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POTC plot holes... ***SPOILER WARNING***

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First off let me state again how AMAZING this film is, what a landmark achievement it is, and how proud as hell I am of the cast and crew. I tip me hat to ya!

So I'm sitting here in the office, mulling over the movie, replaying it in my head, yearning to see it again asap. Maybe it's just me, maybe I missed some key dialogue...I dunno. Check these out:

B) What happened to the defeated pirate crew once the curse was lifted? I assume they were hung, but it's not shown.

B) What happened to the treasure Jack made off with from the cave? One minute he's rowing back to the Dauntless with Will and Liz, draped in gold. Next scene he's on the gallows. Did he give it to Will so he could become a gentleman pirate?

B) How did Jack get cursed if he wasn’t with the crew when they took the cursed treasure? They marooned him on the way to the island, right?

B) How did Jack come to learn of Isla De Muerta? And if he knew he was cursed, why wouldn't he be magically drawn to the gold just like the Black Pearl crew? Or is that why he showed up in Port Royal in the first place?

B) How could he get drunk on rum if he was cursed? It was made pretty clear that all they could do was sail the sea tracking down the gold....

B) Where are the other inhabitants of the Caribbean? Spanish? French?

B) If they can’t die, and Bootstrap Bill was cursed too, shouldn't he be sitting at the bottom of the sea somewhere chained to a cannonball, bored as hell? Course soon as the curse is lifted, he'd drown I guess....

B) Port Royal is supposed to be "the wickedest city on earth"…where is everyone?

B) How could Jack sail a brig with just Will who’s all lubber?

Anyway, if anyone who was involved with the production, or seen it enough times to know the answers could throw me a bone on these, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm really not trying to nitpick such a great movie that I instantly fell in love with....I just don't like loose ends!


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1. Aye they was most likely hanged (ya don't always 'ave time ta put all that in movies

2. Couldn't say

3.Jack wasn't cursed 'till the cave scene. He was yarnin' wit' Barbosa, an handlin' the cursed gold from the stone chest. As he's droppin' the pieces back in the chest he palms one, henceforth cursin 'imself fer an otherwise fatal confrontation wit undead pirates.

4.He aquired that compass that points the way ta the island (they don't say how). If my reckonin' be true (an' it always be true says I), Jack led

the Black Pearl ta the island before they mutinied, then they got themselves cursed. Jack himself not cursed.

5.Clap yer deadlights on three fer this one.

6.Who knows?

7.Poor old Bill.

8. Port Royale at this time period 'as been rebuilt after most of it was swallowed up by earthquakes, an' tidal waves. After it was rebuilt the British rooted the pirates out, an' cleared the detris as it were, which is why they sail fer Tortuga.

9.the sail were allready set when Jack, an' Will comandeered it. After that if the weather be fair, an ya didn't have ta beat ta weather ya could probably do it wit two blokes.

Hope that put ya back on course mate.

Yer's truly,

Jolie Rouge

Crew on the Lady Washington


Excellent, many thanks. Some of that stuff I missed, probaby when sitting there awestruck by the amazing effects and score. I can't believe I didn't pick up on Jack rubbing the curse on himself by snaking the piece of gold....jeez!! Where is my head! Too much rum.....

B) What happened to the defeated pirate crew once the curse was lifted? I assume they were hung, but it's not shown.

Those wot weren't dead right away from wounds that didn't kill them while they were a'cursed, were rounded up by the good guys. They might be in the brig, might be hanged. Dunno. Can ya hear whisperings of "sequel"?

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose


--Pintel, as they were led off to the brig

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


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B) What happened to the treasure Jack made off with from the cave? One minute he's rowing back to the Dauntless with Will and Liz, draped in gold. Next scene he's on the gallows. Did he give it to Will so he could become a gentleman pirate?

Dunno. Wondered that meself. I assume it wasn't cursed gold -- I think olny the gold coins/medallions from the chest is cursed. With all that other gold around in the Treasure Cave why would anyone needs be takin' the cursed gold?

I think Jack was countin' on the "Black Pearl" still waitin' fer him when he came outta the Treasure Cave.

The treasure Jack had probably was confiscated by Norrington.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"Them's wot falls behind, gits left behind."

--The Pirate Code

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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B) How did Jack get cursed if he wasn’t with the crew when they took the cursed treasure? They marooned him on the way to the island, right?

Cap'n Jack, clever rogue that he is, palmed a coin when he was talking with Barbossa and fingering the gold. It was only then that he was cursed. He did it on purpose, so he wouldn't die in the battle with Barbossa.

