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People who, during a telephone conversation, ask you to hold while they see who else is calling.

I'm not talking about a professional setting here, as might occur with a receptionist, but whilst talking to my so called friends.

Scenario 1:

Them: Oh! I've got another call. Do you mind if I put you on hold?

Me: Do you mind if I hang up?

Scenario 2:

Them: Hold on! I've got another call. <click>

Me: Hangs up.

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  Quartermaster James said:
People who, during a telephone conversation, ask you to hold while they see who else is calling.

I'm not talking about a professional setting here, as might occur with a receptionist, but whilst talking to my so called friends.

Scenario 1:

Them: Oh! I've got another call. Do you mind if I put you on hold?

Me: Do you mind if I hang up?

Scenario 2:

Them: Hold on! I've got another call. <click>

Me: Hangs up.

i confess I have done that, however it is usuly only for few reasons.

1) I mentioned at the start of the conversation that I have been waiting for a call and when that call comes the friend I am on the phone with knows it is comming.

2) I have already been on the phone with the first person far too long and we both know it (like my sister and I tend to do ...hey, we live over 350 miles apart!)

3) I have been looking for a way to end the conversation for 20 minuets already. Somethings you just need to get moving. (This seldom happens with anyone but one of my other sisters ...you can choose your friends not your family.) lol

  Quartermaster James said:
People who, during a telephone conversation, ask you to hold while they see who else is calling.

I'm not talking about a professional setting here, as might occur with a receptionist, but whilst talking to my so called friends.

Scenario 1:

Them: Oh! I've got another call. Do you mind if I put you on hold?

Me: Do you mind if I hang up?

Scenario 2:

Them: Hold on! I've got another call. <click>

Me: Hangs up.

Another rif on this, which a certain friend of mine does ALL the time while we're talking...

Her: "Oh, gosh, someone is at the door." Puts phone down.

Me: drumming my fingers on the table....waiting, waiting, and listening to a conversation between her and whoever has come to visit.

Her, eventually picking up phone: "Can I call you back?"

And yes, I have hung up on her. :lol:

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Coworkers who start drama and throw others under the proverbial bus because they can't do their own job right. That the worst one in my book.


The goon (yeah, Eddie, I know its you...) that keeps calling the library, wanting, no, demanding, to know the name of the show that came on such a day, at such a time, on such a channel...or what such a newcaster was wearing on the local news three days ago...*and* after you do *all* that work, he disputes with us about it...yes, you do, Eddie, admit it...

He, too, shall be belayed wi' a pin...

Damn, thats sharp!


people who wear so much perfume or colon that ye gag when they walk by - OUTSIDE And DOWN WIND! :lol:

butterflies, puppies, kittens, pink frilly things, luffas hanging in th' shower, and an empty rum bottle

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Empty rhum bottle?

That is not a "petty annoyance".

It is a either a reason to sleep ...because you drank the whole thing :D , a reason to mourn ...because someone else drank the whole thing :rolleyes: , or celebrate ...because you drank the whole thing with someone else. :D


Oh! Oh! I got one!

People who treat the lines on the side of the road like they are brick walls or like it doesn't exsist.

No, two.

People who take their half of the road out of the middle!

in other words, the majority of New Jersey Drivers.


People who drive 10mile Under th' speed limit in th' Passing Lane (that be th' #1 lane in th' west, inner most lane)

People who Insist on driving ONLY th' speed limit in th' #2 lane

People who drive Under th' speed limit and upon entering th' freeway feel they MUST go directly t' th' carpool lane

People who Insist on driving just off yer tail in th' next lane over because they do not trust their own speedometer (they speed up when ye speed up, slow down when ye slow down - MOVE IT, I BE TRYING T' GET OVER CUR!!)

Jack Rabbit drivers in heavy traffic

People who drive like they just killed a whole case o' rum (can naught drive a straight line more then two feet)

People on city streets who do naught know where their next turn be nor which way they will turn yet Refuse t' pull OFF th' road and figure it out but instead pull several false turns (generally without signaling) yet Refuse t' yield right away t' th' rest o' us who DO KNOW HOW T' DRIVE 'N WHERE WE BE HEAD'N.

oh, and pink Cadillacs

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

  MadL said:
people who wear so much perfume or colon that ye gag when they walk by - OUTSIDE And DOWN WIND! :D

Ya know.... if I walked by someone wearing their colon on the outside I would gag to!! :rolleyes:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Rogue Mermaid said:
Now when I catch him sleeping I take a photo with my phone, e-mail it to myself and post it to facebook with a poem that I write about him. It's immature, but it makes me smile. ^_^

You ought to send it to his boss. :D

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Rogue Mermaid said:
The boss doesn't care. He thinks it's funny.

Something tells me he wouldn't think my poetry was funny :D

Does that Boss have a Boss?? ^_^

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



You're looking over titles at the video store, standing far enough out of the way so that people can go by you, and someone comes along and stops right in front of you, so you end up looking at their back. As if you're invisible, and it never occurred to them that you might actually be looking at the video selection in front of you. Sheesh.

