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Faire vs Re-enactment


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'Round here, the SCA is not nice to Rennies. They spend most of their time around us criticizing our costumes, which I don't find enjoyable, so I don' hang around them too much.

i have found a lot of sca really put down faire (rennies) calling us not accurate or period or authentic. while they are shoes from wal*mart and are using hardware store toools toi make their stuff, while they are encamping on our fairegrounds fopr celtic fl;ing weeknd and sleeping in modern day sleeping bags.

i have nothing against the sca or members, but i think some don't have respect for others who have interest in the same time periods, but sre in a different venue.

just my opinion and i'm not trying to offend anyone.

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

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The group that I play with, participated in a pirate thiemed fund raising event last Saturday.... I decided to wear my more period Buccaneer stuff, (figured I could explain period vs. modern concept)..... Didn't work that way.....

I think "they" and I would have had more fun, if I wore my play pyrate stuff..... There are times when "aaaargh" is more appriot.... OH well.... next time.....

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Me aves to agree wit ya, Snow. SCA folk can do right if'n they want. Many do. But, many all round really think they be doin it right and arent. Both ave ther good n bad sides. I be seein yer bigger ren groups ave ta know the real thing. It be a lernin experience both ways. Know this, the pirate groups at most are the ones doin more research. Thats if'n they be ren or not. Arrr!!

Shoots anything that moves!!

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there are those rennie playtrons that are doing the research and dresin g in the true period garb. granted, the materials are bought at the fabric shop, but the patterns are authentic and the research is done to learn what is and isn't authentic. we do use sewing machines too, since the majority of us have to work full weeks in our dane lives. and pyrate is just one of my personae.

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

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Aye...tis the truth ya speak Snow. Tis why I said those ren folk know more. I be seein em spendin gold by the fistfull on authentic trinkets and garb. Especially the ones who work at it. Many of the period book they have to go on.

Shoots anything that moves!!

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The accusations are valid for both groups, equally. I know a good number of rennies who give the authentic SCA types grief for being stitch counters and anal about documentation. There's no moral high ground, here, on either side. There are just as many rennies who spend large amounts on nonperiod materials and accesories because it fits their fantasy. Make no mistake, I have no problems with the low cut satin bodices and the acres of cleavage, but historically it would have earned you a trip to the stocks as a wanton. And I've seen my share of sneakers at Faire, too.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.


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Aye.. there ya go Haykins. I agree. And it not be cusin me name is Hawks neither. Ere wull always be one against t'huther. At least they be leavin us alone so we can sneak in when ere be an openin and take what we want. Hahaha!!!

Shoots anything that moves!!

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I drynk ta that Delmar. I knows where ya be comin from. I be on the rennie side fer many years and seen it all from when I was in the SCA a long tyme ago to Rennie now. Lost pants in both did. Hahah!!! :lol: It be the good drynk at faires and events that get me through all the BS today. :lol::lol:B) Now, where's me bottle O Rum?

Shoots anything that moves!!

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A rant on the S.C.A. ........... (both good and bad)

I have done a buncha different periods of "living History".... I have meet some Scadains who just wanted to "party" and some who WERE into the history of the idea............... Some people who were "semi hard core" ... (the people wanna play a bit more authentic)"..... but in the S.C.A. .... hey it does kinda work........... (I am no longer a member... not that I'm mad at anyone.... just no group up here...( The closet group that I helped "found" got taken over and then discarded by one jerk ..... happens...)

I am NOT anti- SCA..... if someone just wants to play.... cool.... but it is a great resourse for potential reenactors also........... how much do you wanna play.... (that sorta thing)

Now the Rant.... in "The Known World Handbook" there are patterns for making a "T" tunic...... (taken from a BAD stage costume book) When I finaly found out how an authentic tunic was made (AND less cloth..... eeeerght) I was greatly "PISSED" (not drunk but MAD) ... Aaaaargh.... the thoughts... right now don't type out right....................... (maybe they "ment" well.....)

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Just goes ta show ya ow the simplist things can get turned about over tyme. many then take that as the real doins. I says, if'n ya want ta see the real thing, then dig in ana do the research yerself. :huh:

Shoots anything that moves!!

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Well just one wee little thing on the whole SCA thing...the SCA was first started by a group of people who wanted to dress up and have fun. Now at the first gathering there were people dressed up as elves, faeries, hell even a few hobbits showed up.