He mentions earlier to Barbossa (just before being marooned again) that he should thank him for mutinying, thus saving him from being cursed as the others.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"I suppose I should thank you. If you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I'd have had an equal share in the curse, same as you! "

--Cap'n Jack Sparrow

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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:D What happened to the treasure Jack made off with from the cave? One minute he's rowing back to the Dauntless with Will and Liz, draped in gold. Next scene he's on the gallows. Did he give it to Will so he could become a gentleman pirate?

Dunno. Wondered that meself. I assume it wasn't cursed gold -- I think olny the gold coins/medallions from the chest is cursed. With all that other gold around in the Treasure Cave why would anyone needs be takin' the cursed gold?

I think Jack was countin' on the "Black Pearl" still waitin' fer him when he came outta the Treasure Cave.

The treasure Jack had probably was confiscated by Norrington.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"Them's wot falls behind, gits left behind."

--The Pirate Code

Hmm, I thought there were several scenes of Captain Jack sifting through the treasure and tossing most pieces over his shoulder. I assumed that he was sorting the Aztec gold from other miscellaneous loot, because it was never specified that the only cursed stuff was in the chest, it was just the last pieces the could find.

At least that is my brain trying to make the whole story work. :)

The Duchess


First of all, let me say how much I enjoyed this movie. I loved the special effects when the cursed pirates are running through the cave, being hit by moonlight only in strips. The skeletal morphing technique is amazing and follows perfectly!

And Joshua Red, after watching the movie, I have some (possible) answers to your delimma:

1. Aye, probably hanged.

2. In my historical research, I have come to believe that the government will confiscate any riches and/or belongings from a criminal before execution. Just like they take your wallet when you go to jail.

3. During a conversation with Barbossa in the cave, Jack plunks three gold Aztec coins back into the trunk. You barely see him palm one and tuck it away in his sash.

4. He wasn't cursed until the time in the cave...see #3.

5. Not important enough to the plot line of the story and too costly for that many extras?

6. Maybe Bootstrap wasn't cursed, since it was he who adamantly did not want to take the treasure, and he really liked Jack Sparrow, which ultimately led to his death. Maybe he wasn't with the pirates when they collected the cursed loot?

7. Perchance everyone has evacuated in time for the rebuilding of the city?

8. Because the sails were already set on the Interceptor, and after all, Jack is "the best pirate." And anyway, they say a man can get farther on sheer determination...and Will was determined.

Is that all, or have I missed one?


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


Jolie Rouge:

Thank'ee fer pointin out me mistake! I forgot that in the movie, Bootstrap sent a piece of the gold to Will, and Elizabeth stole it from him, thinking him to be a pirate. So, I suppose that Bootstrap was just a good man, which made him not-so-piratey.

Stranger things have happened...


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."

Guest Pirate Molly

>>What happened to the defeated pirate crew once the curse was lifted? I assume they were hung, but it's not shown.

That was a problem for me too. Just because the curse was lifted seemed no reason to lay down their arms.

>>What happened to the treasure Jack made off with from the cave? One minute he's rowing back to the Dauntless with Will and Liz, draped in gold. Next scene he's on the gallows. Did he give it to Will so he could become a gentleman pirate?

He'd planned on going to the Pearl. He asked them for a lift. Doubtless when he met up with Norrington his gold was confiscated.

>>How did Jack get cursed if he wasn’t with the crew when they took the cursed treasure?

As someone upthread explained, he cursed himself by stealing one of the coins as he was talking to Barbossa.

>>How did Jack come to learn of Isla De Muerta?

That may be explained in the sequel?

>>Where are the other inhabitants of the Caribbean? Spanish? French?

Good question. Isn't Barbossa a Spanish name?

>>Port Royal is supposed to be "the wickedest city on earth"…where is everyone?

Wasn't it Tortuga they called that?


Hmm, I thought there were several scenes of Captain Jack sifting through the treasure and tossing most pieces over his shoulder. I assumed that he was sorting the Aztec gold from other miscellaneous loot, because it was never specified that the only cursed stuff was in the chest, it was just the last pieces the could find.

At least that is my brain trying to make the whole story work.

Actually, the rest of the treasure was simply stuff Barbossa's crew had accumulated throughout the years of raiding and searching for the cursed gold. They couldn't enjoy the fruits of their labors properly, so they'd squirreled it away for when they finally managed to lift the curse. That's what I'd concluded, from the dialog.

Hmm, I thought there were several scenes of Captain Jack sifting through the treasure and tossing most pieces over his shoulder. I assumed that he was sorting the Aztec gold from other miscellaneous loot, because it was never specified that the only cursed stuff was in the chest, it was just the last pieces the could find.

At least that is my brain trying to make the whole story work.

