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Posts posted by Zorg

  1. Ill try to get some shots of the actual piece at the range this weekend, especially ones with it goin "boom" ....the .64 balls are a bear to find, though, and Im gonna wind up getting a mold fer it. Most of my other powder pieces are .44 or .50, and those are simple to get hold of.


  2. Now we're cookin.

    Paisley, if ya wants, we can hook up and go down together...Probably should wait until a bit closer to event time to call that one though.

    So who have we got for campin? You, me, Stynky, who else is game fer this?

    Fill in the following:

    Crew of the___________________

    (Crew of the underscore? that doesn't work....... :ph34r: )

  3. Awright, here we goes.

    Paisley, there bein a certain futility to all group activities, why dont you make the call on the campsites and let us know what we need fer reservations, etc. All I asks is showers.

    With our two large tents, we could set up a pretty hefty encampment. I think I have a propane stove we can bring.

    Ill probably come down on friday or maybe late thursday, but I drive a metro, so carpooling would probably have to be in someone else's vehicle (It be 0-60 in an hour and fourty minutes as it is... :ph34r: )

    Ennybody got a nice jolly rodger for the campsite?



  4. Ah,. the goodwill, source of most costuming, far as Im concerned.

    Lowes (and probably others of the home improvement store types) is selling leather work belts up to 3 1/2 inches for between $9 and $16 bucks. They're really solidly made, riveted and stitched, very dark brown/black leather. Only concession to commercialism is a small cloth logo stitched to the back which I had off in two seconds with my swiss army knife.

  5. Theres a relatively new book with new info, both political and physical, entitled :

    The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, 1577-1580

    by R. Samuel Bawlf, Samuel Bawl

    Fascinating read, with lots of info on life on the Pelican, as well as some apparently contemporary sketches and descriptions.f :)

  6. Paisley I am SO in :)

    Hey Lady B, BRING your dad. He'll either have the time of his life or we'll get ya disowned


    Now, I gots the tent from hell here, 10X19 feet, suitable fer stackin several pirates up like cordwood when they gets pickled enough. Who else gots what?


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