robert Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 I rented the movie POC with john depp. Interesting spin on the pirate. Depps caracter was off base but the fellow that played barbossa actually true to his word in all manners and was a better actor. they( depp and barbossa) even had an accord at the end which depp broke. So whats the attraction to such a miscrete as depp? I must be missing something. Seems to me barbossa was a composition of several pirates.
LadyBarbossa Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 Robert! For that, mate.. I'll buy ya a WHOLE barrel o' rum! Mind you, we sneak it from Barbossa's private stock, he'd be a bit upset. We've already had to replenish his stock 5 times. ::Evil grinz:: Ahhhh...Yes... Barbossa & Sparrow. Well.. first off, Barbossa was portrayed by the very talented & intreging Actor Geoffrey Rush. Amazing gent. Would LOVE to hear more of the history he created for Hector Barbossa. Another is... though, Barbossa may have started it when he mutinied against Jack. Marooned him... twice... & worse thing to EVER do to Jack is to take his ship. Though a few of us lasses think the Black Pearl should stay with Barbossa. :) So, Jack perhaps thought it right & fair that he could backstab Barbossa like this. Eye for an eye type of situation. But... again, as I said, I'm sure there are several out there who agree with myself.. I know Lady Christine does :::waves to her:: .... when we say Barbossa makes a far better pirate than Jack. Barbossa seems to be a combination of Teach, Kidd, Morgan, Roberts, Tew, etc. Even the Barbarossa brothers! I'd sail with Barbossa anyday over Sparrow! ::toasts with wine::: ::Looks at Capt'n Jack Sparrow(he knows who he is):: No offence mate. We still love ya. But we adore Barbossa. Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Christine Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 Aye, I agree with the both of you. Had this discussion at the Escondido Faire with the pirates of the Black Sail guild. They all also agreed that Barbossa was by far the better pirate over Jack. Don't get me wrong, Jack is a very cool character, funny and yes, even cute, but Barbossa just is the better pirate, hands down all the way! I also find him much more sexier! He has a charm all his own....mmmmm......
John_Young Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 His name is Hector? "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..." "I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull of yers!" -Captain John Young - PILF
Christine Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 Well, it's the name both Johnny and Geoffrey came up with in-between scenes. Johnny would then have fun teasing him about it-lol! Listen to the audio commentary with Johnny Depp for the movie. It's when Barbossa is first shown after Elizabeth is kidnapped. You'll hear Johnny tell the story about it.
John_Young Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 ah.. funny thing about it... I never used the audio commentary on my DvDs except for Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 ("We are so sorry for this") Well, it's an excuse for me to watch it again. "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..." "I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull of yers!" -Captain John Young - PILF
LadyBarbossa Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 :indicates to Christine's reply::: aye, what she said. It's actually a right good name. Finding the meaning of it.... Hector is Greek meaning "Holding Fast". Kinda interesting they chose that name. There is always an excuse to see PotC! :) Shoot, you can have your own little PotC Interactive party if ya like with a few friends or pirates. PotC Interactive The commentaries are rather good. Some interesting stories & info. Not much in the extras of Rush as Barbossa. ::le sigh:: Oh, well. My friend still hopes they will put out a super collector's edition with more of the deleted scenes & other stuff. She believes it to be about 4 DVDs worth of stuff. I say BRING IT ON! But.. more Barbossa would be great. :) Eager for what they will put out with the toys. I know I will DEFINITELY buy the little Barbossa action figure! :) :::HUGE grin::: Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
robert Posted May 4, 2004 Author Posted May 4, 2004 barrossa reminds me of the Chevalier de Grammont who was a very notable pirate capitan on Roatan and Island De Aves. Yet I one can see composite similarites. I personally would find a movie about him and the black pearl in the preceeding ten year time frame to poc. extremely interesting. also bruckhumer would be making a mistake not to reprise/reserect him in the next film. his obvious air of malice and dread diffinately counter act the sugary sweetness of depp (leaves a bad taste on the tongue). this geophry rush is a tremendous actor to carry of such a difficult role. bravo to him. like his pistol also, fits him well.
robert Posted May 4, 2004 Author Posted May 4, 2004 christine how does one go about getting audio comments of the movie. i'd be interested in hereing what was said. also i cant relate to the sexy thing an what that implys about barbossa but i'd a preferred him knocking off depp in the movie instead a the other way around, so i guess thats a kinda affection lol.
