Duchess Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 So, in my travels of the last eight months, I have become stranded in eastern Washington, a place that is completely foreign to me. Any news about gatherings or activites there would be much welcome. The Duchess
dakphi Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 Arrr! I have a small crew of about ten people but none of them R girls. If ye be young and wish to join, let me know Capt. Phil "Take what ye can, Give nothin back!"
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted September 23, 2004 Posted September 23, 2004 I be located in southern california and want to find a crew that would be acceptin me... I know about the one in san fransisco but i dont think i can go up there very often if at all. But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
Red Maria Posted September 23, 2004 Posted September 23, 2004 There are several groups in Southern California and they'll all be at the Ojai Pirate Faire this weekend at Lake Casitas. Just go to the calender and click on Ojai Pirate Farie and there will be a link with more information. I will be ther as well as many others from the Pub be at the Port Royal Privateer encampment. Come by say hello and introduce yourself! :) I about to leave so I will so I may not be able to respond.
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted September 24, 2004 Posted September 24, 2004 i would go naturaly to meet pirates in my area but unfortunatly i have work that day But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
Duchess Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 dakphi said: Arrr!I have a small crew of about ten people but none of them R girls. If ye be young and wish to join, let me know Capt. Phil "Take what ye can, Give nothin back!" What if I be medium, and do not wish to join any group who would have me?
Rhyannon Posted September 29, 2004 Posted September 29, 2004 Greetins soundrels! I be lookin fer a crew to become a part of, hopefully regulars at the MDRF. Any news fer a lass?
capnwilliam Posted October 11, 2004 Posted October 11, 2004 BloodyBuckets said: Capt'n Jim-sib writes::"The Bath Tri-Centennial Maritime Festival will be held Sept. 22-25, 2005. Bath, NC is the state's oldest seaport, the first colonial state capital, and a home to Edward Teach. Teach, after wrecking the QAR went to Bath & married a local girl. The Festival committee has mentioned to me an interest in having pirates/re-enactors at their celebration. I have been in contact with Stynky Tudor on this who has aided them greatly. There will be a committee meeting mid August in Bath. If you are interested could you please inform me of your rates, gratuitiy, and needs so that I can pass them along to the chairwoman in charge of this event. Many things are still up in the air on this celebration, but as the time grows nearer, they will get done. Tis a year away, yet some folks like to be prepared. The state has given them a grant, and the Elizabeth II of Roanoke will be there. Their website is: http://historicbathnc.com Sincerely yours Jim Goodwn (Capt'n Jim-sib) Charlotte, NC 704-365-4765 website: http://carolinasib.com Captain Jim-Sib, I'm delighted to hear about this Blackbeard event in Bath, NC, September 22 - 25, 2005, and that Roanoke's Elizabeth II is participating: my wife used to be one of their professional crew! Have you contacted the NC Maritime Museum people in Beaufort? They're deeply involved with the QUEEN ANNE'S REVENGE reclamation project. Capt. William "The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"
Captain Jim-sib Posted October 12, 2004 Posted October 12, 2004 Capt'n William, Hope all be well w/ you & yours with the recent high waters in N.O. I recall at such times the moccasins emerge into the flooded roads. I had been in touch with the NC Maritime Museum, David Moore precisely...& gave him two QAR's in a bottle for fund raising purposes several years ago. The folks is Bath, NC will be receiving a QAR soon for a fund raiser item soon in exchange for booth fees at the Tri-Centennial next Sept. They did get a grant from the state, yet it gets spread out for the entire year's celebration. They will be loaned the big bottle "Blackbeard's Fleet" when it is done with the San Diego show in Jan. Been hitting the bottle hard for the Georgetown Wooden Boat Show ...which is this weekend. Hope to see some of ya'll East Coasters there. Take Care, Jim -sib
the Royaliste Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Guest said: EDITED jeesh!...this'n slipped thru the net, eh?....jus' doin' my job............PYRAT! /
Iron Bess Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Guest said: Why would anyone want to hire a bunch a crappy-assed pirates 4 nethin?! u all need 2 grow the hell up n stop livin in ur lil fantasy world u fuckin sons of biznitches!!!!! love n asskicks, kim 07762221761 Well.... at least most of us write with better grammer. "Here's to you and here's to me and here's to life on the rolling sea And if we ever disagree To H*** with you And here's to ME!!" Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Christine Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 I didn't know guests could even post? How odd! And what a nasty little.....person she be! Funny, she has to come all the way on to a pirate board, waste her time to post to us and tell us to grow up. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, dealing with a real mind here!
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 wow what an evil master mind signing in as a guest now we shall never know who she was tis an eternal puzzle But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
the Royaliste Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Guest said: u all need 2 grow the hell up n stop livin in ur lil fantasy world Besides, Bloody 'eck if'n I didn't promise the 'Pan that I wouldn't well over 50 years ago! ROYALISTE 35 tons of hard chargin' 'fantasy'!
