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Could I survive being a pirate back then. Probably not, me asthma would not doubt kill me with out the A/C and me inhalor. Could put up with the varmits a little, as for being lonely no way. I likes me friends, and family to much. :)

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am

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Ah yes....it all comes down ta this..........

If ye were born back then..ye wouldn't know what TV and air-con was.

Ye would have to servive!

Ye would like the rats, smelly people and warm grog!

Pirate? Maybe.

Most pirates didn't get the chance to live long anyway did they?


"Quarter" Master

Pyrates of the Coast

"Permit me aboard and I'll be takin' over yer ship...

Don't permit me aboard and I'll still take over yer ship"


Um...you guys DON'T live like that.... :ph34r:

Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


I dont think I would. It would definitely take some getting used to. But if you were raised in that time period you would not know any diffrent..Now if for some reason you got clobbered on th' head and woke up in that time period..Now that would be hard..but you do what you have to to survive..


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


I could do without the creature comforts. In 25 years of living I've spent 1 with an air conditioner that kind of worked. I have a TV, but not television and I could eaily do without that (wouldn't be time to watch anyway). I'm not troubled by rodents or insects. I don't mind being smelly and could adjust to the lack of bathing. However I'm a tiny person and would have had a hard time with any work that required bulk. I don't fight and I can't stand to see others in any kind of pain (physical or otherwise). Also, though I could probably pull off disguising myself as a man (I've acted plenty of masculine parts in my time) I would not deal well if I were ever discovered for I do not take kindly to unwanted advances and I doubt I could hold off an entire crew of horny pirates.

I think I could survive in the 18th century, even knowing what I know now (though probably not on a pirate ship). There's no chance in hell that I would ever want to, mind you. I'm a pirate in mind, not in body.

* :ph34r: *

blackeye susan


You kno wIve spent half my life on the sea. and even though I can manage a ship pretty well. I just dont know.

I would like to think That i would have gone on the acount and lived the merry life.

I guess Its a matter of how you grew up

You see we grew up with these modern amenities iffen we ne'er had them then Im sure we would have survived as they did back then.

It a matter of constatution really....

Capt Tark



Actually, fer the period, life on a democratically run privateer was probably less sucky than most, especially if you got lucky with some careless Spaniard. At least ya had medical and retirement, which half of us in this country STILL aint got.

Plus the fashions were spiffy :o

Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


avast..... well until march of last year i would have thought that couldnt have sruvived long during any century but our own , but being in the marine corp and spending 3 months in the iraqi desert w/no showers , using a hole in the ground as a head, little to eat , the heat, and stress and disase (ie malaria out break in some of or platoons) let alone the thought of being killed, and having been stationed on the uss nassau for 6 months prior to going in country gave me an all too real feeling of being in a differnt age, i from experience feel more than quite able to have survied in the 17th century

:D alexandre the cavalier pyrate


Hmmm. I was a very unhealthy child. Spending my first five years being a pin cushion due to medications. If you remove that factor, I would have more than likely given it a go and made out ok. (I have always be a bit of a lone wolf and bull headed, that could present a problem.) I have a great love for big water and am not one prone to guilt bothering me overmuch. I have camped in places that most would shudder at , if at any legnth of time. Ac is no big deal, don't really watch television. I read for entertainment. Being from the shores of Lake Superior, I am well familiar with what harsh elements can be drummed up in the winter and otherwise. Heat...I currently live in Texas and handle the heat better than most of the natives. I usually only eat one real meal a day, not much appetite. Have always been a bit of a rogue, by society's standards. Cannot make any claim to firearms skill, but, I am handy with a foil. And remember your history, pyracy during the time of the Brethren of the Coast, was almost a pure form of Democracy. A fair share, a fair say without regard to place of origin, belief or race and even workman's comp. Above all, freedom. A far better shake than what the common man could obtain anywhere else during the time.

Privateer & Commander of "Finnegan's Wake"

Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a strigh air cridh an duine ghlic, ach comhnaichdh i an amadain.

(Anger may look in on a wise man's heart, but it abides in the heart of a fool.)

And remember your history, pyracy during the time of the Brethren of the Coast, was almost a pure form of Democracy. A fair share, a fair say without regard to place of origin, belief or race and even workman's comp. Above all, freedom. A far better shake than what the common man could obtain anywhere else during the time.

...an' a fair shake better'n what most folk have TODAY, I be willin' ta venture...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

And remember your history, pyracy during the time of the Brethren of the Coast, was almost a pure form of Democracy. A fair share, a fair say without regard to place of origin, belief or race and even workman's comp. Above all, freedom. A far better shake than what the common man could obtain anywhere else during the time.

