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I can't wait for that DVD! I saw the movie three times in theaters (Woulda gone more times but I be nothin'more than an underpaid fifteen year old and aven'got the money!) I really want to see the extras! Unfortunatly because of me low wages I may be havin t'wait till Christmas....arrr.

They've already started work on the second movie (I think), that's going to be a hard one to wait for. :ph34r:

"Grrrrr!"-My dog

"When life isn't all that peachy, eat an apple. Moron."-Shorty The Gothic Sausage


I got a last minute booking to do a POTC DVD promotional event at Media Play in the Great Mall in Milpitas CA. They had a small party, a pirate costume contest and best of all, one of the costumed pirates ended up joining our guild! He'll be in the parade on Sunday. :ph34r: So not only did I end up with a DVD, but I got me another fer th' crew!

  Charlotte Doyle said:
And you know, I'm really, really, *really* glad they took it out of the film. It's a great "what-if"/deleted scene, but if they left it in -- seriously, I think it would have changed the whole tone of the movie, because it changes Jack's character so drastically. It takes away something of his (to quote Johnny Depp) "bizarrely optimistic" outlook on life -- the film the way it _is_ seems to suggest that Jack Sparrow's life has been hard and rough but mostly fun for him along the way -- put in that scene, and most of that impression goes completely down the tubes. In some ways, odd as this sounds, I think it takes away from the _innocence_ of his character; Jack Sparrow seems world-weary in a few ways, but put in that scene and it makes him downright exhausted and disguisted by it. Jack is telling Elizabeth that none of the stories about him are true -- and that knocks down some of his mythos, somehow.

I personally think that that was illustrating the truth of the tales, and he was being sarcastic. The brand was from when he escaped 7 officers of the east india company, the scars on his chest from when he got shot in the heart and survived, etc...

When I want your opinion, I'll read it in your entrails!

  QtrMaster Bacchus said:
I personally think that that was illustrating the truth of the tales, and he was being sarcastic. The brand was from when he escaped 7 officers of the east india company, the scars on his chest from when he got shot in the heart and survived, etc...

>>Jack is telling Elizabeth that none of the stories about him are true -- and that knocks down some of his mythos, somehow.<<

Okay, so I rewatched that scene a few more times (despite the fact that it's so WHOA SHOCKING, I couldn't help but go back to it *grins*) -- and I think you're right. I think he _was_ being sarcastic when he said "no truth at all" -- I was just so surprised by the entire scene to begin with that I didn't catch the sarcasm in his voice and expression. But I think you're right -- I think he showed her his scars (and the brand and tattoo) as proof that the rest of the stories about him (if not the island-escape tale) were true. So, yeah.

Man, this movie has enough complex plot stuff goin' in it that I have to watch a _deleted scene_ a few times before I get the concept . . . or am I just that slow on the uptake? :ph34r:

I'm still rather glad they didn't leave the scene in, however. It makes a great deleted scene to _see_, but considering how shocked I was when I first saw it, I think it would have thrown off the tone of the movie. The whole scene still does leave one with an impression of a more world-weary Jack -- he quite sounds as though he's given up on everything at that point -- even though by nightfall (though, granted, he is drunk), his optimism has returned; he's talking about not IF he gets his ship back, but WHEN. I just don't think the scene fit the overall tone of the movie itself.

But I'm glad they put it on the DVD; it's an int'resting aspect to our Jack Sparrow.

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)

Anyone else tried the 'Moonlight Becomes Ye' special feature? Just pop your POTC DVD into your PC and transform a digital image o' yerself into one of the cursed pirates.

Here's what ol' Broadside looks like:


Every normal person must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats! - Lucanus


Right nice there, Broadside. Dashing gent ye are. :D Undead or not.

I do plan to do the same. Just findin' the time to do it is the issue.

All I can say.. is I am truly enjoying the DVD. :D

As to the Media Play... I heard about it... from a person in Georgia. Amazingly enough.. he & a friend of his passed off rather well as Jack Sparrow & Barbossa. Dead on costumes! His friend as Barbossa is just rather... uncanny! :) Wishing now that we had something like that up here in the middle of nowhere (Iowa).. or at least some store that would have had a little... promo of that sort.

It's grand to have this great adventure within our grasp now. To have within our treasury. :D



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  "Broadside" Long said:
Anyone else tried the 'Moonlight Becomes Ye' special feature? Just pop your POTC DVD into your PC and transform a digital image o' yerself into one of the cursed pirates.

Here's what ol' Broadside looks like:


Now I am going to have to try that one tomorrow probably but I will be tryin it. Maybe do one of me daughter too.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


I can't wait to try that program, I definitely want to see what I look like as a skeletal pirate -- and I also really want to see the bit where you watch the scene play while looking at a copy of the script next to it; that looks really neat. My computer doesn't play DVDs, though; I'm gonna hafta wait 'til I find one that does.

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)

Finally got my POTC DVD Friday. Watched 3 x through and played with many ofthe features. It was nice to see my fellow Port Royals (Jerry Reys & Louis Lambe) in the "Diary of a Ship" featurette.

Still have much to explore! :)

I know on some DVDs there are things I think called Easter eggs that activate secret features on a DVD. Is there on on POTC? If so does anyone know how to access them?



Oh yeah..that's kewl! *checks out the picture of Broadside*

LOL....watched it yet again this weekend. There's just something about it. Even got me Da into it. Whilst we were down at the docks, checkin' his boat, we ended up doing a couple of Arrrrrrrrr's and even a few "Damn Pirates", and laughing. Yeah...I'm sure his neighbors thought we were a bit screwy. :lol:

P.S. H're be a link on how to find some of the easter eggs on the dvd. POTC Easter Eggs

Captain of The Morrighan.