Actually, the rest of the treasure was simply stuff Barbossa's crew had accumulated throughout the years of raiding and searching for the cursed gold. They couldn't enjoy the fruits of their labors properly, so they'd squirreled it away for when they finally managed to lift the curse. That's what I'd concluded, from the dialog.

You are right. I watched the film again last night, straigthend things out a bit. Also caught some lines I missed the first time.

The Duchess


>>Where are the other inhabitants of the Caribbean? Spanish? French?

Good question. Isn't Barbossa a Spanish name?


I think they derived the name from Barbarossa which is Arbic for redbeard. That was the name of a pair of brothers who were Barbary pirates ifrom Lesbos n the 16th century.

Remember they're in an English colony. For the most part and depending who England is at war with (Spain or France) at the time you're not bloody likley to see someone of that nationality in Port Royal except maybe as a pirate.


Aye, I knows that... :P

What I meant was that they should have shown the pirates plunderin' a Spaniard or two...or mebbe sackin' an unsuspectin' French town. After all, I think most moviegoers today are sophisteecated enuff ta handle the soit of sum nasty pirates actually PIRATING SOMETHING! :D


Bootstrap - I was wondering if he was not still alive, at least until the curse was lifted that is.

If he could not die due to the curse maybe he was in old Davey Jones locker the whole time alive... Now if that was the case could he have escaped his waterey prison over the course of ten years and still be alive... I guess we will just have to wait and see.

But it was a great film and I can hardly wait to see it for the 2nd time.





After all, I think most moviegoers today are sophisteecated enuff ta handle the soit of sum nasty pirates actually PIRATING SOMETHING!


*smirk* disney movie.

ooc. script? where? :ph34r:


the meak may inherit the earth,

but they'll never rule the water


First of all, I loved it, can't wait for it to come out on DVD.

But there are lots of things that must be swollowed with the explanation of "chalk it up to movie magic" in the movie.


how did Jack slide down the rope when in hand cuffs. It looked like he was using the chain between the cuffs as his support, how did he get on and then off, since he had to get the cuffs broken off in the blacksmith shop?

In another set when Jack is drinking, the drinking vessels change form from one view to another.

How many other glitches can be found? Who knows But still it is a great movie and I would guess the next installment will be well worth watching.

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I


Aye Lad,

I'll dispell one piece o' movie magic fer ya....

When Jack was in irons, the chain was long enough that he threw it over th' line an' hung onta it...

As fer the tankard.... Hmmm......


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Bad director-y people, not watching continuity with the tankards! I'll laugh when my (well, mine and my friends') film is finished, with no mistakes like that! Wahahaha! But anyway, I was here to talk about plot holes and stuffs...

Two questions:

one: Why is the moon full the whole time? Er, last I checked, the moon has, er, phases, and isn't full every bloody night! That got a bit wierd. And you get enough moonlight with half or so to make them all skeleton-y as far as I know!

And if the moon isn't changing or naught, how are they sailing, because you sort of depend on the moon for tides and winds and whatnot...

two: how is it that they had a pirates swoop (Isla de Muerta) so close to a major English colony? I mean, even if it can't be found without knowing about it, etc, it still seems silly, especially if the Black Pearl is sailing out of the place...loses credibility in the "no one beleives it exists" department. Erm. Right.

Oh, and how in blazes were they sailing with the sails all full of holes?

But then again I'm just nit-picky.

On a more happy note, I loved that movie despite the holes, and I am...so...in love...with...the Lady Washington...I mean I was before, but now even more so...will spend the rest of the summer spending all my money on seeing that movie again and again so I can drool over the gorgeous ship...all the beautiful ships for that matter!

Such cruelty, to destroy the Interceptor! How could they?! Broke my heart, that did! *sniff*

Oh...and why's the rum gone? :P


:P Funny and true!

The Black Pearl does well with holey sails as she is a damned ship, crewed by the cursed lot. It's black magic, matey! She glides along on an unholy breeze. That's how she was able to catch the Interceptor during the chase despite the Interceptor being renknowned as "the fastest ship in the Caribbean".

As for the constant presence of the moon, it's a little iffy, but no biggie. I take it perhaps that the movie covers about 1 month of real time. In the beginning when the Pearl sacks Port Royal, it's a full moon. It then takes about 3 weeks for Jack and Will to get to Tortuga, round up the crew, etc.


And the full moon phase lasts for about 3 days -- so it was a full moon in the beginning sez I, and 'twere a full moon at the end, as explained by Joshua Red. (or mebbe just movie magic.) In any event, twas a fine, fine flick! Drink up, me hearties, Yo Ho!

The Pyromaniac Pirate

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