TalesOfTheSevenSeas Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Grow up and stop living in a fantasy world? Methinks this wench needs to take a look at our business books sometime and perhaps Disney's too! Grow up says she? Hell no says I!! 'Tis farrrrrrrrr to much fun!! -Claire "Poison Quill" Warren Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas www.talesofthesevenseas.com
El Pirata Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 I agree with the growing up part... Why??? I like being a 12 year old in an adult's body. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
El Pirata Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Christine said: I didn't know guests could even post? How odd! And what a nasty little.....person she be! Funny, she has to come all the way on to a pirate board, waste her time to post to us and tell us to grow up. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, dealing with a real mind here! I agree completely. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
Stitch Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 Quote Guest Posted: Nov 5 2004, 04:18 AM Why would anyone want to hire a bunch a crappy-assed pirates 4 nethin?! u all need 2 grow the hell up n stop livin in ur lil fantasy world u fuckin sons of biznitches!!!!! love n asskicks, kim 07762221761 Tis intrest'n ta see wot floats up outa da bilge when waters gets stormy...ehh. To much anger an broke'n dreams fer that one ehh....Tis a shame ta give up yer dreams o' youth...a shame indeed.
Saber Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 I love that stuff, what a gross nasty person! Perfect for lower level pirates *S* Now, is this really the way we talk all the time or was this a rash moment of wishful thinking? Now lets go brush our teeth and get rid of the potty mouth This is about fun and sharing like interests, if you don't share those feelings then I would kindly suggest a new harbor for you. Peace Saber
HarborMaster Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 I find most people so bitter ., are too poor to have much to be happy about..., imagine that in the richest county in the world. I also find that most of those are lazy good for nothin low end no work loser types. As I look around the Pub I notice there are alot of professional people., educated and also hard working blue collar..., which can afford one the luxury of having a life worth living. We do after have to earn our way. No one in the Pub that I can recall ever claimed they got anything worth gettin for free., especially and education and manners., they are earned it.,as it should be. I am not Lost .,I am Exploring. "If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"
BloodyBuckets Posted November 5, 2004 Author Posted November 5, 2004 I removed the post, but you guys have all quoted it anyway! In this one topic, Seeking Pirates, I allow guests to post... so that people who aren't a member of this community can post looking for crews to hire, etc. I guess that's what happens sometimes. Sorry for the inconvenience! -Bloody <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Administration Policy</span> <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>At Pyracy.com, it's all about you! Whatever you want, that's what we're going to do. I'm serious. If you want me to cry, then I'm bawling, baby. If you want your own topic started, LOOK OUT MAMA HERE IT COMES! There's nothing that I won't do to accomodate your slightest whim. Stop looking at me, please. You're making me a little nervous. Please blink or something. You soulless, devouring monsters. You've taken everything that was decent in me and buried it in scorpions. How I loathe you all.</span>
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 BloodyBuckets said: I removed the post, but you guys have all quoted it anyway!In this one topic, Seeking Pirates, I allow guests to post... so that people who aren't a member of this community can post looking for crews to hire, etc. I guess that's what happens sometimes. Sorry for the inconvenience! -Bloody no problem it was worth the laugh i got But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
moricktowain Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 Just wanted ta post sayin' that I'm still huntin' fer crew members for the Pirate Brethren of Texas. It's been a very slow fall(dealing with me crew) and our "bar social" nights have pretty much consisted of just me and my crew's historian. [For reference as to what the Pirate Brethren of Texas is about, my original post lies on the second page of this thread.] It'd be my interest ta have at least 5 garbed members (we have averaged two members the last two years.) when we do our yearly trip ta Scarborough Faire in late May of 2005. Also, if anyone has contacted me via email about joinin' tha crew, please contact me again. Things got quite hectic in my personal life (with the elections, guests visiting for a few days, trips to visit family, etc.) and those emails may have gotten lost.....I'm slowly going through my email box as we speak to mabey catch some that I've missed(or didn't get a chance to respond to it.) Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas Morick Towain IBoRP #116 Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
DurtyLillie Posted December 14, 2004 Posted December 14, 2004 Time to weigh in here on crews.....and say Hurricane's crew was the best ever at Pirates in Paradise...! Haven't planned on who I am takin' with me next year yet..but definitely doing back..under my own dime...understand now what the level of real commitment is...Outstanding crew! Port Royal Privateers... I ain't sayin much on that topic since Rumba Rue covered it all......gramercy dear. Pyracy in all it's Glory, Yers, D.L. aka DurtyLaFey member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.
Diosa De Cancion Posted December 14, 2004 Posted December 14, 2004 DurtyLillie said: Time to weigh in here on crews.....and say Hurricane's crew was the best ever at Pirates in Paradise...!Haven't planned on who I am takin' with me next year yet..but definitely doing back..under my own dime...understand now what the level of real commitment is...Outstanding crew! Port Royal Privateers... I ain't sayin much on that topic since Rumba Rue covered it all......gramercy dear. Thanks so much for the compliment on our crewe!!! Sure, I may be a little biased, but I have to agree with you.... we have an amazing crewe. This year at PIP was my first real 'full out 10-day crewe expeirence' and although we all knew each other in advance, and had chatted on this board and such, when we all converged from our various points across the nation, it was amazing! We were like a family that was gathering for a big piratical holiday! ....and it helped that we all love to work, so we had a great time doing things like creating the sail cloth signs for PIP (we took over a large portion of the 2nd floor balcony at the southernmost, made sandwiches, passed out chips and sodas, and had a painting party) and turned any work situation into a fun event. And we're heading back to Key West for the Pirate Soul Museum opening next month! woohoo!! Diosa De Cancion aka Mary Read www.iammaryread.com
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