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Getting tentage ready for PIP

callenish gunner

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Captain Callahan and I are in need of a couple of flintlock pistols, we would love to make the purchase from you. Any way that you can message me with what you have available and pricing, or maybe just to make sure that you bring them to PIP?

Let me know, and Thanks,

Fayma :lol:

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i'm in process of building a post for the plunder section here on the pub it will be up and running within a few days ....my son had borrowed my digital camera for his school project and wasn't sure where the memory card went .....finally got it back after a month!!! :lol::lol::huh:

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Make sure you add a brace of silver Queen Annes to that post or at least quote us a price!

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Aside from a photo stealing one's soul.... (Yeah I was a shooter for about 8++ years)

I always thought that asking for one's picture was one of the best compliments someone could give a reenactor.... A side from the occasional hugs, smooches on the cheek and free drinks that is...

If I know the crew of the Archangel... If we're not making a scene, we're usually in in trouble, looking for said trouble or in front of a camera somewhere's..... So just hollar!!


Might be interested in a doglock pistol.

Not the monster english lock, but rather the smaller dragoon sized...



No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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you boys and your toys :o

anyway, back on the tent topic.

I know that it's advised to sew with like material (ie cotton with cotton) to prevent water problems with different materials.

So where and exactly *what* kind of thread am I looking for to sew hemp canvas. I'm finding a lot of what seem to be very heavy "rope" but nothing that says "thread for handing sewing this sucker".

Also, what was the consensus for the oz weight that would be preferred? I've got the choice between 12 & 14, maybe 10 too but I'd have to check to be certain.

ugh, with the rate I hand sew, I'd better get started on this soon if I want to be sleeping under it before the next century!

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog

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I think Kass had some thread sized hemp at RFII, or you could try a place that sells beading stuff. Since you want the thread to swell, thus seal when wet, cotton should be good even with hemp.

"thread for handing sewing this sucker".

As far as I know you are the first person to make a hemp tarp in over 150 years! B)

Well there might be a few others, but none I know. So your guess is as good as anybodies. In other words you is on your own!

:blink: We will be on the side lines cheerin' and wishin' you luck :lol:

but as to any real help? We wish we could, but we really just don't know.


Good luck! B)B):lol::lol::lol:B)B)

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You could try linen thread. From what I've been told (which means this is potentially bad heresay type information), hemp and linen are almost identical as far as the way the fibres look and how the act.

I know linen thread is a lot easier to find.

Hope this helps! :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

h'okay . . . so . . . out at the fabric outlet yesterday and found some sturdy looking canvas at not to bad of a price (at least i think) but I need some advising. This stuff I found is refered to as "double-sided canvas". Good choice? yeah or nay? seems like it would hold up well to weather and the like but I know diddly about these things.

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"double-sided canvas".

Huh! never seen canvas with only one side.

Ok, I have, but a mobius strip would not make a good shelter. :huh:

What you want is about 10 or 12 oz, 100% cotton canvas or duck usually cost about $5 or $6 per yard. Walmart has some thats just under $5 if I remember. It should not be coated, and it should not be at all "plastic."

Good Hunting!

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Yep we can only hope. Looking at Pat's pics, the wedge tents look a little plain next to the pic of last years tents. Maybe we should organize the tents so the more unusual tents are up front and more visible? I don't know just a thought.

I figured I throw it out there.

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I'll make it easy. I'll put my elegant, commanding, well made, and utterly plain wedge tent in the middle. That way all of those sleeping in the other tents can defend my tent during night raids while I get dressed.

No seriously, I wouldn't mind putting the wedge towards the back. I like the variety near the outer parts of the camp.

Besides, the camp will be so much larger this year and include so many new pirates and set dressing, that any tents considered otherwise to ordinary will be lost in the overall picture of the encampment.





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Or, are you volunteering to be “Tent Judge” and help everyone figure out were to set up? dry.gif

I was not saying that at all. I all I was doing was suggesting something. Just wanted to share an idea that I had. You don't have to like the idea, and I'm fine with that. Thats why I'm asking.

I'm not sure how my tone sounded in the post but I did not mean to come off domineering. I apologize for my suggestion.

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No, it was a good suggestion. I have a fair idea that when we all arrive and spread out the problem of "artistic arrangement" will take care of itself and a mix-it-up situation will naturally occur.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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I was not saying that at all.

I really did not think that you were. The only real problem With your suggestion is that somebody would have to play judge. Worst yet, the judge would not know what was coming when he made his choices. I job I don't want, you don't want, and none of us would "trust" anybody that did want it. No need for judging was one of the reasons I had for saying,

:D The “tents” are not in neat little rows separated by task and rank, but set haphazardly around a small carefully watched fire :lol:

Now, if you just want the front spot , be my guest.

BTW nothing wrong with your tone, that problem is mine. Its mine all mine I tell you. There I go again.

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From what I understand so far, mine may be the only wedge tent in attendance. The largest of the wedge tents featured in Patrick's pictures, was actually the Red Coat tent from that year. It housed several soldiers. The other wedge belonged to Mike and Andria, who will not be in attendance this year, though my brother may borrow it.

Still, the issue of tent placement will be determined as much by arrival as anything. The encampment will be spread over a small area, and like most camps, each spot will be chosen for the best ground for each tent. The effect of the overall camp will have enough variety that no one tent will look either out of the way, or stand out beyond any others. The other props, and the presence of us as pirates, will determine the look of the camp anyway.

It was and is a good subject of concern, and I have no doubt that the camp will be perfect.





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Aye. No worries.

As far as the camp, we probably won't be lined up in such an orderly line, at least not entirely. We were lined up primarily for space issues in the fort, so I imagine we'll be in more of a rough circle at best now that we are out under the trees. The exact setup will only be determined once we are there and we can place each tent according to the various advantages of the ground.





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the tentage i'm bringing will be 18'x34' under canvas with an 18x18 fly in the center with two storage/sleeping tents on each side with 3 rooms each ... all in canvas it is sutlery tentage so it might not be the most pyratical one there but it will be noticable ....i'll be posting some pics of it soon ....and i will have at least a dozen lantrns under it at night so i'm sure we can use it as a gathering spot if desired or required (weather) and i have offered space to more than a few additional pirates who have need of shelter

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Actually, William brings up an interesting point. He said that he envisions a "rough circle." I, on the other hand, was envisioning a "horseshoe" shape, open on one end so that patrons could enter and observe the camp and demonstration activities without wandering among the tents overly much.

Another approach would be two half circles with a "lane" through the middle where the main fire pit and demonstration activities would be.

Of course set up depends a lot on traffic, access and location, and we may just have to wait awhile before committing to any general plan.



My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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