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Might you be able to trade the Tues. to Thurs for the Fri. Sat. Sun.? Heck forget the Friday even, you could drive here after work... and depending on your work hours, you might even be able to get home before work on Sunday.... Saturday is the one that really counts (depending on your work schedule and tavel time).

I really doubt we will be able to extend the pirate demo beyond the Saturday, but the ship's staff seem to be pirate friendly, so an unofficial visit on Friday (without arms) might go off okay. Being Sept. the tourist season (not that Columbus really has one) wouldn't be much of a factor. Honestly, if we were going to try and do anything Friday, the most effective use of time would likely be just bombing around the city handing out flyers or something to draw attention to the Saturday demo.

  • 4 weeks later...
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Okay, to catch things up here... Most who are interested have been following over on the tavern, but in case there are any that were/are interested that didn't poke their noses in the tavern..

This demo is on for this Saturday. Participation is open to all, historical clothing (GAoP era) is preferred, but more entertainer pirate gear is welcome as long as you can be thick skinned about it when you are cited as an example of what pirates most likely did not look like.

That said, we have the ship and a small rowboat to have a small naval battle between, lots of deck space for any other historical demos anyone is willing or able to do. Participants who would like to, are welcome to camp over night on the ship (please bring your own sleeping bag/pillow (or whatever compact sleeping utensils you prefer).

Smoking is absolutely forbidden on the ship, you will have to leave the ship in order to enjoy your tobacco (be it period pipe or modern rolled paper), drinking is absolutely not allowed during showtime hours (noon to 6:00 PM), and alcohol is only allowed o be consumed on the ship after hours (meaning don't bring your drink off ship into the surrounding park). If you need to smoke and drink at the same time, either clone yourself, or use the gangplank (we're not joking) :wub:

We might be getting some local media attention, so if you are camera shy, please let us knnow in advance so we can work to help you preserve your privacy. Please do not wait until you have been captured in film or video to notify us about being camera shy, by then it will be too late.

If I can think of anything else, I'll post more, if anyone has any questions, please post here, or private message or email me if you prefer.

  Perkeo said:
I am sooooo ready for this event. YEAH!!!!! Extended ITLAPD!!!!!

It will be good to meet you too Perkeo.... I have to ask, because it seems I am getting behind on my acronym speak again (I'm REALLY bad with acronyms), but what the heck does "ITLAPD" translate to? Anyone? :ph34r:

Edit: I finally got it... ITLAPD = Interntaional Talk Like A Pirate Day .... Duh, It's a good thing I'm pretty.... :ph34r:


Just wanted to give a big thanks to all of those who came out for this event yesterday!

Thank you Mission for coming down with your awesome array of medical tools and knowledge! And for dragging the gibbetted Bucky with you!

Thanks to Perkeo and friends for coming in and helping out with the battles.

Thanks to Lady Seahawk for dropping by and helping with the photography and banter during the battle.

Here is a link to Jessica and my photos from yesterday, Perkeo should be posting some more within the next few days along with some video footage that was taken.

A great time was had by all, and it was one of the busiest days I have seen at the Santa Maria despite having to work against a great deal of the city being without power for most of the week leading up to the event.


We had such a GREAT time!!!! Thanks for inviting us. We are looking forward to doing more events like this. We talked about it all the way home.

I'm still trying to figure out how to upload the videos but for now here are the pictures I took: Santa Maria 09/20/2008


man that was so much fun! cant wait to d omore stuff with you! of course ill be getting better garb up as well....excellent time!

  afira said:
man that was so much fun! cant wait to d omore stuff with you! of course ill be getting better garb up as well....excellent time!

Damn woman... I have in the last 24 hours spelled your name "Ophera" and "Ephera", just figures I couldn't get it right. It was a pleasure having you and Grizz along and I can;t wait to see you guys again. Don't worry about the garb, it comes with time.

  michaelsbagley said:
  afira said:
man that was so much fun! cant wait to d omore stuff with you! of course ill be getting better garb up as well....excellent time!