I think that a lot of people forget that the SCA is a joke amongst the world of reinactors. While there are several people who try to be as authentic as possible (and I give them much credit for that) they are outnumbered greatly by those who just "attempt at pre-1600 garb".

Now I used to be an SCA member for many, many, many years. A few years ago I caught the pirate bug and it's been under me skin ever since. I still attend Pennsic War every year faithfully...almost fanatically these days...but for the past 19 years (this year being 20) it's become tradition and it's not so much an SCA event as a strange gathering of like minded people. Truely wonderous. So much to learn and see, but I'll stop there...I'm hoping to do more pirate events in the future as well as reinactments and Ren Faires. Call it a balance if ya will...having my cake and eating it too.

But yea with what I said about the SCA I think the true origins are something that most forget or just want to forget and pretend it's somethign else entirely...

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Regarding the SCA here in S. Calif., a small handful know the time period is suppose to be Medievil. But the rest, I've seen everything from gold lame to gingham check for dress on both sexes. Aaccckkk!

It's such a hotbed of polictical crap, a lot have left and gone on to better things.

I went to a couple of SCA events when I was first getting into the re-encactment scene many years ago, and all I saw was these big burly guys wacking each other with swords (taking out aggressions I think) and everyone else just lazing about in various time periods of clothing in various tents.

I saw no effort for those doing nothing to attempt at speech, cooking, sewing or other things that might have been done in Medievil times.

What a waste, glad I never got into it.

An off-shoot of SCA has been the Adrian Empire. There has been a small group that has a nice display of weapons and stuff for people to see and there are a few willing to talk to the public about what they do. This past Escondido Faire they were teaching people how to do banging each other with the bamboo stuff. I also saw the women doing cooking, sewing and other things, though a few were just sitting around.

At least they are making an effort to inform the public of their group. And their costuming at least for the men was decent. Unfortunately the women weren't. I won't go into that, other than it was wrong.

Even further off-shoot, is the now growing pirate section. Many SCA 'ers, de-cry that such a thing did not exist. Well it most certianly did, though not in the garb that we currently see nowadays (that which represents the Golden Age of Piracy), which is where I can see members of the SCA having a problem with it.

If people want to do pirate for that time period, the dress should reflect that and not have some of weapons (such as guns) that later pirates used. Do the research!

Rumba Rue

** :ph34r: **

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Have you ever been to th' BOG..... Clane Pershan....kiinda in the wet spot...... bout Pensic 22 (there abouts )

I am Atrig Bluehand,,,,, painted womens brreast (good job if you can get it) Dang.. Pansic famous............ :ph34r:

Aye...I been in th' bog quite a few times...every night almost at war. Dun 'member that night, but then again my memories be fuzzy of Pennsic. It all bleeds together at a certain point :ph34r:

So very true there on the pirates existing in the pre-1600 period. Given folks don't do the Golden Age stuff it's all good in the SCA's mind. They just think they're weird people or gypsies. Kinda funny...

I was gonna mention the Adrian Empire as well, but I was tired...good group of folks they are. Lets not forget about Markland either...they have a good rep for doing things accurately for the majority of things. :ph34r:

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I prefer taking on judgements one at a time. Sure, I've heard the SCA called Society of Critical Analism and Society of Creative Anurism, but I still have some very good friends in and out of it. I never judge the thing as a whole. It's foolish to hate an entire organization for the faults of a few.

Take one person at a time. One person at a time.





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I prefer taking on judgements one at a time. Sure, I've heard the SCA called Society of Critical Analism and Society of Creative Anurism, but I still have some very good friends in and out of it. I never judge the thing as a whole. It's foolish to hate an entire organization for the faults of a few.

Take one person at a time. One person at a time.

Tis bein' very true there William. The best way to take any group is just as you said it.

"One person at a time"

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Yah know.... the S.C.A. was fun...... (just avoid the poly-ticks..... some people realy love that.....) But the fun was because of a "Group insanity" (the good kind)

Rendezvous were also fun..... but I always camped in the primitive camp.... (where we could "critisize" (that's to harsh of a word......if you've ever been to rendezvous you know what I mean..... ) the people in the "tin teepees" (Campers)

Civil War reenactements were also fun..... the 14th Tenn. were authentics (and that was fun...)

But playing Pyrate is MUCH MORE FUN.......... :angry:

(I still refer to it as ..... "Fun Pyrate" for my semi-authentic stuff .... and "The Buccaneer Project" for my authentic stuff..........)

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