...an' a fair shake better'n what most folk have TODAY, I be willin' ta venture...

Tis' true, sadly. :blink: From what I seen an' heard in me ventures about... History sometimes shows i'self again wi' new trappin's. An' they not always be pretty to the eye.

Privateer & Commander of "Finnegan's Wake"

Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a strigh air cridh an duine ghlic, ach comhnaichdh i an amadain.

(Anger may look in on a wise man's heart, but it abides in the heart of a fool.)


Aye, here be me contibute to de matter. A child wit Asthma and alos a pin cusion fer de sawbones, me health be better ina de warmer latitudes. Ina me life I be de one who fends fer me own self. I hunt and scavage win I need to, have now use fer do's who have not done de job I do an' tell how ta do it. Critters are put on de earth fer the use when da need be. When yer back is against da wall, ye'll do wat ye need to to survive.



Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


Thr honest truth to this.... in my opinion.... is that we would never know how we would do. A great many of us are re-enactors and play the parts , but, as much as I like to think I could handle it, I simply don't know. When faced with adversity a great many man will rise to the occasion, while others will fall. I like to think I would rise to such occasion. I also like ot hink if I were back in time, I would be wealthy enough to not have to care about it.... But, who knows.... Flint

  • 4 weeks later...

I do know this, modern medicine is a "good thing." At the 2000 Howard Pyle Festival while setting up camp on the beach early in the morning I managed to ram a dirty piece of driftwood into the top of my foot. I little sliver of it broke off into my foot, and being the tough guy, I mean idiot, that I am, I figured I could hold out through the entire day's event without medical attention. I did hold out. But the wound became infected in a vile sort of way. Without modern medicine, I wouldn't be suprised if I found myself in that famous category of, "survived the battle, died of infection days later."



My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


I really don't know....

But I know that if I were back in that period, I wouldn't even know anything about the modern amenities that we use on a daily basis in these modern days... so I wouldn't know what I was missing, right?

AND if I were back in that time period, with different values and different expectations required from women, I don't think I can even begin to imagine what type of person I would have been.

I have always been healthy, robust, and have always chipped in and done the hard work. I probably would be a tavern wench, depending on my family's financial status in society.

BUT if I were to go "back in time" having known the modern amenities, I think I would last about 1 week. That is about how long I can last camping. And I would want toilet paper and skin lotion and a toothbrush soooo bad.

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!


Be it that I was given the option now, this second, I would have to decline such an offer as I'm a big girly wimp and can't slum it for love nor money nor rum ... I'll always be needing a warm soft bed ...

Just Cause You're The Bad Guy, Don't Mean You're Gonna Lose Them All.


Bein as I am an avid re-enacter and a serious outdoorsman , I have learned to survive in the woods and I enjoy camping rough , I don't think that I would have a great deal of difficulty surviving in the 1700's -1800's era . Food is not a problem as I will eat anything that walks crawls swims or flies and as long as I have clean water and a dry place to crash I am a happy camper .

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "


How many pyrates survived their own time? Did many pyrates practice their trade for more than two or three years? What was the average.

P.S. Black John, good to see you on the forum. I like your new web page!


;) The role of privateer would've been more prepared and initially funded,so may have been less hazardous than free pirating. A pyrate true? Only if it was based on short run venture,say Cuba to Martinique. That would've been healthier at least. Months at sea waiting for the right ship? No. A freelancer who moved from crew to crew? Yes. Me two cents spent. Rogue. ;)
Nope. I like my air conditioning in the summer. I like being able to use soft toilet paper.

I like my rum smooth and sweet. I like being Pagan.

I wouldn't be able to go to Disneyland and ride the Pirates of the Carribean ride! oh for shame! :lol:

Rumba Rue

**Just give me a nice, ice frosted cold beer!** :D

I'm a commericalized wench.....I agree with all Rumba's thoughts....

But doesn't mean I would try it out just to say I did try!! :blink:

I'm a commericalized wench.....

Ye be meanin' thet ye be fer sale at th' local Wal-Mart?!?

So let's be seein'...the tally so far be:

74 say they'd not be able ta survive;

36 say they'd like ta give it a chance

14 say "No way, I like me skin cream and MTV"

Inter-restin' results, mateys! :ph34r:

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


The thing abou' it is is tha' righ' now, we here are used to the luxuries of air conditioners, auto...mob-whatsists an' shotguns. Personally, though... I don' know how a woman'd deal during the Golden Age. Y'know... withou' those OTHER luxuries women of today 'ave. O_o

An' I admit... I am very, VERY fond of my PlayStation 2.

Captain Wolfy Wench

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