Zorg Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 Christine said: Aye, I agree with the both of you. Had this discussion at the Escondido Faire with the pirates of the Black Sail guild. They all also agreed that Barbossa was by far the better pirate over Jack. Don't get me wrong, Jack is a very cool character, funny and yes, even cute, but Barbossa just is the better pirate, hands down all the way! I also find him much more sexier! He has a charm all his own....mmmmm...... Arr! Hope fer th more mature pyrate :) Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins... Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up.... Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be..... Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered
Christine Posted May 4, 2004 Posted May 4, 2004 robert said: christine how does one go about getting audio comments of the movie. i'd be interested in hereing what was said. also i cant relate to the sexy thing an what that implys about barbossa but i'd a preferred him knocking off depp in the movie instead a the other way around, so i guess thats a kinda affection lol. Robert, put in disc 1 and go to where it says bonus features. It'll then mention audio commentary, click on that and then you'll see the list of the different commentaries. Now, once you pick one it will start at the beginning of the movie with them talking in the background. You can also scene select by going to the main menu and going to scene selections. The commentary will stay on. All of the commentaries have interesting info. Enjoy! :) Aye, Zorg, some of us young lasses like the older, more mature pirates out there. Funny, Jack/Johnny Depp is 40 but acts like a kid-lol!
LadyBarbossa Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 The appeal to us Ladies is different than men.. in more than one way. Barbossa is the essense of a pirate captain. His physical appeal is just amazing with the mix of his whole appeal. LOL, aye, Zorg. There be hope for you yet! :) It's all the look as well as the personality. The whole treasure...or bottle o' rum! So, yes... ::le sigh; swoon:: I look forward to if & when Barbossa returns to PotC. It just breaks my heart to see him shot by Jack, die... then laying there motionless upon the mound of gold. Dear God those eyes.... so sad. Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Hunting Hawk Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 Christine said: robert said: christine how does one go about getting audio comments of the movie. i'd be interested in hereing what was said. also i cant relate to the sexy thing an what that implys about barbossa but i'd a preferred him knocking off depp in the movie instead a the other way around, so i guess thats a kinda affection lol. Robert, put in disc 1 and go to where it says bonus features. It'll then mention audio commentary, click on that and then you'll see the list of the different commentaries. Now, once you pick one it will start at the beginning of the movie with them talking in the background. You can also scene select by going to the main menu and going to scene selections. The commentary will stay on. All of the commentaries have interesting info. Enjoy! :) Aye, Zorg, some of us young lasses like the older, more mature pirates out there. Funny, Jack/Johnny Depp is 40 but acts like a kid-lol! Aye, mature, that's what I be. An ere all along I thought I were just gettin old. I 'ere tell when ye git old, ye start yer second childhood an I been stuck in me first one fer fifty years. I think, therefor I am. Or maybe I just think I am.
LadyBarbossa Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 The old sea dogs are far more attractive than the young upstarts & lads who are just getting their sea legs. :) I've seen more girls, teeny-boppers & wanna be mary sues that have NO seafaring romantisim in them not knowledge of the sea at all who adore & worship Sparrow... would love to be his single one & only lover :: gags:: When it's us pirate women who prefer Barbossa most for his cunning, wit, wickedness, appearance, & dear God! Look at that TREASURE! After all he had the Black Pearl... he pretty much was all a pirate captain could be & was! Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Black Hearted Pearl Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 Barbossa was indeed the "business man" of the movie, but who watches a movie to romantize about a "business man"? (Yep, I'm a Sparrow's fan). I want passion and Sparrow's character was all about passion and fun. I have a "business man" and I love him, but sometimes I need passion and fun. That is what the character of Jack Sparrow represented to me. But let's face it folks, this was not a historically accurate portrayal of pirates. No matter how much you want to analyze the characters, they were just that, characterizations. If you want to analyze the characterizations, then do that. But to compare them to which one represented real pirates better, the answer is probably neither. ~Black Hearted Pearl The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.
