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Fer the crew and lovers of the Royaliste and Tall Ships in general.

If'in ye got something foul to say, find some place else Mates, this here thread is fer the lovers of the seas and all the Tall Ships who ply them.

Good Mates of the Royaliste, here be yer spot to share yer feelin's.


By the hand of Captain Gary, God save the Captain!

Newly appointed tactician of the Pirate ship ROYALISTE!




Once upon a time, thar be this wayward pirate ship, driftin' on the vast Mare Pacifica, a needin' some provisionin', an' a bit 'o repair after a long campaign from Nova Scotia thru the Straits 'o a Thousand Virgins....Turned into the Bay 'o Saint Francis.......




So, lo and behold, the Caaptain found out that the laptop could do more than run navigation software and search for ship parts..By and by, he found a rather pyratical little rag, and whilst readin', 'e found a list 'o pirate brethren on this strange coastline....


And on that list, he found this motley crew 'o scallywag's, an' arranged for a parley....




The rag-tag crew o' pirates was led by a wench who was known on the high seas by the name o' "Poison Quill"

She spoke at length to the Captain and quickly determined him to be a good sort. So she consulted Saber, her partner in crime.

"Yo! Pirate-Boy!" she hollered to him. "How would ye like to sail aboard the tall ship Royaliste?!!"

Saber, being a man o' the sea who had given up his ship to marry the 'Quill were most pleased by this news...

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



I be a Lover of Tall Ships and thanks to tales of the seven seas photos, have grown fond of the Royalist.

Captain Gary, if ye ever get to the East Coat again be sure to drop your hook in British East Florida (St. Augustine) and we will have a Grog or two.

Remember!...I'll always keep the Grits warm for ya...lol

Warmest Regards




We be a thankin' ye, mate,an' Florida be on RR list both ways for the Bogainville Voyage 2005, jus' ain't figured out the little stuff! :ph34r:

..And so, the Captain, bein' a Rogue, and nott at all a'feared 'o tryin' out a new band 'o pirates, said, 'Permission to Come Aboard!!!.....



We be a thankin' ye, mate,an' Florida be on RR list both ways for the Bogainville Voyage 2005, jus' ain't figured out the little stuff! :ph34r:

..And so, the Captain, bein' a Rogue, and nott at all a'feared 'o tryin' out a new band 'o pirates, said, 'Permission to Come Aboard!!!.....



I'll be ah wait'n on the quay, Captain.



With a new wife, the thoughts of the sea had been put aside, memories to kindle the eternal fire of the call of the sea, a bastion of peace while.

By Damned if she didn't find us a goodly true gaff rigged with square sail to boot! Sleek in the water, fast by nature, she laid a feast for this cutthroat’s eye.

Now the parlays were done and complete and we was aboard the Royaliste, to the point of not crew but more like pilgrim stock been given a pleasure ride. Were a fine day for a landlocked swab to be back in Neptune’s lap, a welcome home as you might say!

Strong winds coming near due north pushed the waters of the Bay into a frothy chop that over the Royaliste cleaved her path, cold, wet, harsh to the skin, it was a glorious day to me!

In minutes I knew I’d be honored to crew aboard the Ship Royaliste and her Captain, the Right Master of the Ship Royaliste, Gary.

Droppin anchor at the end of the day was filled with mixed emotions, my heart kept screaming “DON’T GET OFF THE SHIP!” but the real world that had brought us together insisted it end for the day.

Captain Gary of the ship Royaliste graciously offered us another adventure in the near future and since that time we’ve did our best to serve Captain Gary, Royaliste and her crew as true Mates.



:ph34r: [/size]


Upon reaching the dock, the Royaliste was grasped in the grip o' the strong tide and flung 'gainst the sea wall by the mighty hand o' Neptune at work in Pelican Harbor!

Raul and The Leather-Clad Lad on the pirate crew struggled valiantly against the sea and nearly succeeded... until one o' the wenches on board loosed the wrong line and away the Leather-Clad Lad tumbled into the briney depths o' Pelican Harbor- leather pants, digital camera and all!!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



And tales of the tallship Royaliste and her high seas adventures spread far and wide. A wooden beauty upon the waves spinning fantastical thoughts of days of long ago in the minds of those laying eyes upon her.

