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A lightweight??? if an entire bottle of rum qualifies one as a light weight, well..... then call me extra light..... To you Capt Luigi.. I would say you get the following


cat on hard skin root

passed out pleasure

frozen rum sickel

the king and rye

the host and mrs slur

and what else I'm not sure but I will think of more later.... the Capt. :P

cat on hard skin root

*giggles* ooh! I like that one *nod nod nod* feline and punnish *toasts to the Capt Flint*

*then mutters something about those Irish genes of hers being responcible for the lightweight comment* ooh! Unless its a small bottle of rum shared between two?

and other thingies that might come up with a harlot and a bottle of rum:

ye can practice body shots

walking the plank *wink wink nudge nudge* know what I mean?

She could go wild and tell ya "Arrrgh! Prepare to be boarded!" ~Though maybe that should be the other way around?~


:ph34r: :) :ph34r:


:ph34r: OK again I say...

A Warm Tart?

A Hot Toddy?? :ph34r:

Gee, it's just not as funny the second time around...

well, back to the 'ol drawing board...wait that's where I sit everyday!

bawdump-bump :ph34r:




*grins* There's always Body shots... though I suppose after a few of them they become Bawdy Shots? :blink:

ok, is it just me or does this sound like a filk to the tune of "What do you do with a Drunken Sailor"?


what do you do with a Drunken Harlot?

what do you do with a Drunken Harlot?

what do you do with a Drunken Harlot

Early in the evening?

A bottle of Rum and ye've freebies for th' night...

Then ye'll get a cat on a hard skin root...

out all night leads to a frozen rum sickel...

then ye'll have to add some rum to get A Warm Tart?

which all leads to passed out pleasure....

Early in the morning!

*snickers* ooh...

Thread Hi-jack! Has any one else seen the OH MY GOD! sized bottles of whalers rum at Costco? *faint* *cuddles up amoung the bottles* it's a pyrate's heaven that it is.


Bawdy shots :D Try aski' fer that next time

yer in yer local pub! sounds like more fun

than plain 'ol body shots :D

'scuse while I ship off fer cosco, an pick me up

several casks o rum. Got a couple parties I',m

hostin' in July.

Rum, Tikis an Pirates.. Woo-Hoo!

has the makins fer a fine time......

Hmmmm, bawdy shots...that could come in handy!!

(evil grin) after all it will be MY birthday! :P



  • 2 months later...

Give me the wench n' I'll bring the rum n' you take the pictures captn'! Har Har Har! We'll be thrown off this post so fast you wouldn't beleive it!

Always ready for a good time n' trouble,

:lol: Black Jack Shalaq



Freebies for the night iffn' she's a light weight. :ph34r:

That's got my vote.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

Freebies for the night iffn' she's a light weight.  :lol:

That's got my vote.

Oh what a Bawdy Bunch of Bilge water balers are yew all.

cap'n McCrary of the Great Lakes River Pirates


"Freebies for the night iffn' she's a light weight."

Or a rich harlot iffn' yer a light weight and she's run off with yer booty. :unsure:

Arrr...just like this one mate o' mine in Hong Kong...


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"

:unsure: Jeesh!! Guess I never rose to the bait on this 'n.....Well, a bottle 'o rum, and a harlot??..first off, from wot I've been seein', just a half drunk harlot....and then,well, wake 'er up and send 'er off'n the ship like the rest!!!..... :ph34r:

Press gangs are fun! A bloody lovely way t' bring on recruits!

They 'ave t' suffer wearin' me scarf though.. an' as Luck would 'ave it, I jus' washed it...

I do need another one, however. Pullin' my sash off durin' a press gang was bloody difficult. I be lookin' too much like Cap'n Sparrow fightin' with that sword in th' door...

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


That's it mates!!! You've solved me romantical problems!!! I'll just pressgang a couple of drunken harlots!!! When they be bothering me, I just put em ashore. Ah i knew there would be a pyratical solution to me crisis.



"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


:) A warning to ye, scupper...Aye thunk I had a similar thing brewin' once...woke up to the two 'o them sailin' away while I wuz sleepin'....didn't even act like they knew a halyard from a mizzen sheet........ :(

Press gangs are fun! A bloody lovely way t' bring on recruits!

They 'ave t' suffer wearin' me scarf though.. an' as Luck would 'ave it, I jus' washed it...

I do need another one, however.  Pullin' my sash off durin' a press gang was bloody difficult. I be lookin' too much like Cap'n Sparrow fightin' with that sword in th' door...

But how do you force a ganger to take part the te forums? Just em a taste of the cat?

and can I pull yer sash?


Well as I be a scury dog who has had his heart flailed to the quick, I'll sleep wih one eye open and me hand on me cutlass.


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."

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