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Master Sully

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Posts posted by Master Sully

  1. <Out of character>

    Hey Pat, whose to say there weren't a few cliffs before the big shake up. Port Royal is a little low lying now, but I saw some high bluffs across the harbor in Spanish Towne. ;)

  2. "I'm a wee bit confused, mate.....It seems by description, you are seeking something like an 'all periods' ''Faire"(vendors, food, stage) as compared to a living history interpretation (cooking on the ground, the world is a stage)....Might be a hard sell until a more image-presenting description emerges........Good luck, tho'"........ the Royaliste

    I've never been to a fest like this, that covers several centuries, not a specific time. Beaufort County, South Carolina is the second oldest city( besides St. Augustine) in America. It was the home of the first French, Scottish, Swiss, and German settlements in America. Most of this has been looked over because only the English settlement prospered. An event that covers these periods has never been attempted here. If any, we have a local Confederate regiment that sets up at our museum twice a year.

    We have several festivals a year involving Wine, Wings, and Seafood, but nothing covering our heritage. I would like to fuse the excitement of culinar/ music fest with several encampents of reenactors. I wanted the local tribes to have a chance to sell their pottery and allow other similar vendors to sell their goods. There is alot of money sitting in the pockets of these retiree's.

    "The first thing they see and want is easy parking without wasting time! Get some volunteers from say the highschool pep squad to understand the need to move em in and move em out. (Quickly will pay its dividends for the upcomming festivals.) if its bolixed its all everyone will talk about for months "...Diego

    If all goes well the event will be on a 30 acre spread on an historic plantation, with huge amounts of preset parking. The luck is that the local museum owns the property and the museum volunteers can direct traffic and tickets.

    "You may want to contact Willie Wobble"...Hurricane

    His event seems alot like what I want to happen. I'll have to get more details on how it is run.

  3. I am presenting to a comittee a living history festival proposal for my home town. This would include people representing Native Americans (Catawba), 16th century Spanish explorers and settlers, 16th century French settlers, 17th century Scottish settlers, 17th century English settlers, 18th century Swiss and German settlers, Pirates, Native Americans in war paint (Yemassee), British Royal Foot, South Carolina Militia, 3rd SC Calvary, Confederate artillery, Federal troops, sailors, and surgeons, WWI Marine, WWII/Korean War Marine, Viet Nam Marine pilot, and a modern Marine. Whew!

    It's a big undertaking, but I'm up for it. Our history here is very extensive but as more land becomes golf courses, out-of-towners move here to retire, and locals move away to the big city, our history is left in old dusty books in the library. I want to create a festival that is very entertaing for all ages, and reminds us how our country came to be.

    My question is : In your past experiences at festivals such as this, what made it a success or failure, was a hit or miss, and entertained people of all ages?

    It will run Fri-Sun so that school groups can attend on Friday, camps for each period, lot's of food from local resturaunts, entertainment stage, battlefield, and a huge trading post/ vendors tent. Wandering pirates and Native Americans will harass and amuse the public, live firing demonstrations, calvary and troop drilling, and archealogical displays.

    I really want his to work and go on anually for several years. Any information will be a great help.

  4. I built a chest not to long ago, and it was pretty easy. I built mine out of 1x12's from Home Depot, 2 gate hinges, and 2 hasps. It was a rectangle shape, more like than the real thing than the hump back in the cartoons. Cost was about $50 all together. You could make yours out of a reconfigured box, reattach the lid with some glued on fabric strips, hot glue some buttons to simulate rivets, and finish it with a cool paint job. Just don't forget to fill it with lot's of booty.

  5. Has anyone attempted to build their own gibbet? I'm assembling the pieces to make my own shortly and was wanting some advice. I've got alot of oak barrel iron bands which I'm going to reshape and bolt together to form the shape of a body. Any help is good help.

  6. Black Sam Bellamy is my man! He was never caught, ran his own little pirate town for awhile, made a lot of money, but went down with his ship and all his ill-gotten gain.

    I think he had a good run at it and I wish I could " Be like Sam"!

  7. I think many people start off with whatever gear is available in there price range. Personally, I picked up pieces here and there that were mostly in the fantasy/ ren area. As I learned more about period sutlers, I purchased better gear. Now I have 3 different kits; Hollywood/ fantasy for the kids, a period kit for schools and museums, and I'm working on a nasty, disease ridden, filthy kit for full emursion into the pirate lifestyle. The most important thing about it all is having fun!

  8. What do others wear with their kits? I started several years ago with a baldric, but after seeing so many period engravings, I now wear a sword belt. I've read where baldrics went out of style in the late 17th century and commoners and soldiers alike began wearing belts instead.

    I like both of them, but for different reasons. I have a heavy cutlass which works well with the baldric, and a hanger in my sword belt. Rapiers also work well for the baldric, since they are too large for the belt. A smallsword would probably work well with the sword belt.

    To tell you the truth, the sword belt is much more comfy. It stays secure to your side, doesn't fly up, and your sword is always where you left it. The baldric slides around much too often, especially when walking alot. I know that I'm not the only one that almost tripped up on scabbard.

    I'm curious as to what others think about the two?

  9. You absolutley must go to the Queen Anne's Revenge restaraunt on Daniel Island, 20 minutes from downtown. More period weapons than I've ever seen in any museum, fill display cases all around the place. Howard Pyle's original painting of the Marooned is on the wall in the bar. There is one pirate walking tour that a Ghost touring company runs, but I can't remember the name. The museum is always a fun place to spend the day. Charlestowne Landing has a colonial village and an old ship at it's dock. Hope this helps.

  10. Well today I've been walking around in a daze. Last night I put my girlfriend on a train for New York. She has wanted to try life there as long as she could remember, and tried her hardest to convince me to go as well.

    Last week she met a woman from Manhattan who had a room to rent out, and saw this as her chance to go. I know that I could have easily talked her out of this, but I also saw this as a once in a lifetime opportunity. I could not live with myself if she didn't get the chance to live in NYC.

    She's there safe and sound now and I'm planning a trip up there for Halloween. I hate that city, but maybe a weekend with her there might change my mind. Any way please join me in a toast to my love Carla, "I hope her all the luck in her adventures in the Big Apple, stay safe, and most importantly have a blast! "CHEERS!!!!!! :ph34r:

  11. Tybee Island is having their first Pirate Fest this year in October. Tybee Island is 20 minutes from Savannah, GAPirate Fest link and is basically the only beach around since Savannah is not on the coast, rather an inland river. It's out my backdoor, so I'll be there. Anyone else considering traveling to Savannah?

  12. I would like to see the story of Sam Bellamy on the big screen. How he became a pirate out of desperation when they couldn't salvage the Spanish ships, and the tragic ending drowning so close to home with his wife only a town away.

  13. What say ye that we throw a reenactment of the Ocracoke Orgy and get all this drinkin' out of our systems? Of course it lasts for a week or so, and we could make Blackbeard and Vane's ghosts jealous!

  14. When was the standardized images of the common jolly rogers printed ie. Blackbeard's, Calico Jack's, etc... I think it was Time Life books in the 60's or 70's. We've all come to recognize them, but I feel they are through a 20th century artist's eyes. Most of the skull images I've seen carved or inked in the 17th and 18th centuries, look like a light bulb with oval eyes, clinched teeth, and a spade for a nose. Has anyone seen some interesting skeletal artwork from this time period?

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