Twas a mighty presence on the water was she...quickly filling with admiration and affection the hearts of all who set foot upon her deck and came to know Captain Gary.

And that rag-tag crew under the kind and knowledgable guiding hand of Captain Gary evolved into a lean mean pirate fighting machine that the very sound of her name whispered struck fear in the hearts of other sea vessels' captains and crews.

Those of the Royaliste crew bonded as tightly as the planks that formed the sleek lines of her hull. Captain, crew, and ship moved as one upon the water....infinitely defining poetry in motion.

The legend of the Royaliste drifted to the east and softly fell upon the ears of a pirate lass there. Fortunate and most privileged she was to join the crew of the Royaliste and live an adventure she thought only possible in her dreams.

And she was changed forever.....

The Gates of Hell are flung open.....

from the firey mist steps forth....The Legend....

The woman everyone warned you about....

They didn't exaggerate!



Raul and The Leather-Clad Lad on the pirate crew struggled valiantly against the sea and nearly succeeded... until one o' the wenches on board loosed the wrong line and away the Leather-Clad Lad tumbled into the briney depths o' Pelican Harbor- leather pants, digital camera and all!!!

Man, that wuz G-RR-E-A-T!..Whoops!..Outta character! :ph34r:

............With wounds in her plankin', and a crack here or there, the Ship felt no wrong, as her crew, altho a wee bit green, were a well intentioned bunch 'o scallywags, spread from coast to coast....


The pirates reluctantly disembarked from the Royaliste, forever changed. For despite the rough seas, high winds and poundin' surf, Royaliste had worked her magic upon them. Tales of their adventures reached the faraway wench and even at that great distance, she too succumbed to the spell of the magical ship. For when one is touched by a ship, he is nary the same as he were.

Down in bilge o' the Royaliste, a bottle o' wine rattled about. In time, once the pirates got to know their new captain, they would learn he thristed for rum rather than for the grape, but then again the pirates had much to learn o' many things...

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



By and by, the pirates soon found many things to pass the time whilst at sea......A few frequent attacks on the fort at Angel Island, prompting a raid on said isle, a merchant vessel here and there, along with an occaisional outing with other fellow brethren, as the Bay of St. Francis , besides being rich in marine life, is also ripe with pirates!..........The pirates soon became rather rich (for not all riches are measured in swag, eh???)...With the passing of time, the word spread far and wide, and soon people were flocking to the water, intent on trying to catch a glimpse of the notorious pirate ship, laughing, taking pictures, and begging to be 'boarded'....A hearty 'Yo-Ho! could be heard echoeing off the hills and spires of San Francisco...............


'N by the by Qill reached out into the digitalized world 'n found a Pyrate Magi 'n his life partner. She offered to share (with the Cap'ns permission o'cource) a sail on All Hallow s Eve.

Now Nyre being a longtime lover o' the sea almost fell out o' the bed when Cap'n Jack asked her if'n she wanted ta sail, 'n with a mighty hoop she said O' COURCE YE SILLY MON, WHOT DO YA THINK? :unsure:

So pyrate clothes in hand, on the appointed day, they ran their PT as fast as her little turbo hourses could go. :huh:

Thus begun Cap'n Jack Barthmew 'n Nyre the Black Roses love o' the Royaliste lifestyle, her incrediably knowledgable Capt'n, crew'n friends. :lol:


..an' somewhere's in th' midst of all this...there was this lass named Penny, whose talents started in th' textile trade. However, one too many brushes with the "unruly sort" ("....pirates!") gave the girl a right proper corruptin', an' she found herself with a curiousity that would not let her be until she was sated.

So on a call for assistance let out by one "Poison Quill", Penny disguised herself as a pirate (while she could make herself LOOK 'nough like a pirate, she was still green as to th' life), an' found herself brought into a plot t' "commandeer" a proper gentleman's son on his natal day. It would not do t' kidnap'm with a needle an' thread, so she was supplied with a cutlass an' a pistol an' told t' go forward.

