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Capt. Morgan

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Everything posted by Capt. Morgan

  1. I prefer the baldric as well, and it must have come back into style sometime in the late 18th into early 19th century, as the Continental Marine officers wore them during the Revolution, as did sailors on boarding parties in the US and British Navies during the war of 1812 / Napoleonic eras... a little late for most pirates, but definately period. And I'd guess they were "hanging" around in some form or another during GAoP... Period Blackbeard Engraving, ca. early 1700's Calico Jack Rackham
  2. Sorry mate... we be sea-pirates in these here waters, not CD pirates...
  3. We'd love ta have ya up to these parts, Cap'n Gary... it would be cool to see the Royaliste, since I wasn't able to see you all when I was in Cali last year...
  4. I KNEW the soundtrack sounded familiar...!
  5. Just for info, I contacted Kyle at Old Dominion Forge, and he said there is a waiting list for swords of almost 2 years!! That gives us plenty of time to save our doubloons, reales, and pieces of eight...
  6. The pics were cool... at risk of offending someone, I'll describe the pics, if I may... (if I need to edit, please let me know!!) One of the pics showed Will behind bars, in a jail cell similar to the one that held Jack in the original, with Elizabeth talking to him from the other side of the bars... The remaiining pics were if Elizabeth and Will being held by a British Naval Officer and a bunch of rifle-with-fixed-bayonet wielding Marines, in an outdoor, presumably Port Royal setting... The costumes look absolutely fantastic!!!!
  7. I, too, am now saving for something (or a few things) from Old Dominion... beautiful work! And, I also have spent too much on inferior blades... my next (and hopefully last) will be an Old Dominion... besides, they are close enough I could go for a visit, only about 2 hours from home!
  8. *reports to Diego and Mad_Jack* Gentle'm'n... after Miss Christine were found, I searched the ship, high an' low fer he who attacked her... I found no one, only a scrap of cloth what looked to be torn from a garment of some sort... *Morgan holds out a piece of cloth, which was blue in color... the cloth looked like satin, or silk, and was stained with blood and earth...*
  9. *Morgan takes a deep lung-full of fresh air as morning zephyrs whirl about* Aye, Diego! A fine morning indeed... but then again, isn't any morning spent on the water a good one?
  10. Here ya go, my Disney Sis... found these descriptions of a soon to be released trailer... are these for real? Who knows, but it sounds good... Descriptions of PotC 2 Trailers...
  11. That sucks... I thought his character on JAG was pretty cool... too bad... On a little lighter note, I saw on IMDB that they list actress Sammi Hanratty as "Cora Sparrow"... I looked her up, and she is about 10 or 12... Jack's daughter? Niece?
  12. Thank ye fer the compliment, Mister Petee... we'll be ready fer a sea-brawl, no doubt! *Morgan sits on the starb'rd rail, eating a bowl of stew, sipping a wee bit of grog, staring past the entrance to the cove, at the open sea... as the sun dips below the horizon, Morgan checks out his musket and cutlass, and climbs the rigging to the tops, to begin his watch...*
  13. *Having nothing better to do before his watch, Morgan begins cleaning one of the 9 pounders on the gun deck, scraping its barrel free of fouling, and chipping the rust from the nearby supply of cannon balls, whistling a lewd sea-chanty as he works...*
  14. If ye be goin' ashore, I'd be happy to help load my purloined casks of rum, as well as show ye all to the goats! And, I be a hell of a good shot, should ye be wantin' to dine on wild pork this eve...
  15. *As the sun breaks over the horizon, Morgan descends to the deck. He breathes deeply of the salt-air that an early morning sea breeze blows land-ward, and feels the sun's tropical heat begin to replace the cool of the night... he turns in his weapons, and plays "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes, before retiring below to his hammock...*
  16. Cap'n William, sir! It be my pleasure to be aboard! Lemme know where I be needed, and I'm happy to be doin' me duty, sir! An', Diego, good ter see you, too, lad! Kendra, lass... er, sorry 'bout the clothes... nice giant, by the way! Seems like a jolly good lad! *Morgan scurries up the rat-lines, to the tops, where he loads his musket, pulls out his spy-glass, and scans the horizon*
  17. Thanks fer rescuin' me from that little piece o' land them Dutchmen made me the guv'ner of... there be a hidden store o' rum and a few goats tied up just inside the tree line, mates... I, er, borrowed it from the Dutchies, but yer welcome to it, as a bit toward payment of me debt, ye all rescuin' me an' all... *Morgan looks about* A fine lookin' vessel ye have here, and a goodly crew to boot... *Doffs his hat to Kendra* Mighty glad ta be makin' yer aquaintance once again, lass!
  18. Avast, ye scurvy wovles! Send a dinghy ta retrieve me from my maroonin', and I'll point ye to a Dutch ship filled ter burstin' with fine spices and rich clothes, from the Orient! *. . . Morgan calls from shore*
  19. *A pirate wearing shabby, but once fashionable, clothing walks out onto the beach, and hails the ship at anchor... although the clothes are less than new, his weapons are immaculate... new flints in his pistols, a sharp, gleaming blade at his side* Ahoy, mates... be there room for one more? Bootneck Morgan be me name, and a job with a fearless crew be to my likin'... do I have permission to board?
  20. Would have loved to have been there! Maybe next time! Sounds like you all had a blast...!
  21. I, for one, can't wait... Cinn's other novels are top notch!
  22. I like the looks of that Davy Jones lad... the claw and tentacle for hands are kinda cool! And, just my two doubloons worth, but I think Jack Sparrow should end up with Anna Maria (pirate lass!), instead of one of those other doxies... Scarlet and Giselle just don't seem to be his type... he'd be much happier at sea with Anna Maria, plundering and exploring, if that is what has to happen!
  23. Thanks, all!! Ace, the garb is fantastic, as are your decor, mate! Good pics, one and all!!
  24. Here's a few of me in garb in Jamaica... Port Royal Marooned At Sir Henry Morgan's Estate At The Grog Shoppe
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