Saskia Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 I did like Barbossa, but you can't really say he was the better pirate because let's face it, he did commit mutiny. They both crappy pirates. Elizabeth was probably the best pirate of all of them. But Pearl is right anyway. As for Barbossa - I actually like his character wuite a lot. And do you know what, I love his pants! I want those pants! But I love Sparrow equally if not more, and I also (you guys are probably going to gag at this) love Norrington. He's cool! Will is probably my least favourite of the four main males (aside from Swann, does he count?)
Christine Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 Well, I say to each his or her own. For me, I like to be different, always have been. LOL @ Saskia! Yeah, I agree, Barbossa did have great pants. His whole attire was pretty damn cool! :)
the Royaliste Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 After a zillion times o'er an' 'o'er, I believe that Barbossa be the only straight up pirate in the flick; pretty much states 'is case, lives up to it an' then some (fetch Jack's pistol), whereas most 'o the rest cajole, lie, etc. betwixt each other, ne'ermind the civilians.....Really bad teeth,'ermind the 'eggs'......
LadyBarbossa Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 Oh, Jack is a fun character, don't get me wrong. I don't hate, loate or despise Sparrow. I admire Depp for his creativity. Just that with Sparrow... he's too boyish. So much the kid at heart. Granted I am as well. But when it comes to Barbossa, .. I don't entirely see him as a "business man". He's alike a penny... you have a character with 2 sides... see one side, but can't see the other in which makes it mysterious & intreguing. I guess Sparrow is that way as well. But ... Barbossa seems more intreguing to me than Sparrow. Besides... I'm not one to go with a norm.... following the thousands of teeny-bopper girls who are drooling over 40 yr old Depp's Sparrow or young cub Bloom's Turner. Barbossa my 1st choice of all the characters. I do fancy the gents of the Navy: Norrington, Gillette, Groves, etc. Ahhhh.... military men in breeches. ::le sigh:: Especially Groves... he's very dashing. ::le sigh:: but... again back to Barbossa.... give me Barbossa any day. It's not that I have that rescue complex to free the cursed man. LOL, damn, he has his own ways of life! He just wants to be normal... feel again, eat, drink... & be merry... if not have a few Marys! Barbossa just grabbed my attention for being an authority figure... who can hold his own... intelligence with taste... with adventure & cunning. Hell... I don't want to rescue him... he can rescue me! Get me out of podunk central here! Before the corn grows high to block me in!! ::le sigh:: Yeesss.... I adore his attire. Very fine. My compliments to the master on that mix of a man. As to Elizabeth... Hence why I say, I'm not the only one here, when Elizabeth & Barbossa make a rather good match. Shoot... she could be his protege & pass with flying colors! LOL, kinda alike myself; so intregued by pirates at a young age like her, reading about them, singing their songs... then grow up,... again, grow up... attempt to.. but flung back into the adventure of piracy! ::tosses Royaliste a bottle of rum:: mate, ya deserve that. I agree with ya there, whole heartedly. But, all in all... all characters are enjoyable in their own right. JAck a good pirate.. & a good man. But ... for those of us who don't just want to run with the pack of good man, good pirate... we have the pick of Barbossa... wicked man & damn good pirate! Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
robert Posted May 5, 2004 Author Posted May 5, 2004 I was never of a mind that this movie portrayed pirate activity in its true form or what is understood it to be, yet pirate capitians were thrown over for different leaders. even mutany is a form off voting someone out of his/her postion, just forcefully. there are exceptions to this though. Movies always carry the baggage of interptation. deps involvement was to entice the younger audience an i think he went over the edge and became a cartoon. while i think barbossa was estentially correct for atire and attitude. I spent many weeks when i was younger livng in a remote pirate hangout and talking at night around camp fires with natives that pass on tales of what the pirates were like an treasure tales. Seems the capts. were ruthlessly brutal yet fair to some with their crew. and garb could run the extreme. In a tropical saltwater environment your clothing tends to disintergrate and you get realy ragged around the edges..some a my clothes were nothing more than rags. i was accused of looking pirate like though a pirate i'm not. then jungle drove me out. being an old guy seems to have stuck with me, still a bit ragged an worn out. barbossa does seem to fit the pirate as it is presently understood. even with its flaws it was an interesting movie.
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