Damn woman... I have in the last 24 hours spelled your name "Ophera" and "Ephera", just figures I couldn't get it right. It was a pleasure having you and Grizz along and I can;t wait to see you guys again. Don't worry about the garb, it comes with time.

lolz! no problem..just as long as ya dont call me late fer dinner..hehe


Ooooh, that looked like so much fun. :) :::le sigh::: wish I could have been there with the lot of ye.

But thank ye most kindly for sportin' the pictures! :) They are fantastic!

Here's to more future engagements!

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Ah, it was fun. Good to see everyone. Though, next time, I will be in m'garb.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  • 2 weeks later...

For those interested, I've created a Surgeon's Journal for the Columbus event. It was good time!

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  • 1 month later...

Okay, not a re-enactment demo.... But I didn't think this warranted it's own thread....

This past few days the Santa Maria has been hosting a "Haunted" Halloween event. Pretty much your typical family friendly haunted hause, but on a ship rather than in a house... And of course, if you're going to do a haunted house on a perfect replica of a five hundred year old ship, you might as well do it with a pyratical theme!

Neither the wife nor I did manage to get the camera out to take any pictures, but there was a professional photographer there snapping pictures, which he has posted online to sell (and to view if you don't mind the watermark slightly obstructing the image). A percentage of all photos sold is being donated to the maintenance and upkeep of the ship.... I don't imagine anyone here would want to buy any of the photos, why would any of you want to buy a picture of someone else's family? But here are the links for your amusement anyways.

Thursday's Photos

Friday's Photos

Saturday's photos

Sorry I only found out about our involvement about a week ago, or I would have invited some of you from the surrounding areas as I can think of a few at least that probably would have really enjoyed this event. Numbers were down from last years haunted pirate ship event (which we were not a part of), but we were fighting against construction on many of the surrounding streets, political rally's (one of the presidential candidates was in town on Friday), and Saturday there was a huge street party not too far north of the area where the ship is moored... And considering all that, the numbers were not down that much (-20% give or take), so overall it was a mild success.

  • 2 months later...

Since this was mentioned in another thread... I thought I would bump this up.

We are planning to do another pirate re-enactment day on the Santa Maria, but all scheduling on the ship has been postponed until funding for the 2009 season has been sorted out.

I will however go out on a limb, and explain some ideas for it that I have in hopes that everything will work out. That said, Mark (who many of you met at PiP) is really the man in charge... So please take my throwing ideas out there with that in mind. I have discussed some of these ideas with Mark, and haven't come across any objections yet.

I am hoping for an all weekend to-do this time, so where the last few times it was Saturday only, I am hoping we can get this going all day Saturday and Sunday. When Mark and I last talked, we had discussed aiming for "early in the season", and since the ship opens in April, this would likely mean the event (if it happens, and when we hope), it would likely be a weekend in mid to late April or early to mid May.

Being in an urban park, camping will likely not be an option. That said, last time we were allowed to sleep on the ship (which was a really cool experience). But keep in mind that means no privacy. Although sheould the weather not cooperate about a third of the main deck is under the quarter deck, and the hold (which can be a bit stuffy) is also sheltered. There are no guarantees as to this sleeping arrangement, but I would find it likely. Alternatively, Kate and I could put a few people up at our apartment. The numbers we can accomodate are limited, and also those with alergies need to know we have cats.

Also, we will likely have two small boats along with the ship (the ship is permanently moored for those who haven't seen her). One of the small boats is a small row boat that can probaly safely accomodate up to 4 people, although 2 or 3 would seem more comfortable (going from my memory of the boat). The other is Mark's own boat, which he just bought. I think the crew capacity for that one is closer to 6(?). Last time we had the attackers in the rowboat and on a rocky outcropping attacking the ship. This will likely not change (althought he addition of the second boat may leave fewer people on the rocky outcropping depending on attendance of the event).

Historical dress will be preferred, but there is a place for everyone, so all are welcome.

The hours for the last demos have been from 11:00 AM until 5:00 PM... while I personally would like to see this extended to 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, I don't know how likely that is to happen, so they are likely to be short days... Which only leaves more time for personal enjoyment, relaxing, and enjoying each others company.