Now...this is where th' story gets interestin'. Lucky Penny, as we now know her, 'ad never truly been on a sea vessel. But somehow, she took to it like a duck t' water, in a matter o' speakin'. No one knows how it came about, but th' stories hint that maybe, jus' maybe, there be at least some true pirate in 'er, an' it was just bidin' its time for a chance t' get out!

Since then, the Lucky Penny's been followin' her destiny as a pirate, particularly fond of "sharp pointies" an' "things that go BOOOOM!" At times, however, she's maintainin' a seemingly proper appearance to those outside of her piratical circle. Many suspect that she be a pirate, but few if any 'ave had th' nerve t' ask her outright.

...their loss! :unsure:

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


Twer a gathering of ragtag landlocked crew that arrived at the anchorage of the Royaliste, some from the city of Sacramento, some from the bay of San Francisco and others of us spread far and wide! Still the call of the sea and the whispering words of the Royaliste beckoned to us all to her side.

Captain Gary stood proud and tall as he welcomed this motley crew aboard his ship and home, no door was closed to the new crew and all questions were historically answered as to leave no doubt as to what were needed aboard this might ship.

One by one we fell into place with the Captain’s guidance, each learning a new position aboard a square rigged ship, each fumbling along within the spider web like rigging that filled the sky from masthead to boot.

Now don’t be misunderstanding all this brotherly love talk! When things weren’t done as they should be or just flat took to long we all got a taste of the bite of Captain Gary. Sometimes harsh in words but always on tract, he corrected our errors and set out feet on the right path.

By far I’m still a newbie when it comes to tall ships and rigging but at least now when a specific line needs haulin in or out I know where they be, we’re all learning a near lost art and its because of one mans good nature..

Tipping the Hat to Master of the Royaliste.

Be thankin ye Sir fer all us done for us.

Your Crew


Royaliste Tactician

(Until otherwise positioned)




'Tisalways my pleasure passin' on shipboard tales, lore, and practical app's...otherwise, we'd just be three sheets to the wind (or more!)....Lookin' forward to tomorrow's sail...GRReat photo-op's for the tourists in Fisherman's Wharf!...........Wunder if they'd like a 'Russian seal hunt reenactment'????...just pullin' ye're wooden leg :blink:


Shoot. ;)

And here I be.... still naught more then the Ships figurehead at a distance! :blink:

(sigh) Well, one day there will be more can be done for sea sickness. You've me heart aboard anyways. (Hope it's not in a pint jar!!) :lol:

Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!! :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


(sigh) Well, one day there will be more can be done for sea sickness. You've me heart aboard anyways. (Hope it's not in a pint jar!!)  :lol:

Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!  :blink:

Naw, we got it floatin' in the rum barrel!! ;) Jus' kiddin'!!...We'll figure a way around the seasickness one 'o these days!...Besides, ye've been 'onboard' longer 'n most!..Have a great day, and enjoy the faire, give a toast to the 'Royaliste', and we'll do the same on the waves tomorrow! ;) ----just 'cuz it be spring, don' go stickin' anybody for a warm up! :lol:


(this be 'Quill postin' on Saber's login while he's home ill)

Ah but Bess me dear! The beauty of it is that we don't HAVE to sail on the open sea if we don't want to! For we be on the Bay, which be no worse than a car ride most days! Even Sasha, our chronically carsick pirate doesn't get seasick on the bay. A bit of Dramamine does the trick for that and the Royaliste be well stocked with that! On a quiet day can be as peaceful as floatin' through Small World, LOL!! Now ye' don't get seasick on Small World to ye?!!! :blink: We would SO love to have ye' out for a visit north. Ye' just say the word lass and Clancy would be most welcome also!

*lightbulb flashes on suddenly!*

Methinks perhaps ye should come join us for our July 4th event!! We'll be in a harbor with the Royaliste firing her guns to sychronized fireworks and music, with pirates meeting and greeting folks dockside. Think on it, eh?