This is when you Began holding a conversation with yourself about the movies about you and trying to debate with yourself about which movie to get and watch and of course do not forget to argue with yourself. You'll be amazed how quickly people flee... ^_^:D^_^


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


yesterday i be a the social security administration office and yes thier is a wait. me captain, father-in-law, and myself be there waiting. a lady walks up and just starts talking to us as a group. she startes moving closer and closer until she is standing between us, us almost encircling her and she is still talking about....i don't even know. my father-in-law left, went outside and stayed there.

this lady was not taking any of the curtious hints we were giving her. at one point she actually reached over touched me captains arm and asked if he was listening to her.


what is sad is she probley is just an old lonly lady looking for a little attention but this happens to me everywhere i go. i have actually had cashiers pull out photos of family to show me. i am only trying to get me grociers home.

Bosun Red

  bosun red said:
yesterday i be a the social security administration office and yes thier is a wait. me captain, father-in-law, and myself be there waiting. a lady walks up and just starts talking to us as a group. she startes moving closer and closer until she is standing between us, us almost encircling her and she is still talking about....i don't even know. my father-in-law left, went outside and stayed there.

this lady was not taking any of the curtious hints we were giving her. at one point she actually reached over touched me captains arm and asked if he was listening to her.


what is sad is she probley is just an old lonly lady looking for a little attention but this happens to me everywhere i go. i have actually had cashiers pull out photos of family to show me. i am only trying to get me grociers home.

Oh me too! I thought I was some weird magnet that attracted that sort of stuff...So nice to know there is another.. :D

My hubby his best friend and his wife and myself all went to this flea market in San Antonio. Our first trip there and Claudia and I managed to get the guys to stop *wonder of wonders* Anyway we are walking around and having fun looking at the booths and this guy comes over and keeps telling us hello. At first we were shocked but said hello back then I dragged Claudia off to another booth as I felt cornored. A few booths later he approaches again trying to talk to us, the guys of course stopped at some booth further back and Claudia keeps trying to hide behind me. I try to ignore him then Claudia and I start talking about our hubbies and the next thing I know Claudia has abandoned me and fled the scene leaving me alone with this guy that just wants to talk. I did try to be polite but eventually manage to vanish in a crowd, made my way back to hubby and the guy never approached us after that. Of course Claudia claimed I was a magnet for people like that cause Im too nice.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png

  MadL said:
People who Insist on driving just off yer tail in th' next lane over because they do not trust their own speedometer (they speed up when ye speed up, slow down when ye slow down - MOVE IT, I BE TRYING T' GET OVER CUR!!)

Jack has a creative way of handling these folks. He yells over at them "I DON'T NEED A WINGMAN!" (Since he drives a convertible, they can hear what he's yelling at them.)


  Black Syren said:
You're looking over titles at the video store, standing far enough out of the way so that people can go by you, and someone comes along and stops right in front of you, so you end up looking at their back. As if you're invisible, and it never occurred to them that you might actually be looking at the video selection in front of you. Sheesh.

This is when you Began holding a conversation with yourself about the movies about you and trying to debate with yourself about which movie to get and watch and of course do not forget to argue with yourself. You'll be amazed how quickly people flee... ^_^:D^_^

Hmmm ...I like it ...but I think I will twist it to make them feel bad and not make melook crazy. I shall begin talking to the person I am on the phone with ...they don't have to know that your Bluetooth and cell phone are imaginary. lol

I am beginning to think that it is important to let these rude people know they are being rude. They may know they are being rude but maybe they are ignorant of that fact so why not make them aware of their transgressions. I think I may even just open my mouth any more ...I usualy just get annoyed and wait for them to move ...after reading these complaints I think I will try to make the ignorant aware of their rudness one moron at a time. lol


Oh, I don't let them off the hook. I say, in my most cloyingly sweet voice, "Oh, I'm sorry, was I standing in your way?"

That usually works. :D

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

Posted (edited)
  Rogue Mermaid said:
How about when you hold a door open for a person, but instead of saying thank you, they act like you aren't even there. Worse yet they glare at you.

Being of a certain age, I can tell you most authoritatively that there was a time when a man holding open a door for a woman was lucky to get only a glare and not a lecture!

Now, how about those folk who see you coming, perhaps encumbered with packages, that just have to rush through leaving the door to close on you? I love the shame on their face when they're waiting for the elevator as one arrives. Oh! This was your hurry? So that you could stand here, in this part of the lobby. Well, I must agree, it is obviously the superior location!

Edited by Quartermaster James
Posted (edited)
  Black Syren said:
Door to Door sales reps even when theres a No Solicitation sign posted.

Political canvassers and religious zealots that do not understand pitching me their platform or their god is solicitation!

Edited by Quartermaster James

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