I guess that is all the rambling I can think of for the moment on this one. Like I said in the other thread, I hope to have more solid details for this in the not too distant future. Hoping to see some more of you there this time around, and hoping those who have come out to join us in the past will do so again! :rolleyes:


glad to hear plans are in the works. keep us posted. for conflicts sakes- i think there is something going on in baltimore around the same time.

Posted (edited)
  bbcddutchman said:
glad to hear plans are in the works. keep us posted. for conflicts sakes- i think there is something going on in baltimore around the same time.

Heck as far as conflicts go, locally we have the Ashville Viking festival (Renn Faire type festival) the last weekend of April (Ashville Ohio is 20 - 30 minutes south of Columbus), and then we have the OSU (university) Renn-Faire the first weekend of May... But at least the OSU thing is Saturday only, so working with that one might be possible. So the more thought I give it, the better the second last week of April, or the second week of May sounds better... And that is without considering the events of neighbouring regions.

We'll make it happen one way or the other... Lucky timing will likely have more to do with it than palnned design will.

Edited by michaelsbagley

Okay folks, it seems this is on. (yeah!)

We're trying to hammer out a date that does not conflicts with other local events (or real life stuff either, because some of us have weddings to attend around then), and as much as possible does not conflict with other pirate events, and at this moment, May 9th is looking like the most likely date. We just need to double check a few things before this date is absolutely firm.... So those who are considering coming and needing to book time off, please hold off until we have firmed this up.

We will be looking to try to make the event a bit more of a fund-raiser. The director is happy enough with the increased visitor volume our presence provides, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to take the fund-raising up a notch (or three) the ideas and suggestions would be most appreciated.

One idea we are playing with is taking a queue from PiP, and doing an auction of goods a la Dead Man's Chest (Bo, you really had a golden idea with that, and I hope you don't mind us copying the idea). Items would preferably pirate themed, but I am sure anything would be most welcome.


I'll have to be careful doing things that are good. I do have a reputation to maintain you know! :D

By all means use away!!! Maybe this will offset the bad deeds I will have to answer for when I meet my maker? I hope to get to work on the forge as soon as weather breaks. I have several items in the works but cannot finish anything til warm weather. I'll be happy to donate to the cause!

Callenish is first on my list though. I have some lantern holders requested tha need to get done first.


  michaelsbagley said:
Okay folks, it seems this is on. (yeah!)

We're trying to hammer out a date that does not conflicts with other local events (or real life stuff either, because some of us have weddings to attend around then), and as much as possible does not conflict with other pirate events, and at this moment, May 9th is looking like the most likely date. We just need to double check a few things before this date is absolutely firm.... So those who are considering coming and needing to book time off, please hold off until we have firmed this up.

We will be looking to try to make the event a bit more of a fund-raiser. The director is happy enough with the increased visitor volume our presence provides, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to take the fund-raising up a notch (or three) the ideas and suggestions would be most appreciated.

One idea we are playing with is taking a queue from PiP, and doing an auction of goods a la Dead Man's Chest (Bo, you really had a golden idea with that, and I hope you don't mind us copying the idea). Items would preferably pirate themed, but I am sure anything would be most welcome.

I'll be glad to check my schedule and see about the time off!!

Keep fingers crossed!!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

Posted (edited)

Will see if I can pull some strings, would love to attend, but May is major test month for all grades in school. All the lovely state SOLs.. and I think the other teachers would kill me if I took a few days off, not to mention the kids... but we shall see... thank ye fer the invite, hoping at least some of the crewe can make it. We shall discuss this at RF5.

Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



Posted (edited)

Someone PMed me about camping for this event...

I thought I would share the answer in case there is any one else out there that may be interested...

We are allowed to spend the night on the ship. Of course there is NO privacy on the ship, and conditions are pretty rough (bare wood, and a slight slant). Also the after hours revels may not be ideal for kids.

Alternatively, there is no less than three public camp grounds within a 20 minute drive that are all pretty cheap and reasonable.

I wish we could set up camp around the ship, but it is in a downtown park and all the issues that urban downtowns bring with that.

Regarding this statement "Also the after hours revels may not be ideal for kids." Kids would be welcome to stay aboard as well, the decision to plan to stay with kids on the ship just needs to be made with the thought in mind that it really turns into an adult party later in the evening.

Edited by michaelsbagley

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