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Master Sully

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Posts posted by Master Sully

  1. I liked that Will is killed by his own blade. A "fine" sword to die by I must say. But answer me this. Calypso mentioned that Davy Jones was not always the monster he is. It was after he cut out his heart that he began to change. If Bootstrap cut out Will's, will he begin to change as well?

  2. I went to see the movie for a second time, to catch some things I might have missed opening night. I picked up some new dialogue through the mumbling and enjoyed it all yet again. This time I noticed something new. Now this might sound cheesy. At the end, when Jack is looking at the map, a la Fountain of Youth, the camera zooms into and centers on the Florida Keys. Is this a nod from the Disney folks to a certain festival held in Key West? Hmmm??? Did anyone else see this, or was I imagining things again?

  3. Add me to the roster this year, I just ordered my tickets! It'll be great to see some new faces as well as old. I've camped out the last 2 times I was down for PiP, but this will be the first "period camp" I've been in down there. I am so looking forward to this year!

  4. Maybe someone can talk to Harry and find out who catered the event 3 years back. I left 2 full-size whiskey barrels at the caterer's house to use next time I was down, but alas I haven't yet. It was less than a mile from the fort. I hope to make it back this year.

  5. How long are you in Beaufort for? It seems my schedule just got heavy for the weekend. I really want to show you guys around town. If not, I live and work on Hilton Head and I'll be glad to show you around here as well.

  6. If'n you or the crew has a chance to venture inland, Charlestowne Landing ( the recreation of the original settlement) not far from where you're in port, is rebuilding the "Adventure" at their wharf. She is a 1670 Sloop built in the 1970's that recently sank at her dockage. They pulled her out and are reconstucting her. State funds you know, takes awhile to get anything done.

  7. I see empty slips at the downtown marina, I wonder why they said it was full? Did they mention tieing up to the waterfront seawall? Many ships do the same. There is also the Ladys Island Marina, Skull Creek Marina, Harbortowm Marina, and the seawall on the Savannah River. I could also get you permission to tie up to Old Fort Jackson in Savannah if you like.

  8. No rain here yet, just a strong nor'easter.. Lot's of open Inns down here, let me know your budget, and I'll check on some bed and breakfast spots. My phone # is 1-843-304-6955 or daytime 1-843-681-6950 and ask for Stephen.

  9. The guys on the NINA docked on the outer south pier in the bay. The downtown marina's # is 843-524-4422. Let me know when you are coming and I'll be happy to take ya'll on a tour! Also ran into the S/V Denis Sullivan and crew at the Savannah Seafood Fest tonight. She's a 3 masted schooner from Wisconsin. They are headed back to Charleston tomorrow, and then down to Key West in time for PiP. One of the crew is a fellow pirate! There home base # is 414-765-9966. Have fun in Chucktown! Be sure to go to the Queen Anne's Revenge resturaunt. The pirate/ maritime collection is unbelievable and the food is great to boot! Pyle's originals are on the walls there.

    P.S. little known pirate fact The Stede Bonnet & Richard Worley memorial headstone is in the northeast corner of the Battery Park downtown.

  10. Welcome to my waters Cap'n! While ya'll head south are you staying on the ICW or heading further out. I was hoping you might stop in the other Beaufort ( SC), pronounced like beautiful fort, at the waterfront. The NINA, SANTA MARIA, BOUNTY, and other famous replicas have all stopped here a few times and would love to have you! The town is very similar to Charleston with many old homes. It was the home to the first English settlement before they moved to Charleston, first French settlement, first Scottish settlement, and second Spanish settlement in the Americas. Very historic! Lot's of waterfront pubs and taverns. This is all an excuse to take a fellow pirate and crew to dinner in my hometown! What say you?

  11. I've talked with several pirates, who have been to PiP ( myself included ), and we feel the festival is headed in the wrong direction. Festivals and especially vendors need a large crowd to be successful. By isolating ourselves in the fort, we create a party for ourselves, not the community. Hell, I would say half the people that live in KW even know the fort exists!. Up until a few years ago that area was the confiscated boat yard, and wasn't open to the public. The most important thing to remember is that 90% of the people who attend are tourists. They certainly don't know where the fort is. We should really get the cruise ships to get intrested in PiP, and get shuttles to run the people from Mallory Square to the fort. Roamers should walk the streets promoting the fest and give info on transportation. The demonstrations and encampments sound awesome, but with out the people, PiP can't survive much longer.

  12. I found Don's 2007 pirate calendar in a Books-a-Million in Dallas today. WOW WOW WOW!!! I love to see his new artwork and some of his classics together. It's nice to see him get more exposure... good work Don!

  13. Give credit to the History Channel for making a program about what we all love here on the pub. I would just ask them to watch their titles in the future. I sat down with a "tub of popcorn and a soda" to watch a down and dirty documentary about criminals and murderers, but instead saw Hollywood rear it's ugly head. Let's all sign on as advisors next time around.

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