(sigh) Well, one day there will be more can be done for sea sickness. You've me heart aboard anyways. (Hope it's not in a pint jar!!)  :blink:

Naw, we got it floatin' in the rum barrel!! Jus' kiddin'!!...We'll figure a way around the seasickness one 'o these days!...

From yer lips to neptunes ear!

Besides, ye've been 'onboard' longer 'n most!..

Well.... :lol: THAT'S true!! Yo Ho!!!!!

Have a great day, and enjoy the faire, give a toast to the 'Royaliste', and we'll do the same on the waves tomorrow!

More then a toast to you and the crew... a special Blessing on the Ostara tomorrow!

----just 'cuz it be spring, don' go stickin' anybody for a warm up!

RPTDLMBAO!!!!!!! Lad... 'tis THEM that tails after M'SELF!!! :lol:;);)

Sail safe now!

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!




An then the Poison Quill found a "volunteer" for the crew in Hampton, Virginia - where she and Saber had gone "recruitin'". The clumsiest, most awkward pirate aboard the Seven Seas (or Tales of the Seven Seas)...

That'd be me - Privateer Pete.

The one thing that saved Privateer Pete from general scourn for his crewmates was his uncanny knack of discovery and what others would call "luck".

You see, Privateer Pete always tended to be at the right place at the right time. He accidentally discovered a technical problem on the Royaliste a week ago and helped alert Captain Gary to said problem.

On Saturday last he was on a little "Shore Leave" and decided to try out a new lunch spot some friends raved about called "Hooters" (Good Buffalo Wings they said - aye, they had good wings, and good thighs, and errr, argh! Ye get the picture).

Low and behold, Privateer Pete upon walking back to the Inn notices a ship in the water - it be The Royaliste itself! And in the distance he saw someone in a red outfit going into a rowboat

(He knew that it could only be the deadly beauty of a Pirate Captain - Poison Quill, who was known for the red of her temperament amongst those who drew her ire).

So, Privateer Pete was once again in the right spot and tried (although not too successfully) to help with anchorin' the rowboat to the shore.

He missed sayin' "Hello" to Saber, but those be the breaks, eh?

But Privateer Pete was glad to be one of the crew, even if he wasn't the best at tyin' down the riggin' and the important parts o' sailin'. He knew, though, that hangin' out with the crowd, that he would eventually learn all of that and would help where 'e could.

In the meantime, he hoped his ability to "be in the right place at the right time" would be of help to his fellow pirates, includin' Captain Gary - who recently had befallen an injury (those sharks be tough beasts)...


Aye, t'was bloody uncanny the way Pete seemed to appear at just the right moment, as if some unseen spirit o' the sea were a-whisperin' in his ear.

Strong magic be this, reason'd the 'Quill when she'd met him in the far-off port o' Hampton. What be the odds o' meetin' one from yer own port in such a far-away place?!! Indeed the odds were against it and against their strange meetin' during Pete's shore leave.

But Pete seemed to bring his strange luck with him and it served the Royaliste and her crew well. For whatever strange spirit directed Pete, it directed 'im to the hold just as Royaliste began to take on water...

T'was enough to make one shiver as if a cold wind had blown down yer coller on a windless day. But so long as the spirit which kept watch o're Pete kept watch o're the crew, could naught but good fortune come of it.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


  • 5 months later...

I was searchin' thru' a chest 'o swag, and this one came to mind. During our recent stint in the shipyard doing maintainance on the Royaliste, Miscreant Robert was relatin' a tale that be told to him recently by one 'o his buds up in the mountains. So, it be in the general interest 'o piracy, and 'Royaliste Tayles' for me to post it 'ere.

...Seems as tho' his friend's father had recently passed away, and, seeing as how his father had been a sailor also and loved the sea, they had him cremated and took off in a plane to head out to sea and spread his remains.All was well, a solemn moment, and somewhere off the Coast between here and Bolinas they made ready to spread his ashes, when out of the fog, guns blazing, came this familiar 'Pirate Ship', as if on que. It couldn't have been any better, said his friend.......... :huh:

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