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Barbados Jack

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Everything posted by Barbados Jack

  1. Ye are a gemtleman indeed sir; Thank ye for the information and a full tankard to ye!
  2. Mates; I've been readin your articles and many of the books that you've suggested and found that the working knife and marlinspike were the most important tools a pirate/sailor could have. Can any of ye tell me where these might be purchased? I'm also in the market for a boarding axe and have had noluck there either. thanks
  3. Aye Redd; I'll be askin for ye also. If ye be willin would you PM me with some more information ? A full tankard for ye mate !
  4. Thank ye Capt'n; You make a very valid point that I hadn't considered. I will definitely keep that in mind as I attempt tp build my impression.
  5. Ahoy mates; I be lookin for a ship need'n a new deck hand in the Portland, Oregon Vancouver Washington area. I'd be willin to buy the scallywag with that information a full tankard or two from the Capt's private stock.
  6. Can any of ye tell me whether a sword knot was used on cutlasses ? It seems logical so that they wouldn't lose them in a fight, but is it period ? Thanks
  7. While I'm very new to going on the account, I am not new to reenacting. I spent twelve years doing an American civil war impression. I recall the often violent discussion of the pure and those that just didn't know any better, and i found that those that are the most boistrous and critical are usually the ones that have read only one source for their information and do not yet understand the attempt of authors to represent their opinion as they only source of true history. I have found that people attempting to learn the history behind their impression are better dealt with in a compassionate and learning environment. No one likes to be chastized, especially by an arrogant stranger, for what they've worked very hard to do. Education and guidance are the key to having a successful reenactment group. I'm sure that I will make several mistakes along the way in my attempt to authentically portray the brotherhood, and may even fall flat on my face. But I will try to be as authentic as my sources teach me and my pocketbook allow. Hopefully this reenactment community will be patient with me and a few knowledgable souls will help me along the way. Just one "newbie's "opinion Jack
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