if you would like more info!


Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


Maxx Silverhammer Posted on Apr 11 2005, 03:39 AM

  Good Gentiles, Wenches, et al,

I have also visited the Pyrates of the Coast website but are they seem to be more inclined toward a "professional entertainment" group. Please correct me if this assumption is incorrect. Neverless they look like a great , fun group.

ahoy maxx...

if my capt allows me to speak freely...poc (pyrates of the coast) is a great group, & more like a family. and we like to do everything...from invading disney in garb, to pub runs, to professional apperances. you name it....

and not being in the sca myself, i can tell you there are a couple of guys (me included) that are in stage combat (i believe 1 is also black powder cert too).

hope to hear from ya soon :)


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I be part of the crew of the Merry Raven out of Michigan. E'n though I be in a Wisconsin. A great group they be indeed. Ave pirate games between crews each faire seaon in Holly at the faire. Fun tyme it be I says.... :lol::lol::lol:

Shoots anything that moves!!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Dan Doherty

I am writing on behalf of California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, to find a small crew of pirates to perform at our annual company picnic. Unfortuantely the date is the same as the Ojai Pirate Faire, so I seem to be having a lot of trouble finding any available pirates in the California area.

About our event:

We are a not-for-profit hospital group with around 5000 employees. Our event is a company picnic which is scheduled to take place at the great lawn picnic grounds at Treasure Island in San Francisco on Saturday, September 24th, 2005.We are expecting a total of about 3500 participants to come during the event between the hours of Noon and 5PM. Another vendor will be setting up pirate themed food and beverage booths, midway games and activities, etc. as well as an organized pirate treasure hunt.

What we are looking for:

We would be interested in having a small group of an assorted band of roving pirate characters that might interact with each other and/or the public and children in a sort of comedy/improv fashion to add some pirating atmosphere to the event. This may include a rousing chorus of pirate songs, reciting of old sea tales, sword dances, or some light general shenanigans. The content can be left up to you but should remain within the PG, family and kids, rating.

Also, there is a marina on Treasure Island, so if you have a ship, we might be able to work that into the event, but would need to check with the regulations of the Treasure Island Park Services.

If this sounds like something your group might be interested in doing, please reply back with a brief description of your crew, your proposed performance material and your rates.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Daniel Doherty



Administrative Assistant

Customer Service Department

  • 4 months later...

I'm new to the forum, but old hat on the faire going, costume wearing, poking things with sharp implements gig. I'm currently living on Staten Island, but will be moving to Verona, NJ sometime before the end of the year.

I'm looking for a crew to form/join to share ideas, schedule gatherings and generally have some fun. Drop me a note and let me know.



The Crew of the Barking Spider

We have a crew that does SCA and outside SCA events. Our crew started over 25 years ago and is still going strong. We are very close outside of events, and are a great group of friends. We practice all aspects of Pyrate and Mid evil life.

Sword fighting, Archary, Dancing, Art, wood working, everything!


2nd mate, ship sawbones, master of arms

The Crew of the Barking Spider

We have a crew that does SCA and outside SCA events. Our crew started over 25 years ago and is still going strong. We are very close outside of events, and are a great group of friends. We practice all aspects of Pyrate and Mid evil life.

Sword fighting, Archary, Dancing, Art, wood working, everything!


2nd mate, ship sawbones, master of arms

delmar, Sandy Fraser and meself will be hoping to stop by yer encampment at Estrella. Perhaps ye can spot a shot of rum for some pub members?

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

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