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Everything posted by BadPirate

  1. Looking for crew to gather in the Great Lakes Area. We Pirate waters contributing into South Lake Michigan, The "Raith" be the name of my Batteau she may be small at 19 feet but, she can carry her own. Contact the Cap'n oneriverpirate@aol.com
  2. That's got my vote. Oh what a Bawdy Bunch of Bilge water balers are yew all. cap'n McCrary of the Great Lakes River Pirates
  3. I know that the French and English both wore silver and other valubles as jewlery, it was so it could be kept close to them at all times. This was early America, 1700's Maybe they did the same. Cap'n McCrary of the Great Lakes River Pirates
  4. Does anyone know were I can buy Apostles? e-mail me at OneRiverPirate@aol.com Cap'n McCrary
  5. Sir, there is a place here on the Great Lakes. SouthBend Replicas, 61650 Oak Rd. South Bend , Indiana 574-289-4500 Y.M.H.S. Captain McCrary of the " Great Lakes River Pirates"
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