Yay! *Pours mugs o'rum for all* I got my POTC DvD a couple days ago! Thought I'd have to wait fo awhile but one o'me heartys got it for me as an early Christmas present! :lol: No matter how many times I watch it I want to watch it again.

That deleated scene when Jack shows Elizabeth his scars was kinda sad. :lol: Poor Mr. Sparrow. Ah, now that I have the POTC song (from the ride) I'm gonna learn it all! And sing it everyday with me crew! Seriously.

"Grrrrr!"-My dog

"When life isn't all that peachy, eat an apple. Moron."-Shorty The Gothic Sausage


Watched my PotC DVD properly for the first time on Saturday (seeing as when it came out on Tuesday, me an' me mate put it in, but we basically spent the whole film talking so I missed most of it). But truly seein' it for the first time at home, on me own TV screen . . . well, I just spent the entire film with a dopey grin on my face. I have most of the lines memorized, and I was still transfixed the whole time. There is just something about this movie. Danged if I've figured out exactly what -- but it's definitely somethin'! :)

Gonna watch it again Wednesday, when I have some breathing space between papers/finals at school . . . that thought is what's keepin' me goin' this evening as I attempt to crank out a 15-page paper (halfway there!) :lol:

The scene where Jack shows 'Liz'beth his scars is growing on me, BTW . . . if anyone is interested. *grins*

Enough procrastinating, with me rambling on about nothing in particular! I'll spare you all now and get back to the bloody paper. *grins*


I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)

:D Oooh, that deleted of Jack & Elizabeth is rather... attention grabbing. Makes one wonder a bit about Jack.

The Diary of a Ship was the VERY first thing I watched when I got my DVD last week, monday ... at midnight, etc. Got the doubloon from Wal mart & all... anyway...

LOVE Diary of a Pirate with Lee Arenberg... that was fantastic! The little bit there with Lee & Johnny.. I just crack up! This is obviously one of my favorites on the special features.

Blooper Reel is hilarious. :D

Oooh... & love the deleted of the parlay "French"... great.. wonderul! I again crack up when watching this one.

The movie.. Well.. I have been watching it everyday since I bought it. :D Watched it 19 times in the theater. I agree.. there is something about this movie. It's beyond fantastic. It's highly entertaining. :D

So many scenes I love in that movie. I love the majority of the scenes that involve Barbossa. But LOVE that island scene, after Jack wakes up... :D too funny!

As well as the swordfight scene between Jack & Barbossa.... especially when Barbossa goes after Jack "arrhhh!" & Jack runs away like some wuss flaling his arms about with wide eyes.. too funny!

The sequel will be a welcome one, to be sure. More of Jack... that's for sure. Wish Barbossa would return. :D



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  QtrMaster Bacchus said:
when he got shot in the heart and survived, etc...


gotta watch it again...but I think the scars were on the right side of his chest...

I kinda' like the "it's real" aspect of that...typical of Jack's blend of cynicism and spirit....a lot of the deleted scenes were great.....the "ill" wind blowing through the town (umbrella rolling)...............gee.....too bad really good movies can't be even longer......program to re-insert the deleted scenes?

The DVD is great fun!.....need - a - larger - TV!


Wow, there's hours of stuff to watch! Gee, eventually I'll get to the movie.

Rumba Rue

**In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded** <_<

  Zephyr said:
  QtrMaster Bacchus said:
when he got shot in the heart and survived, etc...

gotta watch it again...but I think the scars were on the right side of his chest...

I kinda' like the "it's real" aspect of that...typical of Jack's blend of cynicism and spirit....a lot of the deleted scenes were great.....the "ill" wind blowing through the town (umbrella rolling)...............gee.....too bad really good movies can't be even longer......program to re-insert the deleted scenes?

The DVD is great fun!.....need - a - larger - TV!

That would be a neat function for a dvd, play movie with deleted scenes.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Speakin' of deleted scenes........

I'm afraid if the DVD were to play it with them included...I might end up slightly likin' the character of Commodore Norrington...and that simply can not happen. ;)

Ok...don't know if this has already been addressed elsewhere (a search did not yield an answer), but what exactly is hangin' in Capt. Jack Sparrow's hair? Is it a bone? (if so, any seaman lore to it? albatross for luck, or bad luck?) Or possibly even a clay pipe? More interesting....does it have a functional purpose? Been pondering on this for some time, and was hoping the DVD extras would give a clue, but no such luck (yet).

Captain of The Morrighan.


Well I was wonderin' that same question when

I first saw the movie, I thought it might be a pipe,

but the bowl was to small & shallow, then I thought

it might be a Raccoon body part ;) , but

I looked again the other day after viewing it again acouple

more times and I'm reasonably sure that it's a snuff pipe,

albeit a very long and homemade from the looks of it.

Least that's what it looked like to me!




  RyannMacGregor said:
I might end up slightly likin' the character of Commodore Norrington...and that simply can not happen.

I was actually thinking of his BTS where he was feeling bad because he didn't get to wear the cool clothes that the Pirates were wearing. I actually started liking him after that comment. I mean at least he's showing jealousy towards the pirate's clothing vs the geeky clothing he wore in the film.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


I caught that also.... ;)

Out of the deleted scenes, I think my favorite was when Cortez's Box for the Cursed Gold, shut itself. The look that Will and Jack exchange was great! Close 2nd would be the scars of Jack. They added a real dimension to the movie...ah yes...these be real sabers and cutlasses, lass. No illusions h're.

Captain of The Morrighan.

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